Episode 3 Stargazing Live

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Over 100,000 of you have been working hard scouring an unexplored


area of Mars. Your efforts have paid off. You have made an


incredible discovery on the surface of the Red Planet. We will be


revealing all tonight. I'm Brian Cox. He is Dara O Briain. This is


Welcome back to a very foggy Jodrell Bank Observatory. So foggy


we can hardly see the big dish. Not a great night for stargazing. It is


the third and final night of this year's Stargazing Live. Thank you


for your questions. We have some remarkable viewer photographs that


I want to show you. This is the Orion Nebula. We saw it on the


first night. This is a picture - it is taken with a 4.5 inch reflector.


26 30-second exposures. This was taken last night. This one,


California Nebula. Is it because it's the shape of California?


It was taken on the 9th. This one is the jewel in the crown in many


ways. It may not look like it. It's - we now know - a comet. It was


discovered, or the photograph was taken by Nick Howes in the States.


On Monday night, the stargazers at the school - this is now a comet.


That is a genuine discovery. As we mentioned, we have made some


interesting discoveries on the surface of Mars. Chris Lintott will


be back later in the programme to reveal all. There is much more to


stargazing than these TV shows. There are over 500 events taking


place up-and-down the country for you to get some hands-on with


astronomy. I have some pictures. I want to show you what everybody has


been doing. Here is one. This is the Canterbury Star Party. 1,200


guests turned up to Canterbury on Tuesday 8th. This is them showing


how to make rockets with a vitamin tablet. This is the Eden Project.


1,500 guests on 8th January. Finally, this one - that is nice.


Where was that? Birmingham. This is people from Birmingham University


explaining how gravity works. One last picture. This one was sent in


by Private Eye. There is Dara O Briain looking very handsome and


Buzz Lightyear! To find an event near you, go to


bbc.co.uk/stargazing. We will be going to see how Mark got on with


the Herschel Telescope. Among his many claims to fame, Herschel


coined the term "asteroid". It means star-like in Greek. In five


weeks' time an asteroid 45 metres wide is going to pass between us


and the Moon, coming closer to Earth than some of our satellites.


In March, the comet Panstarrs will streak by in the sky followed by


Ison. This was taken on 9th. Ison will pass very close to the Sun. If


it survives that encounter with the Sun, it could break up, it will


sweep out in January 2014 - it could be one of those comets that


you see in a tapestry! Fantastic. We are going to pass through the


tail of that later in March. It may give us a meteor shower. Fantastic.


We have had lots of questions. "What is the difference between


asteroids, comets and meteors?" We have to keep on explaining this.


Comets are large dirty snowballs. Yes. They are icy with some rock


mixed in. They come from distant regions of the Solar System. We


will see that later on in regions called the Kuiper belt and the Oort


Cloud. The comets are spectacular. We have some fantastic footage.


This is a beautiful shot from the International Space Station. Looks


like some kind of computer graphic. That is Comet Lovejoy. Lovejoy was


discovered in December 2011 by Terry Lovejoy in Australia. Here it


is passing behind the Sun. Remarkable piece of footage. Here


is another video. This is from the Solar Observatory. The thing about


comets - you tend to think of them streaking along. The tail is blown


by the solar wind. The Sun is heating the comet up. You are


getting gas and dust erupting. it is moving away from the Sun, it


follows its own tail? Yes. Asteroids are more like rocky


fragments of planets. Yes, this is the first asteroid we encountered


in space. This is not a video. This is Eros. It's about 34 kilometres


long, which is about the size of the thing that - if it hit us, it


would be the size that killed all the dinosaurs. It doesn't cross the


Earth's orbit at the moment. It crosses Mars' orbit, though.


Because it continually crosses the orbit of Mars, it could be


perturbed by Mars. We landed on the surface of that asteroid. When we


talk about meteors and meteoroids, they interact with our atmosphere.


Meteors are when they burn up. Meteor showers. What are they?


is a meteor shower in December. The reason for that is that they were


created by a comet. They are the remains of the tail of a comet.


you think about what a comet does. It orbits the Sun. So they leave an


ellipse of debris and that will sit there in orbit around the Sun in


the place where the comet tracks around. The Earth passes through it


at the same point in its orbit every year. And that is why you


always see them coming from the same place. That is how meteor


showers are named. So one of the things we want to


talk about is the big asteroid coming our way very soon. It is


called Asteroid 2012 DA14. On Friday February 15th it will pass...


Here it is. That is how close it is going to come! These are our


satellites. The green blobs are the satellites. It will come well


within the orbit of the station. will pass on 15th February. This is


going to be more pressurised Valentine's Day so do something


good on the 14th February! It will miss us by a mile! How can we be so


sure that this trajectory is so right? Liz Bonnin is standing by


for us at the Goldstone Observatory. Welcome to Goldstone in the Mojave


Desert. This is the Mars Antenna, part of NASA's Deep Space Network.


Now, I'm inside the base of the antenna and presently, it's


tracking the New Horizon's Mission to Pluto. Marina, you are one of


the scientists that does that work. How does tracking an asteroid work?


It is simple. You point it to the asteroid and you bounce on some


mike waves. This allows you to get its location very precisely --


microwaves. This allows you to get its location very precisely.


were tracking Apophis last night. Scientists thought it was going to


hit us. What is the latest? Well, we have been tracking it since late


December and what you are seeing here are the images from this


morning. Is that Apophis? What you are looking at, this is a 300 metre


diameter object that is 14.5 million kilometres away and we have


the detection. Radar data that we have collected have completely


excluded any chance of impact. We are safe. That is good news.


Furthermore, we can now precisely predict its trajectory decades into


the future. Fantastic work. As well as tracking, you get a good


resolution from these orbits. This is Toutatis. This is a prime


example of what radar can do. This is 4.6 kilometre-long asteroid. It


was 7.5 million kilometres away from Earth. We are getting


resolution to resolve surface boulders. Wonderful technology.


Scientists are also getting a better idea of the composition of


asteroids with their latest work. What is clear is that there are


many more different types than previously thought. Amy Mainzer,


another NASA scientist, taught me how to make my own.


We have asteroids that are solid lumps of metal. Take some of this


dirt and spoon it in. Step one - all asteroid also have some type of


dirt? That's right. You have silicon in here, all kinds of


heavier elements and that's going to be the basic constituent of most


asteroids. We will pour some of that water in and make a big mess.


One theory about why there's so much water on Earth is that some


arrived here aboard comets and asteroids. That's not the only


familiar substance found in them. Let's take some of this molasses.


How much? That's pretty good. This one is carbon-rich! Now we need a


squirt of another ingredient that has been found in the remains of


asteroids that have landed on Earth, ammonia. Then we add our final


ingredient - dry ice. At minus 78 centigrade, it will mimic the


freezing conditions of the Solar System. Sprinkle that in there. We


will freeze it up good. Let's take a look and see what we have ended


up with. Amazing! That is what we got. In true asteroid-style, it is


beautifully irregular. It is not completely round. Oh my goodness!


This asteroid is a very particular kind, a randomly active main belt


object. A Rambo, would you believe?! It is special. We have


discovered in the last ten years or so this very unusual class of


asteroid that becomes active. Active in what way? These things


exhibit huge clouds of gas and dust coming off the surface. What


happens is when the Sun hits the objects, we use this bright lamp to


represent the Sun, what we think happens is that a smaller asteroid


may strike the surface and scrape off some of this dirty outer layer


and it may expose some of the ice. Look at that jet coming out from a


tiny little hole and you can't see any of the ice exposed? That's


right. This is a really good example of what we think happens.


If we were orbiting the Sun, this object would have a big tail around


it. And a big halo following it. Almost two years ago, the Hubble


Space Telescope photographed a Rambo which grew a tail when it was


heated by the Sun and just there is its X-shaped impact scar. Closer to


home, what is the worst that could happen to the Rambo we have made?


This is a good sized lump of rock. How can this really cause that much


damage? Well, something this small obviously can't. If something were


the size of a building, like 30 or 40 metres in diameter, it would be


large enough to make it through the Earth's atmosphere. Now you have


something that can cause a great deal of damage because if it is


travelling at 10 kilometres a second or more, it packs an


enormous punch. Amy has now joined us at Goldstone. You use Space


Telescopes to find out potentially dangerous asteroids. Tell me about


the project? It's a Space Telescope that used infrared light to


discover and track near Earth asteroids. Infrared is heat. We are


sensing heat. It gives us an idea of the size of the object. We can


tell the difference between something that is really large but


dark, like a piece of coal, or something that is much smaller, but


highly reflective. OK. Getting the size is important for understanding


We sampled some of the population and used it to look at what is out


there. What have you come up with? For objects that are larger than a


kilometre, like the dinosaur killing object, 90% of these have


been found. What about the other 10%? We don't know where they are


yet. There's another piece of not so good news which is that for


objects larger than 100 metres, we've only discovered 25% of those.


They can cause great damage. Absolutely. You need to continue


this surveying work. We have a lot more work to do. What happens if a


big one is coming at us? Ideally we will find an object 20 to 30 years


before it will happen. If we have time like that, we can design


strategies that would use explosives to push the asteroid


aside or break it into pieces or maybe even devised technology to


target out the way. How? A either gravitationally or attaching solar


sails. Astonishing. Thank you. Come back to us when we talk about


emissions and more about asteroids and comets. Standing by it on our


live block is Don. He is head of NASA's near earth objects


department. He will be informed if an asteroid is heading our way for


a start -- he will have to inform the President. He can take your


questions at bbc.co.uk/stargazing. A lot of people are asking where


these objects originate from. We have a model for you. All of the


asteroids we ever encountered... Everything comes from three places.


We have an animation that shows just the asteroid belt ter, between


Mars and Jupiter and it is the Mars and Jupiter and it is the


green area. Every point is a map position of an asteroid. This is


what it looks like. It is a bit of a mess, which is why we get impact.


The asteroid belt is packed with Rocky objects, including this one.


This is called Vesta. I have an image of it. It is quite a big rock.


It is about 350 kilometres in diameter. The remarkable thing


about Vester is I have a piece of it here. This came from there. The


mystery will be revealed later. It mystery will be revealed later. It


is beautiful. This is the Kuiper belt. Faces a region of IAC, rocky


object. This is where Pluto lives. It was demoted because it turn


Celtic is one week -- one of many objects of a large size in the


Kuiper belt. We are on our way to Pluto at the moment. This is a


picture of a spacecraft on its way. It left in January 2006. When it


left Pluto was a planet. When it got to about there, Pluto was


demoted, but by that time it was too late to stop. It makes no


too late to stop. It makes no difference to the mission. These


are the best images we have of Pluto now. They are from the Hubble


Space Telescope. It is extremely cold. We don't know a lot about


Pluto other than these images. is ice. For is an ice, about -200


Celsius. Finally you step into this region, the far reaches of the


solar system, the Kuiper belt. This is a picture of the Oort cloud, a


spherical cloud. This is a disc of the solar system? Yes. This is more


spherical. It is a vast collection of large and small lumps of ice and


rock. It stretches out about a light year, we think. A quarter of


the way to the nearest star. Nearly all of the Committee's wheezy come


from either the Kuiper belt or the Oort cloud. -- comets we see.


wanted to work out what things were in danger of hitting. We need to


know where the Earth is at any time. How do we were kicked out? The


How do we were kicked out? The answer lies in the southern


hemisphere's guy. -- southern- hemisphere sky. This is an iconic


constellation. It even features on the Australian national flag. It


was by interpreting patterns have stars in the sky that we began to


make sense of our cosmic surroundings. On Earth, it is easy


for me to work out my position relative to the object I can say. I


can understand my place in this world. If you're an astronomer, you


have a problem because all you can see on little points of light in


the sky and for the early astronomers, they knew nothing more


than that. To make progress, people began to make maps of the night sky


end as much detail as possible. He this is an early start shot of the


southern sky from 1801. It is a two dimensional representation of the


position of the stars. This is the Southern Cross. When you follow


what you get to the bright southern star. 200 years ago, the way these


maps were made meant their accuracy was limited. When he made this map,


he did it by hand. He looked at this guy and transcribed the


positions of the stars on to this piece of paper. A huge opportunity


for human error in that process. But in the late 19th century, a new


technique allowed astronomers to achieve real precision. Photography.


If you have a photograph, a plate and a telescope, the marks on a


plate are not made by the human hand, they are made by photons of


light that have travelled from the stars themselves, hundreds or even


thousands of light-years to register their position on the map.


By fitting a camera to a telescope, the accurate positions of thousands


of stars could be recorded in a single exposure. Something


astronomers hoped would help them determine our place in the universe.


In 1887, a decision was taken to map the position of every star that


can be seen in this guide with high precision. That was a project that


An incredible commitment, like building a cathedral. Much of the


southern sky was mapped here, at Sydney Observatory, and this is one


of the photographic plate that was used Clinton's -- to construct the


used Clinton's -- to construct the Astra graphic catalogue. An


exposure, just over six hours, and you can see very faint black dots


on the plate. Each one of these black dots is a star and the


positions were measured and transcribed into here. The Astra


graphic catalogue. This is 1893, John Reid 20th. Documenting the


positions of the stars in this photograph. What we have here is a


perfect representation of the positions of the stars in the sky


from Sydney on January 20th, 1893. 750,000 stars were recorded at


Sydney Observatory and the results were combined with surveys made at


19 other observatories around the world, creating a single, huge


catalogue of the stars across both hemispheres. For the very first


time, astronomers had an accurate record of our position relative to


4.5 million stars. That has helped us to make another intriguing


characteristic of the stars with great precision. In the 1990s,


these measurements were repeated, this time by a satellite the


European Space Agency Bill. What was found was that for at least


some of the stars, their positions had changed an appreciable amount.


For his slow drift is unique to each star and because it takes


years to become apparent, comparing recent satellite data with this


catalogue has given us the most accurate ever record of this


phenomenon. He the reason for this movement is that all of the stars


in the Milky Way are a orbiting around the centre of the galaxy,


but each at its own particular speed. Today, even deeper in the


universe, it is not just stars fat have their own unique motion. -- of


that have. By looking out beyond the stars in the Milky Way, we


found that all the galaxies in the universe on moving relative to each


other as well. We are part of a group loan -- known as a local


group. 43 galaxies bound together in the same way the stars are bound


together in the Milky Way. That group itself is moving roughly in


that direction to something called the Super cluster, a group of 5,000


galaxies or more, about half a billion light years in that


direction. And we are travelling towards this enormous cluster of


galaxies that is over 500 -- at over 500 kilometres per second.


What we discovered over hundreds of years of astronomy, making


precision measurements of the sky, is that everything in the universe


is moving relative to everything else. We've learned that the stars


and galaxies are all taking part in a vast cosmic doused which we --


dance which we can now plot with We have all of these objects in an


Orbit around the sun. Why are some of them suddenly lurching out on


these crazy journeys? The answer, as with every answer, lies with


mathematics. We've got Tim O'Brien to explain. The mathematics of


this? You remember that all these objects orbiting around the Sun a


doing it under Newton's law of gravity. It turns out that there's


only four possible shapes of orbits they can have. They are really --


the really neat bit of mascot those shapes are defined by slices


through a core. Depending on what angle you slice through, you get a


circular Orbit, and elliptical Orbit, a Parabolica or Orbit or a


hyperbolical bit. Fees are in her elliptical orbits, some of them a


more secular. But in general, everything... They go round and


back. A most common or bits of the elliptical and hyperbolic her.


Hyperbolic Orbit is open. If something gets bumped into a


hyperbolic Orbit, that will go around the same place as before,


but it will shoot off. Yes, and it never comes back. It goes out into


interstellar space. The difference is essentially to do with energy


and angular momentum. Let's say we are in the Kuiper belt and


something has a gravitational interaction. It interacts with lets


a Pluto. It will change the energy of that object. It will change the


Orbit because these shapes are defined partly by the energy. One


of these things can be perturbed spirit begins a journey into the


inner solar system. Halley's Comet, which came from the Oort cloud,


that comes in. It is still an ellipse. It is. A period of 76


years, it comes back every 76 years. It could have jumped from a


circular Orbit into an elliptical Orbit. Because of an interaction.


The Oort cloud is interesting because it is so far out. Many of


the perturbations come from passing stars. They are very weakly bound.


The false drops away. -- force. bombed sit by passing and Zenit


heads off on a new journey. These hyperbolical orbits are interesting.


You don't see them coming because they come in and they have such an


Orbit that they go round once and disappear. Something perturb them


and dumps them. It is gone and we Bonevacia him again! Maybe some


time he will pass you. Let's find out if there are clear skies where


you are tonight. Let's go to Susan We are up against it this evening


thanks to a lot of cloud piling into the UK. To the east of the UK,


we have had a weather front that has hung around for much of the day


today. So that will obscure the skies here. Further west, another


front that's fizzling out. We will lose the rain but the cloud is


going to stick around. Between the two, a few clearer spells across


the North West and for Northern Scotland. My top picks for the


clearest skies - it will be in the west. And give it a couple of hours


and Northern Ireland will be looking almost crystal clear.


More information as ever on the BBC More information as ever on the BBC


Weather website. Thanks. Mark Thompson has been


building a modern interpretation of William Herschel's 20-foot


telescope. Anyway, in a tribute to his work,


Mark has been trying to re-create that telescope.


Over the past three weeks, I have been working with the local


community in Derby and a crack team of experts. We have had to make


changes to Herschel's plans to keep everyone safe, but we have remained


true to his principles. So far, we have built the supporting structure.


Big, isn't it? Now we have the small matter of making the


telescope. In Herschel's Telescope, right at the bottom of the tube was


a piece of polished metal to reflect the light from the stars.


It was shaped and positioned to focus the light towards the top of


the tube and here, Herschel would have stood on this viewing platform


and looked down the barrel through an eye-piece. This is our telescope


tube. We will put a mirror up this far end. So light comes down the


tube, hits the mirror, bounces back up the tube and then all the way up


to the top into this special adjustment we have made. We have


had to cut some of the tube out where the eye-piece is going to go


and hopefully, we will see some stunning views of the sky through


it? Want me to push? Not too much! Now we need to get it up into the


cradle. Chris Hill is on hand to supervise. That will do. That's it.


It is finally starting to look like a telescope. Inside the university


workshop, Chris is putting the final touches to the mount for the


mirror. An instrumentation expert is here with the missing piece.


It's arrived! We are using a modern glass mirror in our telescope.


Herschel would have used a piece of metal and that would have easily


tarnished. Even though he polished it for hours, it still wouldn't


have been very reflective. Herschel would have been blown away by this.


Yes, this would have been his Christmases! The mount has a set of


screws on the back, so that the angle can be adjusted. Now, we can


align the mirror. So the light from the stars is reflected through the


eye-piece. Shall we put it in then? Let's try it. The time has come.


Yeah. You got the screws? Back a bit. There! The first step is to


cover the opening with a large sheet of paper. For the next bit,


Herschel would have probably used a candle but we are going to use a


laser pointer. The light travels through a small hole in the paper,


down the tube and hits the mirror at the bottom. It is reflected back


at an angle to hit the paper again. I need to guide Chris to adjust the


mirror. Until the reflected laser light moves into position where the


eye-piece will be. Chris, if you can tilt the bottom towards me so


bring that away from you? Got you! Can you see it moving? Yes, keep


going. Woah! Spot on! How is that looking? Perfect. Excellent. That


is perfect, mate. Well done. This laser beam is simulating star light


and it is bouncing back out of the tube which is where I need to look.


If I spray this, you can see where the beam is coming out the tube. It


shows that we are ready for some clear skies!


After all that work, the time has come to reveal the telescope. Let's


cross live to Mark at the University of Derby.


There is a fantastic atmosphere. We have our own Herschel quintet. We


have the children from the school here. CHEERING We have also got the


members of the Derby Astronomical Society. Hello, guys. Now it's


taken us five weeks and hundreds of man hour. It weighs in at just


under half a tonne. It is Stargazing Live's Herschel


Telescope. CHEERING Now, it is the most amazing piece of kit. It has a


crank to turn the whole telescope. The whole structure moves around so


that you can access any part of the sky that you want to. It is the


most amazing piece of kit. Hopefully, we might get a chance to


look through the telescope. With me is Professor Alan Chapman. Alan,


what do you make of it? It is absolutely remarkable. It is a


tremendous realisation of Herschel's Telescope, using


scaffolding and modern equipment. I have never seen anything like it


before. Me neither! Even to the chaps pushing it around. Herschel


probably used sailors! We have used the same tube dimensions, the same


mirror diameter. We only had a drawing to work from. It took him a


year. We did it in five weeks. That is incredible? To him it was


entirely experimental and a brilliant piece of inspired


engineering. Herschel was a skilled worker with his hands. He employed


carpenters to do the heavy work for him. Yet, Herschel was a skilled


musician. A string player, a keyboard player and I think all of


those skills were necessary to the manipulation and adjustment of that


instrument. I will have to stop you there. Thanks to the guys from the


Derby Rugby Team. I'm really looking forward to looking through


the telescope. It is still cloudy here. It is foggy in Derby. With a


bit of luck, it may clear up. Do come back to us later on tonight


and we will see if we can re-create the images that Herschel saw.


Hopefully we will. We have been talking about asteroids and comets.


Of course, we will be struck by large objects from space. It's


happened all through history. It isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Without these impacts, our world might not be the place that we know


today. If you want to see one of the best


preserved meteor impact sites on Earth, you need to travel to the


Barringer crater in Arizona. Craters can be found all over the


Solar System like this. The battle scars of a long history of impacts.


Most are the result of one period, around 3.6 billion years ago, when


the whole Solar System was turned upside-down. It was all to do with


the combined gravitational force of our two biggest planets, Jupiter


and Saturn. We now believe that the giant planets formed much closer to


the Sun than they are today. Their orbits drifted hundreds of millions


of years until Jupiter and Saturn fell into a regular pattern. Once


every cycle the two planets aligned creating a gravitational surge that


played havoc with the orbits of all the planets. Neptune was catapulted


outwards and smashed into the ring of comets surrounding the Solar


of comets surrounding the Solar System with dramatic consequences.


For 100 million years, the Solar System turned into a shooting


gallery as the comets ploughed through it. Millions of comets were


scattered in all directions peppering the planets. It was


called the Late Heavy Bombardment. It created many of the craters we


see throughout the Solar System today. It left scars all over our


Moon. And it had a lasting impact on the Earth as well. The only


impact craters we see on Earth today, like this one in Arizona,


were made much more recently, but they reveal the scale of these


impacts. Today, impacts like this are relatively rare. They will


happen again. But during the late Late Heavy Bombardment, the


environment was changed radically and dramatically. Those changes


weren't necessarily catastrophic. It's now thought that a significant


amount of the water in the Earth's oceans was delivered by the impacts


of water-rich comets and other objects during the Late Heavy


Bombardment. That means that impacts could have played a key


role in the development of life on Earth. Before the Late Heavy


Bombardment, the Earth was a barren rock. Afterwards, it supported the


oceans that would become the Crucible for life. Without the


water delivered in the Late Heavy Bombardment life on Earth may never


have evolved. All this may have been caused by the violent


gravitational pull generated by two Joining us now is Dr Richard


Greenwood. We have seen one of your fantastic samples already.


talked about Vesta. It is from Australia. It has a special


composition that we know matches Vesta. One billion years ago, a


meteorite smashed into the southern hemisphere of Vesta. They drifted


into the three to one resonance with Jupiter and it is a real


conveyer belt. We have ten times as many meteorites coming from Vesta


as we have from the Moon, or Mars. That is remarkable. It is to do


with this gravitational interaction with Jupiter throwing these things


our way. Absolutely. This is iron? That is. If we pick it up, you will


see it is three times denser than a rock that you find in your garden.


It is pure metal. It is the core of an asteroid that melted. When it


melted, the metal sank and formed a core. We used to think these were


quite young. That is one of the oldest objects in the Solar System.


The reason for that is - at that time, they had a short


concentration of Aluminium 26. That would have been formed in a


supernova. Yes. It's probably the shockwave from the supernova that


triggered the collapse which formed Within two million years, which is


a small length of time, it would have gone. These are relatively


unstable and made in a supernova explosion? Exactly. Heated the


asteroids up. That is why you get the iron sinking? That's right.


is not the oldest thing? This fell in Tanzania, it is called Ivuna.


That is some of them there. In there, there are diamonds, graphite


and they came from some of the stars that pre-dated... This is


older than the Solar System? Yes. 4,567 million years. That is older.


That is older. The story of the origin of the Solar System is a


supernova went off, a shockwave came through this gas and dust,


that caused it to collapse and pieces of that shockwave - this is


from outside the Solar System? Exactly. And got trapped? Yes.


Startling. Technology now allows us to get up close and personal with


asteroids and comets whilst they are still in orbit. Let's go back


to Liz in the Goldstone Observatory to hear more. Thank you very much.


Goldstone and the rest of the Deep Space Network have communicated


with some truly remarkable missions getting us very close to asteroids


and comets that are speeding through space. Amy, if we can talk


about a few of them? Stardust? Stardust Mission flew through the


comet and it collected tiny pieces of the comet and it brought them


back to Earth. It has given us a new window into the Solar System.


None of that material has changed for 4.5 billion years? Exactly.


Deep Impact Mission does what it says on the tin? Exactly. It was


two spacecraft in one. An impacter spacecraft and an observer. They


separated when they got close to a comet. The observer watched and


allowed us to see the inside of the comet. What have we learned from


that material? It was a really surprising result. It turns out


that this particular comet was more dust than water-ice. Also, the


They have a lot more in common than we thought. And then for Dawn


Mission which sent an order to do my to it -- mighty fester. It has


been orbiting Vesta and it has returned spectacular images that


have allowed us to see the turbulent history that has happened


to this asteroid. Two giant impact craters on the South poll of the


asteroid and joy and scrapes that I even larger than the Grand Canyon.


Thank you for joining us. Dawn is on its way to Ceres, the biggest


rock in the asteroid belt, 950 kilometres in diameter and it has


been declassified as a dwarf planet. It will reach it in 2015 and will


begin its exploration then. That space around our planet is not


just filled with natural objects, it is also filled with staff and we


put up there. So much stuff that there's a pilot waiting to happen.


He in a quiet corner of Hertfordshire is a radar tracking


station that is used to monitor the movement of objects 2000 kilometres


above the earth. There are lots of things we got up


there. 1,000 satellites, nearly 20 telescopes and one space station.


But there's also a lot of junk, affectionately known as space


debris. So space debris is effectively all of the stuff in


space we know longer use or need. It could be dead satellites, did


rockets, fragments, pieces of electronic circuits, pieces of


paint from the outside of the spacecraft. They are floating


around. The Final Frontier is packed with rubbish, litter.


There's everything from an astronauts glove, that one stage in


Orbit for a month, to particles of you're in, flushed from early space


craft. There are bits of rock left by the Apollo missions. Even 32


nuclear reactors that used to power satellites. This shows you a


simulation of what we can see in Orbit. It ranges from debris close


to the Earth to places where TV satellites up operating. Fees range


in size from some things are size of a mobile phone up to a space


station. Her these objects mean we are getting tight for space in


space. We've realised over many years that although the universe is


potentially infinite, the space around the Earth is very finite.


But the problem isn't just that it is crowded up there, it is also


dangerous. All these objects are hurtling about at over 25,000


kilometres per hour. It is like a cloud of flying pockets. It has a


high energy moving at that speed. A pound coin in Orbit around the


earth has the same energy as a minibus travelling at 1,000


kilometres an hour. If that hit a spacecraft, it would destroy it.


1983, a chip of paint collided with the Space Shuttle. The impact was


enough to crack its 1.5 centimetre thick windscreen. In 2009 a US and


Russian satellite hit each other. Both were completely destroyed and


created up to 1,500 new bits of junk. It can only get worse. In 60


years we've gone from no man-made objects in Orbit to an estimated 35


million. And the worry is that areas of space we rely on to send


satellites for navigation, weather forecasting and TV will soon become


no-go areas. Currently there's no working answer, but all sorts of


plans are being hatched. From sales that would slow an object down so


they fell back to earth to giant balloons that would inflate to help


put the brakes on. But the UK's largest space company has come up


Astrium in Stevenage is better known for building satellites that


get sent to space. But engineer Jamie's job is to use his harpoon


to drag them back to work. We've got a harpoon we are going to fire.


It goes into the barrel inside a protective chamber. I will put some


goggles on. For harpoon uses compressed air rather than


explosives to fire. It is safer for space. We are ready to fire now.


Turn the firing switched on. Sadly At the moment, Jamie is test firing


his harpoon into pieces of actual satellite. It's early days, but


when complete the harpoons will have a spring loaded barrel and her


capers. If the system works, the harpoon will be mounted on a


satellite that will Chasetown space junk, harpoon it and tow it back


towards earth where we it will burn up socially in the atmosphere. --


safely. This only works with large objects. In Orbit, pig objects are


just thousands of small objects waiting to happen. -- big object.


Something has to be done and this could be the big thing -- best


thing. But until somebody can enforce an intergalactic litter


campaign, the research has to continue.


This is a vivid demonstration of the problem. This is lent was by


the National Space Centre a, a panel from a satellite. That is a


great picture with us shuttle underneath. The office was in Orbit


for six years. They saw this Goring. These are impact of micro meteors.


Invisible to the human eye. They are travelling between 8 and 9


kilometres per second and up to 30 kilometres per second. A tremendous


amount of energy. The plasma Burns. If you lift it up, you can see...


This is the spacecraft... That is a whole and that is a whole. You can


see the Dent. Minuscule pieces of dust. Back over to mark in Dobbie.


Last time we saw him he had unveiled our version of Herschel's


telescope. Have they observed anything with it?


Unfortunately not. It is amazing standing on this platform like


Herschel did all those years ago. Herschel did it in the damp English


weather. I'm safer than he is because I have harnessed to make


sure I don't fall off. There have been times observers have fallen


off those platforms. We can't show you any pictures, but it is


incredible to think that Herschel spent many years observing the


British night sky with the weather to contend with. We did get some


clear skies a few nights ago. We managed to record some images of


managed to record some images of things in the sky. The first


things in the sky. The first picture we got was Jupiter. Moving


very gracefully across the screen, caused by the rotation of the Earth.


The telescope doesn't have the The telescope doesn't have the


drive system so you can't see the object being tracked. A picture of


a beautiful Binary Star system in Cygnus. We have the picture of a


star cluster inside the Orion nebula. We have a final image of


Uranus which Herschel discovered with a slightly smaller telescope.


There's a very slight distortion which is caused by the orientation


of the optics in a telescope. He will have had to have contended


with these poor images. We can't show you anything live tonight, but


it is great to follow in Herschel's footsteps. Without greater


astronomers like him, we would not have learned as much about the


universe as we can see now. It is great that we can leave his


telescope to the residents of Derby so hopefully in the years to come


they can enjoy the night sky like Herschel did all those years ago.


Back to the studio. They are beautiful images and that


talent the scope will be in Derby for the next three years. --


telescope. This week you have been doing your own pioneering


scientific work thanks to our online experiment. We asked you to


study Mars's surface looking for unusual features. I spend a lot of


time looking at this guy thinking it is amazing. In this case, the


hyperbolic and third -- adjectives are appropriate. This is wonderful


and amazing. Real science in two days. More than 100,000 people have


helped us explore an area about the size of Holland. It was


Switzerland! We are working our way up. We found some great stuff. We


were looking at the Antarctic region of Mars and these strange


France which we think on from material suddenly erupting


material suddenly erupting underneath the surface of Mars. We


had this idea that it has to do with ice under the surface that was


being heated up. It is the time lapse. Yes. It was a year on Mars


has put together by users. At some point in the year, in the Martian


spring, these things erupt as the planet heats up? That is what we


now know. I can tell you for sure because we only find these around


March in the Marshin calendar. They happen close to the equator and


then they head closer to the polls and we thought they were rare, but


look at this. This whole region of ground would have erupted


underneath your feet. Don't go there in the spring! What about


this are titters -- artistic impression. We discovered that. Our


viewers discovered that is what is happening. We know when and where


it happens and we now know it is much more common than we thought.


That is because people used pattern recognition skills. More than that.


A good scientific experiment always leaves you with more questions.


We've no idea what this is. This is a type of terrain I'd never seen


before. It has angular features. These moved from year to year. No


idea what this is. It is something to do with ice escaping from


underneath and going into the Martian atmosphere. People will be


working on this the years. Wonderful. We have more time in the


show afterwards. I pledged applied to somebody. -- a pint. Tell us


what to think that is. The best week, I will buy you another pint.


I'm very excited. What is that? other guy is still waiting for his


plight. Before we go, just time to say goodbye to Liz and NASA. How


has it been? 30 seconds. Thanks. It's been such a privilege to meet


all of the people behind so many or inspiring endeavours. What struck


inspiring endeavours. What struck me most is how every single mission


seems impossible on paper. I'm not sure what impresses any more, for


fact they are able to dream up crazy schemes like lowering a road


on to Mars using as Guy Cramer and sampling, it as they hurtle through


space or the fact they are able to make those ideas a reality. They


are always thinking ahead. By the mid- 2020s, there's talk of putting


a man on an asteroid, and a few decades after that a man on another


planet. It is an exciting time. Sadly, it is time for us to say


goodbye to everybody at NASA and you at home. At night from NASA.


Thank you for wearing your telescope hat especially! Don't


forget there are hundreds of stargazing events happening up and


down the country. Details are on the website, bbc.co.uk/stargazing.


Don't forget about our Star Guide. We're going to be back in a second,


but do you want to wrap up? discoveries on Mars are real


scientific discoveries. Chris was telling me there's going to be a


paper written. There's a scientific paper written and everybody


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