Episode 2 Stargazing Live

Episode 2

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After last night's cloud cover, the sky is completely clear tonight.


The stars are out and Jupiter is shining. Last night we searched for


evidence of life on other worlds. Tonight we will try and explain how


everything came to be here in the first place by looking up at the


night sky. We have one hour to tell you the entire history of our


universe. Hold on to your hats. By the end of this programme Brian


will try to answer the question more of you have asked him than


anything else - what happened before the Big Bang? I'm Brian Cox.


He is Dara O Briain. And this is Welcome back to Jodrell Bank. We


were unlucky with the weather last night. This is the second night of


Stargazing. Thank you for your questions and photographs that you


have already sent us. We have been inundated. There are some


incredible images. Here is the first one. It is a beautiful image


This one, the Milky Way over Trusk Lough. Finally, this is the Flame


Nebula in Orion. Wow! The star in the belt is just below there. That


is the star that lights up this nebula. The dark patches are dust


lanes across the glowing gas. Fabulous stuff. We want to see more


of these. More questions. More photographs. We will cover them in


this show or in the later show, Back to Earth. E-mail them to us -


[email protected]. Send them on Twitter to @bbcstargazing or go to


the website - bbc.co.uk/stargazing. Ed Copeland is waiting to join in


with our live webchat as well. bet you say that in your sleep!


Anyway, tonight we will try and take you on a tour of the history


of everything. Take a look at this image. This was taken by the Hubble


Telescope. In this image there are some of the most distant galaxies


we have ever seen. The interesting one is this one. You can't see it


there. It has 11.9 next to it. That is 13.35 billion light years away


from Earth. That means that light has taken 13.35 billion years to


travel from that into the Hubble Space Telescope. The universe is


only 13.75 billion years old. That light has been travelling


throughout the history of the universe pretty much. You have seen


a galaxy there that formed only a few hundred million years or so


after the Big Bang. What we see is a snapshot of what that galaxy was


like at the moment its light left on the long journey to us. Mark is


in a field. It is great to be back here again


with the Liverpool Amateur Astronomical Society. ALL: Hello!


They are quite cheery. We have clear skies at the moment. Earlier,


we did manage to get some footage of the Pleiades star cluster,


otherwise known as the Severn Sisters. It is a billion million


miles away. It takes its light 4 40 million years to get to us. Most of


the stars are in the Milky Way. There are a couple of objects which


you can see which aren't in the Milky Way such as the Andromeda


Galaxy. We have a live image now of the galaxy. It is an object which


is 15 quintillion, which is a billion billion miles away. The


light has been travelling for 2.5 million years to get to us. The


image is just under three million years old. That means if anybody is


on a planet inside the Andromeda Galaxy looking back on us, they are


seeing us as our ancestors were starting to walk on two legs which


is crazy! Great objects to look at. Try and get a look at them if you


can. For now, back to you in the studio. Do you understand those?


Quintillion, I have never heard that. It's a million million


million million - I should have put the brakes on one million ago!


to the ten or something. Anyway, the deeper into space you can see,


the further back in time you are looking. A lot of our greatest


questions have been answered by sending incredibly complex


instruments into space. Many were built in the room where Liz Bonnin


is now. Welcome back to NASA's Jet


Propulsion Laboratory here in California. This is High Bay One


where they built Voyager and also the Mars Curiosity Rover that we


saw last night. Not only that, but this is the room where the wide


field planetary camera of the Hubble Telescope was built. The


camera that has given us the deepest view into our universe to


date. Tonight, I will find out how that camera has improved on that


image and I'm also going to show you Hubble's successor, the biggest


Space Telescope ever built. Come back to me soon.


The telescope is in space, it looks for light. The light we see is only


a tiny proportion of the light that exists in the universe. I will


expand on that idea in the old- fashioned way with a piece of chalk.


Visible light - light is an electromagnetic wave. It has a


wavelength. It is the distant from peak to peak. Visible light has a


wavelength of 500,000 millionths of a metre. That is visible. That is


what our eyes can see. If you go to longer wavelengths, first you move


to infrared light. We can't see that. We can feel it. You feel it


as heat. You go further to longer wavelengths, we go through


microwaves which have a wavelength of five centimetres. Then into the


radio part of the spectrum. Jodrell is detecting wavelengths of 20


centimetres. You can have radiowaves out to hundreds of


metres. Go to the other end, the wavelengths start getting shorter


and shorter. Beyond the visible there is ultraviolet. That is the


stuff you can't see but gives you a suntan. Shorter wavelengths we get


out to x-rays which pass through your skin which is why you can see


your bones. Finally, to the low- wave radiation. Different


telescopes have been designed to cover all parts of that spectrum.


We have images from them here for example. This is the Nova Cygni.


This is why you are seeing super- high-energy photons. The Chandra X-


Ray Total scone. Pillars of Creation. Visible light is one of


the few pieces that's affected by our atmosphere. -- Chandra X-Ray


Telescope. We have mike wave telescopes, this


is from the Planck. This is the Helix Nebula. That is very


beautiful. It is material coming off a dying star. In there, the


elements of life have been spread out into the universe. Collectively,


these have allowed us to piece together the grand story of our


universe. First, we need to try and give you a sense of timescale. When


did everything start? How long will The rhythms of the natural world


have an eternal quality to them. Perhaps that is why our earliest


theories of the universe picture it as unchanging and everlasting. Over


the last century, that picture has been transformed. Our current best


model of the universe is called the Big Bang Model. That says the


universe is 13.75 billion years old which means that it began 13.75


billion years ago. So if the universe had a beginning, does that


imply that it will also have an end? To answer that we need to


understand how the universe evolved with time. That is something that


was discovered in the 1920s when astronomers measured the movement


of distant galaxies relative to the Earth. If you look at galaxies


beyond the Milky Way, what you find is all the galaxies appear to be


rushing away from us. Imagine all the dots of the galaxies and I blow


up the balloon - as the balloon expands, every dot, every galaxy


moves away from every other galaxy. The interpretation of the


measurement that virtually every galaxy is rushing away from every


other is the same. They are doing that because the universe is


expanding and it's been doing that since the Big Bang. The cause of


this expansion is not fully understood. But in the billions of


years since the Big Bang, space has continued to expand. There are also


other forces at work on the galaxies in the universe. All those


galaxies out there across the universe have one thing in common


which is that they are massive, they have mass, they are made of


solid objects. Now, Isaac Newton told us there is a force that


exists between objects that have mass, the force of gravity. It acts


to pull things together. If I drop this shell, then due to the force


of gravity it meets the earth. Think about what that means for the


expansion of the universe. It is full of these galaxies, a great


deal of matter, a great deal of mass, all attracting itself


together, so the mass in the universe acts as a brake on the


expansion. The mass in the universe acts to slow the expansion of the


universe down. For much of the 20th Century, scientists believe that


the balance between these two effects, the initial expansion and


the breaking effect of gravity, would determine how the universe


might end. In this old theory, if gravity won the battle, then the


expansion might not just slow down, it might even stop and reverse so


the universe could one day begin to contract. That scenario is called


the Big Crunch. It means every galaxy in the sky will start


rushing towards every other galaxy and eventually the entire


observable universe would shrink back to the size of a single atom,


hot and dense. It would be an incredibly violent end to the


universe. Just over a decade ago, when astronomers measured how space


has been expanding over time, they discovered something unexpected


which completely changed how we think the universe might end. Five


billion years ago, the expansion of space actually began to speed up as


if something had given it fresh momentum. So what is this


mysterious thing that is stretching the very fabric of space itself?


Well, the best answer I can give you is that we don't know. It is


one of the great mysteries in physics. It does have a name. It is


called "dark energy" and that is all that everybody can agree upon.


There are theories about what this dark energy is and where it comes


from. But so far, nothing quite seems to fit. What we do know is


that its presence in every cubic metre of space, here and out beyond


the edge of the Solar System, beyond the Milky Way, and out to


the edge of the observable universe, space contains dark energy. The


universe, so far as we can tell, will continue to accelerate faster


and faster. The galaxies will get further and further away.


Ultimately, that dark energy will dominate and our best guess is that


the universe will continue to We have lots and lots of questions


coming in. Loads of the has asked - - have asked a version of this. How


do we know the universe is expanding? It is one of the most


important measurements in astronomy. If you look out to distant galaxies


and you can pick up stars in those galaxies, then what you see is that


they emit light but that light is stretched and what you find is that


the further away the object is that you look at, the more stretched the


light becomes. How do you measure distance? There are certain objects,


supernova explosions, where we know the brightness and we understand


the physics were enough to know how British should be and then it is


quite simple. You look at how bright it looks and you can look at


the distance. -- you know how bright it should be. This then


tells us the universe has been stretching. If you can imagine a


wave of light that has been travelling from some object for 1


billion years. The universe has been stretching for 1 billion years


and him when it is 2 billion light years it will be stretched to


billion years. And if you run the clock backwards, you start drawing


it in and it reduces down the universe. That is it. So you


reverse it mentally. The universe is contracting and contracting and


at some point you find something is on top of everything else and that


is what we call the Big Bang, and that is what we will be talking


about later. Lucy has asked on behalf of her class, how can space


never end? It is a very difficult concept. And that is if indeed it


never ends. It was born in the neck so I hope that is the answer.


we happy with batons are? Yeah! We of fine! We have an update on the


Mars sedge. We have pictures that have been picked out by you. We


have 60,000 people taking part already. 450,000 images of Mars


have been explored by you in 24 hours and we should make it well


over one million tonight. It is three-quarters the size of Wales,


the area. We have gone from Cyprus to three-quarters of Wales. Can we


make it all of Wales this evening?! This is an interesting feature


never before seen, picked out by a few were. These are geological


features. What is that? What are those bright bits? Is it the sun


catching it? It is fascinating. had some discussions last night


with folks like Brian May. What if aliens landed? We will give you a


patch of Mars that you can look at if you want to join in. The people


of Wales are locked on Mars! We are trying to find them! If you find


Elvis, we will give you a price! How did we begin to work call of


his out? I will show you this one image. If -- work all of this out?


This is the 20 ft telescope built by William her sure. You had to


stand on it to make observations. You could see the two moons of


Uranus and Oberon. And another moon that we think may be home for life.


We like a crazy project on this show and we decided to recreate and


rebuild her -- the Herschel Telescope.


To find out just how he made his 20 ft telescope, I have come to the


Royal astronomical Society in London where his observations have


been collected. I guess the important question to build this,


have you got any plans I can take with me? Not directly. We do not


have a lot of detail. Just the sketches. So I only have pictures


to work from? Fabulous! It is a brilliant structure. It has to go


up and down and a new track and let the sky rotate in front of you. He


wants to fathom what he calls the length, breadth, depth and


profundity of the universe. And so he built bigger and bigger


telescopes to see further out? Exactly. It looked quite cumbersome.


How did it work? The whole structure could rotate. You would


have needed some big strong beefy chaps down here. Lots of polls,


ropes and chains. A bit of ingenuity and we can probably


cricket! I hadn't quite appreciated how much effort he had gone into


building this. And there is a lot of stuff I have to think about. So


for me to get it working safely, it is going to take quite a bit of


planning. I will also need a lot of help so I have come to the


University of Derby, who have agreed to house the telescope, to


meet the crack team who are going to help make this happen. So


hopefully I can see what he saw. The university's staff and the


local astronomy Society are going to run and manage how it is built


and they have a but you'd have questions. Are we going to keep it


in wood? If you want to see a perfect image in the sky you want


tea the telescope to be sealed and not distorted. As you wind it up it


will become unstable. How will you stop it sagging in the middle?


how stable will it be in terms of higher winds? It looks like a have


a bit of thinking to the engineers have come up with a design that


looks a bit different to the original. Instead of wood, we are


going to build it out of scaffolding poles revolving around


a central pivot. The telescope will sit in a cradle to support it and


it can be winched up and down. Although remains dated, it remains


true to the principles. Now I am against the clock to get this ready


Surrey solid base of the telescope is first on my list. -- so a solid


base. We need to plot true North first so the local astronomical


Society is here to find it a proper way, with an astronomical clock and


the sun. At local noon, a shadow is thrown by a perpendicular stick


showing North. And with some nifty maths, they can workout East, West


and the degrees in between. He if you are South, give me a wave!


help it get marked out in style, the local primary school are here.


They are painted in bright colours. Who is looking forward to the


telescope? Me! We need clear skies, don't we? Yes. What planets have we


got here? Uranus and Sutton. you remember who discovered Uranus?


William Herschel. Now the base is down and looking beautiful, it is


time to put the construction plan into action. Now, this is no


ordinary scaffolding job. Inaudible the telescope to work, all


measurements have to be totally precise. -- in order for the


telescope. I am trusting you all. Shall we get started? Yes. To see


the whole night sky, William Herschel needed a panoramic view so


that team attaches 12 kneels to the base so it can rotate. -- wheels.


The original fellow over two or three times at first, I think, so


that won't happen to us, will it? No. We have taken on board all of


the issues and accommodated them. We have made sure it is safe to use


and we have no concerns. We Dicky layers of scaffolding and plays it


is time to add the specially crafted cradle for the 20 ft long


telescope tube which will hopefully stop its sagging in the middle.


Well, it fits! And as it is put in position, you start to get a feel


for William Herschel's ambition and the sheer scale of what he was


doing. There is just one thing missing - the actual telescope. I


have no idea whether the drawings are going to give me enough


information to actually see what he saw through it, so there is still a


lot to figure out. Mark, that didn't look too easy?


it was and! I still find it amazing the amount of effort William


Herschel went through. -- it was not! We understand as much as we do


about these amazing stars behind me offence to him. But the setting up


of the mound was a bit easier than I expected. The optics was a bit


more of a challenge but you will see a bit more about that tomorrow


and after the show I will be heading down to derby of the


weather is clear and I will be showing you what you can see


through the telescope. If this is important things up. The lesson


here is that there is an interaction between engineers and


inventing new instruments a more we can learn about the universe and


William Herschel discovered Sutton's Moon. You go for 100 years


and you get to Edwin Hubble and we have learned a lot about that, with


the Hubble telescope. I am going to show you something now. The Hubble


constant. I am going to use my Black Hawk! I am going to remind


back through the time of television backed Izzy 1970s! This is what he


measured. He used a bigger telescope. So what could he see


what that? He was the first to see stars in distant galaxies.


Initially in the Andromeda Galaxy, so he was the first to show it as


not some kind of nebula in the Milky Way but an external island of


stars. He went on in 1929 by making hundreds of measurements with high-


precision telescopes to work out this number, which is the Hubble


constant, named after him. It is 70 kilometres per second per


megaparsec. Now, this is a strange thing. It is a distance measure.


You will know what it is if you one astronomer. It is 3.2 something my


ears or so. So this number maps and encodes the expansion rate in it of


the universe and it says if you go about 3 million light years over


there and look at the galaxies and average out their motion, then on


average they are moving away from the Milky Way at 70 kilometres per


second, pretty slowly. A my favourite thing about this is a


little mathematical trick and we're going to do this at home for those


of you were so minded. If you have got them to be the same unit, they


kind of cancel each other out and you are left with a number which


has just in units of one over a second. Yes. Send us a tweet as


soon as you have done it. Turn megaparsec into kilometres and they


will cancel out. Invert that number and you will get an age of the


universe which is something in billion years. Send it in on


Twitter. The first one IC, I will buy you a pint! You flip the number


over and you get the age of the universe! What I love about it is


it is a measurement. A simple measurement. This is how we first


deduced or measured the age of the universe. It is a beautiful thing.


It is how they measure the first space Telegraph... Sorry!


Telescope! Let's go back to Liz by -- and she will tell us more.


you. We are at the Deep Space Network and it is from here that


they, and Nasser -- at NASA, do many of their measurements. One of


the most famous has to be Hubble's of the early stars and galaxies.


Thank you very much for joining us. This iconic Deep Field Image that


we know and love so well has recently been improved. Is that


right? Yes, it is the most recent image we have and we are looking


back 90% back to the Big Bang. The objects highlighted here are the


most distant images and galaxies known. The one on the left in red


is the most distant we have seen and it has been seen for 380


million years after the Big Bang. That is amazing! Can we now say


these are the earliest galaxies? That is it? No. We already know


from the colours of these stars that the stars have chemical


elements in them which have been enriched with and galaxies


themselves so there are even earlier galaxies be on the depth of


this image. Hubble has probably looked back as far as it can but we


now know there are earlier object so it has set the stage for further


exploration of even earlier object with more powerful facilities.


need a bigger telescope! Hmm! And will -- and to uncover all of those


stars and galaxies, NASA or were doing the work and I was lucky


enough to go and see the latest The plan is to solve the mystery of


how the very first stars were formed. They are believed to be 300


times the mass of our Sun. A telescope here is planning to


change all that. These are the plans for NASA's most


formidable Time Machine yet conceived. Called the James Webb


Telescope, its 6.5 metre diameter mirror will let us see objects far


fainter than Hubble can. It will be the biggest telescope ever sent


into space. They have been building it for a decade. The mirror is too


large to fly into space on any of today's rockets so it folds up into


three sections. Each of the 18- mirror segments are precision-made


and are coated in pure gold. Today, two more are just arriving.


Critical spaceflight hardware. Don't you just love it?! I would


not want to be the guy manoeuvring this right now. Far too nerve-


wracking. Just don't drop it! Like everything else, these mirrors have


been designed to be as light as possible, by Nobel Prize Winner Dr


John Mather. We have made it lightweight because that is the


only way to get it up into space. We need to go much higher so we are


going up on a European rocket and it can carry 6,000 kilos, which is


about half what the Hubble was. So it has to be much lighter.


Each mirror weighs 20 kilograms and they will be assembled in a clean


room so nothing can contaminate their 1.32 metre diameter surface.


It is not just its size that will give it the edge over Hubble, it is


the light that the Webb Telescope is designed to see that will make


all the difference. On its journey towards us, the light from the most


distant stars and galaxies has changed. It is still travelling at


the speed of light. Because the universe is expanding the


wavelength of that light has become longer, from visible to infrared


wavelengths. So to be able to detect that light you need a


telescope that is sensitive to infrared. The Webb Telescope can


pick up the radiation from a bumblebee the distance of the Moon.


By giving the telescope's sensitive infrared eyes we are on the brink


of viewing our deepest origins in the birth of the first stars.


Though for Dr Mather, the most exciting discoveries will be those


that we can't even begin to imagine. Every time you build a big


telescope, we get a surprise. Nature seems to be like that. Our


imagination, no matter how imaginative we are, there are


things out there that we will never guess.


Richard, you have been working on this area all your life. How


important is it that we find those very early stars? It is very


important. This moment when the universe was bathed in light for


the first time - we call that Cosmic Dawn - it is an important


landmark in the history of the universe. What are the implications


if Webb does find those stars? we know when this moment is, we can


start to come backwards to the present day and start to piece


together how stars enriched the galaxies with the chemical elements,


how they grew in size up to the majestic systems we have around us


today. How does your research follow on? There is lot more to do.


We have to understand the physics of what is going on. You are not


out of a job(!) No. Thank you. Join me later when I find out about some


other NASA missions that are helping us to understand star


evolution in much greater detail. See you in a bit.


Thanks, Liz. Until the James Webb is launched, the deepest image of


the galaxies we have is from the Hubble Space Telescope. We should


be able to see the same patch of sky outside with Mark now. Which


patch of sky is the Hubble looking at? It was in a position in the


constellation of Fornax. It is just below the trees, ten degrees above


the southern horizon. We have a video which shows what it would be


like if you were to take a journey in that direction. The final image


was a combination of 2,000 individual images. Stunning. It is.


We can see back to the formations of the first galaxies. We can't see


to the first moment of the Big Bang. It took light a while to get going?


Yes, imagine when every galaxy you can see in the night sky, the whole


universe was crammed into something the size of your head. That is


large enough! Very dense! Yes! universe has expanded and cooled


ever since. So it gets cooler and cooler, at a point around 400,000


years after the Big Bang, the universe had cooled down so much


that electrons were able to go into orbit around the nucleus to form


atoms. Light could travel through the universe and we can take an


image, we can see that light now travelling from that place all


those light years away. We have taken a picture of that image and


it is this. It is called the Cosmic Microwave Background. This is the


first light we are seeing there? That's right. In universe terms,


that is a baby. It is the earliest light we can see. It was taken by a


NASA probe which measured this faint glow of light that bathed us


in all directions. It's been travelling to us for 14 billion


years. What are we seeing here? There's a lot of features in this?


The colour tells you its temperature. The temperature is


almost the same everywhere. With probes like this, we have managed


to find, tease out the tiny variations across the sky. Where it


is red, it is ever so slightly hotter than average. Ever so


slightly? It is a millionth of a degree. The light we are measuring


is really cold. It is minus 270 degrees. We are measuring tiny


variations. The measurement is the temperature fluctuations. What do


they correspond to? You have these ripples in temperatures. They trace


out tiny lumps and bumps in space. The space was almost completely


smooth. There were these tiny lumps and bumps. They are origins of all


the stars in the galaxies that we see now. We think they grew over


millions of years until the lumps got big enough to form the very


first stars. This image is the entire sky? So every direction you


look? Unwrapped on to a flatscreen. We are looking at the seeds of the


galaxies. Without these fluctuations, we wouldn't exist?


That's right. There is another mission, the Planck Mission? That's


right. We have learnt a lot about what the universe is made of, but


the Planck Mission has been operating beautifully. It is


working at higher resolution. This is a map of it right now. This is


our Milky Way galaxy in the purple. You are getting in the way - this


is what we want to see at the edges? Exactly. We have to filter


out the Milky Way? Exactly. question is what is that going to


tell us? What is the origin of those fluctuations? Exactly. We


have this crazy idea about what happened in the first trillionth of


a second. The first one trillionth? Yes. The universe expanded


incredibly fast, faster than the speed of light, blowing up bits of


space that are smaller than the nucleus of an atom in a trillionth


of a second. That is what made our universe the way it is today. We


are not sure if that is what happened or not. I find that


remarkable that we make a measurement that you can link back


to events that may have happened a trillionth of a second after our


universe began. It is phenomenal. You can trace it through to 400,000


years where we see this light and all the way through to today and it


is making so much sense. We are finding out what the universe is


made of. It is really a wonderful thing. We will talk to you after


the show. Thank you very much. We will see you again. If you are


hoping to get out after the show, you will need some clear skies. So


over to Su San Powell in the BBC Weather Centre. -- Susan Powell in


If you are planning on casting your eyes skywards, you better get on


with it! Further north, you are up against some fog so the best places


might be North Wales and the North East of England. Better prospects


tonight than tomorrow night. Tomorrow, a lot of cloud across the


UK. An old weather front in the east, a fresh one to the west. The


clearest of the skies will be between those two weather fronts.


It will be limited so your best chances are this evening. Perhaps


tomorrow, not quite so great. I will be back tomorrow to give you


Thank you. If you do have clear skies, get out there and take a


look after the show. Even if all you are doing is gauging it with


the naked eye, there is a still a lot you can work out about the


history of the stars above us. Here is Mark to explain.


On a clear, dark night, thousands of stars can be seen twinkling


above our heads. To the untrained eye, it is easy to assume they are


all the same. Tiny white specs light years away. In fact, many


stars aren't white at all. Our nightly companions are many


different colours and those colours give us a clue to their life


stories. Most stars appear white to us on Earth because they are so far


away they are too faint to stimulate the part of the eye that


lets us see in colour. If we could see as well as a powerful telescope,


our view of the sky would turn technicolour. When you know what


you are looking for, picking out the colours of stars is fairly easy


to do. Many are bright enough to be seen with just the eye. Let's start


by looking at Orion. It rises nice and high so it is easy to spot. We


start by looking for its famous three-star belt which you can see


just over my left shoulder. Move upwards to find a star called


Betelgeuse. To the naked eye, it is one of the most colourful. You


can't see this with our special low-light black-and-white camera so


here is what it looks like through our telescope. As we go out of


focus, its stunning red colour becomes really prominent. If we go


back to the belt stars and start at the top star and drop a line down


towards the lower right-hand corner we spot another bright star called


Rigel. This is Rigel out of focus. You can see it is a vivid blue


colour. Both Rigel and Betelgeuse are known as super-giants. They are


amongst some of the brightest stars in the night sky. Why is one red


and the other blue? The colour of a star can tell us how hot its


surface temperature is. We think of hot things as red and cold things


as blue. The hotter a star is the bluer it looks. The cooler the star,


the redder it glows. So Betelgeuse is colder than blue Rigel. With a


simple chart like this, we can tell how hot the stars are. I would say


Rigel is more of a Bluestar than "a bluey"-white star which means its


temperature is 10,000 K which means it is a burning furnace with


phenomenal amounts of energy. At the other end of the scale is


Betelgeuse. It is less than 3,700 K. One of my favourite colour for


objects to observe is a map in Andromeda. To find and, --


Andromeda, we need to get to Pegasus. At this time of year, it


is directly above our heads. Stop around 13,000 Kelvin. If we move


upwards, we which another bright star. It is more orange. If we


continue higher, we reach the last. If we look at this through a


telescope it is transformed into one of the most stunning objects in


the night sky. It is a double star, made of a hot blue star orbiting


with a larger, cooler golden companion, and when you see them


together it makes their contrasting colours all the more striking.


Observing the colours of them can take a bit of practice but it is


well worth the effort. And the more you discover about the colour and


other characteristics, the more they will reveal their secrets to


I'm here with some of the younger members of the Liverpool astronomy


Society. Do you remember the first time you saw the colour in the


stars? Yes, it was a star low on the horizon flickering from red to


blue. That is what started me on the road to learning about them.


And it looked beautiful. Yes. do you remember? It was really cool


because I thought all stars were white and then I realised they were


different colours depending on their age and their temperature.


And that is the case, it is the temperature which affect it. Of


course there are other things. Have you seen any colour in the Planets?


I saw Jupiter. It has got orange, brown and white. It has got a white


dot and it is a volcano. Yes. A big storm on Jupiter. Thank you for


that, guys. We will let you get back to observing. Back to the


studio. A big debate going on here as to


what the colour means - does it mean temperature? First of all,


Mark, it is that a budget. She was correct. The reason why. -- it is


the temperature. This is part of a triple star system. This is red and


that is because it is cool on the surface. That is because it is very


small, around a tenth of the mass of the sun. The pay up is that it


will burn for many, many, many billions of years. But here's


another famous red star. Can you believe I have mess this up again?!


This picture you cannot see now and has become faded in! There it is.


This is Betelgeuse. This is red for a different reason. It is a very,


very, very large star indeed, many times larger than the sun. You


could fit most of the solar system in there and you can even see sun


spots on the surface. It has only been alive for less than 10 million


years. It is burning is feel so voraciously. The surface is cold


because it is very large so it is a long way away from the core.


things might get more dramatic for that star at any point? Yes, it is


already burning helium and it will run out of fuel building the


heavier elements to its core and then it will collapse. This is an


artist's impression of what that would look like in our skies. And


quite honestly, this could happen tomorrow. Betelgeuse is on borrowed


time now. That will look like a second sun in the sky. How long


will we have this in the sky? will go for about two weeks like


that and it will be the most spectacular sight. What you are


seeing is the distribution of the elements of life. Because we are


overdue a supernova in the Milky Way? Yes, because on average you


get one in each large galaxy per century. What was the fame has one


we had? This was the Crab Nebula. So this was seen by Chinese


astronomers. That Furnace was basically where the heavier


elements were built? Yes. It is a spectacular and beautiful thing in


the sky but what we are looking at... Well, we have an image we


took early on tonight. There it is. That is a small telescope. What


you're looking at it is the elements of not only carbon and


oxygen that were cooked in the heart of the star, but elements


like gold. Anything heavier than I am cannot be made in the centre of


a star. It is only made for a few minutes each century each galaxy


and that is why they are so expensive, those elements -


platinum, gold. Because they are only made out there. So you can see


what this teaches us about the origins of the stars and galaxies


and it tells us ultimately how we got here. Liz is with some of the


pioneering scientists leading this research. At thank you.


I am with Professor Fiona Harrison, principal investigator with the


NuSTAR telescope with NASA. Camped -- am I right in saying this is the


only telescope that could get us this image? You snack. It is making


images more than 10 times Chris Pratt and sensitive, by hundreds of


times, than anything we have seen previously. -- images are more than


10 times more precise. It was created in a foreign nuclear


explosion. In particular, 44Ti, which could end up in our bones.


And does this give us a better understanding of how stars explode?


Yes, the distribution is very sensitive to whether the explosion


was spherical or oxide did. And that tells us how stars explode.


Thank you very much. A telescope that has communicated with the Deep


Space Network is the Spitzer Mission telescope. Thank you for


joining us. It can peer through all of the dust and gas of newly-formed


stars so when the supernovae begin to form into stars, it can give us


images like this. Tell us what we are seeing here? We are seeing a


helium cauldron where dust and gas are being thrown back and forth by


young stars and massive stars are being formed. You can see a bubble


be -- being formed. So we are learning a lot more about how that


process comes about. What about planets coming into formation


around a star? Can it tell us about that? It can tell us about planets


because they are warmed by the star light. The team yesterday found a


second asteroid belt around the second brightest are in the North


sky. We have an inner and an outer belt sculpted by the planets.


Fascinating. Thank you so much, Neil. These are teaching us so much


more about the cycles of star death and birth and how all of that works


together, to understand how our universe is shaped. We will also


find out a lot more about how our own solar system came to be made


and how we came to be made of staff stuff. Tomorrow, we are leaving


this place, heading deep into the desert to this. This part of the


Goldstone at work. And I will be finding out how scientists are


tracking asteroids. Or we gave you is a bit of an


approximation. It should have come out at 15 billion. You opines to


Guy and Andrew Murray. -- you owe a drink too. We should probably leave


the last final bet to Ed. Yes, Professor Ed Copeland. The question


is, what is the fate of the universe? I don't know. OK, thanks


for coming along, Ed! The best you can do, because you need to look


into the future and for that you have to base it on whatever models


you have, and we have a series of models which are consistent with


the data so you can project thenceforward so we have three


scenarios I can come up with. You had a thing about Doc energy and if


you imagine that being constant. -- dark energy. It is a nightmare for


particle physicists. If it is driving the universe than the


universe is accelerating so distant galaxies are accelerating a part


and these galaxies will disappear before us over many billions of


years and gradually it would just look like an empty universe with


these things all spread out. you would see no stars in the


skies? Well, probably. And the other one is, imagined the dark


energy is increasing, so it is getting more and more dominant, and


then things are more dramatic. data doesn't suggest it should be


like that. If it is, acceleration is even more rapid and then not


only do the galaxies move apart but they split apart and then the


constituencies split apart and the atoms split apart and then you get


the fundamental parts thrown across the universe like an angry child


throwing their toys across the universe! Again, not wonderful!


There is a happy ending and that is in the case were the dark energy is


a transient feature and so it is driving the energy now but maybe it


is changing with time, and it actually decays. A bit like the


early inflation you describe but the beginning of the programme. And


what will happen there is the energy stored in the dark energy


goes to create particles and radiation and the universe read


Keats again. And now we are back to his scenario with a much lower


energy scale. -- it heats up again. Another curvature of the universe


becomes important in determining the ultimate fate of the universe.


So that is the most palatable? It is still not entirely palatable!


is the least likely. At the moment it looks like... We are going to


talk about a lot more of this next time. For now, let's go outside to


Mark for the last time. Everybody has gone indoors now but if you


have been inspired to look up at the sky, we have lots of resources


you can look up on the website. If you want to get hold of race


stargazing guide, then the details are on the screen. They are in


conjunction with the Open University and it is well worth


getting one of those. OK, that is the Star Guide. At the


beginning of the show a promise to answer the ultimate question, what


happened before the Big Bang? -- I promised. Well, the universe may


have existed for an infinite amount of time before the Big Bang or time


may have begun at the Big Bang, so the answer is either the universe


has been here forever or it hasn't. Fantastic, isn't it? That is why we


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