Browse content similar to Wed, 07 Feb 2018. Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more!
Line | From | To | |
-Subtitles | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | |
-Subtitles - -Subtitles | 0:00:00 | 0:00:02 | |
-Come on, Iolo. -It's not so difficult to do. | 0:00:17 | 0:00:21 | |
-I'm never drinking again. | 0:00:21 | 0:00:23 | |
-Yeah, right. | 0:00:23 | 0:00:25 | |
-Are you going to stand there -or are you going to help me? | 0:00:25 | 0:00:28 | |
-I don't actually understand boilers. | 0:00:29 | 0:00:30 | |
-I don't actually understand boilers. - -Kel, please. | 0:00:30 | 0:00:32 | |
-Kel, please. My stomach's churning -like a washing machine. | 0:00:32 | 0:00:35 | |
-You need hair of the dog. -A pint or one of Colin's cocktails. | 0:00:35 | 0:00:39 | |
-No. I hate Colin. | 0:00:40 | 0:00:42 | |
-Oh, bless! | 0:00:42 | 0:00:44 | |
-Are you OK, Ed? | 0:00:45 | 0:00:47 | |
-It's from the court. | 0:00:47 | 0:00:49 | |
-Decree nisi. | 0:00:49 | 0:00:51 | |
-Oh, Ed. | 0:01:00 | 0:01:01 | |
-I knew it was on its way, didn't I? | 0:01:02 | 0:01:04 | |
-Right. I'm going out for a while. | 0:01:05 | 0:01:08 | |
-I need some time to myself. | 0:01:10 | 0:01:12 | |
-See you later. | 0:01:12 | 0:01:14 | |
-What's in the bags? | 0:01:25 | 0:01:26 | |
-Supplies. It's Ffion's idea. | 0:01:27 | 0:01:29 | |
-She's concerned you're not eating -properly with all that's going on. | 0:01:29 | 0:01:34 | |
-There's plenty here so you won't -have to go out for a month. | 0:01:34 | 0:01:37 | |
-You'd better put them -in the fridge or freeze them. | 0:01:38 | 0:01:40 | |
-Will you thank her for me? | 0:01:41 | 0:01:42 | |
-Will you thank her for me? - -Of course. | 0:01:42 | 0:01:43 | |
-So, Garry... | 0:01:44 | 0:01:45 | |
-You still haven't heard anything, -have you? | 0:01:45 | 0:01:49 | |
-No. | 0:01:49 | 0:01:50 | |
-He contacted me yesterday. | 0:01:52 | 0:01:54 | |
-He left a message -asking me to run the garage. | 0:01:56 | 0:01:59 | |
-For how long? | 0:02:03 | 0:02:04 | |
-Right. | 0:02:07 | 0:02:08 | |
-So, did he... | 0:02:08 | 0:02:10 | |
-..mention Carol or me? | 0:02:11 | 0:02:14 | |
-No, only the garage. | 0:02:15 | 0:02:16 | |
-Dani, I'm here for you, OK. -Remember that, will you? | 0:02:19 | 0:02:23 | |
-If you want to talk -about anything... | 0:02:24 | 0:02:26 | |
-..your big brother is here for you. | 0:02:27 | 0:02:29 | |
-BABY CRIES | 0:02:32 | 0:02:33 | |
-Do you want me to go? | 0:02:35 | 0:02:36 | |
-Elgan! | 0:02:47 | 0:02:48 | |
-Elgan! - -What? | 0:02:48 | 0:02:50 | |
-I hate it when people use the same -knife for the jam and the butter. | 0:02:50 | 0:02:54 | |
-You're behaving -as if you live here! | 0:02:54 | 0:02:56 | |
-Well, I do, more or less. | 0:02:57 | 0:02:59 | |
-It's nice to see you smile again. | 0:03:00 | 0:03:02 | |
-Do you know what? | 0:03:02 | 0:03:03 | |
-I never thought seeing a therapist -would make such a difference. | 0:03:03 | 0:03:07 | |
-It's ironic, actually. | 0:03:07 | 0:03:10 | |
-It's ironic, actually. - -Why is it ironic? | 0:03:10 | 0:03:11 | |
-I've advised so many people -to do it... | 0:03:11 | 0:03:14 | |
-..without really thinking -of the difference it could make. | 0:03:14 | 0:03:17 | |
-Oh. | 0:03:25 | 0:03:27 | |
-Oh. - -What's wrong? | 0:03:27 | 0:03:28 | |
-This water's not going down. | 0:03:29 | 0:03:31 | |
-The plug's not in -so the sink must be blocked. | 0:03:31 | 0:03:33 | |
-Are you sure? | 0:03:34 | 0:03:35 | |
-I've told you time and time again -not to put grease down the sink. | 0:03:36 | 0:03:40 | |
-Sorry, miss! | 0:03:41 | 0:03:42 | |
-Can you sort it out? | 0:03:43 | 0:03:44 | |
-Do I look like a plumber? | 0:03:44 | 0:03:47 | |
-No. Pass me the phone. -I'll phone Iolo. | 0:03:47 | 0:03:50 | |
-I'm never going out with Colin -again. This is all his fault. | 0:03:56 | 0:04:00 | |
-Don't blame Colin. You said you -were going to drink 30 cocktails. | 0:04:00 | 0:04:05 | |
-One for every year. | 0:04:05 | 0:04:07 | |
-You didn't reach double figures. | 0:04:08 | 0:04:10 | |
-You didn't reach double figures. - -Embarrassing. | 0:04:10 | 0:04:12 | |
-Do you think Ed was OK earlier? | 0:04:14 | 0:04:16 | |
-I don't know. Ask him? | 0:04:16 | 0:04:18 | |
-I did and he said he was. -But is he really OK? | 0:04:19 | 0:04:24 | |
-MOBILE PHONE | 0:04:24 | 0:04:25 | |
-Someone's phone is ringing. | 0:04:26 | 0:04:28 | |
-Yes. Yours. | 0:04:28 | 0:04:30 | |
-Huh? | 0:04:30 | 0:04:32 | |
-Hello. | 0:04:36 | 0:04:38 | |
-I'm in the middle of a job -at the moment. | 0:04:39 | 0:04:42 | |
-Right. OK. I'll be there now. | 0:04:44 | 0:04:47 | |
-I have to go. | 0:04:49 | 0:04:51 | |
-Whoa, whoa, whoa, now. You haven't -finished fixing the boiler yet. | 0:04:51 | 0:04:55 | |
-It's an emergency. | 0:04:55 | 0:04:57 | |
-It's an emergency. - -Oh, Iolo, mun! | 0:04:57 | 0:04:59 | |
-Oh, Kelly, mun! I won't be long. | 0:04:59 | 0:05:02 | |
-Thanks for the food. | 0:05:07 | 0:05:09 | |
-You're welcome. I thought it would -be one less thing to worry about. | 0:05:09 | 0:05:14 | |
-Gethin said that Garry phoned. | 0:05:14 | 0:05:16 | |
-Carol's growing. -She's lovely, isn't she? | 0:05:19 | 0:05:22 | |
-How's Arwen? | 0:05:24 | 0:05:25 | |
-Alright. -Her monthly check-up is next week. | 0:05:26 | 0:05:29 | |
-You don't take sugar, do you? | 0:05:29 | 0:05:30 | |
-You don't take sugar, do you? - -No. | 0:05:30 | 0:05:32 | |
-Ffion, will you sit down? | 0:05:35 | 0:05:36 | |
-OK. | 0:05:42 | 0:05:43 | |
-What's wrong? | 0:05:44 | 0:05:46 | |
-Um... | 0:05:47 | 0:05:49 | |
-Moc left a will. | 0:05:51 | 0:05:54 | |
-He's left me money. | 0:05:55 | 0:05:57 | |
-So I feel that, um... | 0:05:59 | 0:06:01 | |
-..I should share it with Gethin. | 0:06:01 | 0:06:03 | |
-I know what you're going to say. | 0:06:05 | 0:06:07 | |
-Gethin will never take the money. | 0:06:08 | 0:06:10 | |
-So... | 0:06:11 | 0:06:12 | |
-..what I'm going to do is... | 0:06:14 | 0:06:16 | |
-..give it to you. | 0:06:18 | 0:06:19 | |
-Half the money. | 0:06:22 | 0:06:23 | |
-I'm giving you 15,000, Ffion. | 0:06:25 | 0:06:27 | |
-Mam. | 0:06:55 | 0:06:56 | |
-You came. | 0:07:00 | 0:07:02 | |
-I knew you'd come. | 0:07:02 | 0:07:04 | |
-You have no idea -how much it means to me. | 0:07:05 | 0:07:08 | |
-I've missed you, Mam. | 0:07:10 | 0:07:12 | |
-We can't empty the sink. | 0:07:17 | 0:07:19 | |
-Elgan hasn't touched the U-bend -in case he made a mess. | 0:07:19 | 0:07:22 | |
-We thought you should -take a look at it. | 0:07:23 | 0:07:25 | |
-I thought this was an emergency. | 0:07:27 | 0:07:29 | |
-It is, to some extent. | 0:07:29 | 0:07:31 | |
-Right, see you later. | 0:07:31 | 0:07:33 | |
-Bye. | 0:07:33 | 0:07:34 | |
-Ta-ra. | 0:07:34 | 0:07:35 | |
-Don't you have a plunger? | 0:07:36 | 0:07:38 | |
-No, Gaynor doesn't have a plunger. | 0:07:38 | 0:07:41 | |
-Are you alright? -You don't look very well. | 0:07:42 | 0:07:45 | |
-I told you, I'm not taking it. | 0:07:52 | 0:07:54 | |
-If we share it, -Gethin won't have to know. | 0:07:54 | 0:07:56 | |
-No. | 0:07:57 | 0:07:59 | |
-I didn't want the money either -at first. | 0:07:59 | 0:08:02 | |
-But it will make such a difference -to our lives. | 0:08:02 | 0:08:05 | |
-No, and that's the end of it! | 0:08:05 | 0:08:07 | |
-Have you seen my phone charger? | 0:08:08 | 0:08:10 | |
-Hiya, Dan. Again. | 0:08:10 | 0:08:12 | |
-Here you are. | 0:08:12 | 0:08:13 | |
-Here you are. - -Thanks. So what's going on here? | 0:08:13 | 0:08:16 | |
-Dani... | 0:08:17 | 0:08:19 | |
-..wants some help -to lose her baby weight. | 0:08:19 | 0:08:22 | |
-You've eaten all that food already, -have you? | 0:08:22 | 0:08:25 | |
-Right, see you later. | 0:08:27 | 0:08:29 | |
-He didn't hear anything, -thank goodness. | 0:08:32 | 0:08:35 | |
-I'd better go. Carol needs a feed. | 0:08:36 | 0:08:38 | |
-Listen, -I don't want to argue with you. | 0:08:39 | 0:08:41 | |
-Think it through, will you? | 0:08:43 | 0:08:45 | |
-It's the right thing to do. | 0:08:46 | 0:08:48 | |
-. | 0:08:54 | 0:08:55 | |
-Subtitles | 0:09:00 | 0:09:00 | |
-Subtitles - -Subtitles | 0:09:00 | 0:09:02 | |
-Jen's here for a year. -She's from Port Talbot. | 0:09:07 | 0:09:10 | |
-She says the view is better here! | 0:09:11 | 0:09:13 | |
-I don't know how she'll be -once I've left. | 0:09:15 | 0:09:18 | |
-She's tough... | 0:09:19 | 0:09:20 | |
-..but when someone leaves, it makes -someone think of their family... | 0:09:20 | 0:09:25 | |
-..and their home. | 0:09:25 | 0:09:27 | |
-I really appreciate you -coming here today. | 0:09:29 | 0:09:32 | |
-That's alright. | 0:09:34 | 0:09:35 | |
-It's been hard here. | 0:09:36 | 0:09:37 | |
-In the beginning, I wasn't willing -to accept I was here. | 0:09:40 | 0:09:44 | |
-I was frightened. | 0:09:44 | 0:09:45 | |
-I had no-one to talk to. | 0:09:46 | 0:09:48 | |
-No. | 0:09:49 | 0:09:50 | |
-But I've had time to realize -that what I did was terrible. | 0:09:51 | 0:09:57 | |
-It was so wrong. | 0:09:57 | 0:09:59 | |
-Have you? | 0:09:59 | 0:10:01 | |
-Have you? - -Yes. | 0:10:01 | 0:10:03 | |
-That's why -things will be totally different... | 0:10:03 | 0:10:06 | | a fortnight when I'm out. | 0:10:06 | 0:10:08 | |
-A fortnight? | 0:10:08 | 0:10:10 | |
-Yes. I'll be able to start again. | 0:10:10 | 0:10:12 | |
-The parole officer said... | 0:10:13 | 0:10:15 | |
-"..Sioned, -all you need is a fresh start... | 0:10:15 | 0:10:18 | |
-.."and people around you -who love you." | 0:10:18 | 0:10:21 | |
-And where will that be? | 0:10:21 | 0:10:22 | |
-And where will that be? - -With you and Jim, of course. | 0:10:22 | 0:10:25 | |
-Mam, please. | 0:10:27 | 0:10:29 | |
-Sioned... | 0:10:32 | 0:10:33 | |
-Sioned... - -No, Mam... | 0:10:33 | 0:10:35 | |
-It would be better for everyone. | 0:10:35 | 0:10:37 | |
-No. You're not going to let me go -to some half-way house, are you? | 0:10:38 | 0:10:42 | |
-I don't have a job. -I need somewhere to live. | 0:10:43 | 0:10:46 | |
-No. | 0:10:50 | 0:10:51 | |
-The answer is no, Sioned. | 0:10:53 | 0:10:55 | |
-You're not coming to live with us. | 0:10:55 | 0:10:57 | |
-Why not? | 0:11:00 | 0:11:01 | |
-Because it's what's best -for you and for us. | 0:11:02 | 0:11:05 | |
-But I've changed, Mam. -Really, I have. | 0:11:06 | 0:11:08 | |
-I have to go. | 0:11:09 | 0:11:09 | |
-I have to go. - -Mam, please... | 0:11:09 | 0:11:11 | |
-Look after yourself. | 0:11:11 | 0:11:13 | |
-Right, that's it. -All in working order. | 0:11:20 | 0:11:23 | |
-It's clear. -Don't pour grease down the sink. | 0:11:23 | 0:11:26 | |
-Iolo, are you alright? | 0:11:26 | 0:11:29 | |
-Yes. | 0:11:29 | 0:11:30 | |
-You don't look it. | 0:11:31 | 0:11:33 | |
-There's no point lying to a doctor, -is there? | 0:11:34 | 0:11:37 | |
-I've got the worst hangover -I've ever had. | 0:11:39 | 0:11:41 | |
-Why didn't you say so? -A heavy night last night? | 0:11:43 | 0:11:46 | |
-Lunchtime yesterday. -Birthday cocktails. | 0:11:46 | 0:11:50 | |
-And you've had to force that -disgusting stuff down the drain. | 0:11:50 | 0:11:54 | |
-Yes, alright. | 0:11:54 | 0:11:56 | |
-Sorry. | 0:11:56 | 0:11:57 | |
-Hey, you need a fry-up. -Come on. Doctor's orders. | 0:11:58 | 0:12:01 | |
-DOOR OPENS | 0:12:10 | 0:12:12 | |
-Are you OK? | 0:12:18 | 0:12:20 | |
-Are you OK? - -Yes. | 0:12:20 | 0:12:21 | |
-After the letter this morning. | 0:12:23 | 0:12:25 | |
-After the letter this morning. - -Yes. | 0:12:25 | 0:12:26 | |
-Ed... | 0:12:28 | 0:12:29 | |
-..if you want to talk about it... | 0:12:31 | 0:12:33 | |
-No, I don't want to talk. | 0:12:33 | 0:12:35 | |
-Anyway, I thought you'd had enough -of talking about Sioned. | 0:12:35 | 0:12:40 | |
-I have, but... | 0:12:40 | 0:12:41 | |
-..this is different. | 0:12:43 | 0:12:45 | |
-It's the end of your marriage. | 0:12:45 | 0:12:48 | |
-Exactly. | 0:12:48 | 0:12:49 | |
-The end. | 0:12:50 | 0:12:51 | |
-And I'm glad it's over. | 0:12:51 | 0:12:53 | |
-So... | 0:12:55 | 0:12:56 | |'re fine, are you? | 0:12:58 | 0:12:59 | |
-Yes. Come here. | 0:13:00 | 0:13:02 | |
-You are freezing, aren't you? | 0:13:04 | 0:13:07 | |
-You are all that matters to me now. | 0:13:11 | 0:13:14 | |
-That and keeping warm. | 0:13:15 | 0:13:16 | |
-So fetch your coat. -We've got to get out of here. | 0:13:16 | 0:13:20 | |
-Thanks again, Ffi. | 0:13:28 | 0:13:30 | |
-It's only a sandwich. | 0:13:30 | 0:13:32 | |
-No, for this morning. | 0:13:32 | 0:13:34 | |
-For helping Dani, -for looking after her. | 0:13:34 | 0:13:36 | |
-She's going through a hard time. | 0:13:36 | 0:13:38 | |
-Yes. | 0:13:39 | 0:13:40 | |
-Do you really think -she needs to lose weight? I don't. | 0:13:42 | 0:13:45 | |
-Well, anything that makes her -feel better about herself... | 0:13:47 | 0:13:51 | | good, isn't it? | 0:13:51 | 0:13:53 | |
-I suppose so. | 0:13:53 | 0:13:54 | |
-I don't know how -she's going to cope on her own. | 0:13:56 | 0:13:59 | |
-If I had money, -I'd love to help her. | 0:14:01 | 0:14:04 | |
-Make sure she and Carol -were alright. | 0:14:05 | 0:14:08 | |
-If we had the money... | 0:14:11 | 0:14:13 | |
-..what would you do? | 0:14:14 | 0:14:16 | |
-If I won the lottery or something? | 0:14:16 | 0:14:17 | |
-If I won the lottery or something? - -Yes. What would you do? | 0:14:17 | 0:14:19 | |
-Oh, that's easy. | 0:14:19 | 0:14:21 | |
-If I won the EuroMillions, -I'd give half to Dani. | 0:14:21 | 0:14:25 | |
-Half? | 0:14:27 | 0:14:28 | |
-Half? - -Yes. | 0:14:28 | 0:14:30 | |
-Half? What about me? | 0:14:30 | 0:14:32 | |
-You'd get something, I suppose. -A new handbag, maybe! | 0:14:32 | 0:14:36 | |
-Oh, thanks! | 0:14:36 | 0:14:37 | |
-Oh, thanks! - -I'm joking. | 0:14:37 | 0:14:39 | |
-I'd spend the whole lot -on you and Arwen. | 0:14:39 | 0:14:42 | |
-I'd buy a big, posh house -and have a butler serve my food. | 0:14:43 | 0:14:47 | |
-But for now, I'll make do with you! | 0:14:48 | 0:14:51 | |
-Fetch my crisps for me, please! | 0:14:54 | 0:14:56 | |
-Bye, now. -I hope you'll feel better. | 0:15:02 | 0:15:04 | |
-Thanks. | 0:15:04 | 0:15:05 | |
-Bye. | 0:15:06 | 0:15:07 | |
-What was that? | 0:15:07 | 0:15:08 | |
-He's got a hangover. | 0:15:09 | 0:15:10 | |
-Fair play to him. | 0:15:13 | 0:15:15 | |
-Why? | 0:15:15 | 0:15:16 | |
-For turning up when he felt ill. | 0:15:17 | 0:15:19 | |
-It was his fault. | 0:15:19 | 0:15:21 | |
-Yes, but it's made me think. | 0:15:21 | 0:15:24 | |
-About what? | 0:15:25 | 0:15:26 | |
-Maybe I should go back to work. | 0:15:27 | 0:15:28 | |
-Maybe I should go back to work. - -Are you sure? | 0:15:28 | 0:15:30 | |
-Yes. | 0:15:30 | 0:15:32 | |
-So watching Iolo White... | 0:15:32 | 0:15:35 | |
-..trying to stop himself -being sick in the sink... | 0:15:35 | 0:15:38 | |
-..has given you food for thought, -has it? | 0:15:38 | 0:15:40 | |
-Strange as it may seem, yes it has. | 0:15:40 | 0:15:42 | |
-He offers a service, as I do. | 0:15:43 | 0:15:45 | |
-Though he was feeling ill, -he came and did his job. | 0:15:45 | 0:15:48 | |
-I'm feeling much better now -so maybe I should go back to work. | 0:15:48 | 0:15:53 | |
-Well, if that's how you feel, -I'm very pleased for you. | 0:15:53 | 0:15:57 | |
-You'd better phone -the health board. | 0:15:58 | 0:16:01 | |
-Yes. | 0:16:01 | 0:16:02 | |
-After you clear up this mess! | 0:16:02 | 0:16:04 | |
-You've done the right thing. | 0:16:08 | 0:16:10 | |
-So why do I feel so awful about it? | 0:16:12 | 0:16:14 | |
-It's tough love, isn't it? | 0:16:16 | 0:16:17 | |
-It's tough love, isn't it? - -Tough? | 0:16:17 | 0:16:19 | |
-You can say that again. | 0:16:19 | 0:16:21 | |
-She looked so small. | 0:16:24 | 0:16:26 | |
-She says she's changed. | 0:16:29 | 0:16:31 | |
-She's bound to have changed. -That's what prison does to people. | 0:16:32 | 0:16:37 | |
-But it will do her good to live -on her own for a while. | 0:16:38 | 0:16:41 | |
-Are you sure? | 0:16:42 | 0:16:44 | |
-I'm certain. | 0:16:44 | 0:16:45 | |
-Don't get upset again. | 0:16:48 | 0:16:50 | |
-Denz would have broken his heart -if he'd seen her today. | 0:16:52 | 0:16:55 | |
-Listen, Ffion, -I don't want round two. | 0:17:05 | 0:17:08 | |
-I've just put Carol down. | 0:17:09 | 0:17:10 | |
-No, neither do I. | 0:17:11 | 0:17:12 | |
-But I've been thinking -about your offer. | 0:17:14 | 0:17:17 | |
-OK. | 0:17:17 | 0:17:19 | |
-I'm not saying I'm going -to take the money... | 0:17:19 | 0:17:22 | |
-..but maybe we should look -at what may be possible. | 0:17:22 | 0:17:26 | |
-All I want you to consider is this. | 0:17:29 | 0:17:32 | |
-If we share the money... | 0:17:33 | 0:17:35 | | would give Carol and Arwen -a better future. | 0:17:36 | 0:17:39 | |
-But if Gethin found out it could... | 0:17:40 | 0:17:42 | |
-But if Gethin found out it could... - -Who's going to tell him? Carol? | 0:17:42 | 0:17:44 | |
-We can put the money -in a joint bank account. | 0:17:48 | 0:17:51 | |
-We can keep the passbooks -and the cards here. | 0:17:52 | 0:17:54 | |
-Do you think so? | 0:17:54 | 0:17:56 | |
-Mmm. | 0:17:56 | 0:17:57 | |
-We're mothers with small children. | 0:17:59 | 0:18:01 | |
-This is security. | 0:18:02 | 0:18:04 | |
-Come on, Ffion. -We've been through loads. | 0:18:04 | 0:18:07 | |
-We deserve this and more than that, -Carol and Arwen deserve it. | 0:18:07 | 0:18:12 | |
-You have to accept this money. | 0:18:13 | 0:18:16 | |
-S4C subtitles by Red Bee Media | 0:18:57 | 0:18:59 | |
-. | 0:18:59 | 0:19:00 |