Episode 7 RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Episode 7

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It's been quite a week so far here at the Chelsea Flower Show


Today, we'll be bringing you the medal results


in the Great Pavilion, as we get up close and personal


And we'll be stepping behind the potting bench to meet


If you adore plants, then you are in the right place.


Hello and welcome to the 2017 RHS Chelsea Flower Show,


an event supported by M Investments.


There were a few sore heads around the show ground this morning


after the celebrations of the medal results last night.


And it was this Show Garden that the judges thought had


This is such a dramatic garden when you are standing on it. But


technically, how difficult is it to build? There is a section in the


categories which is caused scale of endeavour and it is about how


difficult it is. These plants had been grown specially and some of the


seed has been collected from the wilds to be grown here. It is not


months, it is years we are talking? Absolutely. It certainly is perfect


and that is why it has won. We have a lot more for you today


from across the showground. We travel to North Yorkshire,


to meet a Great Pavilion exhibitor whose obsession with Camassias has


grown into a national collection. Carol Vorderman, a regular


Chelsea visitor, is back Fresh garden designer Manoj Malde


reveals how a life in fashion has And we join Sarah Ravenin


on her Colour Cutting Garden, as she shares her top tips on how


to get the most If you'd like to share your thoughts


on anything happening here at Chelsea, we'd love


to hear from you. Get in touch with us


during the show on #BBC Chelsea. But first, it's time to catch up


on the medal results Carol Klein went along


to share in the excitement. It is not all about the gardens, in


the Great Pavilion, all the exhibitors have in this morning


biting their nails, they have had a sleepless night waiting to see what


the judges have given them. It is brilliant!


I got a gold. This is my centrepiece. Have you told her? I


told her this morning, yes. Overjoyed! Gold! There we go! It is


a Gold. Well done! Well done! Thank you very much! What have you got? We


have got Silver! Silver, we are over the moon! Over the main! I am so


excited! I am so happy! Did you get Gold? I am so happy, I am beyond


happy. It has been a great year for medals


in the Great Pavilion, with nine Silver, 25 Silver Gilt,


and a massive 61 Golds awarded. But for some of the exhibitors,


the journey to this year's show was anything other


than plain sailing. One of those was the nursery Daisy


roots, it has been a tricky year. Yes, we are in the lap of the gods


with the weather, a small site with no electricity, one small pony: and


the only climate control is in the tunnel or outside -- polytunnel. The


plants grown hardy outside all winter so the weather has been kind


at the last minute. We had warm spell in April that brought


everything on and there was a lot of fingernail biting! And then it cools


down and it has been very dry and we have grown a drought tolerance


selection which has worked and it all came right at the last minute.


One of the big tricky things is the unpredictability at Chelsea. If


everything comes on early, it can swap around your plants, but it


stalls and without the fancy equipment, is your nursery under one


acre? Yes, we do not have much space, we have a nice range of


plants but not huge numbers to choose from. We just do not have the


space some other nurseries have, they have huge staff and huge


tunnels and show plants. Ours are all outside. Some have less


equipment and facilities then you and you have pulled it out of the


bag. You have been chasing a gold for a number of years, you have had


four Silver-Gilt medals in a row and just a point sometimes from a Gold


Medal. Yes, very, very frustrating and we just somehow tipped it over


and got the Gold this year. Has anything changed in the garden to


make you do that? I think because we have been so close and one gets so


emotionally invested in the medal. This year, I thought I had given it


my all last year and I just stepped back and was more relaxed about the


thing and I think it shows probably. Yes, there is always a tension in


creating a garden with control versus looseness and sometimes when


you are too worried about getting a Gold, it can be tight and this


garden is so playful, it is just incredible, thank you so much. You


are welcome. The stunning plants that fill this


vast Pavilion originate from all over the world,


many of which we have taken Carol Klein has been searching


the Great Pavilion to discover the plants whose roots stretch back


across the Atlantic to the Americas. Everybody knows a fuchsia, it even


non-gardeners recognise them. Amongst our most popular plans. But


far from being British, their ancestors come from central and


South America. They were not discovered until the late 17th


century and it was 100 years after that they were first brought into


cultivation. Many of us grow hardy fuchsias. But these need a bit more


tender care and the best way to look after them is to keep them under


cover and give them a winter holiday during January and February. Almost


withdraw water and in March, against water gently. Increase the water so


that by high summer, it you are watering them every day and give


them feed, something like tomato water laser, two or three times a


week. -- tomato fertiliser. They originated in the continent of


America but fuchsias have now become one of our favourite flowers.


It is wild lupins from North America who are the forebears of the border


lupins that have become so familiar in our gardens. Very first records


of them being in cultivation in this country data back to 1658 at the


Oxford botanic Gardens. At our border lupins have not always looks


like they do today and that is down to the efforts of one man, George


Russell, from York. He got fed up of them being wishy-washy and weak and


he decided to start a breeding programme to try and make them much


better. His improved strain have become known as the Russell lupins.


This took place during the 1930s and when he felt his lupins had reached


the peak of perfection, you brought them to the Chelsea Flower Show. By


then, he had reached the tender age of 79.


Dahlias are from Mexico, they are wild there and they have been


cultivated for thousands of years. The Aztec emperor Montezuma had them


in his garden at the time of the Spanish invasion. There are also


growing as a food crop there and their tubers lifted and stores to


provide start should throughout the winter. Dahliastubers are enormously


popular and every year, new varieties are introduced. This year,


there is this one. It is lovely, isn't it? It is called Carol Klein.


Who is she? A splash of the Americas has spilled


out of the Great Pavilion and into the gardens this year,


with Manoj Malde's Fresh Garden, And today is the perfect day to view


your garden, dahlias. -- macro one. It is, when I started, I said if the


Sun is shining in its full glory, it will be perfect. It is and what a


date to be standing here today just admiring it. When you start the


process, what we influenced by? Was it a Mexican design or somewhere you


had been on holiday? I was actually influenced by the modernist Mexican


architect Luis Barragan. I saw his work and was immediately attracted


to the colour. I have Indian ancestry, born in Kenya, surrounded


by beautiful women in gorgeous saris and subconsciously, it was the


colour I was attracted to. That is a very dramatic backdrop. He was your


influence. When you are designing a garden, what you have in mind? You


have the blues guide that shows off the colours so well. How difficult


is it to recreate that planting or did you take elements of it? Part of


the planting scheme is was to show Luis Barragan's life, he struggled


to become a recognised architect. I also wanted to introduce plants that


people can take home and grow themselves as well. There is a


number of plants in this garden that people can take home and actually


using their own gardens. In your gardening always strikes me because


I have an enormous one of these in my garden, mine is huge, what is


this incredible tree behind us? That tree is commonly known as a


strawberry tree. It is gorgeous because when the first layer of skin


heels off, either get this lovely Orange streak on the branches. It is


absolutely gorgeous and it will survive in this country. The


architectural structures, especially behind you, in the cacti, it really


works. Definitely, and this is a hierarchy, it you have got the trees


and the specimen plants and this soft planting that weaves through


the lovely structure. And it works perfectly well. The bursts of


colour. And we know you as a famous garden designer, but that was not


your chosen career originally? No, was in the fashion industry it for


18 years and after 18 years in that career, I decided I wanted to have a


change of career. It easily transferable skills. Do you design


in the same way? I still designing the same way, I start off with mood


boards colour pile -- and colour palettes. It is like creating a


beautiful print and a sumptuous piece of silk. It works and


congratulations on your silver-gilt yesterday. The Sun is shining, it


will be a fantastic week and we are loving your garden. Thank you.


If you are an obsessive plant collector, Chelsea is paradise and


my passion is Oriental lilies. And you are just dazzled by the weird


and wonderful things. I love the names. Sweet sugar. Flash point. And


you will see one which has a label but with no name. Like there is a


code. Like this pink one, the nice tall one. Just hardly a glamorous


name. That is because it is so new, it just has a plant breeders code


and not even a name yet. Chelsea is a coming out party. And you realise


how many there are. Just here, one, two, three, four, five, six new


varieties that have never been seen before. It is just spectacular!


Throughout the week... Throughout the week,


we've been meeting each of the large Show Garden designers to discover


a little more about Today, we're meeting a design duo,


Laurie Chetwood and Patrick Collins. I'm Laurie Chetwood. I'm Patrick


Collins. Our garden is the Chengdu Silk Road garden. Three words to


describe me, relaxed and happy. I chose to work in garden design


because it combined my interests of botany and design, my dad was an


architect and I had a fascinating with plants and plant life. My


earliest memory of gardening was going round my grandmother 's


garden, she bent down, a bamboo stick went inside her mouth, her


false teeth came out and traumatised my sister and me for some time after


that. My top tip for garden design is when you actually start doing it,


relax and keep everything quite fluid, think of all possibilities


and then slowly clarify it after a while. Shrubs are going to be the


new herbaceous and if you come to this garden you'll lots of them.


Lovely to see you here gentlemen, I remember in 2009 when I did my first


show garden I was directly opposite the site and you were here, it's


like a reunion. I know, great to see you. We've met to do this site


again. Most people have no idea how to give this particular site out of


all of them is to build. Did you find that? Definitely, nowhere to


hide, everyone can see all round it. Some of the other gardens are one


shot, that's it. This is all the way round. The sheer scale of it, the


size of the site, it's the biggest plot at the show. The volume of


plants we had to use to finish the garden, it's huge.


No anything. At the moment there are people wandering around with pins


and it's very relaxed. When this is being built to have a constant


conflict articulated lorries going around three sides of the site,


there is no gangway to store anything, you are planting while


storing plants in the garden, like painting with your paintbrush on top


of canvas, how did you do it? We did it but it was a challenge. The dust


and the fumes, everything like that is all up against you. But I think


we've pulled it off and we're proud of our achievement, I think. I think


you were planting by head lamp at the end. Right up against it at the


end, we had all the cars lined up with their headlights shining into


the garden so we could finish planting the front. We had a few


hours to spare. I've been there. It looks incredible. I understand you


were quite a last-minute addition to the show, quite late getting to the


show, so you've managed to pull it off in a really short period of


time. Yeah, one city was going to sponsor the site, they decided not


to. We got the go-ahead end of February, beginning of March, we


have ordered plans, we had to design it, get it fabricated. Probably what


happened was we ended up having very little time to plant. It's always


the sharp end. We had to buy food propagating everything off site we


would have more time to plant. -- by prefabricated everything. It made it


quite difficult. We have the problem, obviously, with the Chinese


client, the language barrier. All the instructions have to go back to


China, they come back, we have to wait for them to be translated, that


was an ordeal. Translating Chinese dingo and you can't even directly


translate, there are lots of terms in design that there is no English


word for, no Chinese word for. You've done spectacularly for all


the challenges you've had. Congratulations. One of the things I


love most is "Shrubs are the new herbaceous". Yes, that's mine. It's


worked brilliantly. Synthesiser for garden. There are loads of Chinese


shrubs that we take for granted these days but they are very


important in these types of gardens. Each year, Chelsea is visited


by a stream of famous faces, all looking for inspiration


for their gardens. One regular to the show


is Carol Vorderman. Nearly every year, Carol. I


absolutely love Chelsea. How many years have you been coming? In a


macro obviously I'm still only 27. How much is jealousy influenced your


garden? A lot over the years, in fact the last garden I built, when I


say I built, this is a few acres, from scratch, with the diggers and


everything... Did you design it? Yes, but I got my inspiration from


an Australian garden which was literally down this corridor here


and left. I remember exactly where it was on the showground. It has a


lot of water in it. It was about 12 years ago, this garden, it even had


water coming through a glass table, so I thought... I love the sound of


running water, so I wanted water. And it had, because we've got this


kind of furniture now, this amazing new furniture, like a plasticised


rattan. I thought, I've got to have that. Of course we all buy that


stuff. You love your trees as well as your water, what do you think of


this garden? I much prefer trees to flowers. Do you? We have a real


theme of times, are you a pine person? You clicked on the one tree


I'm not necessarily a fan of. My favourite of all, I've planted


probably 200 different trees over the years, a lot of them mature


trees, they come in at 20 feet high, I adore trees... Beach is totally my


favourite, number one. 200 trees. You involved with the build as well?


Yeah, I just love it. Sort of designing the garden, I just like to


sit... Sit in positions for a year first, so you know where the sun is.


My garden is a complete soundtrack, it's got a temperature almost 10


degrees higher than the rest... That interesting. In Bristol? I was at


the Malvern show, they had a Beerens, a metal cage. They filled


those with stone. -- gabians. I didn't want Greystone because in the


wet it looks miserable, so I got this white, these white crystallised


pebbles which shine in the rain. Sounds gorgeous. We often have rain


in Bristol. Do you go out and photograph trees? All the time.


We're a very green city as well, so we have avenues of these


magnificent, mature trees. I just love it all the time, taking


photographs. I walk... I'll happily walk ten miles a day, I just love


it. And not necessarily a country girl, I like walking in the city.


You're going to do a lot of walking today. This passion you have for


trees, you are in the perfect place. We'll let you go out there, have a


good look and see how you get on. Carroll, thank you very much. Thank


you. The exhibitors in the Great Pavilion


use an arsenal of tools to ensure their plants reach peak


perfection for Chelsea - from refrigerators to hold


them back, to grow lamps But some of the exhibitors


are a little more fortunate, as they grow plants for which right


now is their natural time to shine. Camassias are one of those


plants, and we visited North Yorkshire to meet


the national collection holder. I first saw Camassia in a garden in


South Devon. Probably about 17 years ago now. And we actually went to


view the property to buy it, but I was more interested in what I saw at


the edge of this woodland. There were these bright blue starlike


flowers that just captivated me. It just touched me and since then I've


been hooked. And I suppose looking back now that's when my passion,


some say obsession, with Camassia really started. What I really really


love about Camassia is not just that deep blue, stunning deep blue


colour, but I love the foliage, when the foliage first starts to appear


in spring, the sap isn't only rising in them, it arises in me, too, I get


so excited every year. It's just a visual feast for the eyes, they are


absolutely incredible, they take my breath away. Camassia are very easy


to grow. They're happy in virtually any environment. So from deep shade


too. Am. You can grow them pretty much anywhere. Nothing touches them,


slugs and snails don't eat them. They're incredibly easy to propagate


so even if you're a beginner, you could easily learn to bulk up your


own collection of Camassia. The weather doesn't bother them. So


whether it's snow, a hailstorm, they are virtually bombproof. Camassia


could possibly be the perfect plant. I've realised it's not just about me


and my love of them, I want to share that with a much wider audience. My


first opportunity to do that was when I met crispier chalk and he


asked me to grow 4000 individual pots of Camassia for his garden at


RHS Chelsea. It was an enormous undertaking. After seven months of


virtually not sleeping, rotating these beauties around, trying to get


the best out of them, I did it. A huge lorry appeared, got them loaded


up, and off they went. Crispier chalk won a gold medal with my


Camassia as one of the main future plans in that garden. -- Chris


Beardshaw. You have a silvergilt medal.


Normally first-time exhibitors... They might start with bronze or


silver, but to come in, and almost get right to the very top of the


game. We met at a small regional flower show. You were even a


national collection holder, talk about meteoric rise. It really has


been, I guess, I'm just thrilled to be here, it feels surreal. Chelsea


is the perfect opportunity to get Camassia on a world stage. You


converted me onto Camassia, I always thought they were like a Bluebell,


they come out at a similar time, they are easy to grow, but I never


thought about them being slugged proof, you were the first to mention


it. They are in my garden, everything else gets attacked except


them. They are amazing in that respect, slugs and snails do not


touch them. I'm still amazed lots of people don't know this, it's a


fascinating fact but it's true, they just look beautiful all the time.


One of the things I think is fascinating is the level of detail


you can do in your space. I noticed this sign, you're based in


Yorkshire, what is the Shropshire connection. The Shropshire and


Yorkshire connection is all about me inheriting the previous Lakes


National collection holder of Camassia collection and merging it


with mine. Margaret Owen lived in Yorkshire, and I'm based in


Yorkshire, so the story is about preserving that, following her


death, moving it Yorkshire. -- Margaret Owen lived in a Shropshire.


So it is therefore future generations to enjoy. It is so


important to do that, national collections do that all the time.


Thank you so much for your efforts. Walking into the Great Pavilion,


your stand catches the eye, these begonias are incredible, can I say


congratulations on gold yesterday? Thank you so much, we're absolutely


thrilled. Tell me, how easy are they to grow and maintain? Really easy,


they are amazingly tolerant, people grow them outside in a sheltered


spot, you can grow them in a greenhouse or conservatory, so


there's all sorts of aspects you can grow them in. Those beautiful heads


are show stoppers, aren't they? I'm a show pony and love flowers like


this. They are an acquired taste, some people love them, some aren't


so sure. Really? What do you think? Take home, if I had a garden room I


could look after them there. How do I get blooms like this? That is the


male flower, either side of the male are the two females with seed pods.


No way! If you nip those of you get a much bigger male flower, that is


why you get these. The male one is the one that dominates and is the


most beautiful. Absolutely. Something to take home and something


to cherish, they really are stunning, Miles, thank you very


much. Chelsea is a hotbed of information


and inspiration for us gardeners. This week, Rachel de Thame has been


out amongst the Show Gardens, searching for planting combinations,


no matter what your Whether you have part of your garden


where the soil stays reliable moist all year round, perhaps by a pond or


a streamside, or whether you're thinking of creating a bog garden in


order to grow plants who like those conditions, there are some absolute


beauties. This area here has my absolute favourites. Starting here,


that architectural shape from the broadleaf at the base, it sends up


long stems with blooms and creamy flowers at the top. That shape and


colour very much a code here. Rather more delicate with this. Slight


greenish tinge to the flowers, a little bit lower growing. Around my


feet I've got some of my favourites, primulas. This one, the foliage all


at the base of the plant. Long stem. And these beautiful, pale, lemony


flowers at the top. And tucked in front, this time quite a different


looking flower. Two tone, so you've got brick red at the top and worlds


of soft mauve below. That one, actually, is quite an acidic soil.


You've got to make sure you've got those conditions to make sure it's


happy. And I love the way this fresh colour is picked up in this, members


of the buttercup family also like those damp conditions. I love the


way these plans have been put together here, very informally, so


it looks as though they have naturally just found their places


and put themselves really where they want to be. And they're all pretty


low maintenance plants, nothing here requires a lot in terms of


after-care. What is more important is the nature they are in the right


place to begin with. All of them liked to have their feet reliably


wet. That means if you put them in a sunny spot, it really does need to


be super moist. In the shade they can take it drier. It just shows if


you've got an area of garden you think, this is very dumb, what am I


going to do with it? Right pad, right place should be your mantra.


The ground may be soggy bennies, but your plants will be sensational.


Growing your own veg has been popular for generations,


but a new trend in growing your own has been hitting gardens


across the country - growing your own cut flowers.


Sarah Raven has designed her Colour Cutting Feel Good Garden


here at Chelsea to both celebrate and inspire growers


What strikes me and excites me, it is not very large, it is just full


of flowers. These patches are 2.5 metres across and if you grope the


right things which are cut and come again plants, you do not need much


space, it is you can even have a window box and you will have enough.


You say cut and they come again, how? I thought if you cut certain


flowers, you might not see another blame for the rest of the season. If


you grow the annuals and biannual is, even yet auxiliary buds forming


and that is next week's flower. So keep cutting and it is basically


like live heading and not dead heading. You could have flowers from


May to November? You really can. What are secrets once you have cut


these flowers, and there is that sense of pride, how do they look


beautiful in the vase? Three or four things, eBay in the early morning or


the evening and you cut into water and not into your hand or a basket


because they get dehydrated quickly. You go inside the house and you boil


a kettle and use strict believes below the watermark like those and


this is boiling water. You plunge the stem end into the boiling water.


This is a soft-serve amp so just ten seconds, and then into cool water to


stop it warming -- this is a soft stem. It is proportional to the


heights so it is common sense. And the important thing, you pick, you


condition, you rest overnight and you arrange. So ten seconds for


this? That is able lovely black PNE Poppy, Black beauty. And 40 seconds


for a more wooded variety? Gorgeous. You are the expert, I have


questions. To Reza Marshall loves to cut buddleia flowers but they always


troop, how can she look after them and keep them looking gorgeous for


longer? They would eat so for 30 seconds and then into cool water


overnight. Katie, how to make cut flowers as strong and not get eaten


by slugs with the rain we have had throughout the UK? I chuck them over


the wall! Their comeback, there is no point doing that. Pots things, a


deep layer of grit, a good mode about six inches wide and one inch


deep and I use biological control, and then aside you water onto the


plants and it really keeps down the slugs. And you can get other


products as well. Is there anything I should add to the water in my


vase? Anything that decreases bacterial reproduction like bleach


or vinegar is perfect. It helps the plants and keeps the vase clean,


what a garden, thank you so much! Thank you.


Every day this week, we're featuring each of the large


Show Garden designers to explore their personal


Next up, we have a designer who's brought the essence


I am Tracy Foster and my garden is the Welcome to Yorkshire garden.


Describe myself in three words, I would say artistic and adventurous


and is determined. I wanted to be a garden designer because I have


always loved plants from childhood and after many years working in IT,


I got an opportunity to retrain. So it is perfect. My first memories of


gardening quitting my first home when I was three or four and I had a


little bit of the garden to look after and it was the wildlife and


loved the most. My top tip for a garden design is to think big and


not be shy. Have bowled structures and planting. If that involves


raising things up and making structures that are high, go for it,


it makes your garden feel bigger and much more interesting.


But one thing I think is fascinating about garden design, people come at


it from all angles. Have you always wanted to be a garden designer? No,


I did not always another, it is not always know there were such things


as garden designers when I were younger and there were probably not


that many. I always wanted to be something to do with plants and


gardens and I studied plant biology at university. The two botanists!


Exactly, I am interested in this series plant, it is -- side of


things. I love the hard disc -- landscaping is elements, the rocks,


the quarries, everything. You do have to become a master of


everything. It is not just about plants, you have to understand how


they grow, the colour and the texture and if you are budding a


structure, the deep foundations, there is so much more to it than


meets the eye. What is your biggest challenge creating a garden like


this that nobody sees when they walk past? Probably getting it to look


natural. Just try and arrange the elements in a way that looks as if


they had been casually thrown together by nature. It can be quite


tricky. How do you create a naturalistic landscape in 20 days?


And what is fascinating, every time I walk past, there is a little


ornithology. You had some docs, you had blackbirds, it did you expect


that to happen? Wildlife seems to love it. They see it as a natural


environment. But we did cheat, our stonemason Richard was keen to have


crows and other birds on top of his stolen by late so he went up one


morning with a huge bucket of muesli and water and smeared it across the


top. It is totally cheating! Yes, but it is working. This comes from


Yorkshire, at what happens when it finishes? It is going in different


directions, we are trying to waste not think and use as much of it as


possible. The pebbles will all go back to where they came from at


Flamborough because they are unique and we did not want to disturb that


balance. And plants and trees have been found new homes. So hopefully


everything finds a home after the show. Eat a full, congratulations. I


am loving it your trees and it is wonderful to see. -- wonderful.


Earlier in the programme, we met Carol Vorderman,


who was eager to discover the perfect Chelsea


It's time to catch up with Carol to see how she got on.


What I love about Chelsea is that you see lots of unusual trees and


also that you see traditional treason in unusual situations. I


recognise this as a whole fun. We would normally see these in


hedgerows but they have containerised it. This is also


unusual, this is a court oak grown in the Mediterranean, massive


trunks, they peeled apart and they take a plug out and that is


traditional. So I recognise belief kind of like a maple, I am not an


expert. You are on the right track, it is they've the old maple, native


to the UK. What colour does this go? Maple is bright red. This is a


lovely yellow colour in the autumn which is beautiful. Just gorgeous.


These, I have never seen before. I am told this is hornbeam, like a


hedge, but the trunk has been raised. They keep cutting it into a


cube shaped, fantastic! A gain, what you could do with what we


traditionally think of as a hedge. I am searching for the bonsai. You


probably cannot see them very easily! Looked! Look at these! This


is a hawthorn, day of origin 1931. That is extraordinary. But that


is... Is old! Nicki as me if I wanted more pine in my life, I do


not. At Chelsea, I have seen different ways of shaping trees, of


Bryn Genk forest trees into tiny gardens is to shape them and grow


them in different ways -- bringing forest trees. If you live in an


apartment, there is no excuse not to happen a tree in your life.


We're almost out of time, but before we go, we've


What plants benefit from the Chelsea Chop? The Chelsea Chop is a basic


pruning technique where you hack some of the growth back and what


that does is encourage stocky and healthier growth and the plants


flower a bit later so it instead of having eight border with lots of


floppy foliage with no flowers at the end of the summer, it encourages


better garden performance. It is called the Chelsea Chop because it


is done at this time of year. Very quickly, when is the correct time to


prune roses and have you any tips? When the leaves have fallen off at


the end of autumn, I hack back revenue growth by half. There are


loads of Victorian pruning techniques with specific angles and


bugs but recent scientific trials demonstrate you get better leaves


and flowers by cutting the new growth back by half. Very good


advice and well done against the aeroplane which was very loud


indeed! We always like hearing from you. But tomorrow, we will have a


foxglove frenzy and if you have questions, do get in touch.


It's been a glorious day here at the show


today, but don't forget, there is still plenty to come


on our BBC2 programme this evening at 8 o'clock.


Monty and Joe will be launching the BBC RHS


People's Choice Award for 2017, where you get to have your say


on which of the large Show Gardens you think should have come


And if you have any questions for Monty and Joe this evening,


Nicki and I will see you back here tomorrow at 3:45.


It's cold. Tastes a bit like avocado.


And soon we're all going to be eating them.


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