26/09/2013 The View


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Alund welcome to The View. -- and welcome.


On the programme tonight, Stormont struggles again but is it really in


crisis? Peter Robinson is to cool your jets while Martin McGuinness


says using problem-solving mode is what is going on in? We ask the five


main parties of power-sharing is working. He's the new boy on the


block but is Mark H Durkan just too nice for Northern Ireland politics?


I can be combative if necessary and I will be, when I think I need to be


combative to get something done that I believe is the right thing for the


people of Northern Ireland. Keeping calm in the midst of this so-called


crisis, our commentators. We will also get the inside track from our


man in Stormont. Coming up, the view on the Hill. I know what tweet of


the week is this week. You can join those already following the


programme on Twitter. Another week, another political row.


Things came to a head yesterday with Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly declaring


power-sharing is in crisis and that relations between part in Robinson


-- Peter Robinson Martin McGuinness are not working. The first Minister


Kitt back admitting that while there might be problems there is no


crisis. Just how bad are things? We will hear from the five executive


parties in a moment but let's have a reminder of how we got to where we


are. fix it? Yes, we can. Everybody


should call their jets at this stage. A reminder of some of the


events that led to this week stand-off. How worried should we be


that Stormont is in trouble? I'm joined by Sammy Wilson come Stephen


that Stormont is in trouble? I'm Farry, John O'Dowd, Danny Kennedy


and Alex Attwood. You are all very welcome to the programme, thanks for


joining us. John O'Dowd, is Gerry Kelly right when he says it is a


crisis? If you were to talk to members of the public who were


observing the political process, I think crisis is fair enough. When we


look at what has happened over the summer, politics has been dictated


by what is happening on the streets. That is a position of political


crisis. Sinn Fein has contributed to that, then. I think in terms of the


summer events, that has contributed to it. Government is not working as


it should. They are not delivering the programme of change necessary. I


use the example of when the DUP and Sinn Fein were working together, the


newly qualified teachers were delivering change to people 's


lives. I met one of those teachers today. They contributed a lot to


generations. But we're not delivering that programme of change


now. You are not helping the situation by hyping it up and saying


it's a crisis. If we ignore the fact that the public's view believes


there is a crisis, if we ignore what is happening on the streets, it is


ignoring it at our peril. There is a serious problem here, we need to


resolve it. There is a lack of confidence from government. We


ignore the situation at our peril, do you accept things are serious?


Let's just look at Stormont in operation. This week, we have seen


politics operate as normal. There have been regular meetings, back


from very successful tours in America, looking forward to another


successful tour and investment conference in Boston. Private


members legislation on important things such as human trafficking


going through, the second stage in the Assembly this week. We heard the


first Minister saying there is a big problem that needs to be solved. And


then we saw a humongous spat between your leader and the leader of the


DUP. You always get those kinds of things. Reactions in certain ways. I


think that he expects that when he behaves in certain ways, it's very


personal. That's just the way if you're behaving that way, you have


personal. That's just the way if to expect it. That is hardly


evidence of a crisis. For goodness sake. Look at any coalition


government. Within the last couple of weeks, we've had one of the


government. Within the last couple coalition partners in Westminster


calling his partner in government the nasty party. You've had the


Liberal Democrats welshing on agreements on boundary changes,


which was a week issue. There is a crisis at Westminster? Nobody says


that. There might be a crisis within Sinn Fein. And you've got to look at


some of the actions of Gerry Kelly recently, where, I think, he is


aware of the difficulties of having the dissonance. There have been


issues over the summer, but they are not insurmountable. And they haven't


created a political crisis at Stormont. So, not a political


crisis. Interestingly, Martin McGuinness tweeted a picture


yesterday of himself and Peter Robinson smiling as they met the new


US ambassador to London. If there is a crisis, what were they doing


meeting him, standing shoulder to shoulder looking like they were


having a good time? People find it hard to understand what's going on.


I can understand that but what they are trying to do despite the


difficulties, they are tried to hold it together, they are trying to


ensure that investment arrives here and that we are able to engage with


our international partners. When I say there is a lack of confidence in


government, I mean this - we have a serious confidence deficit between


ourselves and the DUP which needs to be resolved. We cannot operate that


way. If we look at the events over the summer, that has damaged our


confidence over the DUP. They have questions about our role, and we


have two explain that. Crisis or no crisis? It is interesting to listen


to Sammy and John. On the one hand, John says there is crisis. The true


problem is that the DUP and Sinn Fein are not measuring up to the


agreement, but they have gone down a series of a dead-end. That is where


the problem is. They are always going to be uncomfortable


bedfellows, aren't they? That is what happens in a mandatory


coalition! There's a difference between being uncomfortable


bedfellows and what we have seen over the last number of months in


the Schenkel Road, in Royal Avenue and so on and so forth. There's


going to be tensions, but the fundamental tension is that the DUP


and Sinn Fein don't know how to live up to the values of the Good Friday


Agreement and the potential is to reshape our politics, to take the


power away from the DUP and the Sinn Fein, to go back to the people and


recreate the hopes of 1998. Let's talk about that at the moment.


Stephen Farry, how do you view this? Your party by definition is


somewhere in the middle between these two parties. They are fronting


up the government, whether you like it or not, and not get -- getting on


up the government, whether you like at the moment. I don't think we have


up the government, whether you like a crisis in the sense there's a real


threat to the institution. But there a problem. A crisis in perception.


There has to be a wake-up call for us all. I hope all the ministers are


delivering. The difficulty is that this perception of constant spats,


the DUP and Sinn Fein playing to hard-line consistency is more than


there was the case in the past rather than working together is


overshadowing their achievements. There are good things happening but


they are being lost. Is it fixable? Of course. It involves a change in


attitude and maybe a change of people in office, and a change of


dynamics. Within the next two or three years, we can build a future.


dynamics. Within the next two or We can also even have corporation


tax to evolve. There are real prizes out there if we are prepared to come


together. Danny, there is no crisis but there are some competitive


posturing between Sinn Fein and the DUP. Is that all there is? I think


Mike Nesbitt is right. I think I'm Sinn Fein's part, there is almost a


manufactured crisis or an attempt to build one. I think the actions and


words of people like Gerry Kelly over recent months have been


appalling. I think the reactions of senior Republicans, they should be


ashamed of themselves. Castlederg is a prime example. And to tweak a


celebration of the escape from the Maze in which eight prison officers


lost their life but Bob what are you surprised? He's a republican. He


took part in it. He was treating to his followers. He wasn't tweeting to


you. He is the senior politician. People, when they look to their


politicians at Stormont, need to get a bit of leadership and


statesmanship. Equally, we had the unedifying spectacle of what the


First Minister said. Nobody 's been impressed by that. Mr Robinson owes


Mr McAllister an apology and it should come as quickly as possible.


They do means the office which he holds. -- they demean the office


which he holds. It is for Sammy Wilson to say whether he had been in


Mr Robinson 's position, would he have used the same terms and would


he have said the same things? Let's ask him. I don't suppose you're


about to launch a leadership approach. I have no ambition to be a


leader, I am a supporter of the leader. He has done well for


Northern Ireland and further DUP. Some people did rather wonder if you


are sitting on the fence. Jim plays rough, as I've said, in the Assembly


chamber. And he can't expect otherwise when people play rough


back with him. What he said was clear. He expects the


back with him. What he said was rough-and-tumble of politics. What


does he not expect is for his wife and family to be dragged into the


nitty-gritty of politics, completely inappropriate. If you listen to some


of the things that Jim Allister has said about members of my party,


that's got fairly possible. It was a spate in the Assembly, it is


rough-and-tumble. So, no apology? I don't think there will be. What I do


hope is that Jim will learn from it as well as everyone else. Look,


you're far better to stick to debates in the Assembly, keep on


issues of policy, and let's keep it on that level. Jim Allister, he


would say that he has never attacked other members families. Which is


what he took exception to because he regards that as what the First


Minister did to him. He touched a raw nerve when he started asking


difficult question about the Maze. There was no difficult question. It


was simple, as far as we are concerned. The peace and


reconciliation Centre, which did not have the support of the whole


community, which didn't have the support of people who would have


expected to have used it and to be presenting a case for peace and


reconciliation... He was a supporter. When it became clear that


because of the actions of Sinn Fein, there was no confidence amongst many


of the groups within the unionist community and, indeed, the actions


of Sinn Fein over the summer, calling into question whether or not


they were fully committed to it, you are never going to have it. It


became a source of controversy. It became laughable. Where does that


leave us as far as partnership leadership is concerned? Peter


Robinson took offence to it. That is the keyword partnership government.


We have to make sure we are in partnership. Despite our princes,


which can be huge, we are working in partnership. The summer may well


have been manufactured but it has been manifested by people on the


streets. I will come onto Castlederg in a moment. There are people who


streets. I will come onto Castlederg are opposed to partnership


government, who are opposed to are opposed to partnership


power-sharing and the peace process. Gerry Kelly did not have to go to


Castlederg and say what he said. Those on the streets that are


causing violence are leaning in a Unionist direction at the time,


which is a huge mistake in respect to Castlederg was up everyone that


they're safe. Nobody was injured, everybody who wish to march marched


and everyone who was to protest protest with. We as Republicans have


to reflect on it. We have to separate... Are you saying it is a


mistake? We have to separate the separate... Are you saying it is a


political attack on Sinn Fein from unionists around Castlederg, we


Zavvi separate the feelings -- we have to separate the feelings of the


families. The rehab to reflect on the feelings. What does that mean? I


think it means you have to think again because you got it wrong. I


think that is what it means. As Republicans, we recognise the fact


that many people were hurt by Republicans and we don't want to


re-traumatised anybody. We have to reflect on Castlederg. Is that a


re-traumatised anybody. We have to usual cod abuse into the


conversation? Is that movement? It is late but because of the exercise


that Sinn Fein engaged in, as shown by the words of Gerry Kelly. Is it a


welcome conurbation to the debate? John talks about partnership


government. He is taking apart the Dickson plan. There is nothing about


the partnership in that. The dismantling of school funding is


completely off what schools, both in the controlled and maintained


sectors are seeking. Where does partnership government stand when


Unionist leaders refused to condemn Loyalist violence over the summer


question Sinn Fein had been very exercised by that. All of the


violence has been condemned by the Ulster Unionist Party and other


Unionist leaders. Would you like to have seen other leaders standing


short to shoulder with the First Minister? Should Peter Robinson have


stood beside Martin McGuinness and condemned it question at would you


stood beside Martin McGuinness and like to have seen do it? Political


leader leadership means that you have to show leadership at times.


There are two big points. Where we are now has been coming for a very,


very long time. People need to recognise that. The problems are


multiple. It is flags, it is the past, it is parades, it is not


-South -- is North-South. If we are to turn those corners, Richard Haass


has to do with those. Those of the intractable problem is that we dealt


with five years ago, ten years ago. We may well enter 2014 with politics


with five years ago, ten years ago. in the state. Your party has studied


up. Your party has supported Sinn Fein when they named parks after


terrorists. Your party has called for the recent killers all people


terrorists. Your party has called who attended a kilt DUP ministers


will stop maybe you have to do something! A quick word from Alex on


that. We have to face up to the problem. Nationalism has now lost


confidence in DUP unionism and also in nationalism. We have to reshape


our politics. We are making things more difficult for edge other. How


do we make things easier? Good policy, as important as it is, is


not enough. We have to have underlying values. Over the summer,


we have had selective views. We have not had a common understanding where


people are repaired to riposte to condemn their own side when things


get out of hand. We don't want to go back to it. We don't have time and I


think we have covered it. It was a compromise which are big everyone


should have bought into. Thank you to everyone for joining us. That is


the view from Stormont. Let us join Deirdre Heenan and Rick Wilford.


Welcome to you both. Thank you for joining us. Let me ask you, as a


seasoned follower of Stormont and what happens there, how serious is


the situation that has developed this week, particularly after the


discussion we have just had? I don't think it is a crisis, it is a drama.


It is a drama that has had a whole series of episodes of which this is


the most recent. If you remember , there was a stand-off between


Robinson and beginners. The swagger and Martin McGuinness. If you


remember back in June, Peter Robinson was saying that Martin


McGuinness was vital to the success of a power-sharing government in


Northern Ireland. One of the big problems here is that if it is a


drama, who is writing the script? The key players have to be this good


writers here. It is not the people who were making culture, reach for


the flag or a paint gun. They should not be the people determining the


the flag or a paint gun. They should terms of the debate. Do you agree? I


agree it is not a crisis but the heat has been turned up, and the


relationship is have soured. Most people would say that Stormont is


dysfunctional and it needs to be addressed. I don't think direct rule


is around the corner but the tone and the tenor of debate at Stormont


is at an all-time low. People are switching off. What these to be


delivered to the executive will be the telling tale. John O'Dowd's


statements were conciliatory when he said we needed to reflect and also


stressed the need for partnership. This is a partnership mandatory


Coalition. Both the partners knew about the past, they knew what they


were getting into and both seem to be determined to look over their


shoulder. Sinn Fein are looking over their shoulder at the dissidents.


Others are looking over their shoulder at the loyalist. Both


should be looking to the future. It is a very uncivil partnership at the


moment. These are conjoined twins that need one another. They have to


make this work, they have the Avenue which is provided by the Richard


Haass talks. They need this good not to be dictated by bit players, spear


carriers. I was up there all day yesterday, and we saw a clip on the


news, they are working well in committees, they are working well


day-to-day. There is some positive light, it was a decision by city


council to close the City Hall during the Poppy appeal. That is


very conciliar tree, that is what we need to see. The point has been made


that straight politics should not be leading the agenda. William Blake


said that weird things happen when men and mountains meet. Weird things


did happen. We will hear more from you in a moment. First, a minister


who admitted to panicking before his first session. He believes that


honesty is the best policy, even at his unexpected. Is he too nice to


succeed? Mark H Durkan has packed a lot into


his 35 years will stop MLA, and a shotgun appointment. -- a a shock


appointment. It is a sign -- is it a shotgun appointment. -- a a shock


of party unsure of what they are going? Something or someone changed


of party unsure of what they are his mind. He went for youth instead.


It did come out of the blue. I got a call from the party leader. He said


to me that he had been considering offering me the post and he offered


it to me then. I took a couple of offering me the post and he offered


days to decide to accept it. It is a huge challenge, but also a huge


opportunity. I did not think it was something I could say no to.


Challenge 11, driving through the review of the big administration


which will see the formation of 11 super councils. Today, the first


meeting of the chairs of transition committees set up to oversee the


change. This is my first meeting as Minister and chair of the regional


transition committee. He is also the minister in charge of another


difficult area, planning. Conditioners or is a bad thing and


difficult area, planning. there is also the new council


clusters tried to progress their plans as quickly as possible. I have


all taken an interest in planning and arguing something on behalf of


an applicant or an object. Now I find myself as the man in the middle


and having to make the judgement and it is not as easy! It is around the


executive table that he might find his greatest challenge. On the way


to his first executive meeting, he admits to doubts about his readiness


for the role. I am not overly daunted about today, being sat


around the table with other ministers. They have all been where


I will be today, so I'm sure there will be a degree of understanding


and maybe even compassion. However, will be a degree of understanding


the prospect of question Time next Monday is a different prospect


altogether and I am pretty nervous about it because I have to do quite


altogether and I am pretty nervous a bit of swotting up between now and


takes Monday, I think, in order to be able to ready for it as best as I


can be. I thank the Minister... The member for that. Not a minister yet,


hopefully one day so I can ask a question that he can't answer! It is


around the topical questions, you don't know what will come up and


given the breadth of my portfolio, it could be anything. I seem to have


survived it relatively unscathed! His honesty is all most disarming.


Inside a party no-fault having factions, he is said to be liked by


almost everyone, which explains why he was appointed. Outside the SDLP,


there are sceptics to be won over. It has more to do with recent


manoeuvrings inside the party than it probably has to do with the


intrinsic merits of Mr Durkin. -- of Mark H Durkan. You would worry about


him in a situation like question Time, which lit up this week when Mr


Robinson went for Jim Allister. It is a different atmosphere, people


have to be fast on their feet and I don't think he is that. His style is


different from his predecessor, who said it should not be a sign of


weakness. I can be combative when necessary and I will be combative


when necessary, when I think I need to be combative to get something


done but I believe is the right thing for the people of Northern


Ireland. That was Gareth Gordon. It is ironic


that we have a new Environment Minister, very chuffed with his job,


while we are discussing the crisis at Stormont. He is charming and


affable and honest. I wish him well and I hope he gets the fertility to


prove himself. Let us talk about tweets. There was one enormous tweet


that got everybody's attention this week and it was Gerry Kelly's tweet


about breaking out of the Maze. It was extremely insensitive and a


new lead would be. We spoke to how students about effective use of


social media. Maybe he needs to come to how classes. He knew what the


reaction would be to that tweet. But who was the tweet in? He was


treating the faithful. -- if he sent it to the faithful. It was


unhelpful. It certainly got people talking. Thank you for a much


indeed. Enough from the professors were stopped let us hear from our


resident philosopher. There was some row are pay on Monday. Jimbo was


furious. He looked like a fellow who look like he got a tweet from Gerry


Kelly. Gerry Kelly's tweet proved what we all knew, Sinn Fein does not


want a shrine at the Maze. There was an argument about one of the biggest


tourist attractions. A new neural has a quote from Martin Luther King


tourist attractions. A new neural next to a man with a gun to stop we


are going to use Mahatma Gandhi come but we reckon they would you DA.


Another alternative view from the health of the bad is it from us for


now. Join us on Sunday at 11 40 5pm... 11:45pm. Goodbye.


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