Episode 1 Stargazing Live

Episode 1

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Good evening it's Stargazing Live 2014 and the weather is perfect.


Tonight we bring you one of the great spectacles of nature. These


are the famous Northern Lights, the Aurora borealis, one of the most


beautiful sights in the solar system. For the next hour, we're


taking you Aurora hunting, live from your own arm chair. Look at these


extraordinary images of Saturn, the woman responsible for them is here


at Jodrell Jodrell Bank. Well as all that, we're looking at the most


extreme weather across the solar system with a live weather report


from Mars and the very latest from Venus, Mercury and even from the


surface of the sun. I'm Brian Cox. He's Dara O'Briain and this is


Stargazing Live. Lovely, welcome to Jodrell Bank


Observatory in Cheshire, our usual home as ever, as well as an


ambitious hunt for live Aurora, we have incredible things lined up for


you. It's a rare privilege to meet just one astronaut, tomorrow night


we have two generations of astronauts in the studio, icons from


two eras of space travel. Apollo seven's Walt Cunningham will tell us


what the pioneering days of exploration were really like. And


fresh from his mission aboard the International Space Station, we've


got noted David Bowie fan, Commander Chris Hadfield, on living in space


long-term. Whoa. Dara is off to find out what


intergalactic travel feels like and what makes astronauts weightless.


Brian investigates what could power a starship. And how we know what the


Milky Way looks like. Plus we're asking for your help over the course


of the next three nights to discover previously unknown galaxies. If


intergalactic travel makes it look like your squashed head, I'm not


doing it. I genuinely thought I would look cooler. This year we take


on our enemies, the clouds. Though it is bute fli clear -- beautifully


clear here tonight, last year they stopped any attempt to stargaze. So


Mark has gone somewhere different. Where are you? Hello, the south and


east of the country with well known for having the best chances of clear


skies. I decided to come back to my local astronomy patch. I'm at


canning heath in north Norfolk. I'm join by the astronomy society. We've


driven across the country this morning and we've almost struck


gold. We've had wonderful clear skies earlier on this evening. You


can just about still see Jupiter over my shoulder. We took this


footage earlier on this evening. It's a little windy now. This shows


features in the clouds of Jupiter. Those features have been carved by


some really extreme space weather. The belts are the example of high


speed winds across the planet. There are fantastic astrophotographers


amongst you. We want to see your pictures. Please upload them to our


photo group websites. I'll be back later in the show to show you which


planets can be seen in the sky tonight, for now, back to the boys


in the studio. It's all ready and -- it's already an historical


Stargazing Live, because it features actual stars. We're here to answer


your questions as well. If there's anything you want to know about


Aurora or Saturn send her your questions. The addresses are on the


screen right now. Over the next three nights, we're going on the


hunt for the elusive Northern Lights, with the aim of bringing


this emto you live on -- bringing them to you live on camera. That


sounds easy. Why is it the first time anybody's done this? It's never


been done before as far as we're aware on live television. One thing


is the equipment. We filmed during Wonders of the Solar System. These


were filmed in the usual way with an SLR camera and a timelapse. Now we


have cameras that are sensitive enough to do that live, in real


time. That's what we hope to do. The second thing is the Aurora are not


very well understood. Notoriously hard to predict. It's hard to


predict whether they'll appear at all and how to predict where you


should look for them. There is a general idea that we have that,


well, there's a particular region. This is Dara's fantastic rotating


hol sphere. -- holosphere. Your massive, glowing ball. Very fond of


the glowing ball. There's Africa. There's Europe. This is the Arctic


Circle and where we think it will occur. This is why we have sent Liz


here to the very north of Norway to Tromso. Liz, are you there? I am


here. Welcome to the research facility. We're about 200 miles


inside the Arctic Circle. We're much closer to the magnetic North Pole.


This time of year it's pretty much this dark 24 hours a day, marking it


perfect to go -- making it perfect to go hunting the Aurora borealis.


As luck would have it, look at what's going on behind me. What do


you make of this? Oh! How fantastic is that. That is incredible. That's


beautiful. That's beautiful. When we filmed it in 2010, it didn't look


like that. What you did see were the plumes rising up from the mountains.


There's an old Norse myth about it being spirits suspended between the


earth and heaven. It being loos like it raises -- rises up from the


mountains. You're in a science research facility at the moment, but


the clouds have cleared and it's there. Yeah, remarkable. Fantastic.


Congratulations Liz, more of this, please.


We'll do our very best for you. You can't believe how excited we were.


It's been completely overcast all day. About half an hour ago, as we


were setting up our positions and cameras and rehearsing, the cloud


cover opened up to reveal the stars and this incredible, wide arc of


green light stretching from the mountain behind me, all the way over


our heads to the other horizon. It has a lot of structure to it as


well. We will keep our cameras trained on this spectacle for the


show and beyond, of course. We will also show you what's going on here


at Ice cap. Scientists here study the Aurora by making their own. Make


sure you come back to us soon. This is just wonderfully exciting for us.


Fantastic. Probably more than we expected to a certain extent, you


can see structure, not just a glow. Beautiful. Fabulous. Let's get to a


fundamental question, what causes the Northern Lights? They're all


linked back to the weather, not just here, but on the sun. We switch to a


view of the sun here, the sun isn't as uniform when you look at it. It's


a boiling mass, varieties of temperature and magnetic field. This


image was taken last week. The surface is roughly at 6,000 degrees


Celsius. Fairly uniform. You have bright spots on the sun, which are


1,000 or 2,000 degrees hotter. They're activity. The sun throws out


something called a solar wind, which is charged particles, so pro tons


and electrons. It throws them out very fast and a lot of them, five


billion tons an hour. We are sitting in the stream of this? Yes, we have


a magnetic field on earth. The sun has a magnetic field. This solar


wind, especially when the sun is active, can carry the magnetic field


of the sun to the earth. It distorts the earth's magnetic field. It


stretches it out. This is the night side of the sun. Tromso is there.


The magnetic field is stretched out. It gets stretched and stretched


until it snaps back. That accelerates the charged particles


down towards the poles. The charged particles, like a particle


accelerator, smash into the atoms in the upper atmosphere and make them


glow. You see that glow. That beautiful glow behind Liz is a


direct representation of our connection with our star, with the


sun. It's the sun reaching out over 90 million miles and affect ING


Directly the atmosphere of earth. It's beautiful. This shot is a shot


from last week from the sun, a 360 degree view from the sun. We have an


even more up to date view here. This is over the last few days actually,


going onto this morning. The sun is very active at the moment. You see


those are actually flares that you can see. These are Coronal Mass


Ejections. They cause the wind to become stronger, faster and


stimulate the Aurora. It shows the sun is extremely active at the


moment. We're not the only planet that enjoys aurorae. We have a view


of Jupiter. If we spin it down, as we tilt it forward, that's the pole


on Jupiter, and they have an Aurora as well. So beautiful. Jupiter has a


very strong magnetic field of its own. There's a moon in particular


which is the most volcanic body in the solar system. That's spraying


material, particles out. They are caught by Jupiter's magnetic field,


accelerated and down to the poles. Then there's Saturn. This is taken


by the Casini satellite. This is the glowing atmosphere of Saturn being


bombarded by the solar wind of the sun. They were taken by Casini. We


will talk to Carolyn Porco in a moment. First, here is a look at how


pictures from missions like Casini have inspired us.


In 1979 Voyager arrived at Jupiter. I must have noticed that in


television or a newspaper. I was 11 years old. I was so fascinated that


I wrote wrote to NASA. In 1981 they wrote back and sent me these


pictures. These are Voyager at Jupiter. They also included some


pictures from Saturn. This is the kind of thing that makes a


scientist. Voyager's images inspired scientists to send a more powerful


camera into space. Three... Two... One... And liftoff. On 15th October,


1997, the Casini space craft was launched. Its final destination was


Saturn. Seven years later, it passed through Saturn's rings and made it


into orbit. Ever since, it's been sending back the most astonishing


images of this extraordinary planet. But these photos aren't just


beautiful, they're scientific observations.


They've shown us Saturn's rings, 300,000 kilometres across. But as


little as a few metres thick. They contain chunks of ice and rock. Some


as small as a grain of sand. On its moons, they've revealed huge foun


tins of ice and giant lakes of methane, the first liquid found on


the surface away from earth. Casini is still up there today and a


few months ago, it took the opportunity to turn around and look


back at where it came from. So on 19th July, 2013, while I was


in America, I joined people across the planet to take part in earth's


ultimate self-portrait. So it's just after 3. 30pm in Salt Lake City


Utah, and a billion miles in that direction, so just over the trees


next to that little cloud, there is a space craft, Casini. At the


moment, it's angled so its camera is point ING Directly at us -- pointing


directly at us. It will take a photograph of earth suspended in the


rings of Saturn. It will open its shutter in 18 minutes' time. If we


wave now, then the photons of light will travel and we will be in one of


the most iconic photos of human history. I think we should wave. I'm


going to wave. We can say hello. Say "Hello Saturn!" Here is that picture


and here is Carolyn Porco. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having


me. The day the earth smiled, why did you do it? This is the day the


earth smiled. I wanted to take a picture of the earth from the orbit


of Saturn, ever since I was made the imaging team leader for the Casini


mission because I had been involved in the first Voyager one pale blue


dot. I wanted to make it better. I wanted to invite everyone across the


globe to participate in this interplanetary photo shoot and just


take the moment to think about how lucky we are to live on such a


beautiful planet. The pale blue dot is the iconic image. This is your


pale blue dot. That's a zoom in. That is the earth. Everybody should


know when they look at this picture, this is a moment frozen in time,


when people around the globe, including you took time out to smile


and celebrate life on the pale blue dot. It's a wonderful thing because


we're all in that picture, all of humanity. We're all there. It


represents how far we've come in the exploration of the solar system.


Risk of embarrassing you here, you've had a hell of a career, by


the way. You worked on Voyager, you were part of the imaging team or


working on the imaging coming back on the rings on Voyager and then


Casini, which is impressive in itself. But how much of a difference


was it from the images you'd got used to working with from Voyager to


the step up from Casini? You have to understand, those of us who studied


rings and that's just one example, we were looking at the same pictures


for 23 years before Casini got in orbit around Saturn. It was like


having eye surgery. These structures you were so familiar with became so


clear and beautiful. This whole mission has just been a God send.


It's been, I think, the most scientificically productive mission


we've ever had. This is an image, I think the first colour image from


Casini. This is a model here. It is not just beautiful pictures, the


camera takes beautiful pictures. This is the first one taken by


Cassini. Of Saturn. A year and a half before we got into orbit and I


can tell you that it was stunning. This is Titan. This is Saturn and it


was our destination in space and it was in our minds for 14 years. Your


main science interest was the river system. When you see the Cassini


image of the rings, it is unbelievable. Restructure, we did


not know what caused it before we had Cassini. This is the shadow of


the Moon that slipped onto the rings. How can something integrate


and delegates exist like this? You are looking at the B ring. There are


not many satellite residences. This is where the moons go round and


gravitationally affects it? That is not going on here. It goes on in the


a ring, but here there is such a dense system of particles that they


have their own gravitational attraction and it leads to waves in


the rings, and allows us to study it better. What we have learned is that


there are other discs and they work in a similar way. That is why we


wanted to study Saturn's rings because they are a textbook in how


solar systems are formed. They help us to understand the dynamics of the


stars and material in galaxies. Your main research interest was the rings


but there is also intense weather on Saturn. It is a big planet and you


get the weather. There is this picture which shows the development


of a storm of the type that only happens once every 30 years. These


storms are corrupt like volcanoes. You do not see them for 29 years and


then there they are. There is a lot of power in this. Cassini was there


to witness the evolution of the storm. It was lightning and


thunder, and we got to hear it and observe it. It was just a real


excitement to understand. There are a number of different questions. A


number of people have written in about this. What about the Hexagon?


The polar Hexagon. If we post a feature on this, we get lots of hits


on our website. It has nothing to do with Crystal energy and in fact, it


is not that weird. It is a very stable jet stream that has waves in


it and is not unlike our... If we look at our jet stream, it is


chaotic. This is looking down at the poll, it is real data. You can see


the undulations in our jet stream. At any one moment, there are four or


five. Look at the amplitude in that. Saturn is more regular. There is no


landscape and it is less complicated. We are not really sure,


it it could be just the circumstances on Saturn. This is


right on the pole? Yes, it is. I chose these colours because it looks


so beautiful, like a rose. It is like of a rose. It is like VI of how


McCain on the Earth. From here to here is 1200 miles though a bit


bigger than our home against. You will join us later and I know there


will be lots of questions on Back to Earth. These storms are a natural


occurrence but there are building blocks and there is a recipe that


needs to be followed. Let's start with the naked rock that is floating


in space. Like mercury, the closest planet to the sun. Here are the most


extreme temperature differences anywhere in our solar system. Mine


is night, and 450 by day. That is not what we would call weather.


Wind, rain, thunder storms... Nothing on Mercury moves. For that,


you need to add an atmosphere. Any gas will do. There is helium and


hydrogen on Neptune. Oxygen and nitrogen on Earth. All hold in place


by the firm grip of the planet's gravitational pull. Atmosphere alone


will not give you weather. You need heat as well. If you are close


enough, you can get that from the sun. Of course, the Equator will


warm the most, and the atmosphere here will rise, drawing the cooler


gases down from the polls to replace it. All at once, you have winds.


Further out in the solar system the sun's heat is feeble. Beyond Mars,


you need a different source of heat to create weather. A molten core


like the gas giant of Jupiter will do. It reaches temperatures of


24,000 Celsius and sends out wins of boiling gases to meet the planet's


freezing exterior. In Neptune, immense convection currents drive


winds of 1500 miles an hour. That is not the end of it. You can whisk


things up even more with a bit of planetary spin. Wind will be


diverted, making jet streams that circle the planet. There are


cyclones, how McCain is and great vortices like this. -- how McCain


's. Like this, the great red spot. When things are on the move, the


right mix of temperatures can force gases to become liquids. You will


get clouds which means rain. Not just water. How about torrential


suffering acid? That happens on Venus. -- sulphuric acid. With rain


comes lightning. On Jupiter it is ten times more powerful than


anything recorded on Earth. On other planets weather reaches extremes


that we never see on Earth. But studying them can help us find out


more about our own. We have the most complex weather in the solar system.


This is an image of the surface of Mars. It allows us to see a weather


report. There are wins that move. We have lots of weather stations there.


We have Curiosity. This is for today. Because of the movement of


winds, we get dust storms as the wind moves south. This is remarkable


because when I was born we had not landed on the surface of Mars and


now we have weather stations wrote it is fantastic. Larger storms will


appear. We have mostly clear skies with a few ice clouds arriving in


the afternoon. Temperatures have reached a high of -36 degrees and


will drop to -88 overnight. Tomorrow will be warmer. I see a new career!


The thing about stargazing is after the show has finished, go outside


and the skies are beautifully clear. You can look at these planets


and let your imagination roam and imagine the weather on the surface


of Mars. Mark is here to tell us where and when you can find Mars and


the other planets. There are a few planets visible in the skies this


month. You can see plenty of skies overhead but you will need to adjust


your sleep pattern to see the planets. I am here with the


knowledge Astronomical Society. What you enjoy about looking at the


planets? For me, the biggest challenge is to capture surface


detail on the planets. It is demanding but worthwhile. We have


seen some wonderful detail on Jupiter, but Mars can be seen as


well. This is what it will look like through an amateur telescope. It


rises in the east at midnight in January. We are treated to another


gas giant if you can get up at 3am. It is one of my personal favourites


and it is the planet Saturn. This is what it looks like. I took it a few


days ago and I never tire at looking at the planet. There are stargazing


planets going on up and down the country. Take a look at our website


to find an event near you. I may see you there. Yes, please go and see


the planets for yourselves. They are all out in the sky. Liz Bolling


brought some incredible footage already. Let's go to Norway and see


whether we are getting even more of a show. Thank you very much. We are


still enjoying the most spectacular light show from the Aurora


borealis, the Northern Lights. Incredible shifting patterns and


intensities. An intense green colour in a massive art over our heads. We


cannot believe how lucky we have been because for the whole day it


has been overcast. It is only in the last half an hour have the clouds


opened up. We have been treated to the most amazing surprise. That is


part of the thrill of hunting Aurora borealis. That makes them not always


be difficult to study. Scientists here have been trying to unravel the


inner workings of the Northern Lights and how they affect us on


Earth. They do not just wait for Aurora but they can make their own


as well. This is the latest chapter in trying to discover the secrets of


Aurora in Norway. The Northern Lights are steeped in folklore.


Legend has it that they were created by a magical fox sweeping his tail


across the sky. Or that they were firestorms caused by angry gods.


Some people even told their children they could not play outside unless


they wore hats. Some people believe that if they whistled they could


summon Aurora. It is surprising how recently we started to understand


what really causes Aurora, and it all began as a controversial fringe


theory. At the beginning of the 20th century, a Norwegian scientist was


investigating the Earth's magnetic field and noticed that the needle on


his compass went haywire when Aurora appeared. He theorised that an


electrical storm was occurring. He tested it in his laboratory. He


fired a beam of charged particles at a small magnetic sphere and saw that


it was channelled towards the poles where it made the egg glow just like


the Aurora about the polls of the Earth. -- Aurora glow. He suggested


that a similar beam of electrical charge must be hitting the Earth and


that it came from the sun, 93,000 miles away. It was a radical theory


that was almost unanimously disregarded by the scientific


community as nonsense. Only light, they argued, could travel through


the emptiness of space. When the scientist died, his baby remained


ridiculed, but 60 years later, a satellite detected electrical


current is high in the atmosphere just as he predicted. They are


called Birkeland currents and we know that they are caused by


particles from the solar winds. A century after his ground-breaking


discovery, he was hailed as one of Norway's greatest scientists and he


is something of a national hero. We still don't completely understand


the science of aurorae. The work continues in places like Icecap. The


experiments here aren't confined to a lab. Scientists study artificial


aurorae, which they create high up in the ionosphere by heating the


air. From the control room, the lead scientist activates a bank of 144


high-powered radar transmitters which focus a thousand megawatts of


energy onto one point, 200 kilometres up in the sky. All that


energy heats that patch of air so much, it glows, just like an Aurora.


Special wide-angled camera monitor the night sky and the artificial


Aurora appears as an orange circle pulsing on and off in the middle of


a screen. Is that the Aurora there? Yeah,


yeah. It's a little dot. That's it. It's about 40 kilometres in die


yamer to, in fact. That is -- diameter, in fact. That is


incredible. Being able to create aurorae on demand means the


scientists can easily study their effects on us, for example, how they


interfere with satellite communications. Tonight we are


looking at satellite signals from the Russian navigation satellites.


We're going to be producing irregularities that will affect the


satellite signals. With the Aurora in place, researchers can send test


signals in the sat lite and detect any -- satellite and detect any


interference. People often talk about how dangerous aroara are for


technology, is it definitely something that needs more research?


Yeah, think so. -- I think so. If satellite navigation is used for


precise navigation in the Arctic regions, we need to understand the


effects of the ionosphere better. With me is Ian McCree. We can't


believe our luck here. This is very special as well, because we're


filming the Aurora in realtime using our specialist cameras. We're being


treated to a very good light show, aren't we? We're very lucky. It


gives you a sense of how dynamic it is, how it's moved and changed. The


Aurora is a culmination of a lot of solar activity, some of which can be


quite harmful to us. Can these charged particles damage our


technology? Yeah, this ecan. The earth's atmosphere is filled with


these charged particle. The dangerer is that they can then penetrate


things like space craft, satellites, get into the control circuitry and


threaten communications and control. Can they also create difficulties on


the ground? They can, yes. What you're seeing up in the night sky


there is the flow of an electric current. It's flowing over our


heads, which we will try -- which will try to induce a current in the


ground. When that finds a good conductor, like a power grid or


pipeline, it will jump into that and try to flow through it. The poster


child of that damage was an event in Canada in 1989, where there was a


big solar flare, followed by Aurora's as far south as you can


imagine. Completely knocked out the power. As


well as the charged particles, the wind is spewing out other radiation


during solar storms. How can they effect us? Big solar flares produce


a lot of X-rays. That can be a danger to high flying aircraft. So,


again I'm talking about the big events here, not ones like this. Not


aircraft flying everywhere? The main concern for solar events is with


polar routes, because the earth's magnetic field shows us some


shielding for low latitude. But high latitude it is like a gateway


through which the particles can find their way into the earth's


environment. Something to be thinking about a bit more. It's


something people are becoming more aware of. Thank you so much, Ian.


You know, solar storms on the scale of the one in 1989, they don't


happen very often. But we are ever more reliant on technology, which


means forecasting solar storms is something people are thinking about


a lot more. Can I leave you with these incredible images for a


moment. See you in a bit. They're very nice. I wish I'd pushed


harder when I said we should be the ones to go to Tromso. You are


possibly right. It's interesting saying it's just not why I a pretty


face. You're looking at -- not just a pretty face. You're looking at


curbents -- occurents. -- currets. -- currents. There was a Carrington


flare, they are one in a thousand years event, but they show the


connection. The solar wind blew Mars away. That wind was strong enough to


take the atmosphere off into space. Aren't rain bows we're watching,


they're a physical region of space, you could fly through an Aurora?


Yes, a rainbow is just light, rain drops acting as prisms. Here you


have the glow of the atmosphere. The atmosphere itself is glowing because


of the energy of these particles hitting the molecules and at Toms in


the atmosphere. Now, we come to a part in the show where you get to do


something, our interactive online challenge. A couple of years ago,


you discovered a new planet and last year, you explored the surface of


Mars from your living room. This year, our challenge relates to


something key to the work done here at Jodrell Bank. Do you think the


war is going on? We can only pray for peace. Yes! 300 billion galaxies


in the observable universe, it is the task: Find galaxies that we've


not yet discovered. An object the size of the Milky Way and we want


you to find it. Hundreds of billions, even up to a trillion


stars in these islands, these galaxies. There are some that we


can't see. They're obscured. We are going to ask you to find them. That


sounds tricky. Using techniques developed here. Yes. We are going to


invite Professor Tim back to Stargazing Live again. Welcome back


to the show. How will viewers discover undiscovered galaxies?


We're using an incredible natural effect called gravitational lensing.


It was predicted by Einstein nearly 100 years ago. He suggested that


mass basically bends space, it curves it so that light doesn't


travel in straight lines, it bends around objects. Which is a


remarkable idea. We're talking about the curvature of space and time. I


have a demonstration. These are galaxies way off the distant


universe. Maybe so far away the light has taken ten billion years to


reach us. I have any lens here. If I put it in front of the screen


there... Yeah, yeah. The lens is like a galaxy between us and the


distant galaxies. The light is bent around it by the curvature. The


galaxy bends space which bends the path of the light towards us. We


shouldn't see the galaxies, but the light comes to us. These galaxies


could be very distant, faint. This distorts them and brightens them as


well. If we look at it again, closely, you can see a very strange


things happens here. Get it in the right place and you get... There.


There! That's an Einstein ring, where you are lined up between the


lens and the galaxy. The light is bent round. Thank you very much.


This sounds like an abstract piece of physics, so you may be wondering


how it's possible for you to get involved. Chris is going to explain


to us. How will it work? We want people to go to a website, there's a


link on the Stargazing website as well. We have put up 40,000 images


of galaxies and no-one has looked at these images before. We have


selected galaxies which we think have a good chance of lensing


distant objects. We want you to sort through the images. We need about


half a million images to be viewed in the next 48 hours, here's an


example of one. You have a lensing galaxy, the yellow blob in the


centre. If you can see that arc there, that's the lens. Look for


things like that. That is the light from a distant galaxy, billions of


light years away. The light from the blue curve there has taken seven


billion years to reach us. This is the glimpse of the early universe we


get because of the lens. We might find unusual stuff, there are


clusters. A cluster of galaxies? You're looking at the curvature of


the fabric of the universe here. The curvature of space time. We get a


glimpse of the distant universe and we get a chance to do physics. We


get a chance to weigh the galaxies. We can work out how much the light


is bent and how much stuff is in that cluster. Can people join in? Go


to the website. Click here and it will take you a minute to get going.


Then you see an image that no-one has seen. You're seeing light that's


journeyed for eight, nine, ten billion years. Yeah to be captured


by a telescope, recorded by our cameras and put on the website for


you. It's a very human task, this pattern recognition is something


that people are really good at. We know computers can't find these


things. The key thing is people shouldn't be put off. It sounds


technical. But you can discover galaxies very simply. To our website


and find the link to your website and we can process the images. Do


you get naming rights, mining rights, do you get to own the


galaxy? Yeah, but you have to get to the galaxy yourself. If two people


find it, they can have 50 billion star galaxies each. Mark now? He's


out under the stars. I'm not sure if the weather has been kind, but the


opportunity of discovering your own galaxy is exciting. This is footage


from just half an hour ago of the And romeda galaxy. Even at 2. 5


million miles away. The Milky Way make up the majority of the stars in


our night sky. But one star is particularly close to us and visible


in the daytime sky. It is our own spectacular sun.


Every day, and almost every location on the planet, our sun puts on one


of the most dramatic displays in the natural world. Sun rise, it's a


breath taking sight that we all too often completely ignore. And for


amateur astronomers, the rival of the sun needn't be a sign to pack up


the telescope, if we know how to observe it, it can be a fascinating


target. It's vitally important you always observe the sun safely. Never


look directly at it with the naked eye, you can cause permanent damage.


With relatively cheap sciment, you -- equipment you can unlock our


star's secrets. The simplest and safest way is with a pair of these.


These aren't ordinary sun glasses. They're normally used for observing


solar eclipses. These just cost ?3. Always check there's no damage to


the lenses. Pop them on and you can simply look directly at the sun.


Straight away you get a sense that the sun is a living body. I can see


some dark patches. There's a large one about 7pm. These are the sun


spots. They look really fascinating. Here, viewed by satellite, these


spots are places where vast magnetic fields punch through the visible


surface. They're darker because they're cooler, though they're still


well over 3,000 degrees. It's amazing that for just ?3 I can look


at the surface of a star. The sun has many more visual treats in


store. Though to see them, we need to get the toys out. We need a


telescope. Remember safety is paramount, don't just point the


telescope at the sun and tick a peep through it. If you have a finder


scope, leave the finder cap on, or take it off because it still focuses


the sun's light. There are a number of safe ways a standard telescope


can be apt daed. This is a white light filter, but one of these will


cost you about 60 quid. Again, make sure you've checked the filter isn't


scratched and off you go. Oh, wow! Viewed like this, suddenly a grainy


texture becomes visible on the sun. This is actually the surface


churning as energy convects outwards from the core. It takes about a


million years for the heat to transfer from inside the sun to the


surface, and then it takes just eight-and-a-half or just under that


for it to reach us here on earth. That's stunning. My favourite solar


spectacle needs more than your standard astronomy kit. Seeing it is


an experience I would like to share so I have come to Wiltshire to show


people a special telescope. This is a hydrogen telescope. It is mid


range but similar items cost ?500 so it is fairly serious, but I promise


you, if you look at the sun through this then you will never see the sun


in the same way. This is a very special solar telescope. You should


be able to see a red desk. That is the sunrise. Unlike a normal


telescope, these telescopes filter out red light. The red light


filtered by hydrogen atoms at 20,000 degrees. This shows us not be sun's


service but the atmosphere is. Can you see some stringy bits? They are


dates of the sun being taken off the service by the magnetic field. --


the field. Have you ever seen the sun? Never! A few years ago, you did


not need to spend tens of thousands of pounds. Today's technology gives


you a real chance to get outside and explore the hidden life of our


nearest star and it is an experience you will never forget. Yes, any


reports we do about looking at the sun has to do have safety warnings.


There is a risk of blinding yourself. I prefer an old trick of


taking one of these, a phone, and downloading the application. There


is a NASA app. You can see the sun there. Let me hold it so you can see


a clear image. It's looks like a flare. You can see the sun twist up


and snap back and reconfigure and throw in this intense solar flare.


Anyway, let's go back to lives for one last time and look at the


spectacular Aurora and the effects that the objections are having in


Norway. Thank you very much. We were told that the sun is in a solar


maximum in an 11 year cycle. It has been good to night, having not, Ian?


We were lucky because it was cloudy. It is not just how active the sun


is, there are lots of other factors. Tell me the science behind the


colours because this is an intense vivid green. What does the green


mean? That spectacle is going on 100 kilometres above our heads that


there is air up there. We are looking at the interaction of the


air and the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen that make up the upper


atmosphere. The green light is coming from the oxygen. As the


particles come in, they give a kick to the particles of the upper


atmosphere and the electrons are raised to hire energy levels. They


are excited but they do not like to be excited. They give out a photon


of light and that colour of the photon is characteristic of the


amount of energy giving up. Are they energetic particles? Yes, there are


more energetic ones but not tonight. There are different types of


colours. We have a time-lapse of all the different colours. There are


purples and blues and some red. What is the red? That is atomic oxygen.


The colour tells us that it is less energetic and the electrons are


getting a smaller kick from the particles from Aurora. What about


the pinks and blues? This time we are looking at nitrogen, particles


in the nitrogen. So essentially, when we are looking at Aurora, we


are seeing the gas particles getting rid of the energy they do not want?


That is a nice way of putting it. It is Aurora dumping its excess


energy. It has been a good night, has it not? You are welcome.


Tomorrow night we are going to get away from any risk of cloud cover


obscuring our view, and also, light pollution. Over the mountains there


is some light pollution from Tromso. On our mission we are going to carry


out a world first. We are transmitting live from an aeroplane


at an altitude of 30,000 feet. We have cameras rigged on the plane and


we have the technology to broadcast live, and we are going on the hunt


for Aurora borealis. We will see you tomorrow and I will leave you with


beautiful images of the Aurora. See you soon. Thank you, lives. Shooting


the Aurora life from an aeroplane will give us a different


perspective, away from the light pollution. We were very lucky. We


saw the clouds rolling in at that stage. We may have a tiny window


with this. Earlier in the show we told you about the weather on Mars.


Now for more about the Martian climate. When Nasser launched their


latest probe, I jumped at the chance to attend the launch. We started


sending spacecraft to Mars in the 1960s so we know a thing or two


about the weather on the red planet already. For example, we know that


the temperature can arrange from -150 Celsius at the poles to 20


degrees on the equator. There are dust devils as high as Mount


Everest. As we ultimately prepared to send people to Mars, the big


question is why has the atmosphere all but disappeared? This professor


is the man in charge of the mission. What we are trying to do is


find out whether the solar wind and the solar light stripped away the


atmosphere. If it goes to plan that is why we are going half 1 million


miles to find out. It has taken a team of 39 scientists and engineers


over ten years to build. It weighs 2.5 tonnes and carries nine


scientific instruments all focused on one thing. Analysing Mars's


disappearing atmosphere. It will take ten months to get to Mars. One


of the weakest challenges is getting it off the launch pad. To date, only


half of Mars missions have made it so there is a lot at stake. You are


taking a delicate piece of equipment out of an incredibly controlled


building and you have placed it on top of a giant firework,


essentially. This must be nerve wracking. Mentally and emotionally


you have you prepare yourself for that possibility. My colleague said


that this business is not for the faint-hearted. What happens if it


goes wrong? I do not want to think about it. I do not think I have the


heart to do it again. To better understand the risks, I caught up


with a man who has seen more launches than ever. He has been the


voice of more than 100 countdowns. Five, four, three, two, one. This is


the voice of George and he knows what can go wrong. Thunderstorms are


the biggest concern. If you launch a rocket, the plume coming out of the


rocket, if it goes up into a cloud that is charged, the discharge will


occur through the rocket and it can destroy the rocket. We have had that


happen in 1967. We lost a rocket because that is what happened. I


have been told that the best place to watch the launch is at a local


beach. It is a genuinely nerve wracking experience. There are a


huge number of people here and we set up for hours in advance. It is


really nerve wracking. Five, four, three, two, one. Main engines start.


Lift off! Wow! There it goes. Looking good, still 100% rate of


thrust. Still looking good. It is so loud and it is 3.5 miles away. We


can only presume that all has gone well and it is on its way. That is


an incredible thing to watch, a joy to watch. I mean, it is so physical.


The sheer power that is required. You know they are going really far


and they are not coming back! I cannot imagine, if I had ten years


of work, seeing that go. It must've been petrified. It makes it really


personal but it also lends this feeling of imagining you are sober


pig. You have created something and it is going out there and it is not


coming back. That mission was going to Mars. Mars is interesting because


we think about life on Mars. Was there life on Mars? Could there


still be life on Mars? On Saturn there may still be life present. Not


on the planet but on the moons. I know there is one moon that is very


dear to you. There it is. There is Titan in the background. It is


Titan. The two most interesting moons in the solar system are right


there. We have found that this tiny little moon, which is no bigger than


great Britain... I mean, look at this! This is not meant to be a


threat by the way! It is not a threat by the way! It is not alive


image! It is a tiny world. This southern portion, this South Pole,


it is circumscribed by mountains. It is warm, incredibly warm,


comparatively speaking. The heat is there. There are the tiger stripes.


That is what we affectionately call them. We have found that there are


100 visors. We have counted. There is water vapour that has organics in


it. This is frozen water. There are frozen water droplets, as you can


see in the pictures. Other instruments can detect vapour


accompanying this. That has organic materials in it. We think this could


be a habitat for life? It could be. It might be inhabited. It might be


snowing microbes. This is a conversation we need to extend were


me go to back to the Earth. I hope to be there Sunday. It is utterly


beautiful. What better demonstration of the reason we do stargazing life.


You can go outside into your garden. There are clear skies in


Manchester, you can look at Saturn, and you can dream of standing there,


looking at life below the surface. Time is against us. You can go


online and look at the hidden galaxy. We have astronauts on


tomorrow. We will see you for back to the Earth in a second.


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