Ruth Davidson Ask the Leader

Ruth Davidson

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We're putting the leaders of the SNP, the Conservatives,


Labour and the Liberal Democrats on the spot this week.


They'll each face questions from a live studio


And I'll try to press them for the answers.


If you'd like to join in the debate on social media,


We heard from Willie Rennie and Kezia Dugdale


earlier in the week, and we'll speak to Nicola


But tonight it's the turn of Ruth Davidson, leader


of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.


And the first question for her comes from Susan Kelso.


Thank you. Hello, Ruth. I am worried about the Brexit negotiations. This


week we had seen Theresa May crumble in the face of questions from the


public and journalists. How will she stand up to the remaining EU


countries when she can't even stand up to Jeremy Paxman?


I think you heard today from Theresa May, she made a big speech on


Brexit. She stalked the country through the issues she wants to


raise as we go forward. She's talked about her priorities for Brexit, the


way in which we want to approach the negotiations, things like ensuring


we get the right deal and cooperation for crime and Security,


making sure we not only secure the EU nationals here's rights but


abroad, to make sure we get a comprehensive free trade deal, so we


can still trade freely, and these are things a whole country can get


behind. I don't doubt there will be challenges. This is a case of making


sure we have the right person at the table. I'm not sure what Jeremy


Corbyn's priorities for Brexit are, I don't think he has laid out to the


country in the same way the Prime Minister has. That is the decision


the country will have to make. I have seen Theresa May work, the


application she puts in, the hard work she does, the diligence she has


in number ten and I think she will absolutely rise to the challenge.


The three she keeps using is she offers strong and stable leadership.


Was it strong not to turn up to the BBC debate? 2010 was only leaders


debate, leader wide, that there's been. David Cameron took part. He


didn't do it in 2015. There's only one that's ever happened. If you're


looking at an example where you can trust the leadership of Jeremy


Corbyn and Theresa May there is a good Scottish example. When Nicola


Sturgeon was demanding a second independence referendum, Theresa May


laid out her reasons very clearly that now is not the time. You had to


see what the two options looked alike, nor could you be dragged back


there when the country didn't want to. Let me show the contrast, you're


asking me to talk about potential leaders. Let me ask you, I'm sure


you'll get the chance to make your point. Jeremy Corbyn did say he


would be absolutely fine with the second independence referendum and


said he would negotiate with Nicola Sturgeon about it. There is an


example of strong and stable leadership from Theresa May but not


Jeremy Corbyn. Is it an example of strong and stable leadership of


Theresa May to backtrack on her plans to make changes to national


insurance contributions in the last budget? I think we want to make sure


we have the right deal for the country. We want to ensure we have


an income that can support our public services but we also don't


want to hamper business organisations. OK, but was it an


example of strong and stable leadership for Theresa May to


reverse her proposals in the manifesto on social care? They


haven't been reversed, it's about making sure in the English system,


and it's a separate system in Scotland, the long-term challenge of


care is addressed. These are difficult decisions, really complex


issues. She wants to make sure there is ?100,000 of the well maintained


for residential care. In Scotland it is only 26,000 500. These are tough


questions. Government is about tough questions but she is grasping the


nettle of these tough questions. She certainly has been when it comes to


independence. Let's go back to the question, what is your own view? My


concern is Theresa May is good at sound bites and standing up a podium


and reading a rehearsed script... APPLAUSE


But when she is questioned on it she crumbles and comes over as weak and


wobbly, and that is my concern when she faces the EU countries. If you


want a reality TV star, look to America. I want her to stand up for


her views. You have one of the longest serving Home Secretary is on


record, who has faced down terror threats in this country. She


crumbles. I don't believe that is the case. OK, one thing she has said


is she wants this election to have her own mandate, a stronger mandate


and that somehow that will strengthen her hand in the Brexit


negotiations. How? She will have to sit across the table from 27 other


readers and asked the country to come behind her. How do you


demonstrate that people abroad? If you have won an election, that's how


you demonstrate the country is behind you. If she wins, no matter


how big her mandate, she will still be the Prime Minister of one country


against 27. That doesn't change anything? You saw before the general


election was called, you had other leaders, including Nicola Sturgeon


on social media, saying she had no mandate at all and didn't speak to


Britain. People abroad can see that. They can see what other people in


the political sphere in the UK are saying about the Prime Minister of


the UK, will have to try and get the best deal for this country. I think


if she is being challenged to have a mandate, and that challenge is made


public, she is right to go and get it. If she offers such strong and


stable leadership, why does it appear that Labour is narrowing the


gap in the opinion polls? If you look at the opinion polls, and I'm


not sure after 2015, Brexit or the American election you should trust


them, but if you look at what's there, the biggest landslide in my


political lifetime as Tony Blair in 1997. 43% of the vote. The UK


Conservatives are currently polling 45%, even higher than 97 Lions wide.


Jeremy Corbyn is creeping up. -- and 97 landslide. Polls quite often


narrow before the vote. I want to bring in more voices from our


audience on this. The lady in the middle with the blue top. Just


following what you said about Jeremy Corbyn, not really putting out case,


I think at least he showed up last night and addressed the nation on


how he was going to be that strong and stable leader. APPLAUSE


The young man at the back. It's humiliating she tweeted her answer


to that question and wasn't there to answer. The gentleman? We need a


free trade agreement, it took Canada six years. We have 666 days to leave


the European Union, any trade deal, there won't be a deal when we leave,


it will cost households ?1700. Brexit will be a disaster and


Theresa May is not the person to be at the helm of that ship. APPLAUSE


I think the difference between us and other countries is we have


already been within the EU, so we already comply to all of the


regulations, all the other things that need to be worked out with the


free trade agreement. Some of the elements that have to be decided


upon. We already comply with so much of this. We are starting further


ahead in the great, if you like, than another country like Canada


would. When you are campaigning for Remain in the EU referendum, and you


were one of the leading campaigners for that site, you said Brexit would


result in the UK crashing the economy. When did you change your


mind? I think if we don't get a good deal it could be very challenging.


That's why I'm so supportive to make sure we have the right people


leading the country and I think that is Theresa May. User Brexit would


mean we would crash our economy. I think there are huge challenges.


Have you changed your mind about that was still very worried? I would


still Vote Remain, if the question was asked, I campaigned for it. The


differences, and this might be more potent in Scotland than anywhere


else, if you as a politician say there is a massive decision that the


country has to make and it is so big it has to be taken out of the hands


of politicians in Parliament and has to be made by the country as a


whole, then to just turn around and say, I didn't like that result,


let's redo the election again and again and the referendum again and


again, then I don't think... I say we shouldn't do that on Scottish


independence, I have the right -- I don't have the right to say that the


Brexit either. I have to now make sure we have the strongest position,


because that's the decision that was made year. Let's look at something


you said in the aftermath about the sort of deal you thought we should


get after the referendum. You would like to stay in the single


market? Yes. Even if a consequence of that is maintaining free movement


of labour? Even so, yes. When did you change your mind on that? The


reason I campaigned for Remain and believe in free markets is on the


centre-right politician. I want Scottish businesses to trade freely


across the continent. You are no longer arguing you want to be in the


single market? If you let me just carry on a second to explain why I'm


saying that. The system we had, the system I was campaigning for within


Remain was we stayed within the way in which we were allowed to do that.


The framework was the single market. Now, the Prime Minister says as we


leave, and that was a decision taken by the entire country, not just


politicians, that as we leave she wants to ensure we still have the


ability to trade freely across the continent through combines a free


trade agreement. We can quibble about the framework but if it allows


Scottish businesses to trade freely across the continent, of course I


support that. You said you would be prepared to accept the free movement


of people but your party has rejected that as a core principle of


the Brexit negotiations. Because they decided or agreed that was one


thing the people rejected in the vote itself. It was on the ballot


paper? Being part of the European Union was one of the integral parts.


Within days of the referendum result leave you are talking up the


possibility of staying in the single market and retailing free movement


of people. I was asked about my position. I believed in those things


because that's what I voted for a few days before it was filmed. Let's


bring in the audience, the lady in the front row with glasses and then


the gentleman at the backstop don't you talk about Theresa May's Brexit


priorities. Why has it not been a priority to guarantee EU nationals


here? Shouldn't people be a priority? Absolutely. She made an


approach to other EU leaders to ask if we could do this before Article


30 and the negotiation process and was rejected on that request. She is


right to say we need to get this sorted first and foremost. She is


also right to make sure the millions of British people living abroad also


have security that is given to them, as well as making sure we get


security to EU nationals here. She could have taken the lead. She did.


She should've said the UK were guaranteeing the right of EU


nationals. As Prime Minister of the UK she has a responsibility to Brits


who live elsewhere. Let me bring in the gentleman in the back row. What


do you think of our stance to only involve a handful of Cabinet


ministers in the decision-making process? Why isn't it going back to


Parliament? We have agreed it will go back to Parliament and in terms


of having a negotiating team, people have their different tasks. Don't


think for one second that in the last year that haven't been


unbelievable amounts of meetings with ministers, officials, advisors,


with all of the different interest groups, individual sectors, with


unions, with others, about what it is they want. One of the things I


found quite surprising, because I was quite surprising about the EU


result last year, was within days of it, the amount of people knocking at


my door with a wholly rational response saying, this is what my


company or this is what my sector or this is what my area of expertise is


worried about when we leave, so this is what we have to get right. All


this is what I have always hated about the European Union, if we come


out, can we change it? Whether it was the fishermen 's Federation, NFU


Scotland, the financial services sector. They wanted to make sure


I've said that in and they could get meetings and these meetings have


been going on, to make sure the government understand not just what


organisations in Scotland want but right across the UK. Let me move on


to another topic. We are rapidly getting through our time. This


question comes from Jane Reid, submitted from home. She asks, where


do you stand on the triple lock for pensioners? The triple lock was


brought in because under the last government there was quite a lot of


very small rises in the pension, way below inflation. One year it was


only 10p a week. I should explain what the mechanism does. It means


pensions, state pension is operated by either... Inflation, wages or


2.5%, whatever its highest. The reason it was brought in was so that


it caught up. That party was going to guarantee the triple lock stays


until 2020 and after that it will be a double lock, rising with wages or


information. Once we have self rated, it will never drop below that


again. But it is likely, is it not, that over time, that will slow the


pace at which pensions increase? That depends on inflation wages. It


will take money away from pensioners? It will go up every year


and it won't be going up by 10p every year like we saw under Gordon


Brown. It will be significant rises every year. You say that... But it


wouldn't be guaranteed rise if there was no inflation and if earnings


weren't rising? There would be no rise? Can you point me to a time,


that has never happened, Glenn! You are confident it will continue to


rise. The research into this between 2010- the present suggests that had


we not had the triple lock, the 2.5% guaranteed. Which the Conservatives


brought in and every other party voted against. They are supporting


it at this election. Every time you put it through budget. The research


carried out by the Telegraph said the pension would be worth ?107 less


if the 2.5% part of the triple lock had been applied.


That is why we make sure we brought it back to where it should be. It


will continue into 2020 and never fall below that level again. Another


question, Jonathan Bryson? I want to know what the Tories will


do to demonstrate that they will value disabled people again in the


future? One of the things we are trying to do. In the last general


election, we said we wanted to have the disability employment gap, so we


know there are barriers to people seeking to get into employment. We


changed DLA. There is Personal Independence Payments. One of the


reasons for that is to make sure we had parity of esteem between people


who had mental health issues and physical issues, but which impacted


on their ability in the workplace and perhaps weren't able to get into


work. So, these are changes that we've made. And I think what is


important as well is one of the things we are doing now, and you


know, this is, I think this is such a good idea. I wish we'd done it


sooner and wished it occurred to do it sooner, is we are putting more


work coaches into Job Centres to help with issues people with


disabilities have. They will help with CV writing, core skills and


helping to get a job. They should be able to help employers to feel as if


they are confident enough to take on disabled staff. We know sometimes


the difficulty is actually at the employer end rather than the ability


of the person presenting for interview. Your manifesto talks


about getting one million more disabled people into work over a


time. What is your own experience? Well, I just, I have a good


experience in terms of work, etc. I feel that the sentiment that is


around since 2010 is bad. When you have messages from the Budget, where


George Osborne said we will cut taxes for the top and then cut


benefits does not give a message that you value disabled people. It


gives a message... It gives a message that the strong


in society get spoils and those who are vulnerable are left to


themselves. And I think that is deplorable. George Osborne may have


gone, but I feel that that sentiment still exists. One of May's special


advisers says we will target the most needy disabled. That does not


make disabled people feel better. You have outlined some very


interesting micro-policies. There has to be a message coming back to


disabled people, saying, we value you. There is 30 million people,


according to Scope, who are disabled in this country. Only 11 million or


between 11 million-12 million people voted Tory in the last election. Why


aren't you saying, come on disabled people, vote for us. That is


something for all parties, I have to say. First of all, if you want a big


message, my big message is I want to see the ability, no not the


disability. That is one of the reasons why enabling people who are


able to work and want to work and find there are barriers on their...


Do you understand why Jonathan and others with disabilities feel they


are being penalised when benefits are taken away? Actually, in terms


of disability benefit, the movement to PIP means more people are on the


higher rate. I know that when you talk about statistics it does not


relate to people's own lives. It seems difficult to be able to do


that. One of the things we are trying to do is to make sure that it


is a more responsive benefit that does help people and also it is


about making sure that people have the help that they need, rather than


the fact that they are left. We don't want people to be left behind.


We want them to come on that journey. That is clear, but when you


have a situation where policy advisers say we are going to only


help the most needy disabled and in the same statement, in front of


Parliament, have a Chancellor who says, we are going to cut taxes at


the top and then leave the vulnerable with less, then I find


that difficult to deal with. Thank you very much for your


contribution. I know that others want to come in


on this. So, the gentleman in the middle with the baseball cap. You


have just said that you're going to introduce like coaches into Job


Centres - is this the same Job Centres that you guys are closing


down all over the city? The lady over here I would like to


ask if your party does get into Government if you would make, give


better training to Pep assessments. I have been to an assessment. I was


declined on the basis I didn't look like I had a mental health issue.


Tell us more about that. I was referred by two of my medical


professionals. I had chosen myself to come off of Disability Living


Allowance because I felt it was well controlled. I was not able to make


that choice myself. I'm epileptic and it is very well controlled


thanks to the NHS. Although they are understood funded with that at the


moment. When I went to my assessment it was for the mental health issues


which had come from it. I was told, you don't look, I looked in perfect


health, therefore I didn't qualify for any benefits. What impact did


that have on you? I put in an appeal. I wanted an appeal to have


people educated. I myself found that very difficult. I can only imagine


how difficult it would be for someone who potentially has much, a


much harder time coping. I'm in full-time work and things. It was a


horrific letter to receive. Mental health and disabilities are not


vizable for that reason. Is that how it's meant to work? I am happy to


take that case up with. It shouldn't work like that. We want to get it


right. We inherited a system which did not work well. We have done


revisions and retraining. With the assessments we make sure it is


medical staff doing it. There are questions about abilities, rather


than ability, you know, looking at a person. That is absolutely not how


it is meant to work. If that hasn't happened in your case I will take it


up for you. I was told my numbers didn't add up. It is not the


personal approach that the Government are putting it out there.


It is more personal, tailored to you. I will try and get the numbers


right. It is four or five revisions since we came into the system that


we inherited to get it better every time. I accept it is not perfect.


There may not be a perfect system out there. I don't know if there is


anywhere in the world. We want to try and get it right for individual


people. In your case you were badly let down. I am happy to take that


case up for you. I want to bring in another question, because time is


moving on quickly. Our next question from Kelly Given.


Politics aside, do you specifically, as a woman, truly believe in the


rape clause and what it represents for our most vulnerable women? What


we mean when we talk about the rape clause - there is a policy which


limits tax credit claims to the first two children. There are


exemptions for multiple births and for women who have a third child as


a result of rape. It is about giving women extra help. Women who have


been raped do deserve extra help. There is a big debate we can have on


whether we should have limited or unlimited benefits. I think in


exceptional cases there should be exceptions. I have said in the past


when people have challenged about the way in which it is carried out,


the way it is brought forward, is it is supposed to be, the way you


qualify for extra help is third party professionals fill out the


form for you. That is a system which currently works for people that have


been victims of domestic violence and it has cross-party support. That


was the best model we could see to work in this area. If as this rolls


out and it is coming in now, if it doesn't work well for the woman


involved, we can look at that again. You say if it doesn't work well for


women involved, what do you imagine it feels like for somebody who has


been raped and has had a child as a result of that to have to tell, to


relive their horrific experience, albeit through a third party, just


to claim a few quid in state benefits? It is very difficult when


you have got to fill, when you are asked to fill out a criminal


compensation form. Women who have been subject to rape already have to


do. One of the reasons we have asked third party professionals to help


fill it out so they don't have to go through the details. Every time I


hear you speak about this, you don't look comfortable. Rape is a very


difficult thing to talk about. I find it difficult when people walk


through my doors, in my surgeries, if you have been subject to


violence, I don't think there is any woman who hasn't been or doesn't


know somebody close to them who has been subject to sexual violence at


some points in their lives. I accept this is a difficult thing to talk


about. I go back to the question. If you think it is a difficult thing to


talk about, why are you making women talk about very painful experiences?


That's why they themselves don't have to fill out the form. That is


why it is for others to do it. They don't have to bring forward


evidence. They don't have to bring forward a crime report number. They


don't have to bring forward supporting convictions. It is about


making sure if they want extra financial support, it is there for


them. Do you not think it will be more of a deterrent. I personally


have not experienced anything like that, if I had, I would imagine that


being faced with a choice, if I was to have to fill out an eight-page


form or walk away without a few extra quid, I would probably do


that. Can one not argue it is a money-saving technique? To put


people off from making the claim? Absolutely not. There is a limit on


child tax credits. It is set at two children. There a debate on whether


you should have limited or unlimited benefits. If there are limits, there


should be exemptions when there are exceptional cases. And, you know,


like I say, if there is a way of doing it better, I want to hear it.


But I do think that women who have had children in the worst of


circumstances, if they want extra help it should be there for them.


You either make people answer the question, or you don't. If there is


a limit and somebody comes forward who has had a child in an, you know,


in a multiple birth or whether a child of rape, and that limit is


there, you, you know, there's got to be way to know. Maybe the underlying


policy is wrong. Again that is a question coming back to, do you have


a system of limited benefits or unlimited benefits. That is a


different debate. Let's see where the audience want to take this. The


gentleman in the back row? I've had like, I'm not myself experienced


anything like this, but I have friends that I know has experienced


sexual assault and rape, and, at least one of my friends I was


talking to very confident, I will not say any names, they said they


didn't want to come forewashed at all because to talk about this would


be to relive something for her which is really horrific. It puts someone


in that position to have relive, even go to a professional otherwise


or to go with poverty because they cannot afford to have the child


benefit for their child. That is morally offending policy. I don't


think you should defend it, Ruth. Well, look, like I say I have people


who come through my doors and you are right, some women do want to go


down a criminal justice route. Some don't. Some want to know what is


available to them. We will help them anyway we can. There is a limit on


this particular benefit at the moment. And if people want extra


help, then I think it should be available for them. Thank you very


much. We are into our final minute or so. A very brief question.


Why is it acceptable for the UK Government to block 16 and 17 year


olds from voting when they have proved their maturity in the


Scottish and local council elections? That is one where I am


losing. I have lobbied in public. I was acceptable and the referendum


happened and I am a convert. The work I and others... You cannot


persuade Theresa May to do one of her famous U-turns? I am working on


it. Watch this space! We are at the end of the time already. The half


hour has flown past. Thank you to Ruth Davidson for being here and to


you all for your comments and questions. The fourth and final ask


the leader will be on form night with Nicola Sturgeon. To everyone


here, watching in Glasgow, thanks for watching and good night.


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