05/11/2013 am.pm


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Good afternoon, welcome to the programme and our weekly coverage of


questions to the First Minister. We have had a look at the order paper,


and as well as the usual questions on health and the economy, I am sure


AMs will want to know what Carwyn Jones thinks of new borrowing powers


announced last week. What do you want to talk about? If you want to


comment on anything on the programme or other political news, get in


touch with us. Business in the chamber is already


underway. Let's look at today's questions to the First Minister. We


now moved to questions to the First Minister.


Question one, Julie Morgan. What actions does the First Minister


plan to take to improve the economy of south-east Wales? Our priorities


for proving the economy -- improving economy are to provide growth and


encourage development of businesses. Is the First Minister able to tell


us what will be the timescale for the electrification of the Valley


lines, which is obviously very important to revitalise the South


Wales valleys, especially in view of the fact that the Office of Rail


Regulation is has recently stated that plans by Network Rail are not


costed insufficiently close detailed?


Network Rail are required to provide the electrification of the Valley


lines, with full introduction of services by December 2019.


I do understand it -- understand that the Office of Rail Regulation


will be looking at this as an output for period five, and I welcome the


announcement by the Prime Minister last week of the UK Government's


intention to repay the full cost West of Cardiff.


First minute, will you commend the announcement by the Prime Minister


of the NATO summit to be held in south-east Wales? This is a


remarkable achievement, as you will know. It will contribute over ?130


million to the economy and possibly lead to the creation of over 2000


jobs, possible -- coupled also with the M4 release road. It will


certainly help the economy in south-east Wales. Indeed so.


This has been high on the list of the Welsh government's priorities


for some time and the announcement last week will enable us to get on


and do it if that is the final decision.


Otherwise, it could not have been considered in the first place.


Regarding the NATO conference, that is something I was in discussion


with the UK Government about for some weeks and I very much welcome


the fact the UK Government have kept me informed of their intention to


hold it in Wales. First Minister, we received news


yesterday that Sapper exclusions in Bedworth plant was under threat of


closure. Explicitly blamed by the company -- company was the market


conditions in the UK and further afield. There are 132 jobs at this


site, jobs I am sure you will agree we can ill afford to lose. Will you


commit to use every effort to engage with the company and the workforce


to try to avoid closure? I can, of course. It is worrying


news for those who work at the plant and we will be liaising with the


company to see what can be done to assist them. Thank you for those


comments, and I am sure our thoughts are all with the staff and their


families as they face uncertainty into Christmas.


I wonder what you can tell us what assessment you have made of the


potential impact on jobs for the supply and demand chain for Supper


aluminium? These are being examined by


officials, the first objective is to see what may be done to assist those


who work there. We would all wish to see a situation where potentially


those jobs would continue where they are. No one can guarantee that, but


we will work hard to make sure that those who work there are provided


with a more certain future. What action is the Wolves government


taking to prevent the mis-selling of hedging products to small


businesses? Regulation of banking products is


not a devolved matter, but we do recognise the grief these are


causing to Welsh businesses and the Minister for economy, science and


transport is meeting with an organisation tomorrow to discuss


this issue. According to the campaign group,


Billy Banks, this has cost an estimated 4000 jobs and an enormous


?1.7 billion in lost revenue to the Treasury.


The businesses effective -- affected have to pay an exit fee of the --


25% of the initial value. My colleague has worked tirelessly to


support the campaign and will be speaking at the meant -- meeting you


mentioned tomorrow night. First Minister, will you commend and join


this campaign to take a stand against such bad financial


practice? I don't think I can add to the answer I gave previously.


I understand that the member will also be at that meeting.


Clearly it is an important issue for our small and medium enterprises. I


note with pleasure that on the 24th of October the UK Government in a


House of Commons debate did commit to monitor the interest rate swap


agreement more closely. That has been the purview and I certainly


welcome their interest. One of my constituents is going to a


half to either mortgage their House or see their business quote of --


see their business go out of business. What is the FSA doing? Is


it that they don't have sufficient presence in Wales, or is it the


financial ombudsman who should be capturing these issues before they


become such a huge problem two the FSA did identify this issue back in


June last year. By the spring of this year the high


street banks did commit to undertake reviews with their own customers to


whom they sold these products to see if there is a case for compensation.


I understand that is now proceeding. Of course, the Minister will be in


the meeting with the organisation Bully Banks to see if there is


anything we can do as a devolved government to assist businesses that


have been affected. TRANSLATION: First minute, the impact of the


mis-selling of these kinds of loans is very serious indeed for those


businesses and the wider economy. There are tourism businesses,


agriculture businesses, business is running care homes who have been


directly affected by this in my constituency and others. I am


grateful that the Minister for the economy is to meet with


representatives tomorrow evening to discuss this further, but will you


and your government take this further and make every opportunity


with the Treasury and Westminster government to put pressure on them


to actually conclude these negotiations to ensure that these


businesses are compensated, because they have been so badly affected by


this mis-selling two TRANSLATION: Of course we will do that, and I'm sure


the Minister will do that after the meeting that she has tomorrow.


Compensation has been paid to some businesses until now but of course


some of them, the majority, I would think, are still waiting for


compensation in the future. The Minister will consider the situation


about what the Welsh government can say and do to ensure that businesses


receive compensation that they deserve, ultimately.


We moved to questions from the Party leaders, first we have the leader of


the Welsh Liberal Democrats, Kirsty Williams.


First Minister, last week the UK Welsh government listened to Welsh


businesses and agreed the demolition of stamp duty to the Welsh


government. Given the importance of construction


to the Welsh economy, how many times in the last 12 months have you


personally met with the leaders of private sector firms building houses


in Wales? This is a matter for the Minister, primarily, but I have met


with people from persimmon homes and others.


We are looking for leadership from yourself.


The UK Government offers help by Alec -- and equity loans scheme in


England and mortgage guarantee scheme across the UK.


As of today there is still no scheme offered by the Welsh government to


help people secure a mortgage and give people the opportunity to warn


their own home and provide a much-needed boost to the


construction industry Wales. -- to own their own home. Why does your


covenant not have the drive our commitment to help the housing


sector? Scheme is being taken forward and it will be announced


shortly. You said a lack of leadership, I


have said many times I wanted to see stamp duty devolved. I said it


forcefully in London and ten days later we saw the demolition of stamp


duty. It is an important tool we can use. -- the devolution of stamp


duty. This government has shown clear leadership on this issue and


with regards to getting these recommendations in plummeted.


I wish the First Minister would help home buyers here in Wales.


After the collapse of your new by scheme earlier this year, you told


me you would be hopefully announcing the start date of Welsh government


scheme to help home-buyers as quickly as possible. That was over


six months ago. Despite a letter from your housing minister today, we


are still left with no firm date for that help and no specific details.


When will your government help first-time buyers in Wales?


There will be an announcement in the near future, certainly before


Christmas. One of the reasons why it has taken longer is because we need


to ensure financial institutions want to be part of asking. The UK


Government owned banks in a way that we do not. I believe the scheme will


be a great success in Wales, as I believe the devolution of stamp


duty, so resisted by some on the benches opposite, will make an


enormous difference. It took us an ice 11 months to get a response in


terms of the silk commission's recommendations. I welcome the fact


that we have had that response and I believe we have had that response


and I believe really -- be able to do even more to help first-time


buyers once the Help To Buy scheme is lodged and once we can get stamp


duty properly devolved in order to assist those who need it most.


First Minister, last week your government announced an inquiry into


practices in the health -- in a local Health Board. This is a


long-standing campaign about having a more general campaign across the


general inquiry across the whole of Wales, based on the Keogh angry held


in England. Why are you single note this Health Board instead of


bringing one forward for the whole of the Welsh NHS? -- why are you


singling out? The Conservatives are running a general campaign, and that


involves trying to run down the Welsh NHS. He has rather let the cat


out of the bag they are. We have no proposals for a Keogh style inquiry


and we will not assist and in general campaign about the NHS. I


have no problem in saying that the Welsh Conservatives are running a


campaign. I had the huge privilege and pleasure last eight of meeting


one member in the House of Commons and she congratulated me personally


on the actions we are taking. First Minister, the situation that people


are coming ourselves as elected members across this chamber shows


you in a very bad light indeed, and your government in particular, that


you are not addressing those concerns and taking them seriously


enough to bring forward an inquiry. She identified the issues for the


English NHS last week with her report. She also touched on the


point that 25% of the -- respondents she received came from Wales. We


have some very serious issues that, in fairness, Europe ministers


identified. Why can the whole NHS not benefit from such an inquiry


that would root out bad practice, celebrate good practice and improve


the Welsh NHS two it is a simple question and a simple formula.


There are no particular matters within the NHS that deserve an


inquiry generally. The health minister has held an inquiry in


relation to something very specific. I do not accept the


situation exists in Wales where the risen need for the general inquiry.


There is a need for it in England because the NHS in England is in


crisis because of your government. You only have to see the front page


of the Observer to see the disaster waiting people in inward because of


the actions of his Party. We will not impose the chaos in England on


the people in Wales. There are better outcomes and shorter waiting


times in England, first man. You are responsible for the NHS in


Wales. It is up to you to look to your conscience to see whether you


are doing the job that is expected of you. I will leave you with the


quote Ann Clwyd left in her report yesterday. You can bury your head in


the sand and pretend everything is well, but it isn't. I think Bevan


would be turning in his grave. Was she talking about England? I will


also remind the leader of the opposition that Bevan was create --


cremated. It is completely fair to point out to the Party opposite what


would happen if they were in charge of the health service in Wales, and


it is completely legitimate to use the evidence that we see from the


NHS in England to see the disaster that will be before the people of


Wales if ever they were in power. Waiting times are spiralling in


England. The figures are going in We don't do what that happen as the


party opposite ever got their hands on the levers of power on the NHS in


Wales, crisis and cuts. That is what the Tories stand for. First


Minister, a few weeks ago you said devolution needs to be an event. Do


you see the announcement last Friday on fiscal devolution as an


opportunity to be that event? It is an exceptionally important milestone


in history of Wales. The first time we have the ability to vary taxes


and be able to borrow. It represents a big step forward, but it could be


augmented greatly with a positive response from the UK Government with


regard to part two. Thank you for your answer. You have expressed


concerns in relation to further powers on income tax with regards to


Barnett reform. I have some sympathy about that. We have been outlining


the case for reform of it since the 1990s and I'm sure that many members


will remember the work of Phil Williams who pressed that point I'm


apply again. -- time and time again. We are glad that you agree with us


on that point of Barnet reform. Barnet reform will be in the cloud


Cymru 2015 election manifesto. Will you commit to Barnet reform being in


the Labour 2015 manifesto? I don't think that Barnett is tenable in the


long-term. I think we all understand that. But we have made it clear that


Wales is underfunded and that underfunding needs to be addressed.


It would be good to have that commitment from you, First Minister,


because you have had 13 years in government to ensure a new funding


formula for Wales and yet nothing was done, so if you're not commit to


reforming Barnett, you will not commit to reforming income tax


powers, and in the event that Barnett is reformed, will you commit


to campaigning for a yes vote in a referendum on Welsh income tax, in


that event? The leader of cloud Cymru makes it seem like I am


shouting from the rooftops about the Barnett four North. It certainly is


my intention in order to see that funding is included in the 2015


Labour manifesto. That will be an important part of the manifesto for


all parties. When it comes income tax, I have to say that, the funding


formula is important because three quarters of the money that would


receive would still come from the block grant. Unless that is


stabilised and this made fairer, then income tax devolution is of no


consequence. What would we do with it? The situation with the rise that


as we see the shifting of the block grant from the Tories in London we


would then be in the position of having to increase income tax. That


is not an attractive option for the people of Wales. I asked myself the


question, in a referendum, what would you say to the people of Wales


that would make income tax devolution attractive to them? At


the moment there are two arguments for it. The absolute priority is to


make sure that the funding formula is dealt with firstly. Deal with the


?300 million of underfunding before we say that to the people of Wales.


We have to get a fair share from Westminster first before we consider


income tax devolution. First Minister will you make a statement


on Internet safety lessons in schools? These are being made with


children in key stages two and three. In includes a programme of


study for ICT within the GCSE framework. You may be aware of the


campaign from the Internet watch campaign and ChildLine on raising


awareness of online dangers to young people, particular sex texting, and


the news a bit at that provides advice when children are crested to


send explicit images. Many parents are unaware of the risks or how to


handle the situation and are often less technology-savvy than their


children. What opportunities are there for parents to join in with


lessons or to have some form of education about the dangers or the


potential dangers of the Internet and what are you doing to promote


the new NSPCC and ChildLine Zipit app that can be added to young


people's telephones? We have awareness raising activities running


from January 2014 -March 2015. We want to build on existing expertise.


There was a safer Internet Day being held on 11 February next year. We're


what thing with the National Digital learning Council on a series of


events to promote the day and we will providing a fun day to support


those activities across Wales. -- providing funding. There was plenty


of evidence that use of the Internet and social media can enhance a


child's ability to relate to the world and it should not be seen as a


threat as opposed to more traditional methods but if you ask


children what they are most concerned about by mobile phones or


online, and that is bullying. That is what concerns them most, so what


steps are government taking to make sure that bullying is dealt with,


particularly amongst girls, who complain particularly about online


bullying. We have a campaign to make sure that children are junk people


know what cyber bullying is and that they know where they can receive


support -- children and young people. The campaign is still


ongoing. We are asking children and young people to play a role to make


sure that their schools take part in activities and also, to raise


awareness of children and young people, of what they should do, to


ensure that, if they are in a situation where they are receiving


cyber bullying, that they know how this deal with it. -- who to speak


to, and where to go. That campaign proves unsuccessful then legislation


would be necessary. Some 47% of children have been the lead through


the Internet. Has any assessment in made of the statement made by the


children's Commissioner? It depends what kind of legislation we would


need and whether that legislation would come under the powers of the


Assembly. We have to consider any ideas about legislation to see what


we can do, here, and what would need to be done at UK level. Thank you


presiding officer. What are the Welsh government powers relating to


land registration? It is a non-devolved matter. 4000 homes in


my constituency have received letters from the land Registry


saying that a gentleman called Stephen Paul Hales, who bought


writes some years ago had registered those rights and it has led to


concerns amongst the most vulnerable people in my constituency, although


this is not a devolved issue, what pressure can the First Minister put


on the land Registry to ensure that any powers behind these ancient


powers in Wales are done away with in future, and also, to ensure that


people cannot eat right and in future, in receiving legal letters


of this sort without any word of warning or explanation? Legal


letters to scare people, we know that, particularly in situations


like this. This is not the first time this has happened. It happened


before, about 12 years ago. Somebody who had bought a title and then


wanted to exercise their rights to that title, even though this does


not come under the powers of the Welsh government, I will consider


this situation to see what I can do in terms of writing to the registry,


and in the meantime it is important that people take legal advice about


the situation that they face as individuals. But, no, this is not


something that is there for people -- fair for people. It is surprising


that this situation still exists. I will consider this issue. I will


write to the member to see exactly what we can do, as a government. 20%


of land in Wales and England still remains unregistered. Understanding


of course that this is not a devolved issue. How is the Welsh


government proactively working with the land Registry to encourage more


voluntary registrations in Wales? It is not something we have done as a


government. Certainly, it is far easier where people register land


otherwise you have a situation where cold cases rely on evidence going


back many years, and it is not easy to unravel the issues of ownership


that go back many years. There are still some properties in Wales that


are not registered. There are still some properties in Wales where some


of them did not even have title deeds. Trying to trace those back is


not easy. I would certainly encourage all of those who own land


to consider whether there land is registered and if they have not done


so, to do so at the earliest opportunity. Will you outline the


action the Welsh government is taking to reduce respiratory illness


in Wales? We have set out the actions we will be taking to help


patients with respiratory diseases. Respiratory disease causes one in


seven deaths in Wales and is the third largest cause of death for


both men and women, with the biggest contributing cause remaining


smoking, and that must be a priority. We have a fresh start


Wales programme, and a major plank of the campaign to reduce exposure


to smoke, for children particularly in cars. Can you see what progress


has been made on that campaign? The campaign has been moving forward


strongly. There has been evaluation that has taken place. We had the


2010 health behaviour in school age children report. In February this


year, we carried out a study of primary age children's exposure to


smoke in cars and elsewhere, and we have commissioned a report on the


effects of smoking in cars carrying children. When that evaluation


process is complete, we will then, as we have said before, consider


pursuing legislator options, if children's exposure to second-hand


smoke doesn't fall before March of next year, so there is lots of


evaluation taking place and that date next year is important also


after that, we will need to consider whether legislation is appropriate


or not. Thank you for your answer. There was a public health Wales Bill


on your legislative programme. We know that second-hand smoke is a


major problem for children in cars. It can lead to developing a smoking


habit later in life and can lead to respiratory problems. When will you


pull your finger out and get on with delivering a change in the law which


prevents the harm that second-hand smoke can cause the children in


small, enclosed places, in cars? This is a major issue which I think


could send a powerful message the people of Wales about smoking, and


the intention of this government and National Assembly to tackle it? He's


doing well at the beginning, but then you lost his way of little


towards the end. As we have said many times we want to take a


voluntary approach first and if that was not as successful as we would


want it to be, then we would look to legislate, as has been the case for


years. We have had the campaign and the evaluation and we have given a


set date as to when we would want to consider whether legislation is


needed or not. What we do not want of course is it partly challenging


competence in this field. We believe this is a health issue, not a road


traffic issue. First Minister, I am sure you will


congratulate the Welsh Rugby union for supporting the quit for Wales


campaign launched today. What efforts as the government taking to


support this campaign? We support campaigns run by other


arts organisations in order to quit smoking. We have another -- a number


of campaigns, this is just one of them. We know that anti-smoking


campaigns have been successful over the years. It is probably true to


say that reducing the figure further can be a difficult nut to crack. Of


course, that is all the more reason to look at using encouragement and


also using legislation where it is needed. We have the ban we have


imposed on smoking in public places and we are looking at legislation to


ban smoking in cars with children present. First minute, from your


time at rural affairs, you will recall that one sector where


respiratory disorders are particularly acute is in the


agriculture industry, we are things like Farmer's long arise from the


inhalation of spores from fodder and so on. -- farmer's lung. It is


difficult to get figures from farmers and growers, and this makes


it difficult to look at the problem. What's it -- solution has the


government given to look at ways the health of farmers can be monitored


to address these disorders two I will provide as much information as


we hold with regards to the incidents of respiratory diseases


amongst farmers and the nature of those diseases, as well.


As part of that correspondence, I will outline to the member of what


steps we are taking to raise awareness, and secondly treating


those illnesses as they become apparent.


Will the First Minister make a statement on his priorities for


sport in Wales for the next 12 months, please two they are in the


programme for government. Thank you for the short answer.


The Welsh government major event unit as one of its objectives as to


develop an effective relationship with UK and international media


event owners. Will the First Minister advise what progress has


been made by the major event unit in developing such relationships? And


attracting major sporting events to Wales?


We had the Rugby league World Cup, that was launched a week last


Saturday. We have some games in the Rugby


union World Cup in 2015. The Ashes are coming, we have supported


cricket in Wales. There are a number of events than -- the member will be


aware of we have attracted over the years by the major events unit and


we have a very good record. Where we can work with the UK Government, we


will do that. Quite course, we are in competition with other parts of


the UK and it is not always possible. But where cooperation is


possible we will look to do that, as we did with the Olympics last year,


for example. TRANSLATION: First Minister,


yesterday I received a letter back from David Sparkes, the Chief


Executive of British swimming, regarding the relocation of the


elite Paralympic training facilities from Swansea to Manchester. In that


letter he admits there was not adequate consultation with sport


Wales on the relocation of these facilities, and he also said that,


having the coaching there did not demonstrate value for money. That is


something that I, as a regional Assembly Member, and quite angry


about in terms of the very effective and valuable facilities available in


Swansea. What further discussions have you had as a government in


order to highlight the fact that we need facilities for the future in


the national Welsh swimming pool in Swansea?


TRANSLATION: Of course, it is the decision of the governing body to do


this, not a decision made by the government. I will write to the


member to ensure that she knows what our position is as a government, and


of course to consider what we can do to ensure that the swimming pool in


Swansea is being used in the way it should be in the future.


We will leave First Minister's Questions player, but don't forget


you can see more coverage of the National Assembly online from BBC


Wales's democracy live page. Our political editor, Nick Servini, has


been watching question Time, and joined us from the Assembly


newsroom. Plenty of questions on the tax and


borrowing announcement we had from David Cameron last week. Are we any


clearer where the First Minister stands on this. It was the first


opportunity for the Assembly members to discuss that announcement, which


the First Minister described as an exceptional milestone, to give the


Welsh government powers over taxes like stamp duty for the first time.


And an announcement by the UK Government it would set in train a


motion that would allow the Welsh government to hold a referendum on


income tax if possible, if they wanted in the future. We certainly


got an illustration of the way of thinking of the First Minister, in


that he is very reluctant to go down the income tax route at present. The


standard position is that he will not want to hold a referendum unless


the Barnett formula, the formula that decides how much the Welsh


government gets from Westminster from the block grant each year, is a


reformed. Under questioning -- a questioning -- aggression came from


the leader of Plaid Cymru, who asked if he left the Barnett formula is


reformed, with the First Minister campaign for a yes vote in the


referendum? -- a question came. He said, what would he say to the


people of Wales that would make it an attractive proposition to them?


He said that at this moment in time, he is struggling to think of those


arguments, although he did concede that that may change in the future.


I think really a continuation of something we have already seen, that


he is very reluctant and refusing to be drawn on where he stands, even if


the Barnett formula is reformed and, potentially, paves the way for


that referendum. Very briefly, Geraint Davies discussing health


today, he has been speaking with Ann Clwyd. That may cause a few


sleepless nights for the First Minister. Yes, he said he was in


Westminster last night and she had congratulated him on the work he was


doing, trying to pressure the Welsh government on trying to improve the


NHS in Wales. Thank you very much for that, Nick. That is it for


today, I will be back at the same time with more coverage of First


Minister's Questions, and if you want more on Welsh politics before


then we have the Wales Report, after the 10pm news tomorrow. If you want


more run Welsh politics you can catch up with Sunday Politics on BBC


One Wales at 11pm. -- at 11am. For all the latest news, don't forget


Wales Today later at 6:30pm. After a very lively session of First


Minister's Questions there, that is it from me, join me again next week


at the same time, thank you very much for watching.




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