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'You can have known its hills and its valleys since childhood.' | :00:28. | :00:38. | |
But it can still surprise you. Take this place - Crummack Dale. | :00:39. | :00:43. | |
a region that I love, but this small dale is completely new to me. | :00:44. | :00:51. | |
Huge boulders lie scattered all across the valley floor. | :00:52. | :01:00. | |
They're known as the Norber Erratics. | :01:01. | :01:03. | |
Now, a name like that sounds to me much more like a punk rock band! | :01:04. | :01:06. | |
But these rocks have been around for much, much longer. | :01:07. | :01:12. | |
I'll be finding out how they got here and how the Erratics | :01:13. | :01:15. | |
have inspired artists, from painters and poets to dancers. | :01:16. | :01:26. | |
Tom is finding out that there really is no such thing | :01:27. | :01:30. | |
and shopping from supermarket shelves, | :01:31. | :01:37. | |
the idea of finding your own food from wild in the woods | :01:38. | :01:41. | |
But is our appetite for samphire or mushrooms | :01:42. | :01:46. | |
threatening parts of the countryside? | :01:47. | :01:49. | |
Helen's meeting the English team going for glory in this year's | :01:50. | :01:56. | |
Can we see her in action? Yeah. Meg! | :01:57. | :02:00. | |
SHE LAUGHS She's like a whippet! | :02:01. | :02:04. | |
'..while Adam is over the water checking out the Irish competition.' | :02:05. | :02:10. | |
I'd love to take this little one home, | :02:11. | :02:13. | |
I'll see you in the Cotswolds. No bother. | :02:14. | :02:25. | |
Lush, green pastures, babbling streams and brooks, | :02:26. | :02:31. | |
all surrounded by dramatic limestone escarpments. | :02:32. | :02:35. | |
Quiet yet grand, like a deserted, natural amphitheatre. | :02:36. | :02:41. | |
One of the Yorkshire Dales' best kept secrets, | :02:42. | :02:46. | |
Crummack Dale is tucked between the big box office destinations | :02:47. | :02:50. | |
of Ingleborough and Pen-Y-Ghent in the south-west corner of the Dales. | :02:51. | :03:00. | |
The Crummack Dale landscape encapsulates | :03:01. | :03:04. | |
The shifting of the continents and the comings and goings | :03:05. | :03:10. | |
of the ice ages have created this unique landscape | :03:11. | :03:14. | |
and every fold, every dip, every rise - | :03:15. | :03:17. | |
everything is all because of the rocks. | :03:18. | :03:22. | |
'Limestone dominates this part of the Dales, | :03:23. | :03:24. | |
'most noticeably in the striking limestone pavements, | :03:25. | :03:28. | |
'furrowed by weathering with character in every grike and clint.' | :03:29. | :03:33. | |
But step over the limestone and this is what I've come to see. | :03:34. | :03:37. | |
and there are lots of them around here. | :03:38. | :03:41. | |
Large boulders perched precariously on much smaller stones. | :03:42. | :03:45. | |
It's an amazing sight, I've never seen anything quite like it before. | :03:46. | :03:49. | |
And if you think that it needs Stonehenge-type manpower | :03:50. | :03:52. | |
or modern lifting equipment to achieve something like this, | :03:53. | :03:55. | |
"Erratic" means this piece of rock shouldn't be here. | :03:56. | :04:01. | |
This hulking bit of sandstone on Norber Hill | :04:02. | :04:03. | |
is 100 million years older than the relatively tiny pieces of limestone | :04:04. | :04:08. | |
To explain this bit of upside down but completely natural geology | :04:09. | :04:14. | |
It does look as though somebody's put the big one on top of the little one. | :04:15. | :04:20. | |
They'd need to be very strong, John, because there's a few tonnes there. | :04:21. | :04:24. | |
And we as geologists have always wondered | :04:25. | :04:26. | |
how these boulders had possibly got here. | :04:27. | :04:30. | |
And we have to look no further than ice. | :04:31. | :04:33. | |
And we believe that the ice came down from the north | :04:34. | :04:36. | |
some 17,000 years ago in what we call a moraine field. | :04:37. | :04:41. | |
This is where, effectively, ice was melting, | :04:42. | :04:43. | |
Basically, all of these rocks were inside the ice while it was frozen, | :04:44. | :04:50. | |
and when it melted and retreated, they fell to the ground. | :04:51. | :04:53. | |
So what is the age of the big rock and the limestone? | :04:54. | :04:56. | |
The block on top was laid down in a sea 400-odd million years ago, | :04:57. | :05:02. | |
so it's very, very old, and we think these have come | :05:03. | :05:04. | |
from about two miles up the valley | :05:05. | :05:06. | |
because that's where we can find bedrock of the same material. | :05:07. | :05:10. | |
Whereas the limestone underneath would have been here | :05:11. | :05:13. | |
In terms of geological time, where we build the layers up, | :05:14. | :05:19. | |
the oldest at the bottom, this is completely upside down geology. | :05:20. | :05:24. | |
and this is a world-famous erratic field, as we call it. | :05:25. | :05:30. | |
There's a large area of these boulders left for us to see, | :05:31. | :05:34. | |
While these Erratics can be explained by nature, | :05:35. | :05:43. | |
'In his book, Walks In Limestone Country, | :05:44. | :05:49. | |
'Alfred Wainwright had a similar view.' | :05:50. | :05:53. | |
'Monoliths lie stranded in confusion. | :05:54. | :05:56. | |
'An amazing scene, one that imparts a feeling of unreality, | :05:57. | :06:01. | |
'as though this were not Earth, but some strange lunar landscape.' | :06:02. | :06:07. | |
And it isn't just Wainwright who's been inspired to commit | :06:08. | :06:11. | |
'Local painter Peter Osborne has been interpreting | :06:12. | :06:18. | |
These rocks make perfect subjects, don't they, Peter? | :06:19. | :06:24. | |
This place, more than almost any I know, | :06:25. | :06:26. | |
has got this character about it, it's built into these rocks. | :06:27. | :06:31. | |
Because of their enormous geological life cycle | :06:32. | :06:35. | |
and the things that they've kind of suffered. | :06:36. | :06:37. | |
You feel these rocks have been lifted out of their home, | :06:38. | :06:40. | |
carried away and dropped, and worn away by the weather, | :06:41. | :06:43. | |
and so there's a feeling of endurance and strength in them. | :06:44. | :06:48. | |
you try to bring out more than what the camera would see. | :06:49. | :06:53. | |
There's so many different shapes here. | :06:54. | :06:56. | |
There's architectural, there's movement in them, | :06:57. | :07:00. | |
There's everything here so they're a terrific subject. | :07:01. | :07:05. | |
It's like a sort of great museum of strangeness here. | :07:06. | :07:13. | |
The erratic nature of the Erratics certainly sparks the imagination. | :07:14. | :07:17. | |
A whole troupe of artists has been inspired by these humble | :07:18. | :07:21. | |
Photographer Paul Rogers focused on the millennia of lichen growth | :07:22. | :07:30. | |
that's created patterns like a night sky... | :07:31. | :07:35. | |
..whilst poet Elizabeth Burns has portrayed the Erratics in verse. | :07:36. | :07:42. | |
'Stopped, halted, frozen. A scatter of rocks in a field. | :07:43. | :07:48. | |
'The things that held them - glacier and limestone - | :07:49. | :07:51. | |
And here's a dance performance going on, in and around the Erratics. | :07:52. | :08:01. | |
Well, Louise, you've created this, how did it come about? | :08:02. | :08:15. | |
This was originally part of a three-day performance | :08:16. | :08:18. | |
that happened in Crummack Dale and beyond. | :08:19. | :08:21. | |
And during the performance, an audience made a 25-mile journey | :08:22. | :08:25. | |
and as they travelled, they experienced dance, poetry, music | :08:26. | :08:30. | |
and scientific talks in the landscape, | :08:31. | :08:33. | |
and this was one of those... one of those moments. | :08:34. | :08:35. | |
So, the Erratics became a stage for this ballet? That's right. | :08:36. | :08:40. | |
I mean, you can hardly resist these amazing Erratics, | :08:41. | :08:43. | |
and we were really drawn to them for their shape, their textures, | :08:44. | :08:47. | |
the fact that they're literally splitting in half, | :08:48. | :08:50. | |
so with the choreographer, we made a piece that responded | :08:51. | :08:53. | |
very much to the boulders themselves. | :08:54. | :09:07. | |
we looked back at some of the resourceful people | :09:08. | :09:11. | |
we've met recently who managed to gather food | :09:12. | :09:14. | |
from our natural landscape. But, as Tom's been finding out, | :09:15. | :09:17. | |
sometimes foraging can seem to go too far. | :09:18. | :09:25. | |
Our countryside provides space for recreation, relaxation | :09:26. | :09:31. | |
and a bountiful buffet of wild food. | :09:32. | :09:36. | |
Foraging is the age-old activity of finding food in our natural world, | :09:37. | :09:42. | |
appealing to the hunter-gatherer in us all. | :09:43. | :09:45. | |
I guess I could make a little meal out of these sweet chestnuts here. | :09:46. | :09:49. | |
But is a frenzy of foraging now damaging our countryside? | :09:50. | :09:56. | |
'has been visited by foragers for centuries. | :09:57. | :10:01. | |
'In recent times, the mushrooms here have been hitting the headlines.' | :10:02. | :10:06. | |
This is a cepe de Bordeaux, this is perfection. | :10:07. | :10:11. | |
A deadly Amanita? Deadly, deadly. Angel of death. | :10:12. | :10:17. | |
'Brigitte Tee-Hillman and has been picking mushrooms here | :10:18. | :10:20. | |
Well, it's a beefsteak... or we call it a beefsteak, | :10:21. | :10:27. | |
because if it's not bloody any more, it's too old. | :10:28. | :10:32. | |
It's good to eat, is it? It's excellent to eat, yes. | :10:33. | :10:35. | |
As a stir-fry - the Japanese use it in stir-fry. Can we cut it off? | :10:36. | :10:39. | |
But you have to cut it very close to the tree. | :10:40. | :10:45. | |
And this year, they are growing like crazy. | :10:46. | :10:48. | |
Yeah? Is this a good year for fungi? | :10:49. | :10:50. | |
Absolutely, because last year was the worst year | :10:51. | :10:53. | |
because of the rain and the weather, and this year is a fantastic year. | :10:54. | :10:58. | |
'Brigitte sells the best examples to high-end restaurants in London, | :10:59. | :11:03. | |
'and believes the way she harvests fungi | :11:04. | :11:06. | |
'doesn't damage the natural environment.' | :11:07. | :11:09. | |
How can I damage them if I'm still picking my same spots for 42 years? | :11:10. | :11:13. | |
Mm. I'm looking after them. Mm. I help them grow, yeah? | :11:14. | :11:17. | |
If they are over the top, I leave them on the tree. | :11:18. | :11:24. | |
Other people just knock them off the tree. | :11:25. | :11:27. | |
If they have poisonous mushrooms, they kick them over. | :11:28. | :11:30. | |
I don't do that, that's destroying nature. | :11:31. | :11:33. | |
'After a lengthy legal battle, Brigitte was granted | :11:34. | :11:36. | |
'the first and only licence in the New Forest | :11:37. | :11:38. | |
'She says she knows how to forage responsibly.' | :11:39. | :11:44. | |
Tell me what you think about some of the other commercial pickers. | :11:45. | :11:48. | |
They pick everything and they come with truckloads, with vanloads, | :11:49. | :11:52. | |
and they sell them illegally to hotels, whereas in some of them, | :11:53. | :11:57. | |
they have much stricter rules right now because they have to show where | :11:58. | :12:01. | |
So only some people do it, but they still do it. | :12:02. | :12:06. | |
'For Brigitte, it's the groups coming in for mass pickings | :12:07. | :12:10. | |
'with no regard for the natural world who are causing the problem. | :12:11. | :12:14. | |
'But what's driving their desire for large-scale foraging?' | :12:15. | :12:17. | |
Well, for a start, TV chefs have been extolling | :12:18. | :12:21. | |
the virtues of finding food for free in the wild, | :12:22. | :12:25. | |
encouraging viewers to fill their basket from nature's supermarket. | :12:26. | :12:30. | |
'Dishes like wild mushroom risotto and wild garlic soup | :12:31. | :12:35. | |
'are increasingly commonplace on trendy menus.' | :12:36. | :12:39. | |
So, I've come to London where many hand-picked wild mushrooms end up, | :12:40. | :12:44. | |
in fashionable restaurants and eateries like this one, | :12:45. | :12:47. | |
Right, look at that. So we've got these, | :12:48. | :12:52. | |
lovely couple of beefsteak mushrooms, | :12:53. | :12:54. | |
so we're going to use a bit of that, and we're going to use... | :12:55. | :12:57. | |
We're going to do mushrooms on toast, keep it nice and simple. | :12:58. | :13:04. | |
'Head chef Oliver Rowe's passion is for the seasonal, | :13:05. | :13:07. | |
'and mushrooms are about as seasonal as it gets.' | :13:08. | :13:10. | |
It's like...mushroom times 100, isn't it? They're amazing. | :13:11. | :13:29. | |
It's amazing. Super-strong flavour, it's gorgeous. | :13:30. | :13:31. | |
There is some concern, though, in some areas about over-foraging | :13:32. | :13:34. | |
and about the amount of money that can be made by this. | :13:35. | :13:37. | |
Do you ever worry that places like this are driving that demand | :13:38. | :13:40. | |
I think it's a fairly recent concern. | :13:41. | :13:45. | |
We haven't over-foraged so much in the past, | :13:46. | :13:48. | |
so when I've started sourcing as locally as I do, | :13:49. | :13:50. | |
and I felt it was something which we could do more with. | :13:51. | :13:56. | |
Now, people have cottoned onto it a lot more, | :13:57. | :13:58. | |
and I think they need to take a bit of care about what they're foraging. | :13:59. | :14:01. | |
If they sense other people have done a lot of foraging in the areas | :14:02. | :14:04. | |
But I think it's a shame if you don't utilise | :14:05. | :14:09. | |
the fruits of the countryside and actually make the most of them. | :14:10. | :14:12. | |
And on a wider note, the more in touch we feel with our food, | :14:13. | :14:14. | |
the more care and responsibility we'll have towards | :14:15. | :14:18. | |
sourcing it carefully and sourcing it responsibly. | :14:19. | :14:20. | |
'as you'd expect from a top chef with fresh ingredients. | :14:21. | :14:27. | |
'But what happens if we all start eating them?' | :14:28. | :14:31. | |
appears to be the ultimate organic choice. | :14:32. | :14:37. | |
that worries some environmental organisations. | :14:38. | :14:43. | |
'One of the concerned bodies is the British Mycological Society.' | :14:44. | :14:48. | |
It's called this because of this kind of inky effect there, | :14:49. | :14:54. | |
and that black splurge on my fingers there, | :14:55. | :14:57. | |
that contains all the spores for this fungus. | :14:58. | :15:01. | |
Justin Smith is one of their conservation officers. | :15:02. | :15:05. | |
So, what do you think about people coming and foraging for mushrooms? | :15:06. | :15:08. | |
It's not a problem with picking fruit bodies per se. | :15:09. | :15:11. | |
the sheer volume of people going out and picking. | :15:12. | :15:16. | |
And then certainly there's increasing evidence that suggests, | :15:17. | :15:20. | |
especially near the bigger populated areas, | :15:21. | :15:23. | |
that collectors are going in and stripping the sites of everything. | :15:24. | :15:27. | |
So they are taking the edibles, the inedibles, everything, | :15:28. | :15:30. | |
taking them off site, sorting through them in the car park or at home, | :15:31. | :15:34. | |
and then picking out all the edible things that they | :15:35. | :15:37. | |
want to eat themselves or they want to sell and then discarding the rest. | :15:38. | :15:41. | |
I think it's the scale, really, that's the problem. | :15:42. | :15:44. | |
Fungi are nature's recyclers, an essential part of our ecosystem. | :15:45. | :15:50. | |
And it will take decades to measure any damage. | :15:51. | :15:55. | |
Few people want foraging stopped altogether, | :15:56. | :15:58. | |
but there is growing concern that when it's done on a large scale, | :15:59. | :16:01. | |
especially commercially, it could have an impact on our natural world. | :16:02. | :16:07. | |
So, how do we make sure that it's done responsibly? | :16:08. | :16:10. | |
That's what I'll be investigating later. | :16:11. | :16:16. | |
It's not only in our woodlands that wildlife thrives. | :16:17. | :16:20. | |
As Ellie discovered when she visited Essex in the summer. | :16:21. | :16:24. | |
Industry and urban landscapes as far as the eye can see. | :16:25. | :16:28. | |
The shorelines of the Thames estuary aren't exactly the sort of places | :16:29. | :16:34. | |
you'd expect to find much life, let alone wildlife. | :16:35. | :16:37. | |
What happens when oil refineries, landfills | :16:38. | :16:41. | |
and industrial sites like these come to the end of their useful life? | :16:42. | :16:46. | |
Well, this site has been abandoned for more than 40 years, | :16:47. | :16:50. | |
and it looks like it hasn't been cared for at all in that time. | :16:51. | :16:54. | |
But that couldn't be further from the truth. | :16:55. | :17:01. | |
Places like this are known as brownfield sites. | :17:02. | :17:04. | |
And the conventional wisdom is to build on them. | :17:05. | :17:07. | |
But they're finding a new lease of life as nature reserves. | :17:08. | :17:11. | |
And some of them are up there with the best. | :17:12. | :17:14. | |
Of the UK's top five sites for rare and endangered species, | :17:15. | :17:19. | |
only three are traditional nature reserves. | :17:20. | :17:22. | |
The other two are brownfield sites. Both of those are here in Essex. | :17:23. | :17:27. | |
This one, on Canvey Island, is the best. | :17:28. | :17:30. | |
And get this, there's more biodiversity here, per square foot, | :17:31. | :17:34. | |
This area used to be a coastal grazing marsh. | :17:35. | :17:45. | |
But in the 1960s, it was decided to build an oil refinery here. | :17:46. | :17:49. | |
Changing circumstances meant that it was never finished. | :17:50. | :17:53. | |
And in 1973, the builders and developers moved out. | :17:54. | :17:57. | |
Now its evolution is being monitored by Sarah Henshall from Buglife. | :17:58. | :18:06. | |
Hi, Sarah, how are you doing? Yes, good, thank you. | :18:07. | :18:08. | |
some of the really rare bumblebees that live here. | :18:09. | :18:14. | |
Got it! Here we go. What's this one? This is a brown banded carder bee. | :18:15. | :18:18. | |
It's one of our rarest bee species. It's a really cute one. | :18:19. | :18:22. | |
As you can see, it's really fluffy and ginger | :18:23. | :18:24. | |
and it's got lots of brown bands on its abdomen, hence its name. | :18:25. | :18:28. | |
We've got 1,400 different species of invertebrates or insects here. | :18:29. | :18:32. | |
The reason these sites are important is because we've lost | :18:33. | :18:35. | |
lots of our more natural habitats in the wider landscape. | :18:36. | :18:37. | |
Sites like these are mimicking wildflower meadows, | :18:38. | :18:40. | |
heathlands, sites like that. It's covered in sandy Thames dredgings. | :18:41. | :18:45. | |
That's perfect habitat and substrate for insects and wildflowers. | :18:46. | :18:49. | |
That's a great find. Well caught. We'll let it go. | :18:50. | :18:54. | |
We need every single one of them out there, don't we? We do. | :18:55. | :18:58. | |
The value of brownfield sites has only really been recognised | :18:59. | :19:02. | |
in the past decade, so no-one knows much about how to look after them. | :19:03. | :19:05. | |
But they are a valuable asset, so how do we protect them? | :19:06. | :19:11. | |
is running an experiment here to find out. | :19:12. | :19:16. | |
I'm using a thermal camera here to measure how much heat | :19:17. | :19:23. | |
we're getting off these bare patches of ground. | :19:24. | :19:25. | |
The reason for that, a lot of the insects here really enjoy | :19:26. | :19:28. | |
having these bare scrapes, this exposed substrate. | :19:29. | :19:31. | |
So they can bask in the sunshine and warm themselves up. | :19:32. | :19:35. | |
So this plot here is actually part of a trial that we're doing | :19:36. | :19:37. | |
to look at how we manage brownfields. | :19:38. | :19:40. | |
If this was a woodland, or a fenland or a sand dune, | :19:41. | :19:42. | |
because someone has written a book about it. | :19:43. | :19:46. | |
So it's a new area of conservation, isn't it? It is, yes. | :19:47. | :19:51. | |
Brownfields are probably the biggest slice of luck that conservation | :19:52. | :19:54. | |
has had in the UK in the past 20 years. They're fabulous. | :19:55. | :19:57. | |
But in order to maintain the value of the sites, | :19:58. | :19:59. | |
we have to know how to manage them, and that's what we're doing here. | :20:00. | :20:02. | |
So, what does the trial involve and what's it going to tell you? | :20:03. | :20:06. | |
If we look here and behind us, we've got | :20:07. | :20:09. | |
three trial areas, and essentially what's happened is, | :20:10. | :20:12. | |
the vegetation has been removed, either a little bit, | :20:13. | :20:15. | |
a median amount or in this case, underneath our feet here, a lot. | :20:16. | :20:17. | |
Right. So what we are now doing is we're going to measure | :20:18. | :20:21. | |
and whether we get the species we actually want. | :20:22. | :20:25. | |
The transformation of Canvey Wick from oil refinery | :20:26. | :20:28. | |
to Site of Special Scientific Interest is complete. | :20:29. | :20:32. | |
But it's happened almost by accident. | :20:33. | :20:34. | |
The same can't be said about another site | :20:35. | :20:37. | |
Here, a new nature reserve has been created from scratch, | :20:38. | :20:43. | |
London's rubbish was brought 30 miles down the Thames by barge | :20:44. | :20:51. | |
and dumped in one of the largest landfill sites in Western Europe. | :20:52. | :20:56. | |
A million tonnes of it a year in a never-ending stream. | :20:57. | :21:00. | |
Two years ago, the landfill site closed, but the barges still come. | :21:01. | :21:05. | |
Not bringing rubbish from our bins any more, but instead | :21:06. | :21:08. | |
bringing the waste from the big tunnelling projects in the city. | :21:09. | :21:12. | |
And the chalk and soil from that gets used to cap this vast area. | :21:13. | :21:18. | |
The capping process was started just 18 years ago. | :21:19. | :21:21. | |
And since then, plants and animals have been colonising it. | :21:22. | :21:25. | |
They've had a little help from their friends. | :21:26. | :21:28. | |
and reptiles from some of the major developments nearby were rehoused. | :21:29. | :21:33. | |
Now, this whole end of the site, 120 acres of it, | :21:34. | :21:37. | |
has been turned into Thurrock Thameside Nature Park. | :21:38. | :21:41. | |
The reserve has only been open since May, | :21:42. | :21:44. | |
so they don't really know what's out there yet. | :21:45. | :21:47. | |
But already the species list is growing. | :21:48. | :21:52. | |
The reserve is being surveyed by Lisa Smart, the reserve manager, | :21:53. | :21:55. | |
and Darren Tansley, a mammal expert from Essex Wildlife Trust. | :21:56. | :22:00. | |
Darren, Lisa, how are you doing? Hello. | :22:01. | :22:04. | |
Are you all right? Yes, we're fine. Has it sprung? | :22:05. | :22:07. | |
Yes, this one has here, we can see the door's down. | :22:08. | :22:09. | |
So I'm assuming something's in there. | :22:10. | :22:11. | |
We'll just try to tease the bedding out | :22:12. | :22:14. | |
and hope the animal will come out with it. | :22:15. | :22:17. | |
And just see what we get. Any movement? It's exciting. | :22:18. | :22:22. | |
Ah, now, that's what we wouldn't necessarily expect | :22:23. | :22:29. | |
in a grassland area, but wood mice are common everywhere. | :22:30. | :22:32. | |
He's gone quite quiet there, that's not a sign that he's calm, | :22:33. | :22:36. | |
Do we need to crack on? We'll just let him go. | :22:37. | :22:42. | |
That's one new species added to the list. | :22:43. | :22:47. | |
But it's not just mammals they're looking for. | :22:48. | :22:50. | |
So, Lisa, we're on a reptile hunt. We are. Hopefully, anyway. | :22:51. | :22:53. | |
That's just in case we are lucky enough to find an adder. | :22:54. | :22:58. | |
because there are plenty on the site. | :22:59. | :23:03. | |
But I don't need the gloves because it's not an adder we find. | :23:04. | :23:07. | |
These experiences always lift my spirits, I love this. | :23:08. | :23:19. | |
what is it about this site that you love, Darren? | :23:20. | :23:24. | |
I mean, it's seeing animals like this, it's fantastic. | :23:25. | :23:27. | |
You rarely get a chance to see something like this | :23:28. | :23:30. | |
The local people here have had to put up | :23:31. | :23:36. | |
with it being a landfill site for 40 years. | :23:37. | :23:39. | |
And now to have a site that's going to be restored | :23:40. | :23:41. | |
to something that's going to support things like slowworms | :23:42. | :23:45. | |
and reptiles and short eared owls is just amazing for them. | :23:46. | :23:48. | |
We've got another over 600, 700 acres to come along to us, | :23:49. | :23:53. | |
from landfill site to nature reserve, where I've seen | :23:54. | :24:11. | |
slowworms, skylarks and wood mice has been truly remarkable. | :24:12. | :24:16. | |
And it's a great example of how we can rethink our brownfield sites | :24:17. | :24:21. | |
and how quickly our land can recover. | :24:22. | :24:26. | |
before the final of One Man And His Dog here on Countryfile. | :24:27. | :24:31. | |
And in the run-up to the big event, we're meeting the national teams. | :24:32. | :24:35. | |
Later in the show, Adam will be in Ireland. | :24:36. | :24:37. | |
But first, Helen caught up with the English competitors | :24:38. | :24:40. | |
I'm meeting two people - a handler at the top of his game... | :24:41. | :24:51. | |
And I have a fair few miles to cover because our English contestants | :24:52. | :24:58. | |
are from the far-flung corners of the nation. | :24:59. | :25:01. | |
I'm starting just over the border from my home county of Cumbria, | :25:02. | :25:05. | |
here in the wilds of Northumberland. | :25:06. | :25:11. | |
Home to Ben Smith, a shepherd from the village of Great Whittington | :25:12. | :25:15. | |
and a competitor in the singles round. But what about his dog? | :25:16. | :25:20. | |
Ben has an ever-expanding pack of companions to choose from. | :25:21. | :25:28. | |
Where are they? Oh! They're tiny. Yeah, they're only three weeks old. | :25:29. | :25:33. | |
Three weeks old? Can I meet them? Yeah. Go on in. Hello! | :25:34. | :25:37. | |
'Ben continues a family tradition of breeding collies. | :25:38. | :25:44. | |
'This fellow might be a champion of the future!' | :25:45. | :25:47. | |
So these guys are clearly too young to go to One Man And His Dog. | :25:48. | :25:51. | |
Who will you be taking? I'll be taking Meg, | :25:52. | :25:53. | |
who I won the national with last year. | :25:54. | :25:54. | |
Shall we go and meet Meg? Yeah. Lead the way, Ben. | :25:55. | :25:57. | |
'At six years old, Meg is in her prime, and a national champion.' | :25:58. | :26:09. | |
Tell me a little bit about Meg. What makes her so good at trialling? | :26:10. | :26:13. | |
She's very quick, very responsive, and has got a very good stop on her. | :26:14. | :26:16. | |
When you want her to stop, she stops instantly. | :26:17. | :26:20. | |
She'll correct things very sharp, also. Can we see you in action? Meg? | :26:21. | :26:28. | |
She's like a whippet! Yeah, she's quick. | :26:29. | :26:34. | |
She can be very close to sheep without upsetting them, | :26:35. | :26:38. | |
Once they get close, sheep get upset, which is her trait. | :26:39. | :26:42. | |
When you get into the shedding ring or the penning, she can be | :26:43. | :26:45. | |
literally a foot away where other dogs can't get anywhere near that, | :26:46. | :26:48. | |
so she's very on hand, so if you need her to move, she's there. | :26:49. | :26:51. | |
So do you train much with her or is she purely a working dog | :26:52. | :26:54. | |
No, once I train a young dog I pretty much take them to work every day. | :26:55. | :26:59. | |
Trialling is my second thing. They've got to earn me a living. | :27:00. | :27:01. | |
I go to trials and sort of wing it. You don't! I'm afraid I do, yeah. | :27:02. | :27:06. | |
A lot of people do a lot of schooling, but I don't. | :27:07. | :27:10. | |
'And Ben's winging it seems to be working. | :27:11. | :27:12. | |
'In the past six years he's been in the England team four times, | :27:13. | :27:16. | |
'competed in the International Sheepdog Trials, | :27:17. | :27:18. | |
'and won the English National Championship in 2012. | :27:19. | :27:22. | |
'The foundations for his success began at a young age.' | :27:23. | :27:30. | |
My granddad used to buy and sell dogs and train dogs. | :27:31. | :27:32. | |
I near enough grew up with my granddad, so it was what he liked, | :27:33. | :27:36. | |
and I loved being with him, and that's how I got into it. | :27:37. | :27:39. | |
Do you think about your granddad now when you do it? A lot, yeah. | :27:40. | :27:41. | |
He died just before I won the national, a couple of months, | :27:42. | :27:44. | |
so he just missed out seeing me win the national. | :27:45. | :27:46. | |
He would have been very proud. I'm sure he would. | :27:47. | :27:48. | |
That would have been a good one for him. | :27:49. | :27:50. | |
What would it mean to you, then, to win One Man And His Dog? | :27:51. | :27:54. | |
I used to sit with my granddad and watch this kind of programme, | :27:55. | :27:58. | |
and it would be a proud moment if I could win it. | :27:59. | :28:01. | |
'But Ben is up against some seasoned opponents. | :28:02. | :28:05. | |
last year's One Man And His Dog singles champion, | :28:06. | :28:10. | |
You're facing some pretty stiff competition. Of course. | :28:11. | :28:15. | |
So you've got to go with the game face on. | :28:16. | :28:22. | |
or the closest thing you're going to get to it, isn't it? Yeah. | :28:23. | :28:27. | |
but I'm not going for second place either. | :28:28. | :28:35. | |
Ben and Meg are pretty confident, but this is a team event, | :28:36. | :28:38. | |
so they're nothing without the young handler | :28:39. | :28:40. | |
that they'll be competing alongside as Team England. | :28:41. | :28:44. | |
'To meet this young handler, I've got a lot of travelling to do. | :28:45. | :28:52. | |
'24 hours, a few modes of transport, one sleep, | :28:53. | :28:55. | |
'and 470 miles later, I'm on the not-so-sunny shores of Cornwall.' | :28:56. | :29:02. | |
The young handler that I'm here to meet is the youngest of them all. | :29:03. | :29:09. | |
'This 14-year-old strapping lad is from the village of Veryan. | :29:10. | :29:14. | |
'He was runner-up in this year's international trials | :29:15. | :29:16. | |
'with his working dog Zac, who he trained himself. | :29:17. | :29:22. | |
'Mark inherited his passion for trialling from his dad Trevor, | :29:23. | :29:26. | |
'a shepherd who looks after 900 ewes on this cliff-top farm. | :29:27. | :29:31. | |
'Straight back from school, and Mark's practising with Zac.' | :29:32. | :29:35. | |
Mark! Sorry to interrupt this glorious Cornish evening. | :29:36. | :29:43. | |
How old were you when you started, you know, first running a dog? | :29:44. | :29:49. | |
I first started running a dog when I was ten. How often do you train? | :29:50. | :29:53. | |
Not any more. I love how you're looking at your dad there. | :29:54. | :30:03. | |
Does he really get up early? He's laughing at me, so I thought... | :30:04. | :30:10. | |
Tell me a bit about Zac, then. Zac is waiting patiently. Yeah. | :30:11. | :30:13. | |
He's two and a half years old. He's a Border collie dog. | :30:14. | :30:17. | |
'As Zac is a young dog, he is sometimes too keen. | :30:18. | :30:23. | |
'He can go in tight on the sheep and unsettle them. | :30:24. | :30:26. | |
'But making sure the flock stays calm | :30:27. | :30:28. | |
'is key to keeping it all under control. | :30:29. | :30:30. | |
'Fortunately, Mark has a friend on the farm who's taught him | :30:31. | :30:33. | |
'the experienced, now semi-retired, Tweed.' | :30:34. | :30:39. | |
You've seen him kicking around and you used to run him. | :30:40. | :30:41. | |
I learned to keep the dog off when working sheep | :30:42. | :30:46. | |
as he tends to come in and spook the sheep. | :30:47. | :30:49. | |
And I also learned just to relax when working a dog, | :30:50. | :30:52. | |
because your feelings can transmit to the dog and then the dog | :30:53. | :30:56. | |
acts differently and possibly doesn't listen to your commands. | :30:57. | :31:01. | |
So are you going to have to keep the lid on your nerves | :31:02. | :31:04. | |
on competition day? Yep. Can you do that? I'll try. | :31:05. | :31:08. | |
What would it mean to you to win One Man And His Dog? | :31:09. | :31:15. | |
because I came as a runner-up in the international, so I almost got there, | :31:16. | :31:21. | |
So winning One Man And His Dog would be quite an achievement. | :31:22. | :31:27. | |
'To get there, this young man and his dog Zac | :31:28. | :31:29. | |
'will need to hold their nerve and work as a team.' | :31:30. | :31:32. | |
What, if anything, is going to let your team down? | :31:33. | :31:36. | |
I have let the dog down in the past by giving him the wrong command, | :31:37. | :31:40. | |
It might be Zac's inexperience as well, | :31:41. | :31:44. | |
coming in too tight onto the sheep, or something like that. | :31:45. | :31:48. | |
If it goes wrong, it'll probably be my fault. | :31:49. | :31:53. | |
'He might be the youngest by almost a year, but Mark is a cool customer. | :31:54. | :31:59. | |
'Mum and Dad, on the other hand, are a little more tense.' | :32:00. | :32:02. | |
I'll probably be more nervous watching him | :32:03. | :32:05. | |
than he will actually be running him. Do you think? Yeah. | :32:06. | :32:09. | |
I just walk away to the other side of the field and leave him to it. | :32:10. | :32:13. | |
How would you feel if he won? Over the moon. | :32:14. | :32:16. | |
The whole of Veryan is going to be watching anyway, | :32:17. | :32:19. | |
so if he won there would be a big party. It would be great! | :32:20. | :32:24. | |
So there we have it. Team England - Ben Smith and Mark Hopper. | :32:25. | :32:31. | |
Later in the programme, Adam will be catching up with | :32:32. | :32:34. | |
the last of the contenders, Team Ireland. | :32:35. | :32:40. | |
Earlier on, we heard how the fashion for wild foods has led to concerns | :32:41. | :32:44. | |
that over-foraging is threatening parts of our countryside. | :32:45. | :32:48. | |
So how do we strike a healthy balance? Here's Tom again. | :32:49. | :32:57. | |
Foraging for free food in the great outdoors. | :32:58. | :33:03. | |
But some people are not simply foraging to get a taste of nature. | :33:04. | :33:12. | |
A mushroom like this can fetch ?40-?50 a kilo on the market, | :33:13. | :33:22. | |
leading woodlands that are close to some of our cities | :33:23. | :33:25. | |
needing to reach for extreme measures to protect their fungi. | :33:26. | :33:30. | |
'looks after 16 green spaces around our capital. | :33:31. | :33:36. | |
'After parts of its woodlands were stripped of fungi, | :33:37. | :33:39. | |
This is an almost magical feeling in this glade, isn't it? | :33:40. | :33:45. | |
Quite a few fungi around. Yeah. It's a fantastic show, this year. | :33:46. | :33:49. | |
'Paul Thompson is the superintendent at Epping Forest.' | :33:50. | :33:53. | |
We're very happy to support foraging in general, | :33:54. | :33:56. | |
but I think the big issue for us here in the forest, | :33:57. | :33:58. | |
two-thirds of it is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. | :33:59. | :34:01. | |
around the desire to pick edible fungi. | :34:02. | :34:08. | |
Have you really seen that pressure grow in recent years? | :34:09. | :34:11. | |
We're undertaking record numbers of discussions | :34:12. | :34:14. | |
and conversations with the public, and, unfortunately, | :34:15. | :34:16. | |
confiscations of large quantities of material being picked. Really? | :34:17. | :34:20. | |
Maybe ten years ago, we had individuals coming up with | :34:21. | :34:23. | |
a small basket, taking what they need for personal consumption, | :34:24. | :34:26. | |
and now they're coming with bin bags and collecting large, | :34:27. | :34:30. | |
very large quantities of material, and it's no longer... | :34:31. | :34:34. | |
'Here at Epping, they started with a formal code of conduct, | :34:35. | :34:42. | |
'but when neither worked, it led to an outright ban.' | :34:43. | :34:48. | |
Our process is very much an educational approach. | :34:49. | :34:50. | |
We will approach people who are fungi picking | :34:51. | :34:53. | |
and try to explain to them why we don't want it to happen. | :34:54. | :34:56. | |
We encourage people to put back what they've found. | :34:57. | :34:59. | |
And reluctantly, if that doesn't work, we will prosecute. | :35:00. | :35:03. | |
Our forest keepers have constabulary powers, | :35:04. | :35:06. | |
and we can take people to court. Have you done that? We have. | :35:07. | :35:10. | |
and nine prosecutions in the last couple of years, | :35:11. | :35:14. | |
and we've got new impending prosecutions with this season. | :35:15. | :35:18. | |
So here, you're simply not allowed to pick mushrooms, | :35:19. | :35:21. | |
but in other parts of the country, the rules aren't so clear. | :35:22. | :35:25. | |
For example, it's banned in some but not all protected areas, | :35:26. | :35:29. | |
like Sites of Special Scientific Interest. | :35:30. | :35:32. | |
And then, generally, you need the landowner's permission, | :35:33. | :35:35. | |
but that becomes a bit blurry when you've got public access. | :35:36. | :35:39. | |
And then there's the amount you're going to take - are they just | :35:40. | :35:42. | |
for you, or are you hoping to make money from the mushrooms? | :35:43. | :35:47. | |
and perhaps even more restrictions on foraging the answer? | :35:48. | :35:53. | |
Well, most organisations would like to try education first. | :35:54. | :35:59. | |
'Urban forager Andy Hamilton is here to teach me the basics. | :36:00. | :36:03. | |
These could be my final words, however. | :36:04. | :36:11. | |
there's not a massive amount of taste, but they weren't unpleasant. | :36:12. | :36:14. | |
You have to have a few in one go to get a big taste. | :36:15. | :36:17. | |
There's a few things I'm more familiar with there. | :36:18. | :36:19. | |
We've got some elderberries just there. | :36:20. | :36:21. | |
You want to leave a few for the birds. | :36:22. | :36:23. | |
You're already introducing that idea of being a bit | :36:24. | :36:25. | |
responsible, thoughtful, about how you go about it. | :36:26. | :36:28. | |
Yeah, we're sharing this area, it's not just us that come | :36:29. | :36:31. | |
and pick, there's animals, birds, insects...that come | :36:32. | :36:35. | |
For us to come in - when we can buy these foods - | :36:36. | :36:40. | |
it's good to just leave some for the species. | :36:41. | :36:44. | |
This, of course, is a real autumn favourite, the blackberry, | :36:45. | :36:47. | |
The phrase that's always used here is that foraging is | :36:48. | :36:51. | |
"food for free", but in a sense that's not quite... | :36:52. | :36:54. | |
There is a cost, possibly, to wildlife, | :36:55. | :36:57. | |
to yourself if you get it wrong... You need to think about that. | :36:58. | :37:00. | |
No, exactly, and I got it wrong once. | :37:01. | :37:03. | |
I remember going out and seeing a patch of wild rocket and picking it | :37:04. | :37:07. | |
cos I got so excited, came back the next year, there was none there. | :37:08. | :37:10. | |
You know, you're doing yourself out of food for free as well | :37:11. | :37:13. | |
Even on a selfish level, you perhaps don't want to do it. | :37:14. | :37:17. | |
'taking only what you need from a plentiful supply, | :37:18. | :37:23. | |
'just picking what you can confidently identify | :37:24. | :37:27. | |
'and leave any rare, protected or poisonous species well alone.' | :37:28. | :37:33. | |
So your amateurs should stick to the blackberries | :37:34. | :37:36. | |
and the obvious things we all know about, | :37:37. | :37:38. | |
and then if you want to learn more, do a bit of reading, get stuck in. | :37:39. | :37:41. | |
Exactly, just to get started you could even go out in your garden | :37:42. | :37:44. | |
and see what's there - probably nettles, dandelions, yarrow. | :37:45. | :37:49. | |
'If you're in any doubt, foraging courses | :37:50. | :37:55. | |
And the British Mycological Society are working on updating | :37:56. | :38:01. | |
There's a link to the current one on our website. | :38:02. | :38:06. | |
This has been a tremendously abundant autumn, | :38:07. | :38:08. | |
but that's so much more than simply a mouthwatering spectacle, | :38:09. | :38:12. | |
and we shouldn't let our greed blind us to the fact that these are | :38:13. | :38:16. | |
beautiful and critical components of the British countryside. | :38:17. | :38:22. | |
Earlier, Helen met the competitors representing England in | :38:23. | :38:25. | |
Now it's time to find out the strength of the Irish challenge. | :38:26. | :38:31. | |
Lush green hills, soaring mountains, spectacular coastlines. | :38:32. | :38:44. | |
Home to the senior and junior members of the Irish team hoping to | :38:45. | :38:50. | |
I'm on the west coast in County Mayo, | :38:51. | :38:57. | |
and I'm meeting up with the first member of the Irish team | :38:58. | :38:59. | |
everything One Man and His Dog will throw at him. | :39:00. | :39:08. | |
Competing in the singles is Michael Hastings. | :39:09. | :39:11. | |
He's been working with sheepdogs since he was ten years old. | :39:12. | :39:16. | |
He keeps around 100 black-faced ewes and uses eight dogs to work them. | :39:17. | :39:23. | |
My word, Michael, you've got plenty of dogs here. | :39:24. | :39:25. | |
Well, actually, Adam, they're all the one family, | :39:26. | :39:28. | |
All sons and daughters of this dog here, Kilgreen Ben. | :39:29. | :39:33. | |
Oh, Ben's my favourite, yeah, my first trial dog. | :39:34. | :39:37. | |
Friends of mine have got bitches and they've brought them to be | :39:38. | :39:42. | |
covered by Kilgreen Ben, cos he was working well and trialling well. | :39:43. | :39:45. | |
I take a stud pup instead of taking money, you know. | :39:46. | :39:48. | |
So rather than taking money for getting their bitches | :39:49. | :39:51. | |
pregnant by Ben, you choose to have a puppy from them instead? | :39:52. | :39:54. | |
That's right, Adam. How old is he now? | :39:55. | :39:56. | |
He's ten years old after Christmas, he's getting on a bit. | :39:57. | :40:00. | |
And is he the one you're going to work on One Man And His Dog? | :40:01. | :40:02. | |
Well, he is my favourite, but I'm not too sure, | :40:03. | :40:05. | |
cos he's getting a bit stiff in the bones. | :40:06. | :40:07. | |
I might decide to bring Meg, his daughter, instead. | :40:08. | :40:09. | |
Let's go and see them running in the field, shall we? OK. | :40:10. | :40:12. | |
Lovely, it's a great set-up you've got. | :40:13. | :40:20. | |
Let's see him go, then. Yeah, I'll send him off to the left here. | :40:21. | :40:23. | |
Oh, he's got a lovely wide out run, hasn't he? | :40:24. | :40:27. | |
Yeah, he's going a bit too wide maybe at this stage of his life, | :40:28. | :40:32. | |
And is that what you're worried about | :40:33. | :40:36. | |
That's right, I'd be a bit concerned about that | :40:37. | :40:40. | |
going over to England, if you had a small course it mightn't suit him. | :40:41. | :40:43. | |
Because he doesn't like to weave quickly, | :40:44. | :40:45. | |
he likes to take a nice, wide gentle turn? | :40:46. | :40:46. | |
'At ten, Ben has plenty of experience in trialling, but Michael | :40:47. | :40:53. | |
'still practises regularly with him to keep him at the top of his game.' | :40:54. | :40:57. | |
So this is quite an art, he's going to try and get the two big rams | :40:58. | :41:01. | |
out here and split them from the rest of the flock. | :41:02. | :41:06. | |
It's really working man and dog in harmony. Come bye, Ben. | :41:07. | :41:09. | |
The dog has got to try and understand what he's doing. | :41:10. | :41:12. | |
Lie down, Ben. He's got the rams to the edge now. | :41:13. | :41:20. | |
It's as much about understanding the sheep and what they're thinking and | :41:21. | :41:24. | |
where they're moving, and working with the dog to make it happen. | :41:25. | :41:30. | |
'he's separated the two rams from the flock.' | :41:31. | :41:35. | |
Brilliant, he's done it, look at that! | :41:36. | :41:37. | |
Here, here. That's brilliant, Michael. | :41:38. | :41:42. | |
Very good, I'm impressed. That'll do, Ben. | :41:43. | :41:47. | |
Shall we put Meg through her paces now, see how she gets on? OK, yeah. | :41:48. | :41:55. | |
So this is little Meg, do you want to send her off? We'll send her off. | :41:56. | :41:59. | |
Good dog, good dog. Away, Meg, away. Meg. | :42:00. | :42:05. | |
Lie down there. She's good, isn't she? | :42:06. | :42:07. | |
I hear you praising her there - is that something you use a lot? | :42:08. | :42:11. | |
When you're training a young dog, I use the praise a lot, like, | :42:12. | :42:14. | |
"Good dog, good dog." They love that, like. | :42:15. | :42:16. | |
So if you see them doing something nice that you like, | :42:17. | :42:19. | |
And they're always looking for that praise, | :42:20. | :42:22. | |
'Michael's success with his dogs is remarkable. | :42:23. | :42:28. | |
'He has to fit training around his full-time job.' | :42:29. | :42:33. | |
No, no. Actually, I work at a telephone company, | :42:34. | :42:37. | |
How long have you been trialling? Six years now. | :42:38. | :42:42. | |
but there will be plenty of people with more experience. | :42:43. | :42:46. | |
That's right, I've only six years. Does that put you at a disadvantage? | :42:47. | :42:51. | |
It does a bit, like, but I've been working with sheep | :42:52. | :42:53. | |
You've got every chance. Good luck. Thanks very much, thank you. | :42:54. | :43:09. | |
Joining Michael in the Irish team is Jake Hamilton from County Antrim. | :43:10. | :43:13. | |
At 18, Jake's the oldest of our young handlers. | :43:14. | :43:17. | |
His passion for sheepdog trialling started | :43:18. | :43:19. | |
when he was given a collie pup for his birthday. | :43:20. | :43:22. | |
But it's four-year-old Jim that he's relying on to steer him | :43:23. | :43:24. | |
He's fast, isn't he? Quite a big dog. Aye. | :43:25. | :43:40. | |
Look at him, he's very responsive, straight down. | :43:41. | :43:44. | |
Aye, he listens well, he knows. And what's the right-hand command? | :43:45. | :43:47. | |
So that's away. JAKE WHISTLES | :43:48. | :43:51. | |
Brilliant, look at him, he's like a robot. And to the left? | :43:52. | :43:59. | |
Really powerful mouth whistle. Do you ever use a plastic one? | :44:00. | :44:11. | |
If you use your fingers and your mouth, then you can't forget them | :44:12. | :44:16. | |
if you go to a trial. So it's handier. Good point. | :44:17. | :44:20. | |
And how old were you when you first started working dogs? | :44:21. | :44:23. | |
About 15, 14 or 15. And now you're 18? Aye. | :44:24. | :44:26. | |
So you've had a few years at it, but not that long. | :44:27. | :44:29. | |
Good to be in the Irish team. Aye, it's nice to get onto it. Amazing. | :44:30. | :44:34. | |
You've got more than just him, haven't you? | :44:35. | :44:36. | |
Aye, there's about seven or eight, | :44:37. | :44:37. | |
Oldest would be about eight months old. | :44:38. | :44:40. | |
Can I see some of the others? Aye, come on, I'll show you. | :44:41. | :44:43. | |
Let's bring that dog, where is he? C'mon. Good boy! | :44:44. | :44:54. | |
Finding a young dog who's showing all the | :44:55. | :44:56. | |
right signs for working sheep can pay dividends, | :44:57. | :44:59. | |
and this is young Jess, who's only 12 weeks old | :45:00. | :45:03. | |
and could be a future trialler one day, like her dad Jim over there. | :45:04. | :45:07. | |
Now, Jake is training a young dog who's only eight months old | :45:08. | :45:11. | |
called Bob, and you can see his inexperience. | :45:12. | :45:15. | |
He's keen to work, working his way round the sheep, | :45:16. | :45:19. | |
sitting when he's told - but he hasn't got the skill | :45:20. | :45:22. | |
and ability of Jim, who's his trialler. | :45:23. | :45:27. | |
He's trying to get the dog to go round the sheep, | :45:28. | :45:29. | |
he's running in too close, he's overexcited. | :45:30. | :45:33. | |
And Jim has just laid there patiently, | :45:34. | :45:36. | |
watching the young understudy making mistakes. | :45:37. | :45:49. | |
How long does it take you to get from that standard up to Jim? | :45:50. | :45:53. | |
Well, it all depends, some of them are quick learners | :45:54. | :45:55. | |
He's a fast learner, but it'll still take a good year, | :45:56. | :46:00. | |
year and a half before he's up around that standard. | :46:01. | :46:03. | |
Little Jess is certainly very keen, wants to join in. | :46:04. | :46:09. | |
Would you ever sell Jim? No, definitely not. | :46:10. | :46:13. | |
I got offered good money for him there, | :46:14. | :46:15. | |
I got offered 10,000 for him. Did you? 10,000! | :46:16. | :46:22. | |
But no, I definitely wouldn't sell him. | :46:23. | :46:24. | |
What if someone offered you more than that? | :46:25. | :46:26. | |
That's good, isn't it, really? It's good that you adore him so much. | :46:27. | :46:31. | |
do you fancy your chances on One Man And His Dog on the day? | :46:32. | :46:36. | |
If he's on form, he's capable of winning, | :46:37. | :46:39. | |
but time will tell, it's a lot to do with luck on the day, | :46:40. | :46:42. | |
holding your nerve and things like that. | :46:43. | :46:45. | |
Well, best of luck, I think you've got every chance. | :46:46. | :46:48. | |
You'd better have this one back, I'd quite like to take it | :46:49. | :46:50. | |
back to the Cotswolds, but I think he'd better stay with the experts. | :46:51. | :46:53. | |
Good to see you, all the best, bye-bye. All right, cheers. | :46:54. | :46:56. | |
Join us for the big event next Sunday, | :46:57. | :47:01. | |
Well, it's all shaping up to be a cracking final | :47:02. | :47:15. | |
And talking of things to look forward to, | :47:16. | :47:18. | |
I know a lot of you will want to buy this - | :47:19. | :47:20. | |
the Countryfile calendar for 2014, so here's how to get one. | :47:21. | :47:31. | |
The calendar costs ?9, including free UK delivery. | :47:32. | :47:35. | |
You can buy yours on our website. That's: | :47:36. | :47:43. | |
To order by post, send your name, address and cheque to: | :47:44. | :48:06. | |
And please make cheques payable to "BBC Countryfile Calendar." | :48:07. | :48:10. | |
A minimum of ?4 from the sale of each calendar will be donated to | :48:11. | :48:14. | |
In a moment, I'll be helping to bring back a special creature | :48:15. | :48:26. | |
here in the Yorkshire Dales, as part of a conservation project | :48:27. | :48:29. | |
which is the first of its kind in the UK. | :48:30. | :48:33. | |
But before that, here's the detailed | :48:34. | :48:34. | |
Countryfile weather forecast for the weekend. | :48:35. | :48:52. | |
Good evening. The weather across Yorkshire has been stormy with | :48:53. | :48:56. | |
reports of flooding and thunderstorms. Flooding is something | :48:57. | :49:01. | |
we might need to keep in the back of our minds, as these is rain and | :49:02. | :49:07. | |
strong winds. On Tuesday, the warmth is spread across the country, higher | :49:08. | :49:15. | |
than we would expect temperatures at this time of year. This will be | :49:16. | :49:21. | |
choose the and Wednesday, bringing high temperatures. Perhaps by the | :49:22. | :49:26. | |
end of the week, things will cool off, bringing temperatures back down | :49:27. | :49:34. | |
to where we would expect them. The one weather across as today with the | :49:35. | :49:37. | |
moisture has led to thunderstorms and reported tornado in Hampshire. | :49:38. | :49:43. | |
There will be a bit of a break, allowing some mist and fog falling | :49:44. | :49:49. | |
across Scotland, but it is not set to last. The rain will move north | :49:50. | :49:57. | |
across England and Wales during tomorrow morning, accompanied by | :49:58. | :50:00. | |
some strong winds, with gales around the coasts. Things are cloudy for | :50:01. | :50:06. | |
Northern Ireland in the morning, but clearing a little in the afternoon. | :50:07. | :50:10. | |
In the North of Scotland it will be some showers, but staying mainly dry | :50:11. | :50:14. | |
and bright for the afternoon. The cloud will thicken across Northern | :50:15. | :50:21. | |
Ireland through the afternoon. It stays cloudy across England and | :50:22. | :50:24. | |
Wales, with strong winds and patchy rain, with temperatures like the | :50:25. | :50:29. | |
weekend, forecast to reach high temperatures of 17 or 18 degrees. | :50:30. | :50:33. | |
But the rain keeps on coming, with the low pressure staying across the | :50:34. | :50:39. | |
Atlantic. The temperatures will stay up, and it will be another male | :50:40. | :50:44. | |
mate, leading us into the start of Tuesday. The low pressure will | :50:45. | :50:50. | |
dominate the forecast. East Anglia might start off on Tuesday with a | :50:51. | :50:54. | |
dry day, but you can see a lot of rain still across the country, | :50:55. | :50:58. | |
across the North and West, and the rain is slowly and erratically | :50:59. | :51:04. | |
moving its way through the country during the day. It is all | :51:05. | :51:07. | |
accompanied by strong winds, drawing one temperatures from the South. | :51:08. | :51:14. | |
High temperatures 15-18 degrees. The low temperature will sit to the | :51:15. | :51:17. | |
north by Wednesday, so while we have lost the weather front, everything | :51:18. | :51:22. | |
is pretty unsettled. It looks as if Wednesday will be a day of sunshine | :51:23. | :51:26. | |
and showers. The thundershowers could be heavy with strong winds, | :51:27. | :51:29. | |
the risk of Gill forceful stop but when we get rightness in between, | :51:30. | :51:35. | |
England and Wales will see how temperatures of 15-18 degrees. | :51:36. | :51:47. | |
Starting to cool off a little. The forecast at the moment from England | :51:48. | :51:50. | |
and Wales brings with it some cloud and rain, and with the rain | :51:51. | :51:54. | |
continuing to move northwards, some of it could be on the heavy side. | :51:55. | :51:59. | |
This is where we might need to keep an eye on things as the week goes | :52:00. | :52:06. | |
on. On Friday, much of the rain will stay across England and Wales, with | :52:07. | :52:11. | |
Scotland and Northern Ireland seen the mixture of sunshine and showers. | :52:12. | :52:23. | |
From the millstone grit peaks to the limestone pavements, | :52:24. | :52:29. | |
a landscape shaped over millions of years by ice and water. | :52:30. | :52:38. | |
But for all its beauty, there is an epidemic in the rivers, | :52:39. | :52:41. | |
This disease is crayfish plague, and it's having a devastating effect. | :52:42. | :52:52. | |
This is our native white-clawed crayfish, | :52:53. | :52:55. | |
and its numbers are being decimated by the plague which is | :52:56. | :52:59. | |
brought here by this - its American cousin, the signal crayfish, | :53:00. | :53:03. | |
which has now invaded our streams and rivers. | :53:04. | :53:06. | |
It carries the plague, but it's not affected by it. | :53:07. | :53:10. | |
I'm not allowed to touch this signal crayfish for fear that | :53:11. | :53:13. | |
I then contaminate this native crayfish, | :53:14. | :53:16. | |
and others that I'll be seeing for the rest of the programme. | :53:17. | :53:23. | |
'Imported in the 1970s as a food delicacy, | :53:24. | :53:27. | |
'signal crayfish have quickly found their way around the country.' | :53:28. | :53:31. | |
Today, for the first time, captive-bred native crayfish | :53:32. | :53:49. | |
are going to be released into the wild, and we'll be there. | :53:50. | :53:55. | |
When Julia was here in 2010, she met Paul Bradley and Neil Handy, | :53:56. | :53:59. | |
who were trying to produce the right conditions to | :54:00. | :54:02. | |
This is what we call an ark site. As in Noah's Ark? Yes. | :54:03. | :54:09. | |
This was set up simply to try and keep some alive, local crayfish. | :54:10. | :54:15. | |
They were the first people in the UK to successfully breed | :54:16. | :54:18. | |
Now, they're seeing the fruits of their labour. | :54:19. | :54:23. | |
How successful has this project been since Julia was here? | :54:24. | :54:26. | |
Since Julia was here, we've got to breeding quite a lot of | :54:27. | :54:30. | |
these guys, female white-claw crayfish. | :54:31. | :54:33. | |
You were just starting back in 2010. What lessons have you learnt, | :54:34. | :54:36. | |
Paul, from this breeding process here? | :54:37. | :54:39. | |
We've got a succession of tanks here, | :54:40. | :54:41. | |
and through monitoring water quality every month for two years, | :54:42. | :54:45. | |
we found very slight differences through the tanks, | :54:46. | :54:49. | |
and they actually breed more successfully in the lower tanks, | :54:50. | :54:52. | |
where the water quality is just that little bit better. | :54:53. | :54:55. | |
It's a small difference, but it's significant. | :54:56. | :54:57. | |
more appropriate sites to release them, | :54:58. | :55:03. | |
and it also helps us to manage where the species is still | :55:04. | :55:05. | |
hanging on and has a good prospect for survival as well. | :55:06. | :55:09. | |
What we're going to try and do today | :55:10. | :55:12. | |
is put some of these back into a safe haven, | :55:13. | :55:15. | |
hopefully recreate their own population. | :55:16. | :55:19. | |
Shall we set them free? We certainly shall. | :55:20. | :55:35. | |
There are unaffected streams in the Dales, | :55:36. | :55:37. | |
and we're heading to one right now, but I can't tell you exactly | :55:38. | :55:41. | |
where it is, because Neil and Paul want it kept secret. | :55:42. | :55:46. | |
So, Paul, what have you found in this sample? | :55:47. | :55:49. | |
We've got quite a diversity of life here, John. | :55:50. | :55:51. | |
We've got storm flies, mayflies - indicative of good water quality. | :55:52. | :55:55. | |
So we can be reasonably sure that the crayfish are going to be | :55:56. | :55:58. | |
Well, this threat to our native crayfish is getting very serious, | :55:59. | :56:03. | |
isn't it? We've got this crayfish plague | :56:04. | :56:06. | |
spreading through our native population, | :56:07. | :56:08. | |
and it seems to be eliminating entire populations from catchments. | :56:09. | :56:13. | |
And are these signal crayfish doing other damage as well? | :56:14. | :56:17. | |
They are doing enormous damage to fish as well, to salmon | :56:18. | :56:22. | |
and to trout, they seem to compete with them for shelter, | :56:23. | :56:25. | |
There's one stream not too far from here where, | :56:26. | :56:29. | |
if you turn a stone, you find three signal crayfish. | :56:30. | :56:32. | |
Clearly, if a salmon goes under there, | :56:33. | :56:34. | |
they'll be attacked by a signal crayfish. | :56:35. | :56:36. | |
And is there anything you can do to stop these invaders? | :56:37. | :56:40. | |
once they're in a river system, we can't get them out. | :56:41. | :56:46. | |
So the best thing we can do is try to prevent them | :56:47. | :56:48. | |
getting into river systems in the first place. | :56:49. | :56:53. | |
'The first captive-bred white-clawed crayfish to be | :56:54. | :56:58. | |
Now you've got a life jacket on, Neil. Do I need one as well? | :56:59. | :57:03. | |
I've got mine on specifically if I have to get in the water. | :57:04. | :57:08. | |
All right, I'll let you do the wading then. | :57:09. | :57:11. | |
Here we are, John, this will be our first release site, | :57:12. | :57:13. | |
I'll get in the water, and if you can pass me them down... I will do. | :57:14. | :57:18. | |
So, what would you like, a big male first? Please. | :57:19. | :57:23. | |
There we go. Thank you. How many are we going to put down here? | :57:24. | :57:27. | |
What we're doing, we've got two males and four females. | :57:28. | :57:31. | |
Two females to every male. Dainty little female. | :57:32. | :57:37. | |
And how can you guarantee that signal crayfish won't find this spot | :57:38. | :57:42. | |
We've chosen this site specifically because of the habitat, but also | :57:43. | :57:46. | |
because there's an impassable waterfall about a mile downstream. | :57:47. | :57:50. | |
So that will be a big impacting factor | :57:51. | :57:52. | |
Signal crayfish can't get up here unless man physically brings them. | :57:53. | :57:58. | |
It is actually against the law to release crayfish into a watercourse. | :57:59. | :58:01. | |
I've got a licence and we, as the Environment Agency, | :58:02. | :58:06. | |
will record all the data of where these are going, and we can | :58:07. | :58:09. | |
come back in six months' time and hopefully find some of these | :58:10. | :58:12. | |
females carrying up to 100, 120 eggs. | :58:13. | :58:19. | |
Well, this is the very last one we're going to release today, | :58:20. | :58:22. | |
but before we set her free, can I just remind you that on our website | :58:23. | :58:25. | |
you'll find all the details about how to buy a Countryfile calendar. | :58:26. | :58:29. | |
And next week we have the One Man And His Dog championships. | :58:30. | :58:32. | |
Now, off you go, little lady. Let's hope you stay safe. | :58:33. | :58:37. |