Jelly Worms, Wicked and Rally Racing Blue Peter

Jelly Worms, Wicked and Rally Racing

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Coming up, the star of award-winning musical Wicked is here performing


for you. Look at these, they are jellied worms. I'll be showing you


how to make them. Lindsey and I trained at Silverstone in an epic


race. If you've applied for a sporting badge we have some exciting


news on today's programme. Welcome to a live Blue Peter


Hallowe'en special. Take a look at the studio. How spooky is it? I love


it. It's the perfect day to get dressed up and if you need


inspiration to do that, jump on to the website. You can also play our


game which is match-up mayhem and you can create creepy faces like the


one I did there. It's all about the show today and the one thing I'm


excited about is getting dressed up. That's got to be the best part.


Maybe you're on half term already or on the way back from school and get


dressed at school. Whatever you re doing, we would like to know. This


is a live show, so send it to us. Send a photograph to the e-mail


is a live show, so send it to us. should have some inspiration for


is a live show, so send it to us. this and show a picture of Lindsey


when she was four years old. Look at this. This is Lindsey dressed as a


witch. The cutest thing ever. And she's dressed like that today. Good


one. Get in touch. Whatever it is, let us know and we'll read out as


many of your comments later. Really, we're getting into the spirit. We


know you guys are at home, because you've been sending in some great


photographs of all your pumpkins, after we show you how to get


creative last week. Check them out. This is from Chloe. She made it with


her dad. Look at the writing and the detailing. It's got a proper font


and everything. Look at this. This is Oliver a Miles. Lexie, Sammy


Hattie and George have made three. On the inside there is a bat. It's


very good. It is. You can see there is a real theme. You saw these last


week, because Radzi was chucking them into his mouth in a gross way.


These are jelly worms. If you follow me over here I'll show you how to


make them. The great thing about Blue Peter we have the makes that


everyone gets involved with. I want to show you this, but this is


genius. This is Milky the skeleton made by Emma. Look at it, milk


bottles cut into bits. I love stuff like that. Have a go and let us know


how you get on. Welcome all to the show. You all look spooky. How are


you Fine. What do you like? Dressing up and being scared, but in a good


way. Good to know. Ooiple going to show you how to make the worms. The


ingredients that you need and if you don't have any, they're on the


website, you'll need two packs of jelly. We'll start with that.


website, you'll need two packs of those up into cubes. Ual some gel


tin leaves. You can get vegetarian ones of these. Whipped cream. Some


food colouring, red and green. You'll need some flexible drinking


straws, and that bendy bit is the body of the worm, which is cool


Also, some byes kiss -- some biscuits to crumble. You put all the


jelly into a bowl and then you make jelly the usual way, with hot water.


If you're not too sure, get an adult to help out. Once you've got it like


this, make sure it's cool. You want to add the different bits. This is


the gela tishingS -- gelatine. Try to pull them out. You do that one.


When you have mixed in the cream, and the gelatine and food colouring


it should make a weird, milky sort of texture mixture, because this


makes the body of the worm. This will take a bit of time, so as


usual, here's one that was made earlier. When you've done that, it


will look like this. Look at that. That's lovely. It's very important


you make sure it's cooled down a little, because otherwise it will be


too hot. Straws done. Get the biscuits crunched up. Chuck them on


to the plate. What do you like about Hallowe'en, Corbin? Going to all the


parties. You can scare each other and


parties. You can scare each other importantly you can get messy, which


I'm going to show you how to do now. Put the straws into the glass. Pack


them in. Here comes the messy bit. You take a ladle and do it over the


bowl. Lexie, you do it. You come this side and I'll hold the glass.


This is really important that the water is kaleed cooled down. -- is


cooled down. Once you've filled that up to the rim of the glass, you let


that set in the fridge for two to four hours and it comes out looking


like this. The best way to get them out of the straws, you squeeze the


straw. You get the opposite end of the worm that you see and you push


the straw like that. Look, out comes the worm. You can see there that's


why you had to open the straw to get the body part. A great way to raise


money is to sell them. Loving it. Those are great, but they look


absolutely disgusting, like real worms. They are delicious. I tried


one last week and they are very very nice. Speaking of last week, we


asked you to get spotted outside simply for Autumnwatch. We wanted


you to make this and you can head to the website and get outdoors. Ask


your friends and family to sponsor you for seeing different wildlife,


whether animals, creatures whatever it is and the donations you receive


for Children in Need you can send them through our sponsorship page.


That's right. If help, do not fear, because all of


the team are help, do not fear, because all of


busy spotting wildlife and this week help, do not fear, because all of


they're in Leighton Moss. That's very true. We'll go down to the set


right now to say hello to Michaela, Chris and Martin. We'll start from


the top. We're talking about spotting wildlife for Children in


Need. Give advice. Don't just look, go out when it's dark and listen.


There's always sorts of things to hear. Birds overhead and foxes


crying. I would say, borrow, or take a pair of bin knock las, because


sometimes birds are miles away. It's not about the big and glamorous


stuff and birds and mammals, but the little stuff. You might kind


something really interesting under a log in the garden. Or behind some


bark down the park. Concentrate on the little stuff rather than just


the big stuff. On today's show we are talking about making jelly


woRps, which are quite gross, but also quite funny and you can eat


them. We're not just doing that because it's Hallowe'en, but we are


talking about earthworms, because they like this time of year? I don't


know about jelly worms, but earthworms love autumn and it's the


time that all the leaves are off the trees and that's where they are at


their best. They will be recycling all the dead leaves and doing it in


an incredible way, so yeah, earthworms love autumn. Have you


seen anything that has taken you by surprise now? We have. Particularly


surprising, we found otters down here. Not just one, but three and we


saw something that we think is unique and never been seen before.


One of the otters was slapping the other in the face with its tail A


new science. And comedy. You are known for following families, what's


your theme this series? The theme of this Autumnwatch is migration,


because this is the time of year when so many animals are on the


move. We see the beautiful flocks when so many animals are on the


things like knots and all sorts of birds in the sky. You have covered


picture. I love this. This is a fox. We all know, but it's in the Blue


Peter garden. Beautiful creatures, Chris? Beautiful, but they've been


living in our cities since the 930s and we now think we have a


population in the UK of up to 3 ,000 foxes living among us in our cities.


What we are doing with them is interesting. We've got the new, very


hi-tech radio claRs, which means -- collars, which means we can put them


on the foxes and tell where they are in real time. The scientists can go


out in the field and know exactly where that fox is and what we are


hoping is that we can learn a lot more about these animals' habits


living alongside us in the city I know you're busy, so thank you for


joining us. See you soon. I love Autumnwatch. Gadgets and


wildlife. Make sure you watch it tonight. As long as you're getting


spotted that's what we would like you to do to raise money. The money


that's raised goes to helping children all across the UK and


here's another reason why they need your support. Imagine if there was


nowhere to hang out, if your back yard was off limits and the streets


in your area weren't that safe. There's no doubt about it, life


would be pretty dull. That is the reality for many children living in


some of the most deprived areas of the UK. I've come to the East End of


Glasgow to meet Alistair and take a look around. Hi there. Hi. Is this


your local playground? Yeah. What is it like to play here, because I


noticed the trolley? There is glass. Actually in the playground? Yeah.


Where are the swings? They got down because of vandalising. Alistair's


out on the streets with his ball if he's not here. This is the area


where I play. There's a lot of he's not here. This is the area


rubbish in that about. he's not here. This is the area


anywhere were you can play? I'll show you. This is a project that


puts the colour back no children's lives, by providing safe, in-door


and out-door activity across the East End of Glasgow. There's so much


to get involved in from football to craft, even growing your own


vegetable. -- vegetables. I've come to the allotment to find out what is


on offer from project manager, John. Why is it so important for the


locals? It operates in one of the most deprived areas in the country.


Families can't provide for the children and young people, so we


will provide a range of different things, community youth clubs and


street play and environmental projects. There is a whole lot of


different things we're involved in. Everything we provide is 100% free.


It's money from Children in Need that helps Playbusters employ people


like James. You've been involved for a long time. How does coming here


help the children? We get a lot of kids who say they can't do it. And


then they sit there and they see they can do it and it gives them


something to try something new. It's great to build up confidence. It's


theirs. Not just somewhere they come, but theirs. You are getting


nice and muddy. What you're up to? Digging this to plant new things in


it. What kind of things? Sweetcorn and potatoes. What do you like most?


It gets you off the streets and it's really good fun and you get to meet


new people and friends. Youth groups are another great way of getting


local children involved in activity. You are a community worker. What do


the do -- children do? Colouring in with art. What what do you -- what


do you do here? I do what the kids want. It's laid-back. At home they


might not be able to want. It's laid-back. At home they


When you come here you get it all done. There's lots to do and you


never get bored. It's not just about having fun, there are more serious


benefits too. How do you think being involved in this has changed you? My


behaviour and that. In school I was not well behaved, but I became a


volunteer and my behaviour has changed for me. How important is the


money provided? Without the support of Children in Need we simply would


not be able to provide the services that you've seen today. It would be


impossible. The money raised from Children in Need really does make a


difference, so get up, get involved and get spotted for Children in


Need. Hi, what are you going to do to get spotted for Children in Need?


I'm Tim Minchin and I want you to get spotted for Children in Need. Hi


there, we are Sam and Matt and what are you going to do to get spotted


for Children in Need? Every single person I met in Glasgow were great.


The work they do is great. You've seen how far the money goes, so


whatever it is, get spotted. On a separate camera shot, hi. I think


that you, the audience are incredible. Every time we talk about


something on the show you respond in so many numbers and look at this. We


have been asking to talk about the light show and you have been sending


in your spots. Look at this. See if you can see your spots. I love this


music. My favourite is at the top from Megan from High Wycombe. That


is padcy in a cake. This is Meera and this is me with the smile and


that's Radzi. I can't tell and that's Lindsey there. We are all


lying down in water as if on holiday. I like it. This one is from


Tom in Stockport and he's done a spot with the ship and spots on the


ship. Spots everywhere. Well done, Tom. If you do some fundraising or


send us a spot, we want to know who you are doing and where and we would


like to hear from you, but if you tell us where you're from we can put


you on the map which looking busy. I've got to say, Scotland not so


busy. There is not a lot happening there. Both of our mums are from


Scotland. I love Scotland and so come on Scotland, get doing. Get


spotted. From fundraising to fast cars. Radzi and I have been gearing


up for a mammouth race and next week you'll see us battling it out, but


before that, we thought we needed a bit of training. We did.


Rally driving - it's high-octane, high-speed and highly scary. Rally


driving is t most extreme of extreme sports. We have been set a pretty


extreme challenge. We are going to race the Great Orme stage of the


Wales Rally GB. However, there is one problem, neither of us are


particularly good at driving. What am I doing? Thank you. Sorry. I m


sorry. He can't drive. Sorry. Joking aside, if we are going to stand a


chance making it as drivers, we are going to need some expert help. We


have come to Silverstone's rally circuit to get a crash course from


Brian Spencer. circuit to get a crash course from


is made up of smooth, muddy and loose shale surfaces. Brake, brake,


look how muddy it is. Adjust the speed to suit. He wants to assess


our skills and it's pretty clear that neither of us are naRls. Left


turn. Brake, second gear. That's fourth. You are accelerating while


you're turning. Feed it. Gentle That was accelerating. After a bit


more practice, and as we build up confidence, Brian wants to see how


we are at cornering the car, a skill that is crucial to master the Great


Rome. -- the great Orme. Brake, brake, brake. That's better. Go on.


Gentle. Use all the road. That was better. Yeah. While it's clear I


need to be braver and give it more speed, Radzi is the opposite. Yeah,


yeah. I got away with it. Cars like this go from zero to 60 in six


seconds, so drivers need quick reactions. Brian has a trick. Can we


regain control when he pulls on the handbrake? Accelerate. Go on.


Accelerate. OK, so I need more power and Radzi needs less. But the more


time we spend behind the wheel the better we are at this rallying lark.


Well, sort of. Power, power. Power. There's so much to think about. OK,


with our lesson about to end, Brian thinks we're up to trying a timed


lap each of the one-mile course Go, go, go, go. Left at the top. Come


on. Go on. Flat, flat. That was all right. Straight. Straight. Hair pin


right. Very good. Left at the top again. Finished. Who is the better


driver? Your time was 78.22. Lindsey, 76-41. You are quicker Are


you being serious? Commiserations. Don't be too pleased, that was


merely the warm-up. We are going to need every ounce of driving skill we


have as we race the three-mile Great Orme stage of the Wales Rally GB.


Watch the road. It's one of the greatest and toughest rally stages


in the UK. Brake, down to third Brake. Brake. You can't leave it


there. What a cliff-hanger, littlely. I want one. I want one


too. Talking about yourself, at the start of the show you mentioned the


sports badge. Right there, it's my favourite badge of all of them.


We'll tell you about it. Lindsey and I posted 6,239 BP sport badges. So


if you got in touch and applied then keep your eye on the post


because it could arrive through your door. We just have time to read out


some of your comments and photographs, because you've been


telling us about your frunky dress-up. First, we have Molly and


Lottie, both six and dressed up ready for their first treat or


Lottie, both six and dressed up treating adventure. I. There is a


cheetah and a wee cheetah there That's Rory. He's dressed as a scary


scientist. Next one, it's from Isla, she is 11 and dressed as Florence


Nightingale and there are the two cheetahs. Andrew says to us that


he's going dressed as a vampire classic. Thank you so much for


getting in touch. Next week - You saw the trailer we did, but next


week it's the big one. We go head-to-head in a race to decide the


champion. I get access back stage to the opening ceremony of the rugby


league World Cup. I meet heroes at Radio 1's Teen Awards. That's on


Sunday at 5.30pm and you can get performances fromariesle kicks and


Jessie -- fromariesle kicks ---aries elkicks and Jessie J. You're going


to love this now. # Something has changed within me


# Something is not the same # I'm through with playing by the


rules of someone else's game # Too late for second guessing


# Too late to go back to sleep # It's time to trust my instincts


# Close my eyes and dream # It's time to defy gravity


# I think I'll try to defy gravity # And you can't pull me down


# I'm threw accepting limits # Because someone says they're so


# Some things I cannot change # But until I try, I'll never know


# Too long I have been afraid of losing love


# I guess I've lost # Well, if that's love, it can't be


that much to high a cost # I'll try to defy gravity


# Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity


# You can't hold me down # My future is on limited


# And I just had a vision almost like a prophesy


# I know it sounds truly crazy # And true, the vision's hazy


# But I swear some day I'll be flying so high


# Defying gravity # I'm flying high, defying gravity


# They'll never bring me down # So if you can't find me


# Look to the western sky # Someone told me everyone deserves


the chance to fly # And if I'm flying so low


# At least I'm flying free # To though who crowned me take a


message back from me # Tell them now I am defying gravity


message back from me # And so much for them now


# Nobody in all of Oz, no wizard that there is or was is ever going


to bring me down... #


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