Episode 11 RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Episode 11

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It's a magnificent day here in central London and the


showground is bursting with visitors enjoying the floral festivities.


The intoxicating scents of Chelsea are still filling every inch


of the Royal Hospital Grounds on this the penultimate


We're uncovering some of the surprising plants and people


that make Chelsea the greatest Flower Show on earth.


Let the celebration of beautiful blooms


Hello and welcome back to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show,


an event supported by M Investments.


Hold on to your secateurs as today we have a packed programme.


Coming up, comedy legend Griff Ryhs Jones joins us


and reveals why these days he prefers the floral festival


Toby Buckland is in the Great Pavilion to discover some familiar


And Rachel de Thame finds the perfect plant recipe


The joy of being here all week means I've had a really great look around,


so this is where I get a chance to fantasise about picking just one


The one I really want to take away, you know I have such a soft spot, I


have different favourite gardens for different reasons. But I always say


it, it is the forensic level of detail. Such talented people,


picking over each enjoy it. If I could take somebody home to look


after my garden, it would be Ishihara Kazuyuki. I have some


favourites, but I will go with City Living. The designer has created a


design I would want to live in. I used to live in a flat, I didn't


have any outdoor space. What Kate has managed to do is create an


environment that a lot of us live in, but have small pockets of


outdoor space. It's beautiful. Hopefully it will be the future.


Forget the house, I could just live in her garden! She's done a great


job. It's not only scent


filling the gardens. Inside the Great Pavilion,


the air is thick with a cacophony of scents and some of


the plants pumping that fragrance out might surprise


you as Toby Buckland has discovered. The reason flowers have an aroma is,


of course, to attract pollinators. But when they are bred to have


bigger blooms, they are all athletics and no aroma. Sometimes it


is still worth sniffing them. It has a gorgeous aroma. It is a


cross between Lily of the Valley and lilac. Then there are flowers you


should never put your nose anywhere near. The sign to look for is blood


red stripes on the petals or Sam Winner modelling. That is a sign


they are pollinated by carrion flies. They will smell like


something that died last week. I don't want to put my nose anywhere


near that one. Jean-Claude. Lovely to meet you. You


are what they call a nose? Well, I prefer perfumer. You control it with


the brain, the nose is only there to control. Week you work on fragrances


for big brands? I like the variety of different kinds of smell. This


one, with the yellow, you smell it, it smells like lemons, grapefruit.


You are right, very citrus. It is light, as well. If you take this


one, darker, it is like chocolate powder. Vanilla. It does. I was


going to say it smells like cheap chocolate, but this is the good


stuff. This is the 80% stuff. Another thing is the smell in the


morning is very light, and at night they are very heavy. It is a product


of the oil changing? Yes. You can have a bouquet in the room and it


will diffuse through the house. It has been under my nose all this time


and I didn't know. Now you know! It has been a pleasure. This is another


flower you think don't have a fragrance, but they do. But it is


the smaller blooms like Montana that pack the punch. The flowers are


small, but produced in their hundreds. When you get your nose


into them, they are as sweet as cherry pie. It just goes to show,


you should never take for granted that the flowers in your garden


don't have a scent. You may get a pleasant surprise.


Throughout this week we've been featuring the designers of the large


show gardens to get a more personal picture of the people behind them.


Next up is Chelsea veteran Chris Beardshaw.


I am the design of The Morgan Stanley Garden at Chelsea Flower


Show. What a stage this is to be at, not only to impress thousands of


gardeners that come through, but also to inspire the schools and


communities that are the recipients of the particular scheme. I started


out life as a mystery man, essentially growing plants to


perfection. Later in life, my mid-20s, I realised that where my


heart lay was the assembly of those plans, the choreography. That is


where we can stimulate the emotions and create beautiful spaces that


change people's lives. My typical garden design, well, did be brutally


honest with yourself, especially if it is your own garden. How do I want


to feel and what makes me feel like that? The two most important


questions. Answer those honestly, and you are in line for a garden


that truly connects with the soul. Growing up, from an early age, did


you know that you were always going to be involved with gardening or


not? I didn't know how to do anything else. My grandmother bought


me a packet of seeds when I was four. I put them on the windowsill,


damp piece of tissue paper, scattered them. What fascinated me


was how they chased the light. If I turned them around, how they moved.


The speed they were doing that. And the fact that every grew, all of


them germinated. I looked at them germinating and thought, I am


probably quite good at this. It was a great introduction from my


grandmother. It was cress, which is so easy to germinate, but that was


her skill. To ignite that passion. At Chelsea, we are surrounded by


wonderful planting and design. Do you have a favourite, now that you


can relax and it is coming near to the end of Chelsea? What are you


most proud of? It's very difficult, it is like asking which is your


favourite child. The Sylvester on the corner is stunning. A British


native, standing by itself. Got it off the vehicle in four hours


without breaking a branch. Around the corner, the Himalayan Lily. I


don't think it has ever flowers at Chelsea Flower Show before. I've had


them for five years, they are probably eight years old. It is from


the Himalayas and it grows with a rosette of leaves for many years and


suddenly, when it decides, it pushes this stem up ten or 12 feet in


height. Regal brooms on the top. It has opened up in the last couple of


days. That is a real surprise. I love the fact you said it decides


when it is going to do it and it knows how important this week is.


Not just for you, but to all of us. It is such a splendid garden. Thank


you very much indeed. We see a lot of green fingered


celebrities at Chelsea. Griff Rhys Jones is


a regular visitor, but it wasn't until Joe Swift visited Griff's


garden that it became clear just So, you are growing a lot of


vegetables? Well, my wife, Jo, she is fanatical. This little plot


controls our whole calendar. We had asparagus, broad beans, artichoke,


extraordinarily beautiful and delicious pumpkins, called Crown


Prince. Fantastic. But it does mean that you cannot necessarily go


somewhere at certain times of the year. As you will find, as we travel


around, the private domain, there is a box everywhere. This is the


obsession with formality that runs around this whole place. We try to


compartmentalise a bit. This is beautiful. Really contrasting to all


of the hedges. It is. Lots of roses. It's beautiful.


The per -- pergola gave us some height, old-fashioned shrub roses


coming up. What is fascinating is what will grow here. I think if you


move into an agricultural field, you are left with a lot of nitrogen in


the field. Very lush. Yes. You are imposing yourself onto the plot?


Nature is a form of disorder. Man is about rationality and lines. If you


make a structured, rational, mathematical pattern and then allow


the profusion to go through it, but a lot of people in a garden like


this, in a rural setting, would be tempted to be haphazard. I really


like the way that you have done this. Is it quite a male thing


question might The house was built in 1700. These were not places


people joined with nature, they are places which people built to


separate themselves from nature. Originally. Where they showed the


control that they can have. A beautiful view? I sat down and we


worked it out so that we had these back and forth bets. Everything is


supposed to be designed to be low maintenance. How is that, is that


the reality? No, it is like selling your plate with food. It feels a


great excitement as you put it onto the plate, then you think I've got


to eat all of this. One of the fun things about having this is you can


plant things and forget about them. Instead of standing over, a small


garden, you stand there and say, come on. If you have got a big


garden, you walking around the corner, two years later, do go, look


at the size of that! Wow! This is my new project. We have new


projects on the go all the time. Isn't that rose fantastic? This is


exactly what I mean. I come in here and go, what's that!? What I'm going


to do is cut a hole in my hedge, another Vista. I'm going to put a


path to take us right the way through, down there. Probably two


more borders in there. These are the beginnings of a little Provencal box


border here. Have you always gardened? As a child, did you?


Gardens are something, like Radio 3, that you need to grow into. We don't


need to worry that young kids are not spending a huge amount of time


gardening. They come to it later. It's fair enough to say, I don't


want to go to Glastonbury any more. But I did. But I don't want to go


there any more. I'd rather be in my garden.


I love the fact that you said you would rather be gardening van Gogh


to Glastonbury! You are at a horticultural customary now, test of


both! I am a Chelsea virgin, it is the first time I have been to


Chelsea. There is the feeling, even as I wander around, you walk around


and see all these things, you think you should be in the garden now


pulling weeds. So much inspiration firing at all angles, have you seen


anything that has caught your eye? I know it is crazy, but I love the


pavilion, I love that side, the Victorian flower displays,


extraordinary. Chrysanthemums, you think... ! How have they done it?


Daffodils! How are they doing this?! Also, I am impressed by the little


gardens. I am impressed by formal gardens, I like the carefully


organised planting. I am a control freak in the garden, I clip things,


and only for it to get wilder as you get further away. I love the way,


the effort, if you look at the borders around here, to make the


random planting effect, it is more corrugated than making a formal


plot. It is really cheeky. It is a constant battle, making it sends to


how we like to understand the world, and having enough chaos to make it


feel relaxed. Either messy or clinical. It is amazing. 50 years


ago, everybody had been getting a builder in to get all that stuff off


your roof. Now, it's a fashion. What I like is, I come along and I can


see these extraordinary re-creations, recreating a Yorkshire


seascape, or to see the extraordinary re-creation of a wild


field. And the gnarly old trees that will have have the shock of their


lives, these apple trees... Appearing here! But I am still as


much in love with it come at the clip pawn beam hedges, I thought the


garden deserved a gold medal. It is one of my favourites. On the theme


of control, I hear you won a beautiful wild flower medal, but you


don't want certain things in it. Of course! What is causing you


distress? In a wild flower Meadow, you have two clear every scrap away.


I was out there pulling. My wife is watching me with a look of horror,


she does all the work in the garden! I go around and say "We must put a


new path here." But the problem for me is, looking at an acre of wild


flower meadow. You have the best place in the world to find an expert


to solve your problems. Have a lovely day. Thank you, James. Lovely


to see you again. We all know that a beautiful


garden can make us happy But getting out and gardening has


much deeper benefits to our mental Garden designer Mark Lane has been


out in the show ground exploring the added advantages gardening


can bring to us all. John, I know there are a few three


varieties of edible plants in here. Different colours, shapes,


performance of plants, wonderful tomatoes and mulberries, the


nasturtium, they are all edible. It isn't a big garden and you don't


need much space to grow it on. This garden is ten metres by ten metres.


The vegetable area is five eggs five, you do not need a big plot to


grow for your family all the year round. My passions is to get


everybody involved in horticulture. -- five eggs five. Those were my


earliest memories, following my grandfather around, growing stuff


for me to eat later. Happy healthy horticultural sums it up, happiness,


fun, breathing in the fresh air, fitness, and above all eating it,


and having a balanced diet for what you grow yourselves.


Over in the Breast Cancer Now Garden through the microscope garden, the


design has focused on making the garden and up listing places for the


mind. -- and uplifting place. It is important for people to rest their


minds by focusing the mind on the minutiae which makes you more


restful and more calm. You have done that with some of the smaller


planting. Part of the garden is about magnification, having little


plants and bigger plants. One of the ones we really like is the tiny


Euphorbia. There are two. Their ardour. This is as well. They are


lovely, exquisite versions of their bigger selves. Taking the time to


observe the small details, and being in that moment, that mindfulness can


be calming and soothing. It can. That is what it is about, enjoying


yourselves and being outside. I agree. It's wonderful.


Throughout the week Carol Klein has been searching the Great Pavilion


to reveal the origin of some of our most loved border plants.


Next, she is focusing on those plants that hail from Australasia.


It was in the 1700s when explorers James Cook and Joseph Banks landed


on the shores of New Zealand. When they arrived, they found the local


people, the Maori, clad in garments, fashioned from a cloth they did not


agonise. It was made from this plant. Plant occurs all over New


Zealand, but articulately on windswept hillsides. It is the tough


leaves that help it to withstand the conditions there. If you tear them


apart, they are fibrous. It allows the plant to bend its leaves


backwards and forwards, and put up with gales, hot sun, and even salt


spray. It was these fibres that were woven together to produce the cloth


of which their clothes were made. It didn't really appear as a common


feature until the last few decades, but now you see it all over the


place. It is often used in bedding schemes and a punctuation plant. It


will grow practically anywhere, but it does need sunshine. It hates


very, very wet soggy, stagnant soil. But apart from that, it is tough as


old boot. I don't grow many plants from down


under in my garden, but one that is looking spectacular at the moment is


a huge, big clump of this. It is an evergreen perennial, native to New


Zealand. The flowers have three petals, in common with many other


members of the iris family, to which it belongs.


Australia, it's hot. The picture is full of earthy colours, terracotta,


ochre, fire and a smell, that wonderful, pungent aroma. The


remaining ingredient of that snow is a plant that probably typifies


Australia for us, the eucalyptus. Eucalyptus are found all over


Australia, many different habitats, but it is only in the last few


decades that they have become a familiar sight both in our gardens


and in our flower shops. As well as grabbing them, it is really


straightforward. They will grow anywhere, providing it is in the


sun. And in reasonably drained soil. But choose the variety that will


grow to the kind of height you want it. But beware, they are really


rapid growers, so you have to keep an eye on them. Throughout the week,


we have looked at each different continent, looking at flowers we


think of as being British. That's not the case with plants from


Australasia, but who knows, in future years, they may become just


as familiar. From a tree that thrives


in the baking heat to a group of antipodean plants which prefer


living life in the shade. I did expect tropical plants to love


shade, but that's not the case. People always think exotic, which


means newbie light. Funnily enough, in tropical rainforests, the canopy


blocks out so much alike. All of these are from damp, due mid


conditions. You can grow this kind. Can you grow a beautiful structure


like the one behind us? Cyathea medullaris,


the black tree fern - But in 2010, I had seven huge ones.


I donated them to gardens around the UK. Everyone put them in


greenhouses, except Chelsea, so they put it outside and gambled. Seven


years later, it is still looking great. West of Cornwall, Central


London, but you can get away with it. A few questions for you, Lynne


Cowdrey says, I rescued a dying tree fern from a nursery section and it


is doing well in a pot, should I planted in the ground? If it is


doing well in the pot, keep it in the pot. However, in pots, water can


dry up quickly because there better grabbing conditions in the ground.


Even in the winter, it should be fine? Throughout most of the UK. If


you are up north, get straw, shove it in the centre of the growing


team, and it will keep the warmth in the centre. Like a woolly jumper.


Emma Quinn says, my fern is turning a pale green, yellow colour, please


help. It sounds like a fertiliser issue. There are lots of types. My


favourite is organic, Lama Peru. It doesn't smell. That is something I


wasn't expecting to hear at Chelsea. Thank you, James. Ferns can be the


perfect plant to breathe life into an unloved shady corner.


But whatever the conditions of your garden, there


Rachel de Thame has been exploring the show gardens to discover


which plants they've used to create a beautiful border no matter


Whether you are on a windy hillside or the very top of a tower block and


have a balcony there, exposed sides are some of the most difficult to


deal with. But there are plenty of plants that will thrive and are well


adapted for exactly that. Alpines come within that category. What they


all have in common is they tend to be low growing, so that the worst of


the wind can sweep over the top without doing too much damage to


them. They often have small foliage, small leaves, sometimes with a


silvery coating, tiny hairs, and those adaptations help the plant


conserve moisture. A few here special. This one is a large flower


on this particular one. It is difficult to get hold of, you won't


find it in a local nursery. But you may find this one. Again, a smaller


version with a rather more delicate shape of daisy flower. Another one


of my favourites, a plant that many of us are familiar with, we see it


in garden centres. It comes from areas in North America, on the North


facing side of cliffs. It can take everything the elements can throw at


it. This has a lovely Daisy Sheikh, with finely dissected leaves. These


ones as well, so beautiful am the rose that is of leaves and so low


maintenance, you don't have to do anything with them once they are in.


And I love this, there are various types, there are also alpine


varieties that are even shorter. Don't be put off by that long stem.


Because it is so slender and wiry, it can get buffeted by the wind.


This is also very popular, and they are perfect. They have the hammock


shape, and the flowers in spring time appear like stars above


foliage. These plants can take the wind, the sun, they can take brain.


What they don't like is to get their feet really wet, soggy, damp soil


all through the winter is a killer. Make sure when you plant them, lots


of drainage goes into the planting holed, and make it deep. These


beauties are then going to thrive. Give me an exposed position any day!


So we've profiled seven of the designers of the Main Avenue


show gardens and in the final instalment of this series,


designer of The Royal Bank of Canada Garden.


My name is Charlotte Harris, I am the design of the Boyle bank of


Canada garden. Three words to ascribe myself,


inquisitive, passionate and happy. -- Royal Bank of Canada garden. The


reason I became a garden designer is because I like being out and


adventuring in wild landscapes, exploring them. And bringing pieces


back of those and bringing green into our everyday lives is something


that brings real joy to me. My earliest gardening memory is


being in the garden with my mother in autumn, raking leaves and the


smell of wood smoke. My top tip for designing a garden is


to work with it, and not to attempt to control it. Have a sense of what


grows there naturally, whether it is sunny or shady, right plant, right


place. I have seen US Chelsea, I have not


met you until this year. I recognise you from working on some of the best


gardens I've ever seen at the show in terms of planting. It is your


first year designing one. How long was it in the making? I started


planning it in June or July last year. Chelsea last year, I thought,


actually, I really am ready now for a Show Garden in my own right.


Planting a Show Garden is very different from a real garden. There


are all sorts of tips and tricks. You are trying to create a realistic


piece of Canada in 20 days? It is a challenge. I think working with a


brilliant nursery, having a very strong plant eating to help you out


and having a sense of what you want to achieve. I was really clear I


wanted to make this about planting communities that were reflected


within the world landscape of Canada. Walking through it, it is so


immaculately perfect. It is hard to imagine you had any difficulties.


Chelsea is about hiding the difficulties that come along. Was


anything particularly challenging? The trees are so beautiful, but they


are super fragile. Bringing them in, there were some sweaty moments. A


brilliant contractor, lots of care and concern, making sure they got in


safely. All other plans are planted in pots. Then we had to take the rim


off. These trees will have been wrapped up, The Brunchies pact, on


the back of a lorry, transported hundreds of miles and they look like


they have been here forever. -- The branch pact.


Because of Monday night's tragic events we interrupted Tuesday's


broadcast to join the nation in a minute's silence.


This meant we missed the opportunity to bring you Carol Klein searching


out plants in the Great Pavilion originating from Asia.


We didn't want you to miss out, so here it is.


There are lots of plants in our gardens that we assume our British


through and through. They have always been there. But in actual


fact, many of them originate in places all around the world. Very


many of them come from the continent of Asia. What could be more English


than a rose? They epitomise an English summer garden. But the roses


that would grow in our gardens today over their heritage to roses from


all over the northern hemisphere. But particularly from Asia. It was a


chance meeting between East and West, on the Isle of reunion in the


Indian Ocean, which was a trading post. Chinese traders brought their


flowers, including the roses. French traders did exactly the same thing.


Eventually, they got together, producing some of the most beautiful


roses you can imagine. The very basis of many of the roses that we


grow today, like this one. This is a ball then rose. -- Bourbon rose. It


brings all sorts of things to the party. These double flowers,


gorgeous scent and the ability to flower on and on.


What is the quintessential English fruit? Surely it is the apple. No.


Not a bit of it. It actually comes from Asia and it was probably


introduced here by the Romans. In recent times, our choice of apples


has diminished hugely. There are only a few varieties available. Help


is at hand. Recently there has been an enormous movement to reintroduce


heritage varieties, so the choice is going to be wider wider.


Nonetheless, they all come from trees from Asia.


Peonies the Queens of the border. Many are from Europe. But we owe our


greatest debt to those from Asia. All of these sumptuous hybrids. But


there is a whole new generation that are even more exciting. They are


hybrids with gorgeous blooms. They have an enormous advantage over some


of the older varieties. For a start, they are really robust, strong


plants. They stand up for themselves and do not need staking. They have a


longer flowering period and maintain their foliage deep into the autumn.


This one is absolutely gorgeous. We have such a debt of gratitude to


Asia. Thanks for these gorgeous plants.


Earlier today we sent Griff Rhys Jones off


into the showground to solve a problem he was having


Let's see if he found a Chelsea solution.


As I explained, I have a problem in my garden. I have an alien invasion.


I'm hoping I can get some help for that year. -- here. Hello. I am here


to bring you a monster and primeval problem. I have a rather successful


wild flower meadow. I have what I think is called horse tail. What can


I do to get rid of it? It is a really interesting weed. It looks


like a tiny Christmas tree. It was around at the time of the dinosaurs,


which gives you an inkling as to how tenacious it is. It has a couple of


ways of spreading. It does not have flowers, it has spores. It will also


have thickened, dark coloured roots, which will spread out through the


soil. That is what your garden is getting. It sounds like something


from outer space. You can try digging it out, but it can go down


one or even two meters down into the soil. To get half an acre, digging


down to two metres... I think we will let you off that. The


management of cutting it, when do you do that? Probably early October.


A lot of summer flowers will be finished by maybe late July, early


August. Try bringing it back just a little bit. That will help to keep


it suppressed and allow the wild flowers to keep a bit of


competition. If we cut that, does the grass need caring? Definitely


clear it up. You might need to learn to live with it. I have been called


a bit of a dinosaur myself, maybe I will have to live with a dinosaur


plant. The Great Pavilion houses some


of the most coveted blooms in the country - peonies have long


been a favourite in the border but recently they've been


topping the list of most The nursery Primrose Hall have


been wowing the crowds with their stunning


bridal headdresses. I'm joined by Bronwyn Brett to see


if we can recreate that magic. Alice, our blushing bride, how


gorgeous do you like? Is this made by your good self? Absolutely. How


easy is this going to be? Really simple. What you have to do is just


click the flowers really short and close to the stem. Then we have a


glue gun, and we just have a tiny dab of glue. Simple as that, stick


it down and hold for a couple of seconds. Lets see how I get on. We


are surrounded by wonderful different varieties. Are they the


number one flower for brides in your opinion? Absolutely, definitely.


They are such gorgeous, gorgeous flowers. Why do they work so well?


When I think of bridal headwear, I am thinking the tiara. If you went


back to the Victorian ages, they used to be made flowers? Absolutely,


definitely a trend that came from the catwalk. We have seen it a lot


recently. Everything travels down to weddings, really. This one, I don't


know what variety it is, but it has the most wonderful fragrance. I


don't think of peonies having much smell? They really do. That is Sarah


Bernhardt. At the front, Lady Alexander Duff, one of the most


highly scented. The bees are loving them. How should you use it, right


at the front, to give its structure? A nice focal point for the


headdress. Is that the front? That is definitely different! We also


have delicate carnations and roses. As a leading stylus, how long have


you been working with flowers? For the last seven years. I fell in


love, doing a friend's wedding, helping her. I carried on from


there. I learned more about them and fell in love. I will have to glue


that again. It is very hot. Are brides quite competitive, would they


be asking their florist for this? In my years in industry, they are


always trying to each other. I am running out of time, I managed to


get two on. Yours is looking beautiful. I have to get my peony


finished. This is a labour of love. We have roses, carnations and the


gorgeous peonies, but you could use other flowers? Totally, the roses


held up well, they add texture. A little bit of colour range, so that


you have a bit of interest. And the smell is so important. Totally! If


you are the rushing bride, you want to smell gorgeous all day long. They


give you that, and a bit of luxury. I'm struggling slightly. All --


always the bridesmaid, never the bride. I think I might need a few


more hours. But it is truly gorgeous.


The Great Pavilion is packed full of the world's


here are some that really got the crowds excited.


James Comey made his birthday and I have a surprise in store. I have


been warned about this! This is what all of the brides will be wearing. I


will wear it, just for you, Nicki. Humiliate me on my birthday. You can


take it off, I don't mind. It has been the most wonderful week. Any


highlights that stick in your mind? For me, it has to be Charlotte


Harris. I have seen her kicking around for years, helping other


people get gold. To finally have an opportunity herself, she was shaking


like a leaf, when she cried, it got me and I burst into tears. It is


that emotion and exhaustion. I love the gardens, it has been the most


terrific week. We have been so blessed with the weather. It is when


you talk to the garden designers, large and small, also the exhibitors


in the Great Pavilion. You get that sense of how much they have been


looking forward to the whole week, the planning could be a week, a


month, sometimes it is years in the making, a lifetime of ambition. Here


they are, and you really get that sense of how important it is. We


have to mention our special guests, all week, but my favourite is going


to be Peter Kay. Forget Car Share, it is all about the Chelsea Chariot,


as I took them around. I met my childhood hero and found out he is a


plant geek as well. I didn't do too badly, did I? Always room for


improvement. Well, sadly that is the end


of The Chelsea Flower Show for the two of us, but you can join


Sophie Raworth and Joe Swift as they reveal the winner of the BBC


RHS People's Choice Award at 7:30 on BBC One or the same time on BBC


Two if you're watching in Wales. And you can catch up with Monty


and Joe on BBC Two at 8 o'clock. Keep sending your thoughts on the


hashtag, #BBCChelsea.


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