06/12/2011 Newsnight


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Good evening, David Cameron is willing to derail plans to save the


euro, if the deal doesn't safeguard Britain's interests. It sounds


tough, but is it anything more than empty words. If the currency can't


be saved convincingly, the whole world will feel the consequences.


What would those consequences be? We have two leading economists, and


a senior parliamentarian from Angela Merkel's party. An official


inquiry concludes the court case, derailed by an undercover policeman,


was all the fault of one lawyer. Is that credible, the Director of


Public Prosecution himself is here. The police in Moscow cart off


protestors unhappy with the elections at the weekend. We talk


to the man who was Vladimir Putin's Prime Minister.


I would say it is the beginning of the end of the regime. As Americans


Republicans consider who should run against Obama, we hear from the


conservative Midwest, about what they want from their candidate.


The secretary of the US Treasury was in Germany today, it wasn't a


social visit. It is testament to the way in which the will they


won't they spectacle leaves them as reluctant participants. It is said


to be four days left for the rescue deal to be achieved. The Germans


and French believe a rescue package more or less in place. The British


Prime Minister tried to send a message that he wouldn't go through


with it if it wasn't in British interests. Let's deal with what


David Cameron had to say first? He has some idea of what the proposal


will be? Around the proposal of stricter proposals on countries


that have the euro, we have a hint of the mechanism on what it will be


to have it agreed. What it will be, we are told from EU sources, is a


treaty amendment agreed by 27 countries, not just the 17


countries that use the euro. That brings into play, of course, the


British veto, then we see British Conservative euro-sceptics thinking


this is the opportunity to get what they want in terms of repatriation


of powers from Europe. The Prime Minister has to sound tough in


order to satisfy them, but not so tough as he upsets the European


leaders. This is what he had to say today. What I'm saying is if, and


eurozone countries do need to come together, do need to do more things


together, if they choose to use the European treaty to do that, Britain


will be insisting on some safeguards too. As long as we get


those, that treaty can go ahead, if we can't get those, it won't.


think on these occasions, an instructive game is to say what he


said in reverse, say the negative of what he said, and work without


whether actually's saying. If the negative doesn't mean anything,


neither does the positive. In which case, does it mean anything to say,


can you imagine a British Prime Minister not saying something like


"I'm prepared to agree to a treaty that is not in Britain's national


interest", the question, is, what is Britain national interest, and


what is that, we get a clue in the Times tomorrow. He says the biggest


national interest is the euro sorts out its problems. He goes on to


make sure that the City of London is defended in terms of the tran


action tax. Making sure the euro survives. That is not how his


backbenchers see our national interest. The threat of a veto is


guff? The threat of a veto, if the financial transaction tax was on


the agenda, and EU sources say it is not on the agenda for Friday,


then perhaps it would be a full threat. In terms of making sure the


euro survives and sorts its problems out, he's very unlikely to


veto something along those lines. Three people who might have some


idea which way is up are an economist and adviser to the UN


Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, author of the Price of Civilisation,


his latest book, he has been clearing up sovereign debt crisis


from around the world for 20 years. And our guest who specialises in


emerging economies is here, and Angela Merkel's Chief Whip in the


German parliament joins us from there. Are you worried about the


prospect of David Cameron exercising some sort of British


veto? No, I'm not worried at all. My impression is we have a very,


very large common interest this time, this is to preserve


sustainability of the eurozone and to prevent international, global


recession. This interest is shared by the UK, by Germany, and all


other countries in the European Union. Next Thursday and Friday is


crucial in the rescue operation for the euro. We have to give a strong


signal of determination of stability and of reform. Therefore


we need and want to get the support of our British friends. OK, so this


is really a comment made for domestic consumption. I would like


to broaden this out beyond Britain, beyond indeed Europe, to some of


the aspects for this for the rest of the world. How big a deal, will


it be, if the euro were to fail, how beige deal for the rest of the


world? -- big a deal for the rest of the world? Very big, potentially


disastrous. When Lehman brothers went down in 2008, we know the


crisis, panic and fear spread through the entire financial system.


If Europe some how failed to come together to protect the eurozone,


and it ended up in a chaotic disintegration, the chaos would


also lead to a contagion of fear that could disrupt international


financial markets around the world. It must not happen. It doesn't have


to happen, it should not happen. This problem should be solvable,


and it should be solved. It could have been solved, you might argue?


It should have been solved much earlier. I also feel that the


diagnosis hasn't been exactly on point up until now. We will come to


that in a second or two. Linda, the Europeans were trotting off to


Beijing two or three weeks ago, hoping the Chinese would suddenly


cast charitable glances at Europe, they aparently were less than


enthusiastic about it, what are the consequences for China, the real


powerhouse of the world economy at present? Potentially quite


significant. Not so much because of financial contagion, what Jeffrey


was talking about, because their financial system isn't particularly


exposed to European sovereign debt, but, of course, what the Chinese


have always worried about, if you have a huge disruption in the


global economy, a collapse in global trade, their economy still


is predominantly relying on trade as a driver. That could cause a


downturn in their economy, three years ago, 20 million people lost


their jobs, that is a third of the British population, they are


worried about that kind of upheaval. They are trying to monitor what is


going on in Europe, they want it to be stable, they are really worried


about dislocation in their own economy. One is bound to ask, why


they were so unwilling to bail out the Europeans? Maybe it is because


average Chinese incomes are one tenth of that in western Europe, so


I think they do have...That Is a fair cop! They still obviously,


they do have, I think, an increasing role to play as the


world's second-biggest economy. If there was a multilateral effort,


via the IMF, to supply more credit lines, or what have you, I suspect


the Chinese would go in, if it was truly multilateral, and it wasn't


seen as the Chinese rescuing. do we still find ourselves in this


position, a long time after you seem to suggest we might have got


out of it? There has been too much improve adviceation, and not enough


getting to -- improvisation and not enough getting to the matter. I'm


not against what they are doing this week, but this focus only on


the fiscal situation, really is a bit misdepieded, this crisis had


its or -- misguided. This crisis had its origins in massive lending


in property booms, only in Greece was the fiscal problem the core of


the problem, not in Italy, not in Ireland, not in Portugal. It is the


banking crisis not addressed right now, and together with that it is


the role of the European Central Bank, vis a vis the banks, and


European liquidity, which is not being handled. What is interesting


now, some glimmer of progress, with the new head of the ECB, Mario


Draghi is saying, get something on the budget, and then I will come in


and be a proper Central Bank. That is long overdue.


He's far too polite to say so, but he as suggesting that German policy


has been at fault in all of this, aren't you? The focus that


everything is wrong being profligate abroad has overdone it,


a lot of German banks were also extravagant in their loans, maybe


we ought to look at the banking sector? This is an unprecedented


crisis, and there was no pattern for resolving it so far. What we


have to do was to bring together a number of actors, not just the ECB,


but 27 member states of the European Union. The European


Parliament and the Commission. All of them had to find agreement. It


is all about confidence. There was a lack of confidence that Europeans


would be prepared to rescue their own currency, and therefore, this


meeting on Friday, is so incredibly important, probably the most


important meeting of the European Summit over the last 20 years.


far as China is concerned, India and other countries in that region,


I'm quite confident that all these countries will come in as soon as


they realise there is a political will, there is a political


commitment amongst the member- states of the European Union.


Isn't the lack of urgency staggering. Here we are talking


about a treaty that might take effect in March, two years after


this crisis began. How does it strike you? I think there is a


sense that it has taken quite a long time to probably realise a


solution that could have been had, when Greece needed to bail out in


May last year. I think probably there needs to be a political will,


but there needs to be at least two parties to this solution. One is


this fiscal union, probably some time of road map that they want to


adapt. That is a political decision. In the near term, the real urgency


you are speaking about is about supporting the banks. If there is


disruption, the eurozone doesn't have a Central Bank, that can


really step in. That is a real problem. It is not clear at all


that there is anything that the eurozone leaders can do about that


point right now, but Jeffrey may well be right. Perhaps Thursday,


Mario Draghi could step in. Let's see what he thinks? I do think we


need that opening for the European Central Bank to play a role of a


Central Bank for the first time. Because, really, I like very much


what was being said, that everybody has to get together to save the


euro. But that hasn't been what has been said up until now. What has


been said up until now is leave the ECB on the sideline, they shouldn't


play a role. Many politicians around Europe, including in Germany


have said, well, the Greeks, let them go, there hasn't been that


commitment that we're seeing this week. I like it. Because the


eurozone needs saving. But we went through a long process where this


hasn't been the clear message. One of the things is that Europe


disarmed itself, it took its own Central Bank out of the battle up


until now. Maybe the Central Bank is going to come back, the European


Central Bank is going to come back into the battle. This would really


calm a lot of nerves. Because what the rest of the world is seeing is


a Central Bank that seems to be allowing I will liquidity and panic


to seize -- ill liquidity and panic to seize markets, which is shocking


without that defence. Do you think Germany has demonstrated sufficient


capacity to lead in this? It is no the first instance a question of


leadership, it is a question of acting and coming together, we


shouldn't forget over the last one- and-a-half years, we have provided


billions of euros in order to guarantee the sovereign debt of


countries like Greece, Ireland and Portugal. We have established the


European financial support facility, and the ECB has played a role, an


active role, over the last couple of months. We made it clear we are


prepared to respect the independence of the ECB. Mr Sachs


is right in saying there has been some contradicting debates in


Germany and other countries, whether Greece should stay within


the eurozone, whether we should preserve the eurozone. Angela


Merkel has made it clear, very, very clear, undoubtedly clear, that


we want to preserve the eurozone with all 17 member-states, and we


are prepared to take the appropriate steps to do it. And the


European Central Bank? The European Central Bank is independent


according to the model of the German banks. What would have


difficulties to imagine would be the role of the ECB as the lender


of last resort. This is an anglo- American model, that is not a


common model in Europe. But below, below this solution, there is range


of possiblities, in all these possiblities they have to be


considered by Mr Draghi, by his board, and probably executed. --


properly executed. You were rolling your eyes when you heard this idea


of not being a lender of last resort as an anglo-American idea?


think there has been a problem in the way the eurowas set up. The


Central Bank was not set up as a lender of last resort. It is not an


anglo-American idea per se, it is what a Central Bank does for a


currency. You think this too? has to act as a lender of last


resort, I liked what was said, that the eurozone needs to be preserved,


this is important. It hasn't been a clear message up until now, if it


can be a clear and resolute message inside Germany first, and then


carried out professionally. Not just happen hazardly, but


professionally, we will see the euro through professionally.


Policemen taking part in illegal activities and policemen lying in


court, what we have learned about the behaviour of undercover police


officers has been shocking. According to an official


investigation, the Crown Prosecution Service as a whole


wasn't responsible. It was all the fault of a single lawyer, and the


lefthand not knowing what the right was doing. Whitewash say


campaigners for the people who got sent to jail as a consequence of


the police operation. Before I talk to the Director of Public


Prosecutions, we have this report. Mark Kennedy infiltrated climate


protestors almost a decade ago, his actions continue to recognise co-


chet. He played a key role in directing an action in side this


school in Nottingham. Kennedy secretly recorded the meeting on an


adapted kasyo catch. Later that night the police raided, arresting


114 people, 26 were charged. Some were convicted of conspiracy to


commit public order offences. These secret recordings would have shown


there was no conspiracy, not all activists had decided to take part


in the action. These tapes weren't disclosed to the defence, nor was


Mark Kennedy's dual role as activist and undercover cop. A role


that might have brought fears of him being an agent provokeure. It


was our report on Newsnight, that forced the CPS to beef up its


rather internal inquiry, after the former director of prosecutions


said this on the programme said this. It is a very serious


allegation, Danny is right in one respect, this is such a serious


question that it calls into play Whether it should be an internal


inquiry. Lord McDonald's call for an independent inquiry was heeded,


the very next day the CPS announced Sir Chris mer Rose, a former Appeal


Court judge would lead it. Who is to blame for failing to disclose


Mark Kennedy's covert role and the secret recordings there are three


candidates, the National Public Order Intelligence Unit, running


him, Nottingham shiver Police, who authorised his deployment, and the


CPS, handling the prosecution case. The relationship between Nottingham


Police and Ian Cunningham, a senior lawyer in the CPS, Nottingham


division, lies at the centre of today's report. The author, Sir


Christopher Rose said if Mark Kennedy's role had been further


discussed it is highly unlikely anyone would have thought it in the


public interest for charges to be brought. Kennedy's role was fully


discussed with CPS lawyers, it was told to Mr Rose, but the police


didn't alert the CPS to the significance of the transcripts of


the tapes, the Police accept some The report piles most of the blame


on one senior CPS lawyer, Ian The Name Of The Rose report


declares the CPS innocent on the most -- the Rose report declares


the CPS innocent on the most serious charge, withholding


evidence from the defence. Those on the outside playing the biggest


role on bringing these matters into the public domain are unimpressed.


Sir Christopher Rose was not asked to address that question, he was


asked to look at one particular, serious but ring-fenced apparent


failure of disclosure. There were 11 other inquiries taking place,


and there is much wider issues beyond those 12 inquiries. Without


a report robust, publicly accountable inquiry, a single one,


none of us can have confidence with any of these reports that are


coming through now. Defence solicitor, here, has revealed


details of several other police officers whose role has not been


properly disclosed. The latest involves hunt saboteurs from 1996,


infiltrated by undercover cop Jim Sutton. This is Jim Sutton coming


from the left. He approaches the policemen and the person he


arrested. Interesting. Bat on raised there. Simon Taylor, one of


the original activists pointed him out. He swings him out, Jim Sutton


backs off. These documents show he volunteered to give evidence for


the defence, they were written by none other than Keir Starmer, then


a defence bars te, now the Director of Public Prosecutions. --


barrister, now the Director of Public Prosecutions. They are se


sitting on a huge number of irregularities in justice,


irregularities of disclosure and police non-disclosure to them. It


it is not the position of the CPS doing nothing, they must do


something now. The CPS plans to review the


disclosure between police and the lawyers, will they be forced to


review cold cases. With us now is Keir Starmer, the Director of


Public Prosecutions. There has been an investigation into one case, a


fall guy has been found, are you absolutely certain that there are


no other cases in which people have been convicted on the basis of the


evidence of undisclosed undercover police officers? Can I be clearer


about what the Rose Inquiry looked at, because what was just reported


was a part of it, but not the whole of it. Sir Christopher Rose was


given access to all of the materials in relation to Ratcliffe-


on-Soar, police and prosecutors and my staff. He looked at the entirety


of the material. He wasn't asked a single question, as you would have


us believe, but a series of questions. It he was asked about


one particular case? He was. But we wanted to know the arrangements in


place, the guidance, the approach we were taking, right or wrong, and


he answered those questions, by saying that the guidance and


approach is right. Can you be confident that was the only case of


its kind? He said that he found individual failings in that


particular case. Are you confident, are you confident that there are no


other cases of this kind? He found no systemic problems. Are you


confident? The approach I have taken is whenever anybody raises a


case with me. Whether it is a defence solicitor, a judge, a


prosecutor, or our inspectorate,ly always look at those issues. And


where case -- I will always look at those issues. Other cases have been


raised recently, and I will always look into them. Why don't you look


at the whole lot? Because there was no finding of systemic failure,


there is no point looking at the loss. Why not? Because there was no


systemic failure. How many other cases are there? Much better to


look at cases brought it attention for reasons. How many other cases


are there? There is about half-a- dozen a year. It is not that many


to look through, is it? There is no reason, based on the Rose Report,


to consider anything has gone wrong in those cases. I'm not shutting my


mind to the possibility of looking at those cases. Let's take the case


of Jim Sutton, the undercover police officer? The case raised in


that report, goes back 15 years. 19196, it is not a recent case.


a-- 1996, it is not a recent case. You appeared for the man? It was


announced some press conference I wasn't at, he hasn't provided


details to me. Do you recall the case? I won't talk about individual


cases I may have been involved in 15 years ago. Let me ask you a


simple question. Mike Short has raised a number of cases. A simple


question, were you aware that the man who was suffering to appear on


behalf of the man you were defending, as a defence witness, Mr


Sutton, was an undercover police officer? I'm not prepared to enter


into that discussion, on the hoof. This is an allegation, made during


a press conference at lunchtime that I wasn't involved in. It is


the sort of thing you would remember? There are hundreds of


questions. The solicitor involved knows if he writes to me with


details, as he has done in recent cases, I will look at it, that is


what I promise him. It is not right for me to sit here on the basis of


what he may have said at lunchtime and speculate on what might have


gone on. You said yourself, this was 15 years ago, that does


indicate, you say six cases a year that is 15 years ago. There could


be dozens and dozens of similar cases involving undeclared


undercover police officers? clear what b what went wrong in the


Ratcliffe case, that is the authorisation and activities of


Mark Kennedy were not made known to the prosecution when they should


have been, that shouldn't happen again. If it is right 15 years ago


there was a similar failing, I don't know without looking at it,


it was raised at lunchtime today, I don't know without looking,


obviously, that is something, if it is taken up with me, I will look


into. Afterall, it was me that brought in Sir Christopher Rose, it


was me that asked him to look at everything in this case, it is me


that has put the entire report into the public domain so everyone can


see it. I'm not against looking at these allegations. I can only take


them as they come. You commissioned the inquiry, and the results of the


inquiry have been disclosed, no-one can fault you. In the case of


public confidence, isn't it better to look at every case? Had there


been a finding of systemic problems or the approach or process that


might have been sensele. Since it wasn't the better a-- sensible.


Since it wasn't, the better approach was to look at it like


this, the Crown Prosecution Service prosecutes about a million


defendants, the prosecution rate is 86%. You don't have to look at a


million, just half-a-dozen a year. As concerns are raised with me, I'm


happy to look at them. 250 people discovered the limits of legitimate


protest in Moscow today, they were arrested after being accused by


police of obstructing traffic. The police swooped with cries of sit


Kens, move, do not stand here, side walks are designed for movement. As


so often in Russia, things aren't quite what they seem, there were


elections at the weekend, in which Vladimir Putin did less well than


he hoped for, but just well enough to ensure he still controls


parliament. "fix" cry his opponents, hence the protests. Our diplomatic


editor is here. What happened? Politics in Russia is getting


interesting again. There were demonstrations yesterday, and there


were demonstrations again today, in Moscow in particular. Some reports


on the news agency suggesting as many as 5,000 people involved in


these scenes. Without permission to be there, therefore, the police


were intent on breaking it up. They waded in and started arresting


people by the hundred. We also know that there were demonstrations in


St Petersburg. Tahrir Square in January this ain't, it is a few


thousands, this man giving an account of his grievances to a TV


crew, carried off by the riot police. It isn't a huge populist


thing on the pattern of the Arab Spring. It is important, for years


Vladimir Putin and the people around him have managed to keep


things really buckled down in Moscow. Now there are signs of him


being booed at a recent sports event, these demonstrations, of a


really serious public discontent with what is going on. He wants


everything nice and calm for his run for the presidency in March.


How is it playing with western observers? That is where this


becomes much more significant and interesting than just those, so far,


quite small numbers of people on the streets of Russia. There has


been really some strong condemnation today. There were


observers at these elections on Sunday, from the OSCE, the


Organisation for Security and Co- operation in Europe, and they have


said, pretty frankly, this was not a free and fair election. They have


made various allegations about other candidates not being able to


run. About dodgy practices, and they have been very clear about


that. That brought condemnation today from the US a second, Hillary


Clinton. We have serious concerns about the conduct of those


elections, independent political parties such as PARNAS were denied


the right to register. The preliminary report by the OSCE


cites election day attempts to stuff ballot boxes, manipulate


voter lists and other troubling practices. The EU has added its


condemnation, there are other people too. The Russians are


responding in a tetchy way. It all threatens is the reset Hillary


Clinton herself announced at the beginning of the Obama


administration, to Russian relations, all that is looking in


danger. There is a possibility of going back to a more fractious and


difficult relationship. Earlier I spoke to the former


Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Kasyanov, who is now a loader of


the opposition PARNAS party, I asked him why people are choosing


to come out in protest now? days ago it was a work voting day


of called elections, which we as the party PARNAS is not registered,


we say it is a non-election. This started off by the implementation


of important democratic institutes that it should be a free election


by Vladimir Putin's party. It is not free or fair. That is why the


people reacted appropriately. I would say that is just the


beginning of the end of the regime. Really, you think this is the


beginning of the end of Putin's time in power? The whole process of


disillusionment of the regime will not last overnight and will not


happen tomorrow or in two days. But in two or three or four years,


maximum, definitely, it would come to the end. But by that stage he


could have got himself elected President? We shall see how all


this develops. We have just quite a number of opposition leaders,


growing, maturing, opposition leaders, and right now we are quite


prepared to step in, but we don't have elections. That is why our


political goal will be, would be, for the up coming period to create


such public pressure on the authority, just to show them the


way out. Not through, I would say, Arab revolutions, Arab Springs,


which we can call Slavic Spring. There were also people protesting


in favour of Mr Putin today, weren't there? Yes, we agree with


that. In fact, we agree that approximately 30% of the population


still supports Mr Putin, and his party. That's right. Almost 20% of


people support communist party, but the other 50% of people, they


cannot find their party, which could represent their political


preferences. That is why right now we have a turning point. When the


popularity of the regime and Mr Putin in particular, fall down


dramatically, not to the zero, but from 70% down to 30%, actually 30%,


and that is why, that is what I'm saying, that is the beginning of


the end. When the west protests, as the west has protested today, the


OSCE, Mrs Clinton, and the European Union, one organisation after


another, says these elections, we think, were not fair, do you think


President Putin will pay any attention at all? Absolutely he


will pay. And he already is paying attention, those statements, which


are absolutely elections were not free, elections were not fair. That


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 57 seconds


is absolutely the case. Also the Tell us what's up? It has a


colourful feel to it. It is like a demolition derby, wheels going all


over the place and candidates up all over the place. What is going


on here for some months is finding a candidate that is not Mitt Romney,


it is not that he's a bit dull or a bit insip pid or doesn't enspire


anyone, for the Tea Party movement he's not right-wing enough. We have


one candidate zooming up the polls, dropping a clanger and then down


again. The last one was Herman Cain, the black businessman, who ran


Godfather's Pizza, he was not a politician and spoke the language


of the people, he made huge errors about the foreign policy. That


wasn't the problem, women came forward with accusations of sexual


harassment, a woman came forward and said she was having a long-


running affair with him. He denied it but has quit. We have at the top,


Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker, that clashed with Bill Clinton so


much in that era. It is narrowing down to a two-horse race, and Mitt


is there. I went to small town Iowa, clutching a DVD of a very famous


music video. The much-loved 60s film The Music


Man is as American as a movie about small town American values could be.


Lurking amid the smaltz is a moral, about dreams and deceptions, it


happens to be set in the state that is the first battleground for the


Republican presidential hopefuls. Surely there must be a lesson for


them in this gem of Hollywood wisdom.


Ploughing through the Midwest, the train used to be the best way to


get to small towns like Mason City in northern Iowa, where the movie


is set. It opens with salesmen travelling to the town, warning


outsiders Iowa is a tough nut to crack. # Cash for the crackers and


the pickles # Look what do you talk


# What do you talk # Where do you get it


# You can talk all you want to # But it is different than it was


Now it is the Republicans who want to know the -- to be the President,


who have to know their wares and sell them to a very conservative


crowd. # He doesn't know the territory.


will promise you this, I will work every day to try to make Washington


DC as inconsequential in your life as I can.


We need an American campaign, not a Republican campaign. She's not a


politician. That's the difference. Because you see I'm a real person.


Here is Harold Hill, the film's star, a conman out to persuade


River City, that what it really needs is a boys' marching band,


complete with uniforms, instruments, he will supply for a price.


band will do it # A boys' band


# River City has to have a boys band


The author and composer of the The Music Man, Meredith Wilson was born


here, it draws on his growing up memories of small town Iowa. The


city has set up this museum in his honour. At the heart of the story


is a tension, from the natural desire to believe in something, and


the Iowa wariness of the superslick. Dough has run a business selling


engine oil for 30 years, he has been a leading Republican for all


that time. He has met many of the main figures of the past three


decades, including Barack Obama, he wouldn't vote for him, but might


have voted for him, but now feels he was conned. I feel like I was


fooled, he's a very capable politician. Why fooled? Again, I


believed him to be true to his core principles, and I believed he was


going to try to make changes, and some of them, frankly, I thought we


needed to do. I haven't seen the change that he told us was going to


happen. All I have seen is the Government has gotten a lot bigger,


a lot more intrusive, and a lot more expensive.


One of his best-selling products is the Diplomat, a mixture of soap and


oil. But he doesn't want his politicians slippery,'s looking for


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 57 seconds


is the same sense that it is as much about moral debegincy as bread


and butter issues. Iowa isn't doing too badly, unemployment is better


than the national average, and agriculture is booming with sales


to China. Many conservatives are less worried about jobs and more


about the $15 trillion deficit. In the slow empty towns like this,


Americans feel a desperate need to change their country's direction,


they are uncertain who of the candidates is up to the job. Bill


is manager of a Christian radio station, and co-chair of the Iowa


Republican party. He has to be coy about who he favours, but not about


what's needed. When you look at the ordinary people of River City, they


look at the total inability of our leaders in Washington to be able to


solve the deficit, to be able to balance the budget, and do things


that give the people confidence in our economy that's very frustrating.


So, yes, our leaders can have a huge impact on the ability of


ordinary people to do extraordinary things and get things done. We're


going to do it, either way, but we need some help. Can you lead a


band? No. Are you a big liar? Are you a dirty rotten crook?


Let me go you big liar. You're a wonderful kid, I thought some so


from the first, that is why I wanted you in the band, so you


would stop mope ping around and feeling sorry for hur -- moping


around and feeling sorry for yourself. What band? I always think


there is a band, kid. The conman, Harold Hill starts off


cynically selling dreams, and ends up believing in them himself, the


question is, do politicians do the same. When Republican candidates


come here to Iowa, they have to appeal to hardline conservatives,


the primary process is one of the things that forces American


politicians away from the centre While these Republican candidates


are certainly not aiming for the centre, Ron, a former county Party


Chairman, worries the public notices when they are not being


frank enough. It is sinking in on them, the politicians are dancing


around the issue, and I understand that, because things are going to


get awful, and you are going to suffer. It is not a winning


platform to get voters. You can't get elected with that. Honestly, I


have to say they are not doing a bad job of slowly inculcating that


view, people will have to accept it. Ron's fond of the Music Man, and


still watches it sometimes, and thinks it promises redemption, even


for politicians? He does produce a boys' band because he believes in


it and the kids. There is a possibility that politicians


starting out, I hate to compare them to a snake oil salesman, but


you can, sometimes, that they might too come to have more sincere


beliefs about what needs to be done. I hope in these trying times all of


them do, things are kind of tense right now. In Iowa the fading


sunlight barely warms the fields, so outsiders the brand of


conservative favoured here can seem harsh, but it doesn't yet have a


voice. There seems a quiet desperation, they don't, of course,


want a conman, but they would welcome a bit more charisma, flair,


a band leader worthy of the march ahead.


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 57 seconds


What a very odd piece. Tomorrow That's all for now, it was reported


today that the man who gave us the West Wing, Charley Wilson's War and


the Social Network, is starting to make a new series on a television


newsroom, with a fictional programme called Newsnight, some


might find it interesting, if it is well scripted and well acted, it


might be as interesting as the average day in our office! Good


Hello, some rain for most of us overnight. But there is a spell of


snow in Scotland. It could be icey across Lothian and the borders.


That is where the Met Office warning is. Tomorrow sunshine and


showers, most in the west. More sunshine than today. The winds


strong and it will feel cold. It will force showers not just into


the North West of England but the mid-lapbtsdz. East Anglia and the


south -- Midlands. Temperatures may sneak up to double figures in the


south west of England, the showers becoming fewer in the afternoon, as


the winds gradually ease down a bit. It will be windy for most of the


day in Wales, the showers continue across the north of the country.


These are expected to be rain for the most part. Showers for the


north of Northern Ireland, very windy for much of the day. Sunshine,


it will feel cold. The cold in Scotland as well, wintryness in the


hills over the showers. Quite a cold feel for the day really I


suspect on Wednesday. It does briefly turn very much milder on


Thursday. It will be a very strong south-westerly wind, gales, or even


severe gales developing across the north. Further south you can see


how the temperatures rise. It won't last long, the wind direction


changes, later Thursday and into Friday. Drawing down colder air,


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