Episode 5 The Nolan Show

Episode 5

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. Thank you very much. Hello. Thank you very much. Hello.


You are all very welcome, we are live on BBC One.


Here's what's coming up tonight. Has there been a secret deal


between the political parties in north Belfast to build houses, not


on the basis of need but on the basis of a sectarian carva. A


minimum minimum 14 year tariff for a 17-year-old who murdered a


Catholic police officer. Stephen Carol's widow told me her


reaction to the sentence is that she is distraught. She is in this


studio with us here tonight. sentence will never end. It is


totally devastating. Destroyed us all as a family. We will never be


the same again. Also Coming up, the lengths one woman had to go to to


get her money back despite the Small Claims Court ruling in her


favour. I had to kick in. Right time to serve the summons.


We have a packed studio tonight and there are loads of ways for you to


The redevelopment of a barracks is more than a building project. It


might give us a snap snapshot of where we stand in Northern Ireland


as a divided community. According to the housing executive over 90%


of people who need new build housing in north Belfast are


Catholic. In 2011 the nationalist Housing Minister declared 220


houses were to be built at the Gertwood site. But as soon as the


DUP minister became Housing Minister he pressed the pause


button. Sinn Fein's Connor Maskey reacted said that it was a


sectarian decision. This week, this is why this story is so interesting,


because all of a sudden Sinn Fein, they called it a sectarian decision,


they have agreed to a deal with the DUP but are keeping the details


secret from you. Who votes them into power, you. Who pays for them?


You? What are they doing? Not telling you. Have any of these


parties signed up to allocating houses based on political gain and


a sectarian carva. Let's take a look at how this unfolded. On last


night's spotlight Mandy investigated Monday's deal on the


future of the former site in north Belfast. State-of-the-art


facilities, housing and all party agreement, what is not to like.


There's always been a vision for Gertwood to be a shared site with a


variety of uses. What we now have is an agreed plan, with all party


agreement, of the way forward in that regard. It is called a shared


space, but there is no shared housing. At either end of the site


the same old story, Catholics at one side, Protestants at the other.


The elephant in the room, a nationalist housing crisis in the


area. One that the plan and our Housing Minister don't seem to be


tackling. In the New Lodge area there are 165 cases of need among


nationalists. The minister has allocated 35 new homes. This is


into the kitchen. No room at all. You have this tiny space at the


back. Where do the children play? They have to play in the living


room, there no other space for them to play. A solution to the


nationalist housing problem with have to wait. Fundamental to


obtaining community support will be on going commitment by government


to secure gentlemen generation of deprived areas. Nelson macaws


land's hausing boost is intend today repopulate a long vacated


Protestant area. It is looking at ways of promoting this area, who


have lived here in the past, to come back into. There is also a


very high waiting list on mid-crumb Lynn and we are hoping to link into


that list to bring people, and invite them back into this


community. The move to regenerate has sidelined the first principle


of housing that, that those who need should be first in line. But


spotlight revealed it had been cut out of the deal. The housing


executive has been one of the great success stories of the last last 40


years, not least because imbed indeed our politics and public


policy that housing need informed housing allocation, if that


principle or if that approach is compromised, then that should out


alarm bells. This Chairman of the housing executive said it must be


protected from political interference. I have been


disappointed by the lack of concern. There appears to be on the part of


some political parties in defending an organisation and a model which


has been seen to work well in Northern Ireland since its


establishment in 1971. Just like tonight, Sinn Fein and the DUP


didn't take part in yesterday's programme. In statements to the


show both said the deal achieved all party agreement for


Joining me tonight is Alex at wood, the Environment Minister, a


community worker from the Shankill and our political editor Mark


Davenport. Let's get stuck in, set this out


for us, what's happened here? barracks is is obviously a site


with enormous potential, it is in north Belfast, a vast triangle of


land between the Antrim road and Crumlin road. North Belfast has


been a very troubled part of the city during the troubles, and if


you could regenerate this site, the hope is that it would represent a


symbol of a new era. But even though it was transferred from


Ministry of Defence to the executive as many as six years ago,


there's been no progress, apart from some of the buildings have


been levelled and it is a green field site. Because the whole


question of housing is contentious and that is because north Belfast


is conditionally a mixture of areas, with its sectarian geography and


one side will worry in terms of housing development that the whole


area and balance of the area could be changed. That is what has held


things up. For many years it's held it up. Yes, 2006 it was transferred


from the Ministry of Defence, so six years we are talking about. We


had a master plan in 2007 which came up with many details which


were announced on Monday, in terms of sports facilities and the plan


has a pitch will be used by various schools which could involve rugby,


soccer. A cross-community there. Will all be shared facilities. But


are any of those people living together? The housing zones which


we now see on the latest master plan, which was announced as part


of this break through on Monday, are two separate housing zones. It


is clear even though they are not giving the details, they are


looking at the map t would seen Catholics are likely to be offered


homes in an area which is down near the Antrim road and then there is


another area which is just outside the perimeter of the base that is


near Clifton park area. They are keeping them a quarter of a mile


apart. The buffer zone would be provided by the community hub, the


multi-sports spich and indoor sports arena. There is Abs lutly no


doubt -- absolutely no doubt that the majority of urgent housing need


in that north Belfast area is Catholics, nationalists? Certainly


that is the general consensus. You saw it in the film. The waiting


list is 90% nationalist. I should say during the day the DUP, Lee


Reynolds challenged that over twitter. He said 30% of those


waiting for houses are actually Protestant, so I am not the expert


on the figures. But a lot of the figures have not been published. I


think the general consensus, whatever we get into the figures,


overwhelmingly the waiting list is nationalist. And yet there is the


capacity to build some 30 homes for Protestants within that area. That


is what we saw on spotlight. Let's have a look at this photograph


which was controlled by government. It is all the politicians in a nice


leisure where is the photo. There they are. I want you to know at


home that that photograph controlled by government, not one


journalist allowed near it when it was happening, not one journalist


allowed to ask a question. Alex at wood, you are from the SDLP


obviously, is this deal good for nationalists? Given what Mark said


about the terrible history in north Belfast and the very difficult


politics in north Belfast, part of me can say I understand why that


photograph has taken place, because there was progress of a sort. But


we have to measure the progress against the price that's been paid.


The price that's been paid is that the article of faith around housing


allocation based strictly upon need, it appears that that's not the


principle that prevails in respect of the site. Also if we have acute


housing need in any part of the north, in the Shankill, lower old


park, north Belfast, then housing should be primarily built with


those with most acute need. That doesn't seem to be the case here.


Is it accurate to say, why I think this story is so important for us


to get the detail of, do you think it is accurate to say the principle


that has guarded us for so many years in Northern Ireland, which is


that housing will be allocated on need, on the basis of need, has it


been compromised here? At the very least it has been tarnished. At the


very worst it could be teetering on the edge of being fundamentally


changed. If we end up after 40 years of reform in the north that


core values like the principle of need ends up being a political


barter between political parties for political advantage, then I


will think that is a healthy way for us to decide to develop and


will compromise how we have developed as society over the last


40 years. Zo do you feel story for Olga McGuinness? For a generation


she has fought for the right values in north Belfast. Is he fighting


for the allocation based on need no matter what? He has fought for the


right values, but others wouldn't join him. I understand why a man of


the integrity and contribution for a generation in north Belfast saw


this could be a moment of break few it through. Is so so proud of it,


believes in it so much, has he spoken since that photograph, has


he spoken to these people, 100,000 people watching this tonight, is he


standing up like a man and saying this is why I believe in this, or


has he gone quiet. I will tell whau I am hearing, what a situation for


the people of Northern Ireland, who have been embased politics, I am


hearing lots of the political parties, this is really important,


they are whispering to each other during this process, few don't talk


to the media we won't, you give us a guarantee, we won't. That means


every person in this community, they are hiding the reasons for


their decisions. Let the people respond to that. Let the people


decide whether they are going to accept a photograph and nothing




I promise I will let you respond, but I tell you now, every one of


you in that photograph, look into my eyes, I want to know why you are


standing over your decision. I want to know on behalf of the people in


Northern Ireland. Stand up like a man, stand up like a woman and


explain to us what decision you have made and why. There are three


points. The first is I don't run down the integrity of a person like


Mr McGuinness who for 40 years in difficult circumstances has stood


by the right values. You may differ with him on this. Do you differ


with him? Let me answer the question Stephen, do not Barack


your audience or your bests. Don't run down somebody who has stood for


the right values and had a position of integrity, even if you disagree.


Secondly, I have been on this programme, I was on your programme


last night, I went on spotlight last night, in order to give


expression to the very issues you have given expression to, namely,


are we in a place and time in Northern Ireland politics where


values that have been formed, how society has developed in a wise way,


are being compromised because other parties who have the power are


involved in political barter, rather than making judgment based


upon need. Has McGuinness made a mistake? You are not going to put


words into my mouth. Has he made a mistake? All den McGuinness, people


of integrity, saw this as as a opportunity to move this site


forward. Has he made a mistake? Based against the standards that I


accept, when I was DSD minister, that need should prevail and this


site was critical in dealing with acute need in north Belfast, that


was a stlat ji -- strategy I outlined and that should continue


to be complied with. All people in my view should should judge


themselves against those values and that opportunity. We have a


decision here, this is bigger than this project, this is about why do


we make these decisions, how can we live together. If we can't live


together, let's have the politicians explaining to us why we


can't live live together instead of them going to ground. You feel they


have done a good deal. In 2006 when the site was handed over, I think


it is fair to say the community relations, crops community


relations in that part of Belfast were non-existent. Today we are in


a far better place. There are a multitude of cross-community


contacts, genuine friendships taking place. We have seen the


economic driver of the Titanic quarter and stuff like that. I


believe the two parties have made a courageous decision to use the


redevelopment of the site as an economic driver for the deprived


communities which border the site, shank ill, Antrim road etc. I do do


commend both parties for taking this decision. A cross-community


forum has met for well over a year to discuss issues around the


community hub with Belfast city council. We have agreed a way


forward together for that. That is a community hub, what about housing.


Is there a fundamental demand from the Protestant community for


housing on that site? Let's be clear. The lower park area has been


decimated. Reference was made last night to a particularly small


number of people on the waiting list, but on a waiting list for


what? Go to lower old park, look at it, it takes more than houses to


regenerate communities. We need a sustainable community in lower old


park, which is at peace with itself and its neighbours. The issue I


have is quite simple: Alex preed sesor Margaret Ritchie announced


500 houses on the site at one time. Alex announces 200 houses on the


site and on Monday we had McGuinness announcing a number he


doesn't know. I am keen to hear and the community I represent are keen


to hear how many houses do the SDLP want on that site. It is a question


I would like to know. We want to know. Everybody wants to know and


the politicians sit there and they decide what, these people aren't


worthy of knowing. I have talked a lot about the SDLP. To Sinn Fein,


for all the people sitting who are Sinn Fein voters, sitting on an


emergency waiting list and believe in your party to deliver for them,


why is the Sinn Fein representative there? Is Sinn Fein supporting


that? Because I will tell you with a, there is definitely silence


again. What on earth is happening. By the way I am not putting a


statement of fact, I am asking a question on behalf of the people


that you are representing. If those families are are on an urgent


waiting list, are you fighting for them to be at the top of the queue


or has there been a sick tearia carva here. Frank Dempsey, hello,


what are your feelings? I am a community worker. I listened to


Alec there and also the photograph shown there. It's nauseating. These


are the same politicians that call for transparency. You should be


practicing what they preach here. When I watched that programme last


night, I was taken aback by it. do you think Sinn Fein has agreed


to it? My problem is, I have been campaigning on housing issues, when


I saw that, I thought what's going on. My problem is, here we have a


27 acre site, one section set aside for nationalists and a section set


aside for unionists and they talk about bringing the communities


together. The politicians of north Belfast, if they think people who


are on the housing list for years, depend on them, they have been in


Stormont a long time. Here is a 27 acre site, who have they produced.


They have said this. Was there a deal done between the DUP and Sinn


Fein and the SDLP in relation to this. Do you know what they are


saying at the minute. Nothing. the SDLP and Sinn Fein rolled over.


Do we have to go back to 68 and get the banners up for civil housing.


You have prompted Eamonn to come into this. Let's go live to the


foil foil -- Foyle studio. Basically, they get a photograph


done, controlled by government and the people don't need to know


anything else? Resonance of this question is very clear. Houses are


going to be built but the houses are not going to be allocated on


the basis of need. How significant is that? It is very significant.


Anybody who understands the role of housing shortage of housing


provision and allocations, 40 years ago, as has been mentioned, the way


in which that played out, anyone who looks back on that experience


and considers what is happening in north Belfast, must really tremble


for the future. Why? I think what we are seeing is that the sectarian


manipulation in the allocation of public resources. Tax payers money.


Peter Robinson, I remember him recently saying, no more of them


and us. He publicly said it. this is them and us and a balance


between them. This is bigotry. can it be bigotry if there is all


party support? It might mean all parties are committed to a system


which regenerates bigotry within itself. The fact is this has been


run by the minister, Nelson macaws land is the main man here. He is a


disgrace. He would deny that and it is such a pity you are not here to


say it. Nelson would say that he has a political mandate, he would


say he is representing his community and he would also say he


is focusing on regeneration which is part of the blue President


Clinton of that -- blueprint of that plant.


He says he would represent his community. What was missing from


that programme last night was any voices from Protestant working


class people saying keep the Catholics out, we do not want


Catholics. I do not believe that the majority of Protestant working


class people people would argue for the proposition that houses should


be allocated on any basis other than need. This is coming from the


top and it is coming from people like Nelson McCausland. I have to


say there appears to be a fixation that X amount of houses on the site


would wipe out a specific need. That is the impression I get from


commentators. Let's be clear, if we look at north Belfast, nationalist


areas of north Belfast and even unionist areas of north Belfast,


there are a wealth of housing projects taking place to eliminate


housing need. I can't get over this fixation with Gertwood. It would


never be the be all and end all of a housing crisis. I think we need


to know in Northern Ireland if the housing executive is giving


individual citizens in this country based on need. Can you imagine how


we would feel in Northern Ireland if someone walked into a hospital


and a doctor had treated five Catholics first who were on the the


brink of death and needed emergency care because they were on an


emergency list and that same doctor said there have been been five Kath


Catholics any prods around now. Can you manage that situation.


You brought us this programme on spotlight last night. How difficult


was it to bring this story to the public? Myself and my producers


have been working on the story for months and in nine years this has


been one of the most difficult stories to report. We have been


staggered by how difficult it has been to access basic information,


basic facts about housing need in north Belfast. We did get some


information from the housings executive but when we asked the


housing executive for figures and information on urgent need to


explain why they wereate Kating houses where there was no demand,


they said we can't release that information to you because we need


the clearance and we need the approval of the DSD, Nelson


McCausland's department. We tried to get clearance, we couldn't get


it. These are basic facts and figures. Clearance came last night,


not long before the show, but it didn't address address any of the


questions we had asked. What is most worrying about this, is that


we were completely dependent for information on sources within the


housing executive and I am not just talking about one or two sources, I


am talking about a substantial number of sources, who are


extremely concerned but who are saying if we speak out publicly


against the Housing Minister, we risk being disciplined or sacked.


Is that the type of culture that we are going to create in Northern


Ireland? Is that seriously the type of culture that any politicians up


there are promoting? Mark, how many votes are there actually in a


situation for any of these political parties where people are


living apart? Obviously electoral geography comes into this, the DUP


has the Westminster constituency for north Belfast. There are


electoral calculations as well I suppose. But the minister would no


doubt say that he's made this decision more on the basis that he


wants to see regeneration of areas that have been run down, rather


than anything that could be stated as an election ploy. Alex, I want


to show you this tonight, this is a leaflet. The minister Nelson


McCausland and his department have been sending out. Just have a look


at that, it is encouraging people about housing housing opportunity


that there is in the lower Old Park area. Can I get your reaction if I


tell you that leaflet has been sent out to Protestants only. Can I deal


with Mandy's point, which is a critical point and one you will be


keen on and that is that there is an atmosphere up in Stormont and


there is an atmosphere in certain communities that you are not


allowed to say no, that you must abide by the prevailing view of


certain people in certain parties. I sit round the executive table and


I dissent because there is much to dissent from but there is a culture


beginning gathering authority why by if you stand up and say no or if


you ask questions in our political system after years where we


struggled for the right to free expression and free speech, then


people try to close you down. that a bullying culture? I don't


know if it is a command of control culture, whether it is the culture


of certain organisations from the past being translated into politics


of the present, or whether it is bullying, but whatever it is, it is


anti-democratic, it is unhealthy, it is not the way to ensure that


there's full and free debate. The second thing is this: however we


came to this point, how we came to this point, whatever you think of


the people in the photograph the truth of the matter is that a light


has has been shone on the fact that fundamentals about how we manage


our society for the last 40 years, that made our society better, in


particular around housing policy, housing allocation, housing


standards, that that is now in some jeopardy. People need to be very


firm in holding to those standards if we are not to end up with the


shadow of the past coming back. want to know, they will know you in


this community and they will either back you or they will not. There is


a leaflet sent out here, public money and it is being sent to one


section of the community. It's being sent to prot stabts and it


talks about schools in the Protestant area. How should a


nationalist kneel tonight, how -- feel tonight? Do you support that?


I support the housing executive. I think it needs leisure leisure If


there is now the long hand of political influence going into the


heart of the housing executive to see if behave in a a partial way...


If are you saying if. The house, executive has sent out a leaflet to


Protestants only. Listen to what I am saying. The housing exec stif


has sent out a pamphlet to Protestants only. Are they going to


get away with it. This is an example of the long hand of


political influence. All den McGuinness is standing in a


photograph supporting the project. What does he think about this?


there is any abuse of any process, if there is any behaviour that is


partial or selective, if the housing executive... I appreciate


you coming in here tonight, but if you get a transcript of what you


have said, it's all caveats. Tell the people your position. Is this


wrong, yes or no? If... APPLAUSE Anything in our society is


wrong -- if... Let's deal with the question. Anything that is partial


or selective that favours one community, that tries from the


interests against the interests of another, that is wrong. If that is


what this is, then that is wrong. Should this have been issued by the


housing executive because of undue political pressure emanating from


certain political parties, that is wrong. But the housing executive


who over 40 years have tried skilfully to develop better housing


and better housing allocation and that we need to defend the


institution of housing executive because in my view, as this example


might demonstrate, there are people now trying to reach in to a


successful organisation, that served all of you and all your


parents very well over the last 40 years and that is a threat to good


politics, good practice and good housing. Thank you very much.


I want you to keep on talking about this. If the politicians don't talk


about it, here is what you should do, you keep on talking about it,


use twitter, pick up the phone. Call me on the radio tomorrow.


You keep on talking about it, keep on asking the questions.


Together we will get answers. Here is what is still to come on


the show. We speed to the widow of constable Stephen Caroll's widow.


It is time for our investigation of the week. Angela paid a mechanic to


picks her car, but waited so long she took him to the Small Claims


Court for compensation. This is Angela. Her car needed fixing last


year. She took it to Stephen Smith and for �500 cash up front he said


he would fix it. A car expert told us the job she needed should have


taken a couple of hours, but after weeks of waiting, the car still


wasn't fixed. So we shade yet more money to get her car sorted


elsewhere, but Angela wanted the �500 back off Smith. He owed me


money because he wasn't able to fix my car. I went to the Small Claims


Court to try and retrieve that. this, to get her �500 back she


first had to shell out �50 to the court to start the process. A


hearing date is set. Will the court give Angela her �500 back? Despite


being asked to turn up to the court Smith fails to make his debut. So


the judge awards in Angela's favour. I turned up, he didn't. I was


awarded the money. I thought it was that cut and dry really, that


straightforward. But there is a twist. Despite not turning up,


Smith's challenges what the judge decided. The court gives him a new


date. As they give smith a new date, Smith gives them a new address,


number 15 Quay Road. I am here, post man Nolan, the only problem is


number 15 is this. Smith asked for a second chance but doesn't turn up


again. So the judge finds in Angela's favour for a second time.


While I thought it was time for celebration, it was really just the


Because he still doesn't pay. Again. So smith hasn't turned up device, -


- twice and still hasn't paid. So smith should be worried, the law is


about to come down hard on him. No. It's Angela who has to fork out


again to get the enforcement of judgment's office involved. Now, it


is the enforce ment of judgment's job to make sure Angela gets her


money? Will they deliver? This is the enforcement office that spends


Smith what, do they send out a hard man to make him pay up, no, they


send him a letter. It says in the letter if he doesn't pay up they


make take out proceedings against him. They sent it to the wrong


address. Surprise surprise, there's no response from Smith. So what


will the sinister sounding enforcement office do next?


Wait for this. The enforcement office that is meant to help get


Angela her money back, asks her to pay another �133. Angela has two


court judgements in her favour. Should she really have to spend


more money at this point. Smith has got to turn up and explain how he


is going to pay. Do you want the shocker? He doesn't. So, so far,


Angela has spent �200 and has got nothing. Apart from paperwork and


that paperwork is now going to a second wrong across. This is the


house that the letter was delivered to. I have managed to speak to the


family inside. They are camera shy but pretty sure they are not


running a car mechanics business from the front living room. I think


I believe them. Here is a handy guide for our friends in the


enforcement office. This is Smith Oos, this is no so much. But now a


new date is set and if smith makes a fourth no show, he will be


arrested. Who has to personally hand him this bad news? Either


Angela does it or she forks out for a summons server. Guess who will do


it for free. Time to serve the First off, pick up the summons


paperwork. Hello, good to see you. I am here to get the paperwork. I


am going to be serving the summons today. Do you think I am sexy


but you look very well, but... What's happened? It's been taken


care of. Since you have stepped in they have given me a result. When


did you find this out? This morning. Might have phoned me. Isn't it a


bit co incidental after months of Angela having to pay for and do


everything, the enforcement office suddenly track down Smith.


APPLAUSE Earlier I spoke to Trevor Long, the


chief enforcement officer. You are the chief enforcement officer, what


is the point of having an enforce. Office if you just send them a


letter. We do more than send them a letter but there is a whole process


to be followed. My job is to enforce the judgment of the court.


I can't comment on the particular case except to say when we get a


case... Why not? To the day I die I am going to challenge every public


servant I get up against. Because this case is on going. It is not


just about the creditor, I have to take into the consideration the


situation the depor might be in. hasn't paid this woman twice.


have to take into consideration the balance of thaul these things and I


have to make sure debtors rights and responsibilities are taken into


consideration. My job is to enforce the judgment but I have to take all


the facts into consideration. sent it to the wrong address.


of this may be there are issues about postcodes. All I can tell you


is that we are trying to do the best we can, with the information


that is provided to us, by the creditor. It is her fault? I am not


saying it is. I can't get into the details. There are lots of cases


that come to me, I get 20,000 cases a year and sometimes the postcodes


and information that is provided to us is not always fully accurate.


Let me get to the heart of the matter now, this is what some


people might find astonishing, this is a lady, an ordinary person and


gets a court judgment in her favour, you tell her by the way she has to


serve the warrant, not you lot? is not the warrant she serves, it


is part of the process, the conditional order, so if when the


the case is listed the second time and debtor doesn't turn up, then a


warrant can be issued. That person is then brought for interview.


expect her to find this man? That is the situation, that is the


legislation as it stands. Does that need changed? It is not for me to


say. You are the chief enforcement ferks you think it is fair to ask


an ordinary citizen to find these people when you can't find them?


is the way the legislation is. it right? That is the way it is at


the moment. Is it right? That is not for me to say. Do you think


there should be a review, you have been at this a long time?. Other


people have already said that. Our job is to try and engage with these


people and get to grips with it and make sure the ordinary is enforced.


That is what we are there to do. Thank you very much.


If you have a story for us, don't forget the e-mail to send it in to


us. This week, really important story, two men convicted of the


murder of constable Stephen Caroll were brought to justice. He was


killed by a single gunshot wound to the head while attending a call in


Craig of aon. Two people were convicted for their part in the


murder. One was order today search 25 years


in jail while a 17-year-old was sentenced to a minimum of 14 years.


There has been criticism the sentences have been too lenient.


Please welcome Kate Carroll. Thank you so much for coming in. I


know you still find it difficult talking about all of this and I


want to get a real sense and we will talk about the sen sensing


review that is going to happen and you feel the sentence, you were


distraught at if, how is life at the moment, what impact has this


had on you still to this day? feel like I can't move on until


everything has been decided with the sentencing. It's destroyed my


life. It has destroyed my family. My in-laws. Life will never be the


same again for my family. We have spoken on the radio a couple of


times, this is the first time I have met,, I thought there is a


fighter, a woman who is strong, and when I saw you tonight before the


show, you are strong and a fighter, but I also can see in you as a


human being has this has wrecked you. It has, but I will not stop


fighting. That man was my life. My son is my life and my grandchildren,


and I am traying -- trying to -- These people thought this was a big


thing to do, we are are the boys. My husband was a family man. He had


a target on his back going out to work. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


you have got to be on your guard when you are a policeman or woman.


Part of the discussion that society will have around the sentencing


structure, because Wooton was given a 14 year minimum sentence and the


law at the moment says that the the judge has to take his age into


account. Across the water in England, there is a minimum tariff


if you kill a police officer of 30 years, but that is for an over 21-


year-old. There are two issues, should there be specific


legislation if you kill a police officer, that you get a particular


minimum sentence,, and two, should leniency be given to a 17-year-old


because they are so young. First, his age, 17. The age of consent is


16 and he knew to go out, to drive a car, he knew what he was going


out to do. It was pre-meditated. He drove the get away car. He planned


everything. Along with his cohorts and he was man enough to do that


and I reckon he should be man enough to take the consequences of


that. When you heard minimum tariff 14 years, quha did that do to you?


Actually at the start it didn't register and then in the gallery I


heard a supporter of Wooton say brilliant, that's a result. That's


justice. Justice has been done. I thought to myself justice hasn't


been done where I am, my husband will never be back again. One of


his supporters said that's a result. Yes. I just thought they can live


with that result, but I can't live with the consequences of that


result. I have to live my life on my own because of somebody who


decided to go out and kill a police officer. Basil, should there be the


same sen sense for a 17-year-old, should there be leniency given to a


17-year-old compared to a 22-year- old. I would like to deliver the


answer in two parts. First of all I suspect there is no sentence that


could be passed to those two people that would make up for the loss


that Kate has suffered. When you come to a judge make ago mistake, I


think he did and I am supportive of people who say we need to review


this particular decision. If you take that to the personal situation


that Kate and her family have to deal with, I fully support it. If


you ask me the general question, are there crimes where young people


get sucked into doing bad things by older manipulated people, yes, I do


think that happens. Do I think those older people that are the


brains and manipulators should be punished more severely than the


young people, yes, I do. I want to try and say that what Kate's


husband stood for was the Rule of Law and order and that's really


what we have to try and see in this situation. You understand why I am


saying, I will defend the judge in this case, it is not a case of


whether he made a mistake, he is working within the guidelines, it


is for others to look at that sentence and a judge can only a


judgment on the facts. Kate, give us a sense, because it is really


important, when we are deciding as a society and the law makers are


deciding and this is going to be debated in Stormont on 11th June,


give us a sense of the impact on a family member of a victim. I


remember you telling me the story that it broke my heart when I heard


it, Christmas time. I miss my husband so much that I wanted to be


next to him, to feel him, touch him and I remember going out into my


garden at 4.00 in the morning, I didn't realise it was so cold and


there was snow on the ground, half a foot of snow, and I went out and


got my spade from my shed and I took it, going out the garden gate,


the graveyard is not far away from us, I could have walked there and I


took the spade and I was all for going up to digging down and trying


to feel Steve. That is the impact that had on me. Why? Because I


missed him so much. I just wanted to be with him. It was just the


year after and I missed him and wanted to be there. It nearly


killed me to be honest. To this day? Yes. You keep some of his


clothes beside you? I have his Pj is under my pillow every night. I


change the bed and they go back on again. I have his hair brush, I can


smell that, I keep it in a plastic bag, so I can go up and when I feel


bad I can smell it and get that sense that he's there. The reason I


asked you that, it is in the context of what you have just said,


if there were to be longer sentences for killers like this,


what would it do, would it make any difference, because you can talk as


a victim yourself, would it make a difference? Well, to me, I believe


if you take a life, you should do life, no matter whose life it is.


Whether it is Joe Bloggs or Steve Carroll. If you take a life you


should give up a life. Life is the most precious thing we are


givenment What are you asking the executive to do for you? Just to


rethink their strategies and and come up with something real. Out in


America if you commit a crime in America, they don't deal with you


with a slap on the wrist, they give you a harsh sentence. I think life


should mean life. If you are going to do a crime, you should realise


you are going to have to pay for it. I want people to know tonight that


you are a fighter and one of the things you are doing, where you are


getting the energy from I don't know, you are going to set up a


foundation, tell me why? Because I don't want children to be sucked


into this bigotry. I want to get them see that life is a lot more, I


want them to have more structure in their lives. Children have no


structure in their lives. They need a sense of belonging. What is your


foundation going to do? I am going to have a scholarship, the geckon


of hope, -- beacon of hope. It is try to get people who have less


money or whatever, if these children show willing, we can get


them into college, and the fund will pay for their education for


three years. Where you are getting the energy from, I don't know, but


I am sure everyone wants to thank you for coming in. Thank you so




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