Welsh Liberal Democrats' Kirsty Williams Ask the Leader

Welsh Liberal Democrats' Kirsty Williams

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It's about your lives, your families, your Wales. People in


Aberystwyth are ready to ask the leader.


Well, Wales votes in just three weeks and we are alive at the


National library in Aberystwyth for the third in our Ask The Leader


debates. The audience is a mixture of undecided voters and party


supporters. Join the debate, #Wales 2016. Welcome the leader of the


Welsh Liberal Democrats, Kirsty Williams.


APPLAUSE Our first question tonight comes


from Doctor Sue Fish. I'm a doctor working in the local area. Doctor


and nurse recruitment is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly


in areas like this with many posts unfilled. There is also a move to


centralise hospital services to the urban centres. What are you going to


do to ensure that there is a high-quality role health service in


Wales? That's a great question and one that is of personal interest to


me and my family because we too live in a rural area. What do we need to


do? Winnie to make sure the Welsh NHS is an attractive place for


doctors, nurses, physios and occupational therapists to come and


do their work and we do that by making sure it is well resourced.


That is why we want to ensure that money that has been promised by


Westminster will be spent on the health service in Wales. We also


know that many people leave the service because they find they are


working in circumstances that make it impossible for them to do their


job, and often they would rather leave than give substandard care.


That's why I'm absolutely committed and over the last five years I have


campaigned tirelessly to make sure that we have changed the law to


ensure there is enough nurses in our hospital wards.


APPLAUSE We know from international


experience where countries have done that it has brought nurses back into


our hospitals. We want to do that further in the next term, we want to


do it in our community, in mental health wards and maternity wards.


With doctors we need to look at ensuring that we get the best use


out of that precious, precious resource. That means really focusing


on primary care. If we can get primary care right we know that that


will take pressure off our hospitals. So incentives for newly


qualified GPs to command work on some of our difficult to recruit


areas, allowing GPs to develop a specialism so they can work in


general practice but also do their mitts on in a strict General


hospitals. There is so much to do, so much potential but making the


Welsh NHS an attractive place for people to come and work is


absolutely crucial. And recruitment is the thrust of this question. You


said incentives. What incentives would the Lib Dems offer to get GPs


to mid-Wales, for example? When GPs are training many of them at


undergraduate level do not get exposure to general practice. They


certainly do not get exposure to the challenge of doing general practice


in a rural area. You would know better than me that being a GP in a


rural area, when you cannot sensibly to a hospital, is ever a extensive


range of practice and exposing somebody like that and seeing what


it is like in a rural area but we don't do enough of that. A question


from the gentleman up their. You mentioned working in the community,


are you talking about community support nurses that work in the


local community. I'd like to know how you will combat the


centralisation? What we need to do, to be honest with people about what


can be done locally and what does need to be done at a specialist


centre. There are some services where we know that patients do


better if services are centralised. If you think in South Wales they


have recently centralised the upper gastrointestinal service and


outcomes for cancer patients are improving all the time. But there is


no reason why people in rural areas should travel many miles, for


instance, for chemotherapy. We could be delivering chemotherapy...


APPLAUSE We could deliver chemotherapy on the


network of community hospitals, we could be delivering chemotherapy in


people's homes but to do that we need to have the right number of


nurses in the community. The gentleman in the spectacles. Hello.


In Aberystwyth, though waiting time for counselling services on the NHS


currently is about three or four months. I know from some people that


they have had to wait up to nine months. For somebody who's life is


starting to fall apart and on the verge of breakdown that's completely


unacceptable to them. APPLAUSE


It is unacceptable to me too. We all need to remember that one in four of


us in any one year will suffer a mental health problem. It is no


respect of class, gender and what you do for a living, one in four of


us. Yet too many people find themselves in a position of not


getting the help they need. That is why my party is committed to


ensuring that we have in law parity between physical and mental health


and setting real targets for access to talking therapies. Kirsty


Williams, if I could come in here, because you've criticised for a very


long time the Labour government and yet as a party you have all is


backed them in terms of getting their budget through, especially


recently. You have not had many compromises on health specifically.


Yes, on education but you do bang on about health but it hasn't been at


the top of your list in terms of negotiation with the Labour Party.


When you have backed them. Out of our budget negotiations what is


important is we were able to secure direct investment to rebuild some


community hospitals in mid-Wales, we were able to prioritise the


intimidation of integrated care fund. For those people that work in


the service they know that often hospital beds are taken up by


patients who have ended up in hospital because there was not a


care in the community to stop them going into hospital or getting home


when they are well. We have done that and we have also persuaded the


Welsh government to introduce a health technologies fund because we


knew that Welsh patients were not having access to the top forms of


radiotherapy and those machines are going into our hospitals, Welsh


patients can get what they would get if they were in England. A couple of


points on health before we move on, the gentleman at the back and then


the lady at the front. On the health theme with regard to Aberystwyth,


I'm a local councillor in Aberystwyth. The Welsh government is


able to oversee local government, county council level, with regard to


statutory and non-statutory requirement, with regard to care in


the community the statutory requirement is all well and good but


the statutory falls into attacking the vulnerable and elderly. Two


things have taken place, the day centre has been destroyed and now


they are attacking homes with regards to that requirement. The


Welsh government oversees this. What would you do in the next term if you


were elected with regards to that point, to make these particular


issues statutory requirements was Mac before you take that, Kirsty,


this lady on the front and then we must move on. Thinking about


psychological therapies in Wales, in feathery 2016 400 people were survey


in Wales who were quested psychological therapies in the last


three years and some of the findings were really shocking. Almost half of


those people, 48%, had to request psychological therapies rather than


being offered therapy. 70% of people were not offered any choice at all


in the type of therapy they received. What exactly do you intend


to do to ensure that all people in Wales experiencing these problems


are offered the full range of psychological therapies in a timely


fashion within 28 days. As quickly as I can, we would introduce a law


so that people suffering from mental health would be treated in the same


way as many suffering from a physical health problem. We know


because we survey every single GP in the last six months in Wales and


many reported that they want extra training in the issue of mental


health. I'd like to give budgets to GP surgeries to employ their own


counsellors within their GP surgery because many problems they are


dealing with are in the mental health nature so we need to do that


and make sure those talking therapies are available, not just


prescription drugs, which is often what GPs feel they can give. With


regard to the services for the elderly, I'm very worried that the


new social services act that came into being this month will make it


harder to actually maintain those kind of services in the first place.


We need to recognise that health and social care go together, and we need


to treat that holistically. If we skip on those support services in


the community that keep people well, keep people talking to their


neighbours, keep them in their own homes, they will only end up having


to go to a District General Hospital which costs more. Investing in those


services saves money on the 1-run. Thank you very much.


APPLAUSE It is a huge topic and I'm sorry we


have to move on to question two, which comes from Greg Thomas. If the


Liberal Democrats would be part of the next Welsh government, what


would they do to ensure a strong rural economy and ensure that


spending doesn't just go to south Wales?


APPLAUSE Greg, I share your frustration as


someone who campaigned for the creation of the National Assembly, I


thought that bringing decision-making from London to


Cardiff would mean we would get better decisions for the whole of


Wales. But for many people living in a rare area Cardiff is equally as


remote and non-understanding of their problems as London ever was.


APPLAUSE Kirsty Williams, you've been in


power in a coalition, not for long but you've been there, you have been


an AM, what have you delivered for mid-Wales? When we were in the


coalition for instance we introduced the small schools grant to be able


to put additional money into rural schools so that we could keep them


open. What we would do in terms of finance is we would reform the local


government formula, egging into better consideration the costs of


delivering services in a rural area. If we are going to get the rural


economy really working we need to make sure their job opportunities


for people which comes from building up small businesses which are the


backbone of the river at the colony, we need to get farming up off its


knees, and farmers getting a decent price for their stock and


infrastructure. Recently I sat in the gym of a high school and watched


people talk to Tim Peake in the space station. If I had stepped


outside I could barely have got a mobile phone signal. I'm sure many


of you can relate to that problem. We need the in rural areas to allow


businesses to thrive. The gentleman wants to speak. Any points on what


you feel are the rural issues, the problems and frustrations. It has


got to be seen in the context of the fact you've been an Assembly Member


of a rule area for 17 years and got into bed with the Labour Party and


given us budgets that have betrayed rural areas. We have school


closures, high council tax levels and poor services. That is the


legacy of 17 years of the Labour Party with the Liberal Democrat


representation in mid-Wales. Kirsty Williams, before you come in... Yes.


My party believes in changing the local government funding formula so


it's not just based on government... I'm not in the government, I believe


absolutely we need a fairer deal for rural Wales and when the latest


local government settlement came out and county councils set me the


challenge of getting more resources for them we went back to Cardiff, we


argued the case, we got more money. APPLAUSE


We got more money for Palace -- Powys. The point he made was you


have not been in power but enabled the Labour government to do some of


these cuts because you backed the budgets. What we have done is had to


deal with a very serious situation with a shrinking Welsh government


budget and had to set ourselves priorities. In helping Labour as


those budgets we have delivered an additional 260,000 for education for


our poorest children and I'm proud of that. Is about time people in


Wales realised what coalition is all about who are attacking Kirsty now.


Until the grasp what Coalition Government is about we are going to


get Coalition Government because that is the way it is, we will have


to make compromises so these attacks are unfair. Let's go back to the


rural affairs use. Where will people live? Burrell economy has been


decimated. There is a meeting tonight to talk about how people can


afford it. The least affordable county in Wales for first-time


buyers. It has decimated rural housing, no small properties, your


Coalition Government in the UK bedroom tax destroyed this local


economy. The evidence is all there! Let me answer the question, you are


absolutely right to say that we have a high -- housing crisis in Wales.


Instead of spending ?1 billion, all of the borrowing power the Welsh


government will have on future come on building a small section of road,


we will prioritise building additional affordable homes, giving


housing associations a social housing grant to build those homes,


and additional 20,000. The bedroom tax has caused more than what you


have created. Let's take a point from this gentleman who has waited


patiently. I don't have the power to change the bedroom tax, if I'm part


of an assembly government I have the power to build more affordable homes


and I have committed to doing that. In addition to the problems aired


here, some areas are only open for four or five months of the year and


we are -- haemorrhaging young people to other parts. What would you do to


remedy that? Your analysis is correct, we jobs for people,


stimulate the rural economy by helping small businesses and taking


extra people on. We need to be able to then have affordable places for


people to live in the economy. We need to be able to have the


infrastructure I talked about, with broadband, good mobile telephony,


and we need to have the ability for communities to gain some power back,


the community right to bid, to save their village shop, or their village


pub, so that the infrastructure, the fabric of our rural lives are


maintained. Those laws and those programmes are what I'm committed to


delivering should I have the chance to in the next five years. A point


from the front. One of the biggest problems for the


rural economy is in mid Wales, a lot of the money that seems to come


seems to go just to the south-east, then any extra goes to the north,


but there is a big area in the middle of Wales called mid Wales,


and on the map I am sure is written here be dragons, and we are the


dragons of mid Wales. To be quite frank, nothing seems to happen here.


All the services seem to be decanting from it. Jobs, when you


talk about doctors, the reason doctors will not come is because


most doctors tends to have partners. If they are female doctors they have


male partners who need a job and vice versa. If they are a male


doctor their female partner needs a job. If you could just finish on


this point please? I could not agree with you more. The jobs are


absolutely crucial in the rural area. We know many companies in


rural areas are small businesses. We need to create a small business


Administration that combines financial support and advice for


businesses, helps to develop new markets for those businesses, and


helps to ensure that there are skills and training available to be


able to grow that economy. We also need be in the structure around


that. That means homes. Thank you, let's move on. I am sorry, we must


move on. Question three. Stefanie Stratton. How do you intend to make


higher education more accessible for individuals from poorer backgrounds?


That is a really good question. There are two aspects to that which


we need to tackle. First of all, we do know that pupils from a poorer


background tend not to achieve as well as their richer counterparts in


GCSE and A-level. We need to make sure that those pupils from poorer


backgrounds are getting the grades they need so they can get onto


higher education. That is why in the last five years my party has


persuaded the Welsh Government to introduce the pupil depravation


grant. Why did you scrap tuition fees at the UK level? I knew I would


not be able to get out of here without talking about tuition fees.


We have invested in poorer children's' education and it is


working. For the first time ever, it has been reported that the gap


between rich and poor is closing. On to higher education, we want to


ensure that people have an opportunity to get on, having


listened very carefully to the pressures student or under and to


the NUS, we recognise it as the upfront living costs which are often


the barrier to people to go into university. That is why if we have


the opportunity, my party will introduce student living grant of


?2500 a year, given to that student to spend on whatever they need,


rent... That is a big cut from what they are getting now. Let's be


honest. That is a big cut from what the Conservatives are offering.


Let's be absolutely honest and tell the students here, it would be a big


cut. It is a different situation to the student support we have now.


What they will have is upfront some resources to help them go to


university now which does mean they will be paying later on for their


tuition. We are the only party in this election which is emitted to


ring-fencing the higher education budget. We want to give ?2500 do you


want to know how much you would get? Is any young person or student in


Wales going to believe any claim you make about protecting education


after what happened? You are right to raise that question. I cannot get


away from the terrible mistake my party made in the coalition in


Westminster. We made a promise which we could not keep and that let


people down. It did not matter that Labour had introduced fees, they


raised them, Plaid Cymru raised them in the assembly. Our wrong did not


make those wrongs right. We can do now is the very clear and upfront


about what is affordable. I can stand here and say that is fine, we


can carry on paying these student fee grants for years and years and


years, when the reality is, I cannot make that promise. I do things


differently in my party in Wales. I do not want to make those same


states. We are offering a policy which we believe is affordable. It


would be a huge cut. It is a different system. People go into


university here would be about ?2000 worse off here. At the moment most


didn't get that support upfront. ... What we know is Welsh institutions,


and here in Aberystwyth, you would know that better than anything. We


need a balance between supporting individual students going to


university and making sure the universities here are first class


and at the moment we are slashing the teaching budgets, we are


slashing investment and that is not good for Wells or our economy. You


said the UK party made a mistake, would you rule out working with the


Tories in Wales? What I am ruling out is going into a situation where


I cannot deliver on the promises I made. My party has had to learn...


Would you rule out working with the Tories. That is why you lost votes


in the UK? I do think it is who you do a deal with. What is important is


what you are able to deliver. There may be a coalition and there may


not. What my party has demonstrated is you do not need to be in the


coalition to make a difference. You can deliver for the people in Wales.


We did have a question which was exactly that. I will ask Julie to


bring her question and your thoughts about a future coalition? That was


my question! Would you be prepared to enter a coalition government with


the Welsh Conservatives given what happened in 2010 and the horror I


felt personally at having voted for the Lib Dems, to find I was enabling


a Conservative government in Westminster? As you can imagine,


after our last experience of the last five years, I am not very keen


in rushing into a coalition with anybody after the election, after


the experience my party has been through. What I have learned is you


have to be absolutely clear in going into a coalition is what you are


going to get as a result of it. I have been very clear. I cannot


predict what the people of Wales will do. The people of Wales will


decide the politicians they send to the National Assembly. Would you


rule out working with the Conservative Party? You described


working with them as a terrible mistake. Why not say, I would not


touch them with a barge pole. Tim Farron had something similar. You


would be honest with the voters. As I said, I'm not in a hurry to get


into a formal coalition with anybody, because of the experience.


The bar which was already very high has been set higher. We have to work


with what the people of Wales give us. What I am absolutely clear


about, what I am absolutely clear about is if the Welsh Liberal


Democrats are part of a coalition or the Welsh Liberal Democrats have an


influence on a minority government, the things we will do. We will


ensure that there are more nurseries in Wales... Those are your policies


but please, on the coalition, wherever we go in Wales, people want


clarity, especially given your history. You have cooperated with


Labour in Cardiff Bay, the Conservatives in Westminster, voters


will put a tick by the Lib Dems, they want to know by default would


they be putting one of them in power or would you say no, we won't? Know,


if people put a tick by the Welsh Liberal Democrats, they will be


electing politicians who are absolutely clear about what they


want to achieve for the people of Wales. Those priorities are,


ensuring that we improve access to GPs, cutting class sizes in our


schools, it is about creating an opportunity economy for everybody to


get on in life. If people vote for Liberal Democrats, if we are part of


a coalition or not, we will steadfastly campaign on those issues


because that is what we have done over the last five years. I said


last election we would invest more in schools for poorest pupils and


that is what we have done. Thank you, two points here. Hello. Looking


back on the last election, we didn't have the government, we had to have


a coalition which ever way it went, and by looking at what happened with


the Liberals in London, at least I look at it as an undecided voter,


that they were an anchor, at least they held the Conservative Party


back. They did hold them back. They brought in ?11,000 tax, -- they


brought in the ?11,000 tax allowance, and until we get the


election, we do not know what will happen but all I pray for is we have


had a Labour Party for so many years, and we have seen Wales go


down and down and down, if we have to have a coalition... Do you want:


David-macro clarity that yes, they might go into a coalition... I


cannot be any clearer. Is everything on the table? Ukip? If you are going


to create a coalition you have to have at least an inkling of a shared


goal and I cannot see anything in this election that I could work with


them. A point there. You have been constantly slighted, at least Kirsty


talked to the government, Plaid Cymru did not have a single meeting


with Labour to deliver, they did not meet up at all. Thank you, you can


carry on after the programme. That aside, I still think we have a


problem in understanding that the voting pattern for women's do is not


the voting pattern which exists in Wales. -- the voting pattern for


Westminster. We need to get the mindset changed. Thank you, the


final word to Kirsty Williams. Where do you see yourself in five years'


time? I would love to be sitting down with this gentleman talking


about delivering more houses. I would like to be talking to you


about a renaissance in our community hospitals and bringing services back


to rural areas. Thank you, Kirsty Williams, thank you to our audience.


Tomorrow, we are back here in Aberystwyth when Plaid Cymru leader


Leanne Wood will be here to ask Tony-macro face the questions. Do


join us then. Are goodbye.


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