Episode 7 The Travel Show

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relevant work. The damage to the track is estimated to cost the


region 's economy more than ?100 million. Those are the headlines.


Now it is time for the Travel Show. It is bigger than Hollywood,


churning out hundreds of hits each year. But when it comes to


tourists, the Star appeal of Bollywood fails to match. On this


week 's programme we find out why. This week, home to spectacular dance


routines and dramatic storylines. Can Bollywood reinvent itself as an


all singing, all dancing tourist destination? Were on the hunt for


good luck and a bit of in Bolivia. I go off the beaten track in Thailand.


Plus we take you on the ultimate Easter egg hunt.


Welcome to the Travel Show. Were coming to you from Thailand. Later


in the programme over leaving the beach and to train the beach and to


train their hand at some high adrenaline of ridding here. First,


forget Hollywood. If you want to visit the world 's real movie


powerhouse then Bollywood reigns supreme. Our reporter has been to


Mumbai to see how the city hopes to turn one of its biggest industries


into a top tourist attraction. Mumbai is India's largest and


richest city, an intense, fast paced metropolis known for its high


finance as well as its widespread poverty. But it is probably most


famous for this. Bollywood. Its big dance numbers and glitzy costumes


are known and loved everywhere. Named after a combination of


Hollywood and the former city's name, Bombay, it produces up to 1000


films per year. That is twice as many as the USA. Bollywood is one of


India's biggest cultural exports and many of the most popular Bollywood


films have been shot here at film city. This is not just the biggest


film lot, it could also become one of the city 's biggest tourist


attractions, if all goes to plan. The film city covers over 500 acres


in the northern suburbs of Mumbai. It has a range of open spaces were


huge outdoor sets are built. Today, 52 separate sheets are under way,


most of which are not from movies but television programmes. This set


is for a popular comedy series. This month the state`run tourism


Organisation will be opening the site to organise day tours. This man


is a local tour operator and he shows me around. Let's see what


happens behind this secret curtain? We have realised that figured out


that there is a large potential here and people, both domestically and


overseas, are very keen to understand how Bollywood works. Let


me introduce you to one of the most popular characters in India he could


walk along the way and they would be a mob of people. Central to the new


plans is the proposal for a very swish new Bollywood Museum,


currently under consideration by state authorities. It will feature a


redcarpet entrance and interactive exhibitions. If August to plan,


construction could begin as early as this year. `` all goes to plan.


Travelling through the streets of Mumbai it is clear that there is a


huge interest in Bollywood here. International hopefuls with Stars In


Their Eyes come to learn dance moves and hope for a Bollywood role. From


cities and villages across India, people arrive in Bombay, known as


the city of dreams, to capture glints of their favourite stars.


This compound belongs to actor Sharrock Khan who has appeared in


over 50 Bollywood productions and is known as King Khan to his fans.


There is a sign of him today so it is lucky that these guys are not too


fussy apparently. But the question is could Mumbai become a popular


film tourism destination like Hollywood? Mumbai is featured in all


of our films but it does not mean that the Mumbai Cena films is not


close to the one. If it is close to reality, it is not a norm by you


want to go to. Films that have these narrow lanes were gangsters are


shooting at you and somebody is pickpocketing you and there is


massive violence happening around the corner, I can't see anybody


saying that they want to spend their holiday there. How Bombay is first


become a true centre on the basis of its cinematic depictions, I don't


know? The new tourism push comes at a time where Bollywood is itself


undergoing a radical shift. This is a suburb in the north of Mumbai and


it does not look like much, there is a big fancy studious, but this is


the centre of what is being known as New Bollywood, where all of the


independent film makers are based. Tourists hardly ever come here. In


recent years, these independents have been moving far from


traditional Bollywood seems and they are changing the face of Indian


cinema. New Bollywood is appealing to the new India, audiences of India


among the youth. It is newer content which is more western and its format


and Outlook. Shorter films, less on and dance, maybe more adult, and


trying to get to the 16 to 35 age group. This latest project would use


a poll on social media to decide the climax of the film. What has been


the reaction of the old guard? Better not like what I do and they


do not like me. But the story should be told the same and actors. We love


our film stars and we love our son and dance. But I think change,


evolution, is inevitable. The filmmaking landscape in Mumbai is


clearly undergoing a shift. Just at the time that authorities would like


to have tourists celebrating traditional ideas of Bollywood. Can


Mumbai become a new Hollywood for visitors? They say that anything is


possible in the city of dreams. If you're planning to head there,


here are some things you need to think about before you go. K point,


Mumbai is a busy city and can be overwhelming at first. Allow


yourself some time to acclimatise before packing in the sightseeing.


Tipped to, bottled water is a must. High humidity and waterborne viruses


mean that having some with you at all times will make your life much


easier. D3, escape the city. India's vast and beautiful country. Beaches


and rural areas provide a great respite for the hustle and bustle of


city life. Check if you need antimalarials. Some parts of India


are at high risk of the disease so seek advice before travelling. Still


to come, Michelle brings us all of the latest must see events from


around the world. At first here is this week 's travel update. It is


not what the often get to experience, like under the sea from


the bottom up. But China now boasts the world 's biggest underwater


viewing dome giving you the chance to get a 180 degrees view of sea


life as it zooms overhead. It is part of a new aquarium in quandong


province which is officially the world 's largest. It holds amazing


five world records and a huge amount of water for its inhabitants to live


in. The grisly discovery unearthed during London's 14.8 billion pound


crossrail project could confirm the site of a 15th century mass grave.


25 human remains found under the capitals Charterhouse Square were


victims of the Black death. The pandemic killed more than 25 million


people across Europe. Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered a series of


mistakes in a byzantine region modestly. Inscriptions in Greek and


Syrian have helped to date the artworks to the sixth century A.D..


The master is the first of its kind to be found next to a city rather


than in the desert. If you're heading to Las Vegas scene, you do


have a chance to experience a different kind of high stake. The


world 's tallest Trysil open day this week. It is big, beautiful,


audacious, find, irreverent in some ways. It is a spectacular piece of


work. It is called Hi Roller, it is 550 feet above the Gabba hotspot,


making it 100 feet taller than the London eye. It was amazing, you


could see the entire Las Vegas. It is huge. 40 people can get in a.


Happy birthday to the Eiffel Tower. The iconic structure, which has seen


an incredible 250 million visitors since it opened, turned 125 this


week. It recently topped a list of most photographed structures around


the world, hitting New York's Times Square and London's Big Ben. It


costs ?12 50 to write to the top you will get unrivalled views across


Paris. I think we can all agree that there


is no better treasure than good fortune. But like Israeli tangible,


also be led to believe. It here in the manic tone of La Paz Bolivia,


there are witches, sharpness, fortunetellers and more. I hope that


one of them can provide me with the proper treasure, good luck in the


physical forms. To understand Bolivian magic you firstly to


understand Bolivian history. Before the Catholics and even before the


colonials in the 1700s, the shaman was the arbitrator between people


and God. White Magic, black magic, these were and still are a vital


part of Indian life. In Bolivia, mother Earth is worshipped alongside


the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ and she demands as much attention. This


is why his North Sea somebody attending church and then later


offering up a sacrifice. Finding the dark arts in an unanswered in an


immensity may prove to be somewhat of an obstacle unfortunately this is


a `` fortunately the street of the witches is located right behind this


cathedral. Locals and tourists alike visited a number of these shops


looking for magic potions dealing with everything from love to money


to more love. But Flora, put it out that she was just a pharmacist and


in order to be sold some good fortune of first Ave to be diagnosed


by a Bolivian shaman of sorts. But her shaman resided in the


mountains in a town called El Alto. We found him on a street that might


as well have been called shaman 's alley. Nearly every door is marked


with a symbol saying we are in the right place. We are welcomed in and


immediately got into business. With some coca leaves covered by a large


cloth, he began to read my fortune in the old Indian language.


Just like that, my treasure had a name. The God of those who travel.


Made famous by having its lightness in loans and one that I could find


back at the friendly which is shot who had first set me on my way.


This is the Global Guide with my top tips on the world 's best events in


the coming months. First, a cliffhanger, literally. This is the


view from the new glass floored skywalk high among the Canadian


Rockies. Opening in May, the platform hangs 300 metres above this


valley, giving you a birds eye view of glaziers and mountain peaks. The


those seeking thrills in warmer climes, head to South Africa for the


Africa learn festival. From April 28 to May four, the town nearby here


Thomas brings to life as tempers descend into the desert for a mix of


themed parties, live music and wild living.


On May two, the Nordic championship in oyster opening. In the Swedish


town near Gothenberg. The aim is to open 30 oysters in the quickest


time, ensuring each one the remains in tact and then presenting them


perfectly before the judges. `` intact. Last year 's speediest Shaka


took three minutes and 25 seconds. `` shucker. Nairobi is getting on


the move and until now a mass transit in the capital of tenure has


been confusing, with millions of relying on an informal system of


minibuses. Now, there is a new way to figure out which goes where with


the making of a sleek new digital map. Suddenly, the reason you sound


logic to behold in the de facto transport system and a way to get


across town more easily also. It is a theory lead beautiful and serene,


a baroque French chateaux on a manicure at five acre estate. ``


manicure do. The East Director Hunt has become legendary `` Easter egg


hunt. They hired 50,000 eggs. `` hide. Following on from a successful


event in London in 22 of, new York city will host this year 's big egg


hunt. Lasting through it April two Easter Sunday, there will be 200


giant egg soldiers across the city, each designed by an artist,


architect or designer ``New york. If it is action sports that you are


after, then Austin, Texas is the place to be in June. The circuit of


the Americas will host the X Games, including the all`new Stadium super


Trucks, motor X and big air as well as a world`class music lineup


including tiny west. `` Kanye West. Finally, what do British northern


soul and Morris dancing have in common? Very little, it would seem.


But both styles will be pitted against each other at this festival


in Manchester, which runs from the end of April and explores art, music


and movement, the culminating dance off could even look something like


this. That's my Global Guide this month.


Let me know what is happening in the place where you live or where you


love. We are on Facebook, Twitter or e`mail and until next time, happy


travelling. Most people come to Thailand to do nothing more


energetic than lie down and relax on one of its many hidden beaches. If


you are looking to raise your heart rate, sometimes adventure is a lot


closer at hand than you think. I have come to the ATV Park near who


kept to get an adrenaline rush, jungle style and some experts


tuition in quad bike off`road in. This is my first time on one of


these. Talk me through everything. How do I start's you start with the


key at the right hand side, forward. After the key is forward, handbrake


and footbrake together. Pushy red button to go forward and the start


button is just here. `` push the red. There you go. Lets go the


break. Test the gas. Then you go forward. More gentle. OK. `` there.


Jumping on at first is strange I have to be honest. You have the


styles of riding a motorbike at the added stability of the four wheels.


The acceleration, well, if you have a heavy thumb like myself, it is a


little hard to control but you do get used to it and cover the basics


pretty quickly. These machines are pretty quickly. These machines are


really built for operating and that is exactly where I will take it. ``


off Roading. Racing through the jungle


gives you a sensation that is unique. The path may be well worn


but the path may be well worn buttonhole mortgages essential ``


helmet. `` but a helmet is essential. There are so many dangers


to watch out for off the beaten track. Hanging vines and


loose rubble. If you keep a cool head, he will be fine. These


activities are big users in Southeast Asia. Popular with


backpackers. The advice is to choose your operator carefully.


Controversial resorts in layoffs and Cambodia have been blamed for the


deaths of several backpackers due to lax safety procedures. The advice on


choosing a resort or operator in Thailand is clear, check their


credentials before you sign up. You need to see the operator and make


sure they are licensed. See their TSB licence. First you see the


licence, also you ask for the procedure. Have you heard of cases


where operators do not adhere to the safety regulations? Sometimes, yes.


Safety is number one. People come to have fun. They want safety also. If


we aren't safe, and something happens, a customer has an accident


or something, it brings us a bad name and bad names brings us a bad


business. That is one obstacle done. Although they are properly regulated


and insured, it is worth checking the details of your own travel


insurance before booking, as some policies have clauses that exclude


potentially dangerous act to that could leave you with a hefty bill if


something goes wrong. `` activities. Right now, thankfully, the only


thing I need to watery `` worry about is conquering my fear of


heights before taking on the zip wire.


That was exhilarating. I nearly got wet. Never wind. That's all the time


we have. Don't forget, you can join us on our travels by following


us on Twitter or joining us on Facebook. Here is what is coming up


next week. As tensions continue between Russia and Ukraine,


McGuinness visits Latvia to explore the abandoned secret Soviet bunker


hidden under one of the country 's most famous hotels. This is my


favourite room, the office of the leader of the Latvian Communist


Party complete with desk and chair. It is important because of all the


phones of the desk. The red one is a direct line to Moscow. Catch that if


you can. From me and the rest of the team, it is goodbye.


Good morning, we have seen pollution levels falling in the last 24 hours


and through the weekend we will maintain this Atlantic feel with the


south to south`westerly winds blowing in cleaner air by blowing in


a lot of cloud and there will be rain at times well. The rain coming


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