UKIP Wales Cymru's Nathan Gill Ask the Leader

UKIP Wales Cymru's Nathan Gill

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What Do You Want For Your Schools, Your Jobs, Your Future? This


Audience here in Swansea has the questions, but will they get the


answers? Welcome to Ask the Leader. We are live at the National


Waterfront Museum in Swansea for the second in our series Ask the Leader


ahead of the Welsh Assembly election on May 5th. Our audience is a


mixture of party voters and undecided voters. You can join us on


social media... Let's welcome the leader of Ukip in Wales, Nathan


Gill. And our first question this evening


comes from James. Did political correctness kill the early debates


on immigration? Yes, I pretty much think it did. Throughout my


political career, which has only been 11 years, people have felt able


to shout words like racist at me, despite the fact that our


immigration policy is actually the fairest immigration policy of all of


the parties. If you look at the EU, EU basically says, if you are from


the EU, you can come into Britain. But we will discriminate against


people from India, from Africa and from all other nations. What we say,


very simply, we want an Australian, points-based system, a meritocracy.


If you have the skills that we need, you are more than welcome to come


here, regardless of where you come from. We do not care about your


colour, ethnicity or religion. If you have the skills that we need,


you are welcome to come here. That is our policy. Are there too many


immigrants in Wales? If you look at the local development plans all over


Wales, where we were having foisted upon us this mass house-building


approach, turning villages in the Vale of Glamorgan into completely


unrecognisable areas, I would say that unfortunately, it has been too


fast and too much. Too many immigrants in Wales? Listen, 630,000


people came into Britain last year. That is a city the size of Cardiff


and Swansea and a little bit more. One of those people, most of them


are adults, need cars, houses, jobs. Let's look at the figures. 6% of the


population of Wales was born outside the UK. Is that fair? Is it too


many? If you are unable to get a house, unable to get a job, then I


think you would say yes, absolutely. The gentleman in the middle. May I


quickly ask, is Ukip a racist party, to put it bluntly? Thank you for


asking that. Of course we are not. Racism is where you believe that


your race is superior to another race. I do not believe that in the


slightest. I have been to Africa, to the Americas, around Europe and


China. I do not believe that we have more of an any other nation. In


fact, whenever I go to other places in the world, I am amazed at how


much we can learn from them. But is not racism, it is the


acknowledgement that we are part of a larger world, but the reality is


just to say that we want to protect our borders. That is not racist.


This gentleman here, and then the gentleman at the back. I was under


the impression that these programmes were being held in advance of the


watches the elections. This topic, along with other topics discussed


last night such as disability benefits and electricity prices,


they have no relevance upon the National Assembly. They are outside


of its competence. The BBC has an informative role to play. It can do


better. OK, we are looking at immigration as a key part of the UK


policy. Actually, let me answer that. These are the questions that


have come in. On Monday, there was an opinion poll which went out, and


one question asked to people about the Welsh Assembly elections was,


what are your priorities for the watches the elections? Number one


was the NHS. Number two was immigration. Even though I agree, it


is not devolved. The gentleman at the back. Is it possible to


reconcile with the UK narrative, saying that you are not


anti-immigrant, when actually, you are saying, immigrants are coming to


steal our jobs and take our benefit. -- Ukip narrative. So how do you


reconcile that, because you are making them an enemy? No, of course


we are not. If you have the skills that we need, you are more than


welcome. My wife is an immigrant. I am not anti-immigration, believe you


me. Let's go back to the question. Do you feel that political


correctness has stifled this debate? Definitely. I am 27 now and I have


noticed since the early 2000s, either the right or the left have


been trying to control one side of the debate of you get parties like


Ukip who come to the fore and say, we need to look at it in another


way. They then start throwing out terms like racist, being bigoted...


As far as I'm aware, the Ukip MEP Steven Woolfe, whose grandfather is


an African-American, he has been called an uncle Tom, a fake black, a


coconut. I myself in the 2014 elections had the word racist


scribbled on my front door. Let's get back to the immigration policy.


Flush out this points system. You used to run care homes. You have


spoken about employing Eastern European people and people from the


Philippines. Would they be allowed into Wales under your points system?


Well, all you have to do is to demonstrate as an employer that you


need somebody with certain skills, and that through advertising and


trying to get people locally to work in that job, you were unable to do


it. That is what I was able to demonstrate the Home Office and so I


was able to employ people from the Philippines. I think it is


incredibly impressive that you take a question which is not about the EU


and turn it into being about that within five seconds. More


importantly, if you have problems with EU migrants taking English


jobs, while your care home companies employed a few dozen Polish and EU


migrants on the minimum wage, living in bunk houses, paying rent of ?50 a


week, do you think it is fair that the company you run took jobs of


English people? Do not believe everything you read in the


newspapers. My company employed only three foreigners who were brought in


on work permits who were from the Philippines. The rest of it is made


up. They were employed on the same age as all of the indigenous staff.


Moving on to the second question. I am a retired teacher, and I know it


is a myth that selection produces the best results for all pupils.


Will you explain to us why you want to bring back grammar schools? OK. I


am a father of five children, and I understand completely that we are


all different. Some children may develop quickly, some may be slower,


they all have different desires. Over the last 30 years, we have seen


social mobility in this country going backwards. It has not


continued or improved, it has gone backwards. We believe strongly that


those students, those young people who have strong vocational desires


and abilities, should be noted with that. We would like to introduce a


partnership with universities to give those people, those children


with those desires, the ability to do that, without making it seem that


they are second-class somehow because it is more vocational than


academic. And those children who are more academic, and sit exams, kind


of like the old 11 plus, only what we suggest is that some people


develop academically later in life, so we would not just have an 11


plus, we would allow throughout the last year's of secondary school, to


continue to be able to decide between vocational and more academic


studies. One size does not fit all, in anything in life. One point from


the gentleman there. After Welsh education was ranked the worst in


the UK following the 2013 tests, what will you keep to to improve the


quality of education in Wales? Thank you that is brilliant. One of our


flagship things is to bring back grammar schools, honing the skills


of people and to promote them and push them to have the kind of ethos


where people want to go into things, whether it is vocational or


educational, and people are not looking down on them, making them


think that if they do not go to university, they are a failure. I


never went to university and I'm sure many people here did not. Makes


no difference. We want to see things like more investment in the Stem


subjects, science, technology, engineering, mathematics and


medicine. We would make those Stem subjects free for pupils to study


here in Wales, and we will be able to fund that by stopping giving free


grants to people who go and to fund that by stopping giving free


England. We will give them alone instead. Let's go back to the


question on grammar schools break I used the word myth advisedly. I do


not know of anybody other than populist political parties trying to


find parties and right-wing think tanks trying to promote an agenda


who believe anything that you have just said. For example, social


mobility does not depend entirely... Nothing in relation to social


mobility can be pushed back and blame on comprehensive education.


No, education is vital throughout our lives. We should be a nation


which pushes and encourages education throughout our entire


lives. Social mobility has a lot more to do with the inequality in


our society at the moment. But I think you will find that with a


grammar school education, you have a lot more chance of getting up that


ladder. The lady at the back. Hurriedly, English children have


more spend per head on them in education. -- currently. Will Ukip


try to narrow that gap? Obviously, there is not a level playing field,


and we have to compete with everybody. They have more spend per


head so they are at a distinct advantage compared to our Welsh


children. Absolutely and is it not bizarre that we have a Welsh


government, with a huge budget, which decided that it is not matter


that according to the last figures, 2012, that the English students were


getting ?604 per head more than in Wales? Let's just nail that, then...


You would ring-fence education? We would increase it. Would you


ring-fence health spending? On certain aspects within health


spending, like for instance with mental illness, we want to increase


it and then ringfenced it, because it is a huge issue. You would spend


more on education and on health, so where would you cut? One area that


we would is, ?78 million, currently ringfenced for climate change


projects. To me, that seems absolutely bizarre. That we


projects. To me, that seems trying to stop, like King Canute,


the trying to stop, like King Canute,


money would be better spent on our NHS and education. Next question,


please. I would like to know, what are you doing to help protect our


environment and society from the effects of climate change? And also


to promote a green and sustainable way of living? Very timely,


wonderful, thank you. Do you believe in climate change? I am not an


expert, as I'm sure you will all agree. But do you believe in climate


change? The climate has been changing from day one. Look at the


mini ice age is, in my own lifetime, I have seen huge changes. Is it


man-made, do we have a role in it at all? I would be very, very sceptical


that man could change the climate. All we are doing is literally, a


bunch of people, King Canutes, thinking that we can change the


tide. The most expansively is of legislation in British history was


not the First World War or the Second World War, it was Ed


Miliband's Climate Change Act, which has pushed senior citizens and


widows into fuel poverty... So you would do nothing about climate


change? No. We do nothing on climate change? I personally, no. Let's hear


from the gentleman at the front. So you disagree with scientists,


trained in universities, who actually know things about all of


this? You disagree with science? I will just give you the quote on


that. The intergovernment panel on climate change found that scientists


are 95% certain that humans are the dominant cause of global warming.


95% of which are scientists? The ones who are paid by the UN to do


this research. And how many of them are scientists actually on climate?


Not many of them. Do your own research, don't take my word for it,


which I know you will not! Do your own research and find out for


yourself. We have got brains for a reason. Use them. I would like to


say that I have heard Ukip politicians say some crazy things in


my life. This is by far the craziest...


Let's hear from somebody... I take that as a compliment, but there we


are. Good on you. We should all come to our conclusions because you say


you don't believe scientists, or that is crazy. You don't believe


preachers? These people have agendas, too. Come to your own


decisions, don't be a sheep and follow the crowd. He is entirely


right in what he said. Thank you. And because I have come to my own


conclusions, it doesn't mean you have to call me a denier and all of


these different bizarre terminologies that get thrown


around. Let's take a question from the front here. There have been


numerous studies by academic facilities across the globe, there


have been documentaries, it is taught in our schools, I learnt this


in comprehensive school, to stand there and deny climate change is


real and is destroying our world is not just irresponsible, it is


ignorant and false. Hold on, at what point did I say there was no climate


change? I never said that. I said that as far as I'm concerned, it


isn't man-made. All of the things we are doing to stop climate change


right now in Britain, in one week the rest of the world is negating.


It's a waste of our resources and money. Places like Port Talbot are


in sheer trouble right now because of the Climate Change Act and the


huge amount of money that Ed Miliband and Labour stuck on the


cost of fuelling meaning Port Talbot has to pay 50% more for its


electricity than France. Does France believe in climate change?


Absolutely. Why are they charging less for their electricity than we


are in Wales? Ridiculous. It is pure ignorance to deny we are


responsible for climate change. What makes you think it is not doing that


to climate and to the environment at large? There are huge cycles within


climate, huge cycles and weather isn't climate, and who knows what


cycle we are in. Let's face it, in medieval times, when they had the


mini Ice Age they probably thought they were creating it by burning


dung. Thank you. Let's move on. The next question comes from Stephen


Havard. Do you believe the M4 relief road will bring much-needed work to


the steel industry in Wales? Absolutely. The problem we have got


there is, it is illegal for the Welsh Government to say let's use


Welsh steel in the production and the manufacturing of that relief


road. It has to go out to tender and it has to go to the cheapest source


possible. That is the law. So, if we are expecting the Welsh Government


to break the law, which if I was the First Minister, I would, I would


break the EU law and I would say, yes, everything that we do in Wales


must be built with Welsh steel. I don't agree with the ?1 billion,


that is an entire year's capital budget spent on one route. I agree


with the blue route. That is the ?1 billion project, the whole new


motorway. You favour the blue route, is that right? That's correct. The


cheaper version? The cheaper version. What would be your budget


for that? The cheaper version is ?400 million. We would save ?600


million which we can use on other capital projects like the A55 in the


north, which gets forgotten about, it was built on the cheap, it


doesn't have a hard shoulder, the A470, which I drive up many a time.


It is easier, is it not, to go into England and come down the motorway


than it is to go through Wales? That is a disgrace. Let's look at the


steel element to this. Would you encourage, if you were in power in


the Welsh Government, more investment, part nationalisation,


would you take over the plant. What would be your plan alongside the UK


Government? No, I don't believe in nationalisation. Why should we bail


out one of the biggest companies in the world, Tata, with taxpayers'


money, when the problems that we have with the steel industry are not


going to go away? You would leave it to the market? Well, what I would do


is, if I was the First Minister, I would immediately reduce the


business rates to zero which our First Minister, and you can ask him


later on, cannot do. Again, EU law, state aid... Would you intervene in


any way other than business rates? With what money can the Welsh


Government intervene in this? This is a problem that's been caused by


three separate governments and four if you include China. We have a


major problem with Chinese steel being dumped on us and yesterday


Andrew RT Davies said we don't want to put tariffs because that would


cause a trade war. Wake up, we are in a trade war. America, 30% tariffs


on Welsh steels. China, 60%. The EU, 9% tariffs on cheap subsidised


Chinese steel. I have been a fourth generation steelworker myself. I


think it is disgusting how Welsh Labour have not supported us at all.


Basically, how would you reverse that? I would take down the EU flag


that they are flying with pride in the Senedd and I would say the only


thing I could do is reduce the business rates to zero, that is ?10


million, though, that is a lot. Would you match the ?50 million


offered by Welsh Government? If we could find it. Would that be one of


your cuts? No. If it was there, it would... Of course, one of the


things we are saying is, we are looking at the finances in the same


way you are able to look at the finances of the Welsh Government. We


don't have any insider information because we don't AMs in there. We


will be able to go in there and find out what they are doing with our


money, what the waste is and find ways we can improve. A few points


from the audience. Yes? Nathan, we are not bailing out Tata, they are


selling Port Talbot and their other interests. Isn't it in the national


interest that the Government take a share? It is absolutely integral, of


course it is. I totally agree. I note that last year, our foreign aid


budget, which overspent ?172 million. That would keep Tata going


for six months. How is it that our British Government is able to find


money to overspend ?172 million and cannot find a penny to help Tata?


You said you wouldn't intervene on principle here, would you? The


question is, what is the point if we cannot effect the cheap Chinese


subsidised steel being dumped on us... Would you be an... No. You


wouldn't intervene? I wouldn't intervene. Would you want the UK


Government to intervene on pensions, for example? So, why is it that


Tata, the wealthiest company in the world, is able to off-load all of


its debts and problems on to us, the taxpayer? They should be made to pay


for the problems that they themselves have allowed to be


created as well. Right. I find it funny na the Government found money


to bail out the banks but when the British steel industry... They can't


find any money for us. It is a disgrace. The banks made that money


back so that is different to the uncompetitive steel industry. The


steel industry is uncompetitive... We have to make our steel industry


competitive again. OK. The only way you will do that is by getting out


of the EU on 23rd June so we can absolutely set our own barriers. OK.


We will have debates on Europe I'm sure. Now is not the time to debate


the referendum. Back to our questioner. Do you feel you have had


an answer? Yes, I agree with the M4 relief road answer. We should do


more to help our steel industry and I don't think Mr Gill has really...


How are we going to sell the steel? It is uncompetitive. The Chinese


government have subsidised Chinese steel $11 billion in one year. They


can dump it at us at prices we cannot compete with and under EU


procurement laws are not allowed to say you can only use Welsh steel in


Britain. Thank you. Let's go to question five. It comes from Alan


Humphreys. Have the stars of Ukip been forced on us in Wales through


the regionalist system? You are getting at two former Conservative


MPs, maybe? I'd rather perhaps see Welsh politicians, Welsh Ukip


members. Well, ultimately, I am the leader of Ukip in Wales. I do not


have a great deal of power with regards to the selection of


candidates. That went to a ballot of the membership. The membership


selected who they wanted in each region. Then the NEC approved that.


I had no say in that whatsoever. Would I have allowed people to come


in over our hard-working Welsh membership? Probably not. Probably


not. It wasn't my decision. And the members have given us these


candidates and therefore I back them. You would rather they weren't


there then? Would I have chosen them? No, probably not. The reality


is that is what we have got. That is what the members chose through


is that is what we have got. That is democracy. Are they an asset to the


party? Of course, they have years of experience. Mark Reckless was an MP.


He did a brave thing when he came over to Ukip. He is a very


intelligent man. The lady in pink? With regards to Mark Reckless, I am


a Ukip member, and I voted for Mark Reckless and I'm Welsh, and I'm


proud I voted for him. I looked at his background, I looked at


everything he could give to us and I'm proud of it. It was a democratic


vote. That is the way it should be. Exactly. Let's take some points over


this side. Yes? Taking into consideration that you are talking


basically stating that it's Ukip policy that the people who have been


selected have been selected. Do you not think that it is detrimental to


your party when some of your candidates who have


your party when some of your have stood down in protest? Well, is


that detrimental to the party? No, it shows we are passionate people.


that detrimental to the party? No, It shows we are principled. No. This


is a reference to Gareth Bennett, a controversial candidate. You have


some candidates that you are unhappy with and yet you are leader of the


party, what does that say about your leadership? It says that I am


leading the party within the boundaries of the authority and the


powers that I have. Would you like to change those... Does it frustrate


you, would you like to change those? There are lots of things that


frustrates me about politics. The reality is, I know what I want us to


do and achieve. I know that we have a team that... Gareth Bennett is new


to politics. Genuinely, he joined the party a year ago. He needs


training. This is a comment about growth in immigration in Cardiff...


His own comments. You get so frustrated that maybe you will walk


away from it. It is not an easy party to lead, is it? I have been


quoted several times as saying, "It is like herding cats" and


quoted several times as saying, "It because of all of the different


personalities. That is because we are a fiery party. People come to


us, either they have never been in politics at all or they come from


other parties. We have got Plaid Cymru, Labour, Lib Dems as well,


believe it or not. We are a fiery party. And we are dealing


believe it or not. We are a fiery people's emotions and people's


belief systems and, you know, you always say if you want to keep


friends, don't talk politics or religion. I talk politics...


friends, don't talk politics or will be herding cats after this


election and after the referendum? Absolutely. Thank you very much.


election and after the referendum? Thank you very much for joining us


this evening. That is it, that is our time up. So, join us again


tomorrow night in Aberystwyth where the leader of the Welsh Liberal


Democrats Kirsty Williams will face the questions in Ask the Leader.


Thank you very much to Nathan Gill and to the audience here in Swansea


this evening. Nos da. Good night.


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