Episode 4 Nature's Weirdest Events

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No matter how well we think we know our planet, the natural world still


has the ability to surprise us, to shock us and to maybe sometimes even


to scare us. With its extraordinary events and bizarre behaviour. New


technology means that nature's weirdest phenomenon are being caught


Evermore readily on camera. So we're going to bring you the strangest


stories our world has to offer. I've never seen anything like that


before. From bizarre body snatchers. And a butterfly blizzard. Do you see


that, guys? With the help of scientists, experts and eyewitnesses


we're going to try and unravel exactly what on earth is going on.


So let's get cracking. First up, we reveal some astonishing super


powers, specialist skills that help animals succeed in the toughest of


environments. Our next group of extreme jet-setters proof when it


comes to super powers, size isn't everything. In early October 2011


the Denning family were hiking through woodland in central Mexico.


When they became part of one of the most extraordinary events in the


natural world. Look at them all. Do you see that, guys? Millions of


butterflies. A vision in orange. Carpeting small stands of pines.


This is awesome! They were at the centre of a butterfly blizzard.


Butterflies in their millions that descend on certain areas of trees in


Mexico and California like clockwork every year. Days before these trees


would have been bare. So where have all of these swathes of better flies


come from and why are they here? They can be found throughout the


United States where ever their staple food, milkweed is flentyful.


This food source can take them as far north as Canada. Which, when the


seasons change, can be a brutal place for a butterfly. Richard Fox


has spent years studying the intricacies of butterfly behaviour.


Basically, it's too cold in the winter time across most of the


United States and certainly in Canada for these butterflies to


survive. They have to move or die. The monarchs are flying for their


lives away from the cold north. But to reach these warm winter hideouts,


well that's a seriously long-haul flight. These butterflies cover over


2,000 miles. They fly for anything up to 10 weeks to reach these winter


roosts. It's the kind of journey usually undertaken by birds or great


herds of mammals. So how does a tiny insect manage it? Well, these are


butterflies with super powers. We tend to think of butterflies as


delicate creatures blown around by the wind. These monarchs are serious


flying machines. They have the brain the side size of a pinhead, yet they


can navigate across a continent. They can fly at high altitude.


People have seen them from aeroplane windows. They are not flying blind.


Monarchs come equipped with some serious inbuilt GPS. They have a


time serious inbuilt GPS. They have a


working out north and south. In their ant ten nigh, their feelers,


they have a clock which enables them to take account for the passage of


the sun across the sky -- antennae. As they travel south the millions of


monarchs from all over the United States are funneled together by the


Gulf coast and the rocky mountains. In a good year, it might be 150


million monarchs. Rather than spread throughout the forest, they huddle


close together, warmth in numbers against the cooler nights. But as


the sunrises, and the day heats up, the butterflies leave the branches


in an orange explosion. Not surprisingly, these winter


roosts have become tourist hotspots. For the people that live in these


special areas, the arrival of the monarchs is cause for celebration.


Lowry is the director of the The museum of Natural History in Pacific


Groove California. Also known as Butterfly Town, USA. Pacific Groove


takes its monarchs very seriously. -- Crove. All the school children


gather together to welcome the monarchs back to the town. The


butterflies are the cultural icon of this town. Just how they find the


exact spot that their family member travelled to the year before is


still not fully understood. Nor is why they choose these particular


stands of trees. When it comes to these extraordinary migrators, there


are still more super powers left to be discovered. That monarch


migration is truly remarkable. Did you know that you can witness a


similar effort in the UK. Painted ladies end up in our gardens. We


used to think they died here. Recently, however, we have spotted


them flying back to Africa. When you take in all of the generations,


that's a round trip of more than 9,000 miles. Not bad for an insect


that weighs less than a gram. This next strange substance is unlikely


to win any popularity contests. It there is a very sticky situation


facing fishermen in the Atlantic. How do you get rid of all that


slime? They are pulling up their nets and pods to find them covered


in slime. Does it ruin... An ooze is clogging their nets and having to be


bailed from boats. Oh. Armfuls of this colourless gloom is appearing


any one catch. With often more slime than fish, removing it from a haul


is an absolute nightmare. Now, it's too common a complaint to be


attributed to some freak event or rare natural phenomenon. Something


is creating enough of this substance to drive fishermen crazy. The


question is - what? Well, the source of this mystery mucus can be found


on the deep sea floor. The perpetrator is the hagfish. It's the


undertaker of the deep, searching the murky bed for corpses. It uses a


tongue to pull flesh from bone. It will even wriggle inside a rotting


corpse to Dee row the soft flesh under the skin -- devour. Literally,


eating the victim inside out. Nasty eating habits aside, the question


remains - why would a creature that lives on the seabed need to produce


slime? Well, aside from its willingness to eat sea floor scraps,


the hagfish doesn't seem to have very much going for. It's pretty


much blind, has no jaws or tough scales, it looks vulnerable. But, in


fact, the hagfish really is quite a success story. It's been around for


a whopping 300 million years, which makes it one of the oldest fishes in


the sea. The secret to its success is slime. It's a defensive strategy


so brilliant that it makes the hagfish quite literally,


untouchable. Professor Doug Fudge studies these master slimers. So the


hag fish is essentially covered with slime glands. The when an animal is


attacked by a predator there is muscle in the area where it's


touched that cause those slime glands to release their contents.


There is actually a little mini volume cape be owe of slime that


comes out of the gland. It's reinforced with tens of thousands of


silk-like protein fibres we call slime treads. It mixes with sea


water and forms this large volume of very unusual fibre reinforced slime.


A single hagfish can turn a bucket of water into slime in seconds. That


is so gross. It is proves to be a pretty fantastic under water weapon.


In a recent study, that was published by a group in New Zealand,


they showed hagfish using their slime in a wild situation. The mucus


is designed to choke a predator by clogging up its airways much the


shark is left gagging as its gills fill with mucus. Every assayant is


repulsed by a wall of slime. Is -- assailant. The technique is


effective that thehag fish is unpreterribled. How does the hagfish


prevent itself from becoming the victim of its own slimy strategy?


They have a way of getting out of the slime. They will tie their body


in a knot and then they'll pass their body through the knot and that


will wipe the slime off of their body. A necessary skill for the


ocean's most slippery character. Now, you may not like this, but


humans produce slime too. In the form of snot. What's remarkable is


that hagflush slimed and human snot are composed of similar proteins. --


hagfish. Humans use their snot to trap harmful substances and expel


them from the body. When you think about it, hag fish and humans are


using slime as a frontline defence. These animals have proved that in


the natural world, it pays to be a master craftsman. Whether you are a


silk spinner, escaping the rising tide, a slime producer, defending


yourself from attack, or a sand sculptor, looking for love. A super


structure is crucial to success. So a specialist skill with help an


animal get ahead. What if you can't survive on your own? Rather than


admit defeat, this next selection of weirdness shows enlisting some help


can hold the key. There is a strange subterranean structure created by


remarkable team work. But first a chilling tale of some real-life


zombies. Eric Williams from Delaware was mopping his kitchen floor when a


dead beetle began to mutate in front of his eyes. From its body something


long and worm-like was emerging. Eric wasn't the only one to witness


this miniature horror. No idea what those things are. I see all these


strange hairs moving around. What do you think that is? It's a cockroach.


Look at the stringy bit coming out of it. All the records had one thing


in come, a mopped floor or nearby puddle, the presence of water was


triggering these writhing worms. That's disgusting. But what were


they and how had they got into the bodies of these insects?


Biologist Janice Moore has spent a lifetime fascinated by this


particular weird event. Whenever I was a child I'd used to see these


long worms squiggle in around at my grandfather's. I was told they were


horsehair worms and that is a common name because legend says that these


worms come from horsehair. In reality, they are parasites. These


parasites live inside say the cricket and grow up to be huge


compared to the cricket, all called up. The cricket is almost total


parasite. The hare worm lover develops inside the body but it has


to breed and to do that it has to find water. -- the hare worm lava.


It has no qualms about making the lava do all of the legwork. The


cricket becomes almost suicidally attracted to water and they have


been reported to jump into toilets, into dog water bowls. And if the


hairworm is big enough, the merest hint of moisture could be enough to


tempt it out. I have never seen anything like that before. Keep an


eye out for these miniature body snatchers because they are found


here in the UK as well. In fact, in every corner of the globe, super


sneaky parasite species have found ways to get the others to do the


hard work for them. For example, the mind control that lurks in German


gardens. There is a parasite which lives inside the intestinal tract of


a variety of songbirds. The parasitic flatworm reaches materia


tea inside the digestive system of the bird and casts out its eggs in


the bird's droppings. This would be the end of the cycle if it were not


for the garden snail that finds bird droppings irresistible. When the


these eggs, the egg hatches and a little larval parasite, a flatworm,


moves in and there it grows up into a striped Mass. The snail's tentacle


is now one enormous a striped Mass. The snail's tentacle


flatworm brood sack. But a striped Mass. The snail's tentacle


parasitic mastermind encounters a problem. Just like the hairworm


cannot breed inside the snail. Delay problem. Just like the hairworm


its eggs it has to be once again inside a bird's intestinal tract.


How does the flatworm complete the cycle? Mind control. It forces the


usually reclusive snail upward towards the light. Once exposed, the


snail's tentacle is a pulsates in Grub on a plate. Birds will look at


snail's tentacle is a pulsates in they will eat it. And in that way


the life cycle is complete. Now, the poor snail is


the life cycle is complete. Now, the might just get out alive minus


tentacle. But other hosts are not so lucky. Our next parasite requires


its host to make the ultimate sacrifice. So one of the most


spectacular examples of zombie behaviour is and is infected with


fungus. If you're battling for space in the rainforest, hitching a ride


on the back of an angled would seem to be a clever tactic. -- the back


of an ant. It is not clever enough for the type of fungus. The fungus


enters the body through the and's windpipe, where it begins to extract


nutrients from all but its major organs. As the fungus grows, it eats


the ant alive, while leaving it with just enough of its faculties to


move. The reason why it does this is brilliantly devious. To cast


spores, the fungus needs to be high, so it floods the and's brain with


chemicals, forcing it on an upward march. Having reached an optimum


height, the ant has served its purpose and called to set devours


its brain, before with a final flourish it bursts through the


exoskeleton and casts spores into the air. Does a wonderful story if


you happen to be reading about it and a really nasty story if you an


ant. One of my favourite types of body


snatchers actually lives in UK waters. The larvae of a tapeworm in


his boots the stickleback. -- inhibits the stickleback.


It does not leap out of the mouth of a stickleback into the mouth of a


passing bird. It modifies the behaviour causing it to flip over


onto its back revealing its bright white belly making it far more


obvious to predators like herons. I know it is a sad end for the old


stickleback, but you have to admit when it comes to parasites, mind


control is a fiendishly effective survival technique.


Bending the will of others for your own game is not the most altruistic


of survival methods. Thankfully, our next story shows what can be


achieved if you choose to work together. In May 2004, a group of


scientists gathered in South America, at a very particular spot


in rural Brazil. They took up tools and began to dig. Over the next few


days, they painstakingly excavated the area. And from the soil,


something incredible began to emerge. They uncovered a vast


network. Some 50 metres squared. An architectural maze of different


shapes and structures, branching out into the ground. This subterranean


design was precise and too complex to be created by chance. It had been


engineered. But by what? What could have created this underground


architecture? What the scientists had uncovered


was a secret city. A giant home created for some of the smallest


animals on the planet. Ants. And for and biologists like Ross Kirby, this


experiment brought Deary to life. This is the first time that we can


literally see the bare-bones of what they have built. We poured cement


into the empty nest of leafcutter ants. Once the cement had set we


could reveal the underground metropolis. This was not your


average and nest. This was an entire and city, going as deep as eight


metres into the ground. And masterminded by a population of up


to 7 million leafcutter ants. But why does an ant need such an


impressively conduct home? There are chambers which are important where


the eggs develop. There are waste disposal chambers. There are also


many different tunnels, not just to take the ants from chamber to


chamber, but to allow air to be completely circulated throughout the


nest. And used pheromones to organise construction work and to


guide them from foraging sites. These chemical trails help them to


work efficiently and stop them from getting lost. They ensure a steady


steam of -- stream of grass into the nest. But it is not to eat. The


ands cannot digestive grass. They use the blade to feed a fungus,


cultivated in special garden chambers. This fungus is the ant's


preferred main meal. That is a lot of fungus farming. A nest needs to


be this size to support such a large colony. But it is almost


inconceivable that something as small and simple as an ant could


have created such an amazing structure. When looking at an entire


ant colony, you should not be looking at it as 7 million


individuals, you should look at it is one great collective unit. A


single ant by itself is not up to much. When you have 7 million of


them interacting together, their behaviour can be quite complex. All


of these ants working together for the good of the whole colony,


transform from individuals into a single living being. A super


organism. One brain, 7 million ants strong. It is this organisation that


makes one of the smallest animals capable of such incredible


engineering. So clearly, being part of a super


organism is beneficial. But a group mentality can also have its


drawbacks. One woman travelling through Peru in


2008 came across some ants behaving strangely. They were spinning round


and around in a constant circle. One by one they began to collapse and


die. She was not the only person to witness these peculiar death


circles. Why were they on self-destruct? It is most likely


that these ants were out foraging when they got separated from the


rest of their party. With the pheromone trail lost, they began to


panic and follow each other's pheromones. This confused game


follow my leader forced them into a never-ending circle. And because


ants are not programmed to think like individuals, they did not save


themselves. Instead, the circle became tighter and faster until the


ants simply died of exhaustion. Thankfully, these ant death circles


are relatively rare events, clearly proving that the benefits of


teamwork must outweigh the potential for disaster. Ants are not the only


organisms which forms super organisms. Take bees, for example.


For high to be successful, thousands of bee brains must work together.


The benefits are security, bed and board. When it comes to super


organisms, great minds must think alike.


These stories show the importance of a listing some help. Whether it is a


devious parasite control and a host against its will or an ant colony


combining forces to build a subterranean met the Acropolis --


mega droplets. Two brains or seven if you can manage it, are better


than one. So there we are, we have delved into


a catalogue of the most fun, the most foul, the most morbid and


marvellous stories our planet has two offer. Whether it has been


bizarre animal behaviour or weird natural phenomena, it has had the


very best of our brains completely baffled. But then given the natural


world's ability to astound, it leaves us with one final and


inevitable question, what next? MUSIC: Boombastic


by Shaggy


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