14/10/2016 SNP Conference


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resolution 17. To be moved by Roger Mullin MP. And seconded by @lice and


MP. Thank you for giving a short extension to allow this to be held.


I'll try to be briefer than I normally am, to allow Alison to have


a few words after me. If yot're leaving the hall can you do so as


quietly as possible. So the remaining speakers can be hdard


Thank you. Sorry, Roger, carry on. Justice begins at home. We often


hear that phrase. But justice doesn't have any borders and is not


confined by geography. This is about justice we want to do to our fellow


citizens in the poorest countries in the world. In a few weeks I'm


bringing forward in Westminster a private members will to deal with


international tax justice and I want to pay tribute to the help H'm


receiving from that wonderftl charity action aid. Before H became


an MP I undertook 27 intern`tional assignments. Mainly in the


developing world for United Nations agencies. I saw only too cldarly the


results of some old-fashiondd tax treaties the UK have had with some


of the poorest countries in the world. Many of these tax trdaties


remain in place from the daxs of the Empire. Alison will give an example


of one. One of the most awftl things is that since 1970 the Unitdd


Kingdom, more than any other country in the world, has formed new tax


treaties that do harm to developing world countries. Conference, we


don't want to build a new Scotland on the backs of the poorest people


in the world. That must be our message to the international


community. What do these tax treaties do? They prevent, they act


on behalf of corporations to prevent the poorest countries in thd world


getting their proper due out of taxation. They make these countries


continuing to be dependent. They deny them the resources to hnvest


and become more self-suffichent These are some of the most


illogical, but also immoral, treaties that this United Khngdom


government of both political persuasions, in the past has formed


with the developing world. Conference, I ask you to support


this. APPLAUSE Allyson


my colleague and friend Rogdr Mullin has laid down in some detail the


injustice being done by the UK to some of the poorest countrids and


some of the poorest people hn the world. I'd like to touch on a


particular country which has strong links to Scotland, the country of


Malawi, which is dear to thd heart of my good friend Patrick Grady


He's done a lot of work on this with the Scotland- Malawi partnership.


Delegates, companies in the UK are the third largest investors in


Malawi. As a result of the 0955 tax deal, these UK companies pax little


or no tax. Malawi's Treaty hs utterly outdated and it was signed


by the British governor. On behalf of Southern Rhodesia. The ilpact of


the deal is felt in front lhne services in the country, it's money


being robbed from the poorest people in the world with the endorsement of


the UK Government and the ilpact is very real. The executive director of


the National organisation of nurses and midwives of Malawi has said one


nurse may be looking after 80 patients, they cannot managd to


provide the quality care th`t is required because their workload is


too heavy. If the companies developed tax, they should know they


are killing people because that money could have been used hn so


many ways. Buying drugs, supplies, paying nurses, paying doctors.


Conference, there is wide cross-party support in Scotland on


this issue. Scotland is a ldading example of the campaign for tax


Justice and we won't rest until this is righted. The Brexiteers `re never


done telling us how they want to open up to new markets around the


world. A start to opening up these markets would be a gesture of


goodwill, a gesture of solidarity. Rebuilding the trust of these


countries around the world `nd scrapping these colonial relics to


make tax fair. Conference, H very much look forward to the dax


independent Scotland can re`ch out to the world and make its own deals


but until then we must keep as much pressure on the UK Government to


scrap these tax deals and to make tax fair. Conference, I've no cards


in against this resolution, can we pass it by clean? That's thd end of


our sessions for today, conference. Have a great evening see yot all




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