Episode 10 RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Episode 10

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Hello and welcome to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show!


It's Thursday, the first day the show is open


to the general public, and it's fair to say the showground


is packed with garden enthusiasts as far as the eye can see.


They've come here to enjoy the ground-breaking design


on display, not to mention the very latest floral fads and fashions.


As well as being packed its jolly hot. It's boiling today, it is


caught sheer one. You're wearing your hat. I haven't got any hair


like you, Monty, health and safety, this is, as well as being rather


dapper. It's hot but so much better than the cold, wet Chelsea 's we've


had. The plants are slightly suffering. A lot of them are having


to water throughout the day as well as in the morning. I would much


rather summoned rain. It may be day four,


but we still have so much more to come from this year's event,


supported by M+G Investments. Tonight's show is all


about the small gardens, as we bring you in-depth analysis


of the ever-popular Artisan and Fresh gardens,


revealing who's won what. We treat you to an exclusive tour


of Mary Berry's much-loved garden at home before catching up


with her on the showground. Multi award-winning designer


Adam Frost shows us how shape, sculpture and structure can


bring our own gardens to life. I'll be catching up with journalist


Kirsty Wark as I uncover her unbridled passion


for all things floral. Plus, don't forget there's not long


left to vote for your favourite large show garden for the BBC RHS


People's Choice Award. More to come on that


later in the show. But first, we want to let


you in on something rather special. Over the week we've noticed


how the Artisan gardens on Ranelagh Avenue are touched


with a certain ethereal glow around dusk once the gates are closed


and the crowds have disappeared. I went along to give you a glimpse


of the magical spectacle The Fresh Gardens tend to shine


in the middle of the day, perfectly suited to the busy


atmosphere of the show in full flow. But as the light is falling at dusk,


I'm here able to roam around free. I've come here to Ranelagh Avenue


because this is where the Artisan gardens are. They are small, but


packed with ideas and inspiration and often just plain beauty. There


are essentially two types of gardens that you find here. One tends to be


very naturalistic and uses found objects and found landscapes. The


other is much more creative in the sense that it's made from new, it


looks like nothing you find the countryside. This is one of the


latter, it immediately summons up the sun and vitality and colour. Of


Spain. Walker's Wharf belongs to the first


category. It uses materials of an old wharf on the River Trent. You


can see it has quite literally got those materials but when you get


closer you realise it's actually an amalgam of them. The planting


doesn't fall into the trap of trying to do too much. The palate is very


simple and muted. And it's dominated by these pruned pines that exactly


get the texture, colour and feel of the industrial landscape in which


they are set. Despite being the designer Fiona


Cadwallader's first ever show garden, the poetry lovers' garden is


incredibly confident and strong. It does nothing particularly original,


the planting, the stonework, the way it set out, remind me of lots of


show gardens I've seen. But what it does it does so well, and the idea


is it's a place to and find inspiration, retreat. I've had to


read a poem or, perhaps, even right one. -- either to read a poem. As


the light falls around me, though the city still bustles beyond the


park, Chelsea slips into night, and I'm just going to have a few moments


to enjoy it to myself. That's about right, Monty


sleeping on the job again! It's his age, it's been a long week!


Those gardens are especially tranquil down there. So we'll let


him off. In fact, it's hard to believe any


of the small gardens are nestled in the busy heart of this city,


but I can assure you they haven't Earlier this week Nicki Chapman


witnessed the moment when the Small Garden medals


were handed out, and it was Oh my God! Thank you so much! I


don't believe this, this is amazing! Thank you very much. You are


shaking. I am shaking, I need a copy. Congratulations. Thank you


very much, I'm really happy with that. Congratulations. APPLAUSE


Triple double! Fantastic. Congratulations.


The small gardens may be compact compared to their big


brothers on Main Avenue, but they are by no


means less spectacular. Split into two categories,


The Artisan gardens, true to their name, take arts


and crafts as their inspiration, while the Fresh gardens tend to put


an abstract perspective on what a garden is or can be.


This year there are 14 small gardens in total,


They are good, aren't they? They are all good. I think they've had more


attention because there were fewer big gardens so there is more time


and more scope to have a really good look at them. And it's very


rewarding when you do. The Artisan especially this year is so strong.


They are tricky because it's about craftsmanship and detailing. Because


they are in a small space you've got to keep the interest within the


garden, keep the eye moving. But they are so much smaller. In fact


the Artisans are built aboveground, you can't dig into the ground. It's


almost like an installation piece and they've only got 11 days on site


to build them. The standard is amazingly high and I'm delighted


with the feel-good gardens. They were a fairly late edition but


everybody loves them, rightly so. They're fund, accessible and very


well done. Some great designers there. The fresh gardens I like this


year. I think they're more accessible than some years,


sometimes they get so conceptual and people think, what on earth is going


on? And they need an explanation. This year there are some people


could actually be create and take ideas from in their own gardens.


They're all good. Juliet Sargeant took a closer look at one of the


fresh gardens, which was awarded a silvergilt medal. She knows from her


own personal experience the effort needed to win any medal at Chelsea.


This is the breast cancer now garden. Through the microscope. It


is a garden with a really strong team. And as we walk through the


garden we can read the details the designer, Ruth Wilmot, has


incorporated in order to tell us this really important story.


This garden is all about the transformation from disease to


health. In the front of the garden, these rugged rocks represent


cancerous cells. Then further down the garden as you take a journey,


you come to smooth stones, which represents the healthy cells. In the


centre of the garden is a black rectangular pool, which represents


the microscope slide scientists use to study the cells. These circles


represent the microscopes scientists use everyday to research into the


cures and treatments for cancer. The idea of magnification follows


through into the planting itself. Here we have really fine cut leaves


and small flower heads but as you look down the garden to the


magnified end, the flowers are chunky and leaves are big. A good


example would be this little ranunculus here, mirrored by the


large, bold peonies at that end. The question on everybody's lips is, why


didn't it get gold? Of course, I don't know for certain, but I have a


theory. Ruth Wilmot loves to design conceptual gardens, most gardens are


either purely conceptual or very garden like. We can set herself a


challenge in designing something that falls between stools. In doing


so, she has just missed out on that elusive top prize. To me, this


garden is thoughtful, beautiful and atmospheric. I think the fact it is


incredibly popular with the visitors speaks for itself.


The road to designing and building a Chelsea garden is long


and at times incredibly stressful, fraught with complications


However, there's one first-time Chelsea designer who's been


For five years Ian Price suffered crippling depression.


Today he's got a show garden at Chelsea.


To find out more we went to join him on his home turf


This is Belfast on my home city. This is the heart and centre of our


country. I was born in the 70s man now 39 plus one. Yeah, just


recently. People used to say, you're from Belfast. All of those problems.


I didn't really see that. It was my home.


Any garden that you design is going to be influenced from where you came


from and the experiences you've had in life. In this instance it's the


glorious Greens. This is the Glens of Antrim. We've got the heathland


areas, scrub, vegetation, sheep grazed areas. Then it sweeps down


into the more lush are stronger Greens. That's what I'm trying to


use in this garden, green as a colour, using it instead of a


backdrop instead of the main focus and colour of the garden. This


garden isn't just influenced by the landscape that I live in, it's


mostly inspired by something that has plagued me all my life. North


Antrim coast is one of those special places. I need to come here to help


empty my head. Allow me to think about nothing. I have had depression


for the majority of my 20s upwards. Depression is one of those things


you just kind of wake up in the morning and go... I don't feel


great, I must be mentally ill. It sneaks up on you. It's like it swims


up behind you and you are in the surf and it comes and drags you by


the legs and pulls you under. At my lowest point, I just took the


pills, drove up into the forest, founder waterfall and sat there. And


just waited for them to take effect. At the lowest point I needed to make


sense of things. I was able to use garden design to tell my story about


depression. And turn my negative experience into a positive one. Some


of the best things are made in sheds, and this garden has been made


in a shared. It is always fascinating to see your design


jumping off the page and turning into 3-D reality.


This is Mind Trap, the manifestation of what I felt like at my worst, and


what I can feel like at my best, all rolled into one. The great shape is


where I imagine myself when I designed this, in the middle of


this, surrounded by these large, heavy walls. But with glimpses


through to hope beyond. There are very few flowers in the space. It is


mostly based on textures, mostly on green, with the delicate hint


towards flowers. They are not important, it is the feeling that


the plants give. People have asked me, can you do this? Can you handle


the pressure that Chelsea brings? Maybe I was just foolish enough not


to consider that at the time! I know I can, because I have so many good


people around me that want to make it happen. Whilst a medal will be


unreal, a lifetime ambition, the main thing is if one person comes up


to me and says, thank you for sharing your story. That is what it


is about for me. You said just one person would make


you happy, but all of the judges have thank you, by giving you a


gold-medal. It is surreal, unbelievable, I am still in a blur.


It will hit me just after everything has happened, but it is the reaction


of the public as well, unbelievable. I will confess, as somebody who


shares your problems with depression, I look at gardens with


great trepidation, because there is a problem of simplifying it. You


have not done that. I am impressed by that. Tell me again how that has


come through. It is not easy. It is not easy, but I found it a cathartic


struggle. 15 years of research to create this garden for Chelsea 2017,


and two days of sketching. Six months of pain and anguish and


trepidation. It is so worth it. The point about the green, limits of


hope. It strikes a chord with lots of people, rather than a riot of


colour. People forget that green is a colour. That is with the woodland


planting, in contrast to the grey blanket. A lot of people, you have


talked to the Duchess of Cambridge about it, that must have been


interesting. What you will be doing is saying to people who are also


suffering and feeling lonely and ashamed and lost that you can make


something from it. I had to do this to justify what I went through. I


needed to make my negative into a positive, and I now know why I went


through it, because the reaction from the public, I have had people


in tears, I have shared the tears with them, that is more than I could


ever have hoped for. The plants, some of them are dark, you have put


them in a difficult setting, but that can be integrated into a normal


garden. Whatever normal is! That is why I have used plants in context,


it is not what you see, it is how you see things are. You have enabled


a lot of people to see both gardens differently, themselves differently,


and to know they are not alone. Of the two gold-winning gardens


in the Fresh Garden category the RHS had to choose one standout design


as their Best Fresh Garden, and we were there to capture


the moment when the winner I have got something wonderful to


present you with. For the best Fresh Garden, congratulations. Thank you.


It is amazing. Sweet, lovely. Huge congratulations, when I first


saw it, I knew you would do well. It has been a mega build. It is huge,


even by my standards, it is borderline insanity. You have pretty


much build a house. Yes, three stories and 15 or 16 guys for 14


hours a day, it is down to them, really. The design is fantastic, the


combination of hard landscaping and plants, it is the future of


gardening, small spaces, but you can still cram plants in and make them


relevant and get closer to them, where ever you are. We have a huge


history in London of big parks and gardens, but we are now building


apartment blocks, so the smaller spaces that link them are really


important. Will this be community gardener? It could be, because the


spaces are not big and the plans are not challenging. A diverse range.


Shady downstairs, hot and sunny appeal. Trying to cater for the


environment, absolutely. I love the green of all, they are often the


flat, but do have real volume. It feels like it is growing out


horizontally. I have got my eye on that one. It is lovely, there is one


in a basement not far from here, it shows it can be done. Wonderful,


beautifully designed. Whether big or small, like this one,


there are so many inspiring ideas you can take out of a show garden


and apply to your own home. Seven-times gold-medal winner


Adam Frost is here to seek out the best when it comes to garden


design here at Chelsea. Tonight he's focusing on structure,


shape and sculpture. When I am creating a garden, I want


to take you on a journey, lead you through a space. Shtick in a garden


and focal points play a massive part to help me do that. When I am


creating a design, the first layout, understanding the space and how I


can put it together, the only plants are the trees. They start to fill


the space in the sky. After that, the next layer of structure is the


shrubs, so things like this not only work as a piece of sculpture, but


repeated through the space they create rhythm. You do not have to


spend that much money, you are looking to add three or four shrubs


that will give you the rhythm and structure and the interest


throughout the year. Once you have done that, you start to understand


the other areas, you can build the rest of your planting up in layers.


This is where sculpture and structure come together. If you look


along there, we looked like we have one wall, and a focal point. It


starts to draw me into the garden, takes me along a path. As I go


along, what is lovely is you get pulled up to the wall, you realise


there is another space and you get drawn into another part of the


garden, and then you come out into this beautiful space.


And after or pergola can add some interest and height and structure to


any garden, but what I love about this, it is simple timber, but with


copper detail, which is picked up in the sculpture that sits in planted.


You imagine this at the end of your garden, it would be a real


destination point. This is a cracking detail to the


edge of the terrace, it is so obvious to draw straight lines or


Kirsty Terris, but with this fractured line, it more or less


extends into the planting, and it lets the planting comeback in. This


structural frame, they are like see-through walls. They would in two


or three ways, they add height through the planting, which is


fantastic, but also they add rhythm, the repeated pattern all the way


through, it pulls you through this space. You might not want a big


frame sticking up, but you could use an obelisk, repeated through your


planting, it gives movement through. Creating a garden is a journey, it


is how you get drawn through. Structure and sculpture play a


massive part in taking you through a space.


Still to come at this event, supported by M+G Investments.


We discover who's won the highly-prized Best


I chat to journalist Kirsty Wark about the welcome solace her garden


But first, we invite you to sit back and relax as we bring


you an exclusive tour of Mary Berry's home garden.


I think of the garden as a sanctuary. We have been here 27


years, it seems an age. When we came here, we inherited a lovely garden,


but we have done all sorts of things to read. We did not have a plan, but


I hope we have made a lot of improvements.


The pond was here, it is a natural pond, but we enlarged it. We have


developed the meadow and put path through it. We have put in the Rose


walk. We have put in a tennis court, because we all are a bit sporty. In


that area was a magnolia and a holly tree, and they were fully grown, and


we transplanted them and let them soak in the water for a full night,


and they are here to tell the tale today.


I was brought up during the war, and times were tough, we were


self-sufficient, we had goats, chickens, so it was important to


have a vegetable garden, and I have learned to grow what you eat and


what you enjoy. Herbs are very important in my cooking, so we have


a herb garden. All the folks here are edible. We have day, lemon balm,


for puddings and things, we have thyme, Rosemary, and, of course,


Sage. Write down here, I have Good King Henry. You want to have it when


it is very young. It has a slightly bitter taste, you can cook it like


spinach. This is real French tarragon, it has a broad leaf, full


of flavour. Never to be mixed up with Russian tarragon, which is


rubbish, it grows like a weed and tastes like grass, so into the


ground it goes. There should be a good route under there. What I do is


to put water in the bottom. It seems to work for my planting, so I make a


nice puddle of water like that, because it is fairly dry. When I


come to cooking, I do not take a full sprig, I take it from the


middle, and then it will shoot out at the sides, so I will put it in


the ground and planted level with the ground.


I love going round other people's Gardens, I am very inquisitive,


there is so much to learn. I went around Sutton Place, beautiful


hedges, and came back very inspired and thought, how does that fit in


with my garden? I looked at the old tennis court and said to my husband,


I would like to do a bit of hedging, and he said, have a go, and by the


evening I had drawn it all out and he said, that sounds good, go on, do


it. Is this hedge was growing, I decided I wanted to have a go at


making that, so to get hold of a hanging basket, as it was growing


up, I put it on top like that, and this is about ten years old now, but


I put it on top and let it grow through the hedge, I cut it round,


and as it grew up, I kept it into an oval, and I began to slip


underneath, and we ended up with a lovely ball like that, so I did not


need any expensive equipment. This is my notebook and I've had it


many years. I just... Things that I want to look for. When I come to


Chelsea. This year I'm looking for smock primulas, I love primulas.


I've not had success with roses growing over how archers so I'll be


looking for some repeat flowering roses with a nice scent. So there's


no one more excited than me, I'm off to Chelsea with my notebook, money


in my back pocket. I'll be there. Mary, I'm lucky to have seen your


garden first-hand, what a gorgeous garden it is. I see you've got your


notebook. This is a recce trip? This is a recce trip, I'm looking for a


climbing rose. Everybody loves arose, what is your personal take?


Roses are such good value because they flower over a long period of


time and, of course, the scent. The variety is incredible. Climbers,


shrub roses, ground covering, there was always a place to squeeze in


another. There is, you don't need a huge garden, they grow very well in


pots, in a larger pot than you would normally see. These roses are grown


in Hertfordshire, non-imported. Shall we checksum out?


This is one of your favourites, isn't it, DeChambeau's beauty. I


love it, look at the foliage, shiny bright green. -- chandos beauty.


Smell that is that not divine? It's beauty! If you're growing a pot, you


can put it in really good side and manage it as long as it is in a


fairly sunny position and well watered, it's the perfect rose to


have. Is the climbing rose what you are


specifically looking for? It is, because we've got an arch, the rose


is dead. I made mistakes in the past by having one that goes too high. I


now know my art is eight feet and I have to find a rose that fits and


will grow to that. Exactly the right approach because these growers grow


them at certain heights, something like a Rambler will want to flower


at the top, 40 feet up, you can't necessarily see the flowers. We've


got Graham Thomas going up the front of the house and in March I take it


right down on the ground. And prune it at the bottom, so you get flowers


at the bottom, not up in the sky. Controlling where they are. At any


of these caught your eye? I rather like this one, this Cumberland, it's


got lots of lovely green foliage. It's a multiheaded, which I like.


All of these bugs coming year, even behind you've got another set of


buds, it's going to flower for ages. Also, when it's getting past its


best it isn't all faded, it holds its colour. Is this the one, Mary?


That's it, Cumberland. Mary is not the only one filling up


her notebook, everyone you look at Chelsea there are people writing


down the names of plants, taking photographs of plants.


And for the Artisan gardens it's not just the plants that inspire,


These are particularly important as the gardens tend to draw


from history or heritage, as Nick Bailey is finding out over


What I absolutely love about this garden is it the brilliant fusion


between ancient and modern. It really embraces the idea that


apothecaries of the past were looking for that great Alexia, being


able to extract the power of plants. It is represented by this apothecary


bench at the back. The garden takes you all the way through to modernity


and the fact scientists and chemists are still looking for those magical


powers and Alexia is we can draw out of plants. The planting in the


garden is absolutely beautiful, quite a modern matrix. A real sort


of fusion of different plants. There is a colour theme that pulls it all


together but it's packed with useful medicinal plants. What I know right


at the front here is used in traditional Chinese medicine, has


been for over 1000 years. Smoke is produced from it. It's often used


for chest conditions and the like. Growing just in front of it is


something you might think of as a lawn weed, a British native that


grows all over the UK, particularly in damp soil. It has medicinal


applications. Eucalypt that comes from it is used to remove dirt from


the eye in hospital. It can be used as a bulking agent, as laxative, so


really useful plants. Traditional use and much more modern use. Over


at the back digitalis, which has a long history of medicinal use.


Healers were giving it to people with heart ailments. And today, the


extract from it is still given to people. The planting has this fuzzy


matrix, meadow quality to it which brings the whole garden together. I


think it is very much deserved of the gold it's got. This really is


picture perfect. No stranger to creating an Artisan


picture-perfect postcard She currently holds gold


medals in more categories This year she's taken


on the challenge of creating two gardens, one inside


the Great Pavilion for Hilliers nursery, and an Artisan garden


here on Ranelagh Avenue. This isn't the first time you've


done two. It's the third consecutive year. This is the year I wanted to


get the treble double, so I had two gold medals in each of the previous


two years. I achieved it, so a massive year for me. You've covered


some serious mileage, between the two, any idea what you've done this


year? I checked last night, done six and a quarter consecutive marathons.


That's why you're looking so trim and fit. I have a track on my wrist,


it sets off each day and tells me how many paces and how many


marathons I've walked. You are the fittest person on-site. We've


created this wonderful garden. You're such a versatile designer,


just run us through the garden and how you had to apply your design


skills. My sponsor asked me to choose a Mediterranean city of my


choice, it had to be Barcelona. I love Barcelona, it's such a leader


in the creative world. And has been historically. Antonio Goudie, the


architect in Barcelona, is a hero of mine. -- Gaudi. This mosaic behind


me is fantastic. You've done this sort of thing before. Do you get


technicians in? I like Artisan Gardens to work with different


Artisans and craftsmen. Last year I had two, this year I have two, want


the mosaic, once the chair. I love working with craftspeople, because


you get the best out of them. I don't fully understand the material.


I know what I want to achieve. I know they'll take that perfection.


You've got some wonderful specimens. Some of them are hardy, some of them


we see in London, and down in warmer climates. There are also arid


plants. This one is cold hardy as long as you keep it dry. And we have


ones that are more robust and survive through the UK. It's all


about drainage, they get wet through the winter, they are going to


struggle. If you wrap them up through the winter, give them good


drainage, they might get through. Absolutely. Lovely to see you. Maybe


go for a little job later. You can join me.


Sarah has used a variety of tender plants which would love to live


in Parc de Guell in Barcelona, but of course this isn't Barcelona.


In good ol' Blighty a plant has to be pretty resilient


And a group who are keen to discover what is and isn't tough


enough for the UK climate is the aptly-named


I love hardy plants because there are so many different colours,


varieties, heights. Anything you can imagine, you will find, really,


within the spectrum of hardy plants. A hardy plant is defined as one that


will survive to -15 degrees. In the winter you cut them back and in


spring they come up and they're so fresh, they look like you've just


planted them. My name's John McGee, I'm leading


the team for Chelsea 2017 on behalf of Worcestershire hardy plant


society. Daesh my name is Linda Marsh, now a garden designer, but I


used to be an airline pilot, one of the first women in aviation flying


for an airline. Perhaps being in the air, away from the Earth, you have


that real connection when you come back and land. I know many pilots


who actually have smallholdings, so there is definitely some connection.


The society was formed in 1957 by four eminent Gardens to educate and


inform an increase knowledge of her basis -- herbaceous perennials. We


have over 7000 members today. There is a great community spirit in


the group. We meet up once a month. Second Saturday every month. This


gardening is quite addictive, though I've belong to the Worcestershire


grip, I belong to three other gardening societies. There is no


cure for the addiction unfortunately. Daesh we have a guest


speaker followed by Britt freshman 's and a chat so we can catch up


with what's doing well. Lots of outings through the plant society,


autumn weekends, some days. Excellent. Meeting different people


and talking plants is brilliant. We have a wide range of people in the


group. We have held, probably in her early 80s, with the vast plant


knowledge. Then we have just, who is 25 years of age. It's great to see


that they work off each other. What's your favourite, Hilda? I love


salvias. I love the smell. It really lifts you, the smell. Exhibit this


year is important to us as a society, it's our 60th year. We have


a wonderful group of people getting together to help do the stand for


Chelsea. Some members are growing plants, there are members who have


been coming up to tend the plants every week. We decided to have 60


different types of plants to represent each year of the existence


of the hardy plant society. The design for Chelsea was really to try


and show people that we are a modern society moving forward. So we


decided to use QR codes on all the plant labels so people could take


their smartphone and a zap onto it and go immediately to the website


and find out all they wanted to know about the plant. We also designed a


rotating stand, so that not only do you see the relationship between the


front plants and back plants, but you see how they relate to the other


plants. John, of course will take all responsibility for the stand and


its rotation. It's the first time within the pavilion they've used a


rotating plants display, three metres in diameter. We've had to be


aware that the motor will not overheat, because if that happens,


the table will not turn. And we will not have a display.


Look at that, amazing. Sale it's a hidden surprise when you look


underneath the leaf, because it's a wood lander. That's super, really


lovely job. Over the years the hardy plant society has won Medi medals.


However this year if we win anything beyond Silver we'll be delighted.


For us to be there is an experience of a lifetime. Chelsea's such a


special show, I'm thrilled to be part of the team. I just hope we do


very well. And hoping people will be really interested in joining the


hardy plant society and enjoy seeing our stand. I mean it's all very


exciting, isn't it? It works! We are pleased, we got a


Silver medallists, we did not expect anything above a silver. The stand


is stunning. You have some engineering in here. It is very


simple, a gearbox and a wheel with 12 casters. Has it brought more


exhibitors in? Are they drawn in by the movement? I think so. As the


wheel goes round, it shakes slightly, so the grasses show up. It


adds drama to the whole thing. It is great to see the society has got a


big spread of age. Some societies are struggling. Yes, it is a shame,


as it is the specialist societies, and we are herbaceous perennials,


and we have nine specialist societies. Others could come in with


us. We are not going cost is, but what about,? They are real doers.


They are. We have the spotty dotty and the iris in a couple of weeks.


The grasses will be here. And you see this a lot in the show gardens.


It is a good filler. The bees love it. When we were putting together


the stand, the bees were coming in, then they flew off when we turned


the table. There are none at the moment. They can take extremities,


down 2-15, but with the heat, they can cope as well, so maybe we will


use more of them. And there is a broad range for all conditions. We


will have to leave it there, but you got your hostas in!


I'm joined now by award-winning journalist/broadcaster Kirsty Wark.


I know this is your first Chelsea. Yes, but it will not be my last. It


is extraordinary in its scope. I love that there are so many people


who are clearly such passionate gardeners, they spend time coming


here, picking up tips, writing things down, I have been writing


things down. It is a very British thing. Do you have a garden of your


own? My garden is a small walled garden in Glasgow. It is at the back


of the house. The front is pleasure gardens. The back garden has these


wonderful old hoops, because the washing was hung out, it was not a


garden to be satin by the owners. But the legacy has been a beautiful


laurel tree, which we have built on. We have to drain it, because it was


damp, and we put down Caithness flags and margins stones from beside


the Clyde, which is where the wharf 's work that people left to emigrate


from Glasgow. Those footsteps are still treading in the garden.


Members of my family emigrated to what was then Rhodesia and also to


Australia. It is wonderful to have some in the garden, you know people


stepped on them going to new lives. Gardens are like onion skins, you


are just one more layer. People talk about the house when you sell it,


but you want to pass on, these flowers will come out in June... It


is nice to have a surprise, but I want people to know what is in your


garden. Did you have anything to do with gardening when you were growing


up? I was in gardens or the time, if the weather was good, fertile


territory. My family were early fruit growers in the 1800 and


before, and in 1850 my great-grandfather was -- went to a


fruit broker in Glasgow, and he said, but everything under glass. So


he put acres under glass. I grew up in tomato houses, and I remember my


great uncle 's had his coat on and they would take a poke, a paper


poke, and in it would be salt-and-pepper, and they would open


the tomato and put salt-and-pepper on it and you would eat the tomato


is a fresh. We would have tomato so much all the time. We used to have


tomato some watches. White bread, tomatoes, and the juice soaked in.


My hands are like my grandfather's. Jamjar Hans! What are you looking


for? You have resisted Chelsea for all of these years, what are you


looking for? I have a lot of white in the garden, and I have a lovely


Philadelphus, which has taken off, but I am looking for more colour. I


loved dog rose. I want to introduce more colour. This one is beautiful.


I am going to try and find one of those. There are tens of thousands


of the best plants that have ever been grown here. I will go on a


hunt. This is another dog rose? This is rambling Rector. It is beautiful.


You have a connection to this garden. I have been involved with


Maggie's for over 20 years. It is so much part of the whole firmament of


how we live and thrive with cancer. It is wonderful to be in this


garden, it has so many of the hallmarks, tranquillity, privacy,


water, and I think of gardens as healing places anyway. You are


involved in elections and all of the affairs of Government and life and


state, you have talked about the chant quality of your garden, do you


think gardens are important as places to retreat to? Particularly


in times of crisis, I know in times of bereavement I have always gone to


the garden. For people who cannot have a garden, the importance of


wide-open spaces in towns and cities that are nurtured and cared for. I


hate to think of cuts to gardening, because they bring apprentices on,


people find employment, people volunteer in gardens, I walk past a


lot and and think, this is fantastic, people can come to their


allotment and see them thrive. We will ask you to look around, enjoy


your first Chelsea and choose a cute things that are really special. What


a treat. Now out, of the six gold


medal-winning Artisan garden designs here at the Chelsea Flower Show,


only one could be chosen as the best We were there to capture the moment


the RHS handed out the award. I am delighted to announce that you


have received the best Artisan Garden in the show today, so many


congratulations, the first recipient of that beautiful box. Many


congratulations, everyone. Our best Artisan Garden. Beautiful.


Congratulations. It is the big one again. Smashed it again! Two years


ago you got gold and Best In Show, but before that you got a Q Silvers,


so you have nailed it now, you know what it takes. I got there in the


end, really pleased with it. You are not here every year. I am a biannual


designer. It is a fabulous garden, everybody is talking about it, the


industrial landscape. Have you sourced all of the bits and pieces?


I was fortunate enough to get the crane, because my grandfather had


bought it for two or 50 years ago, and when I went to look at it it was


immersed in nature, branches had grown through it, it planted the


seed of the garden, it germinated over 18 months, we used the crane


throughout. This was onside in the nursery? And old swamp area, we


would go there as kids. I salvaged it in the winter months, chopping


bits out. It was a bit of a mission. Is it the whole thing, the concept


of the industrial landscape? It is not where nature has taken over,


somebody has God and this. The brief was that people were living in


warehouse accommodation and they had commissioned a designer to build a


garden for relaxation, so it does not have weeds, it is quite plush.


You are celebrating the heritage. A lot of these warehouse blogs that


are being converted often get rid of the landscape outside. 100%. It


would be great to incorporate this. Yes, try to create an atmosphere,


curiosity, the industrial heritage. It fits in with the Artisan


category. You are celebrating conifers, not many people here are.


You put them together so beautifully. Our heritage and the


nursery is is growing pines and conifers, but I pick the textual


bonds to relate to the material colour. Some are windswept, so they


give the garden a bit more which in depth and height. You borrowed the


landscape beyond, you have not put a boundary, it look like it goes on.


The location was perfect for the garden, because there are no


boundaries, it is like a section of a larger garden. Lovely, great to


see you, and congratulations again. Before we come to the end of today's


show we just want to remind you that time is running out to vote


for your favourite large show garden in this year's BBC RHS


People's Choice Award. Details of all the gardens and how


to cast your vote are on our Voting closes tonight at 9:30pm


and the winner will be revealed tomorrow evening


on BBC One at 7:30pm. Ruth asks, usually there is a plan


that keeps popping up at the Chelsea Flower Show, what is this year's?


How about shaggy box? Four years you see box plants clipped and trained


and repeated, but this year, two or three gardens have got quite a lot


of shaggy uncut box, it is new, and good.


It looks great. We are on trend! How many lipids have you seen?


Lot. They look great, they have gone so


out of fashion, but they are back again.


Is that because there is a nursery growing lots of them and everybody


has gone there, or is it just coincidence?


That can sometimes be the reason, but this year the sources are


different, the designers are asking for them from different sources, so


there is something in the zeitgeist. And we are there! We have had a lot


of tweets asking what the tall white planned is behind us.


A fabulous plant, I grow it. Just touches with pink. It can grow up to


six feet tall, really dramatic, and it has strong square stems. It is a


perennial. A really good planned. I like this hashtag!


Well, that's it from Chelsea tonight, but we'll be back tomorrow


on BBC Two looking at what we can draw from this year's show


And we have a very special treat in store as Ellie Harrison


is going to share her thoughts on wildlife gardening.


Plus, we look at some of the fabulous fauna joining


Nicki and James are back at 3:45pm on BBC One,


so until, then it's goodbye from all the team at Chelsea.


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