Egyptology and 3D Pens Blue Peter

Egyptology and 3D Pens

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you to lift your drawings off the page. The first look beneath the


bandages of a 2000 year old mummy. And I am touring round the world 's


most glamorous Formula one grand prix track. All coming up on today's


excited, but some people it is only one day until half term. That


deserves a cheer! Some of you are already on half term, that


definitely deserves a cheer. Welcome to the show. We are taking you on a


journey back in time. Helen is looking beautiful here. I am dressed


as in ancient Egyptian! We are also going into the future, and today's


question is if you could time travel, where would you go and why?


I bet you would go forward to teatime! Or to try and find that if


cars will fly in the future. I probably would go way back to the


dinosaurs. Anything goes, let us know where you would like to travel


in time. We like it when you get in touch and when you get creative.


Last week we did some tinfoil art. You sent us your versions of what


you have been doing. It was simple, tinfoil trays, used the end of the


by row and inscribed on the picture. You can do whatever you like. Mere


created this. Thank you very much. love that expression on her face!


Eric has done a couple. Is that just at the point -- a teapot wrapped in


tinfoil? I think he has done that. Look at Sam's face! He is so


excited. It looks as if he has had great fun doing that. Oliver and


Eloise have done their version. We have a Blue Peter no-go, and he has


done the Blue Peter badge. Look at their heads! They have made forks


and knives out of tinfoil. As well as fancy pieces of headdress. If you


want to have a go, the templates are still on the website. But come this


way. Have a look at our huge Blue Peter badge! We have loads of post


again, look at this picture, it is glittery clouds and upside down, she


is trying to pass the baton to you during our moonwalking attempt.


have been set a challenge recently, to play the trombone. Thank you for


the lovely trombone interlude! It is going OK, I have three weeks to


practice, five lessons and I have to play in a competition tomorrow and


March as well. I am very nervous! You will be great! Check these out.


They are having a go at what we are calling Grow It, Cook It, Eat It. A


couple of weeks ago we went out the blue Peter garden, and some herbs


and some seeds. The idea is that in a few weeks we will have some


interesting things we can take to the kitchen and we will be able to


cook up some scrumptious recipes. The basil is going well. The spring


onions are going well. The types, not so much. We think we know why!


If you have done this... We think the soil is too deep and the seeds


are too deep. If that is happening to you, try replanting and but the


seeds are bit higher. I want to go over there. He is excited about


this! We heard about a pen that allows you to draw something, calm


down, we will get there! You can take your template of the page. Look


how excited he is. He is desperate to have a go. The pens are in


action. This is Daniel. This is a 3-D pen. It is very noisy, why is


that? There is a fan in the back, we are taking plastic filament, running


it through the pain, melting it and as it comes out it gets called, so


it instantly becomes hot. So it is plastic that is melting? Yes, so you


can draw in plastic stop it is recyclable. Tell us how it works.


Drawing you can take off the page, is madness! I have the best job in


the world. Grab a pen and we will show you. Anything you want to try.


Because it is a 3-D shape, I'm going to try a pyramid, that is kind of a


theme. How do I do that? Draw a 2-D shape on the age, flat. Who do you


think will use pens like this? were really aiming for people who


have crafts and hobbies. Teachers, artists, engineers, architects. A


lot of uses. Architect, I can see how they will use it. And it would


make maths so much fun! How do you make the pyramid shape now? You just


lift your pen off the table. You hold it there for about ten seconds.


That noise is trying the plastic now? Now you can let go of the pen.


I want to point out some of the items we have got over here. You


have created all kinds of things. You have the Eiffel Tower, you have


sunglasses, and in particular, this bike. That must've taken absolutely


ages! That took about an hour and a half. I can't help noticing these


3-D Negra macro badges! We made you some badges. I am making you a


present, look! He is actually pretty good at this! He is an unnatural.We


thought you would set you a challenge, if it is all right with


you, you could ill something for our studio. Absolutely. I actually have


started, by the end of the show committee you will find out. We will


come back and see how you are getting on. We know that you like


Egypt that is why we picked it as a theme. This is Tutankhamen and a


camel stop it fascinates everybody. Do you know what fascinates me even


more? What is inside that? If you studied tension Egypt at school, you


will know that whatever is behind something like this is very old and


very precious. But meant at the museum found a way to get behind the


mask without damaging the contents. I went along -- Manchester Museum.


What have we got here? We don't know the name at the moment. Where did it


happen? Somewhere in Egypt's. How old are they? About 2000 years old.


This money is here for medical scan. Research has are using pioneering


technology. Mummification was a pretty gruesome process, used by


ancient Egyptians, of preserving our body after death. After the person


died the body would be washed, dried and the organs removed. The only


organ to remain would be the heart. The Egyptians believed that it --


humans thought with their hearts. They would push it out with a hook


up the nose. The body would be dried, Staffs, wrapped and sealed,


only finding the light of day thousands of years later. Manchester


Museum has a big collection of mummies. You are our Egyptologists,


so you know everything there is to know about Egypt. Why did the


ancient Egyptians wrap their dead bodies in these bandages? Because


they wanted to preserve the body after death so that you can enjoy


the afterlife. That is why you will be scanning these mummies, to see


how well they have been preserved? Absolutely, we have a big


collection, we want to see what is going on underneath the bandages


without damaging them. This coughing is absolutely amazing. Inside, what


is even more incredible is we can see a body intact. This is a real


dead person. Absolutely, this is a lady who died over 2000 years ago.


White unite just open up the Coppins today, why are you taking them to be


scanned? Once you wrap it, you cannot unwrap it. Using modern


scanning, we can look under the wrapping without destroying it.


Let's see what a medical scan of money show us. Lead the way. Back at


the hospital, it is almost time to scan the money that we will be


investigating. This is obviously quite small, does that suggest it is


a child? It must be a child, maybe three or four years old. What do we


know about the person inside? lot, sadly. We don't know and name,


we just know her as 1769, that is her Museum number. We hope that by


scanning her will be able to tell how she lived, how she died. How do


you think the person here would think about us doing this? I think


the ancient Egyptians would be thrilled, because what they wanted


after they died was to be remembered. They wanted to look


their best, so they were covered in gold. By investigating them, we can


give them an afterlife which I think they wanted. We need to see what we


looked at this person for 2000 years, you are getting their


privileged insight into what it looks like. The scans are a stunning


insight. They are giving us the chance to gaze between the bandages


for the first time in 2000 years, but what exactly do they mean?


can tell the skull is empty. So that is a sign that the very traditional


way of Egyptian mummification has been practised. A metal hook is


stuck up the nose, and then the brain is removed through the


nostrils. What else can you learn from this? You can learn how


important it was to use the traditional method -- mummification


technique of wrapping. There are so many bandages used, as we have seen


there are several layers, so maybe the mummy was wrapped up once and


then again and then wrapped a final time and then painted and given this


golden outside. Does this suggest it was a wealthy person? To afford that


amount of linen and the gold, this would have been an incredibly


wealthy person, not royalty, but just below. This regular just has a


bit of a surprise. Can you work out it is a boy or a girl? I think it is


probably a male. From the shape of the pelvis, it looks very narrow,


which is more like a male pelvis than a female pelvis. People doing


the mummification may have made a mistake! We have other mummies where


they have simply put the wrong mask on the wrong money. I feel really


privileged. This is the cutting edge. That looks like a girl to me!


But on the inside, it doesn't this ceremony look like a girl. Now they


are looking inside because of technology, they are asking you


questions. I think this debate will be going on for a while. What do you


think, boy or girl? I don't know, I have no experience in that field.


Please welcome the doctor! I know you spend a lot of time looking at


the scans, what did you accomplish? It was definitely a girl. The


bandages were so tightly wrapped that the bones were crushed. So that


debate and argument lead you to know that they wound the body is really


tightly. I quite like it. It is fascinating, ancient Egypt. They did


The reason we are mummifying an orange is because we are copying


what it would be to mummify a human being. Once you mummify a human


being, you want to dry them out. We need to remove all of the wet bits,


and then you dry them and put them into different jars, with different


animal heads. So this would once have contained the organs belonging


to an ancient Egyptian? Yes. That is nice excavation mark have you had


body. Then they would remove the internal organs, as you are doing.


Why? Because they want to dry out the chest cavity. You remove the


juicy bits inside. Why?Because you want to dry out the whole body and


you hope that in the afterlife you will be put out together again, so


it does not matter that you lose your organs. They thought they were


transported to the next life and then they would put the organs back


in again. Exactly. This is a body that has been emptied of everything


apart from the heart. You need the heart for the judgement in the


afterlife. Next?We sterilise the body. Egyptians would use oil or


wine. We are going to use vinegar. It starts to smell it funny, doesn't


it? This was a smelly process. The ancient Egyptians would do this in a


tent. All of the ancient Egyptians, or just those who had money? It was


only the rich who could afford this expensive process. Now, you want to


improve the smell, so you want to put some spice in there. And then


you start to put in a mixture of salt and bicarbonate of soda, which


the ancient Egyptians had a special name for. We have filled it with


salt and bicarbonate of soda to dry it out and give it shape. And then


you close it up a bit, and you want to wrap it up with bandages, made of


linen. Was it just Egyptians that did this? Mummification is known all


around the world but it was the ancient Egyptians that practised


artificial mummification, and they got it spot on, so the bodies were


very well preserved. They were fantastically well preserved. That


one still had skin, 2500 years later. They really mastered it. We


are mummifying an orange here. I have wrapped it in a bandage coated


in Gulu. It is PDA glue, 80% glue and 20% water, to make it runny.


Once you have wrapped the entire orange and you have let it dry in an


airing cupboard, or somewhere dry, for a month or so, this is one I


prepared earlier. This has dried out. It is a few months old. If you


rattle it, you can hear it. How long will it take to mummify? In ancient


Egypt, it took 70 days, but if you leave it in the airing cupboard for


a few months, you will get a dry orange that will last for eternity.


You can keep it until you are a grandparent yourself. If you want


details on how to do this, head to the loo Peter website. And if you do


have a go, let us know how you get on. You could mummify a melon as


well. My airing cupboard is going to be full. Good luck with your


mummifying and thank you for coming in to show us this. Thank you for


the insight in Manchester Museum. Speaking of being creative, in


future you could be making your own 3-D drawings. Take a look at how the


boys are getting on. We are not sure what this is going to be. In about


fifth in minutes we will be revealing what that turns out to be.


I know that you love gadgets and I know you will want one of these by


the end of the show. The other thing that you love our cars. I cannot


tell you how amazing this is. Monaco is one of the most famous places for


the Grand Prix circuit and Formula one is there this weekend. It is a


small track but very famous and very showbiz and glamorous, like me! So I


convinced them to let me be chauffeured around the track in a


very cool sports car. This is an electric car. Amazing. I am standing


in the richest race on earth, and also the most crowded on the planet.


It is most famous for tight bends and fast cars. Every year, Monaco


hosts the Formula one Grand Prix. It is a huge event for a city state the


size of a small town. But it even has its own Royal family. Despite


its size, Monaco has 70 times more people per square mile than the UK,


and more billionaires and millionaires than anywhere in the


world, hence the big boats. Monaco is on the shores of the


Mediterranean Sea, bordered by France and not far from Italy, and


it attracts people from all over the world when the race hits town. The


Grand Prix is regarded as the hardest race in the Formula one


calendar, requiring more skill than any other racing circuit. It is the


Grand Prix that every driver wants to win. The first Monaco Grand Prix


was in 1929 and it has been integral to Formula one since the 1950s. The


race takes place on the city streets with most drivers reaching speeds of


up to 180 mph. For the rest of the year, there is a strict speed limit.


I am getting a tour from one of Monaco's sports car entrepreneurs,


in an extraordinary electric car. This is an incredible car. This is


probably the most advanced electric car in the world. It has


4-wheel-drive and the suspension is electric, so that makes eight


electric motors running at the same time. This is Monaco. You have a


race circuit and a sports car. go and try it. I thought you would


never ask. This car sounds fast, but we are sticking to the speed limit.


This is the starting line of the track. 22 cars race around the two


mile circuit diversity, and overtaking other drivers is hard.


Each driver completes 78 laps on the racecourse to finish. All the


drivers here, when they drive, they know they are part of history.


fast would you come up here in a Formula one car? I would say at more


than 120. You can see there is a bump here. After the race, you can


see that all the cars land there. Did you always want to be a race


driver? Yes, I wanted to race and build cars. But what is also


important in Monaco is the environment, so somehow I wanted to


do a car that was sporty, glamorous and clean. This is a very nice


curves, so narrow. Some of the cars have a hard time turning here. White


micro he is talking about the slowest term. Drivers have to slow


down to get passed safely. How long would it take a Formula one car to


do a lap? One minute something.That was one lap. That was absolutely


amazing. What an incredible experience, not just Monaco but the


car of the future. Thank you so much. Great to drive with you.So I


can take it now? He did not let me take it. You were in your element.


It was like driving the future. If you are a petrol head and you love


Formula one, you can catch highlights this weekend on the BBC.


That was fast. Earlier, we introduced Daniel and Faraz who


brought the 3D pen. We set them a challenge and asked them to draw


something by the end of the show. They have been beavering away.


show you? You have had about 20 minutes and now you can reveal that


it is Barney the dog. That is fantastic. What an amazing thing.


Thank you so much for coming in and showing us what tens of the future


might look like. We will display this on our shelf. Thank you.


Brilliant. It is an electric car that you want to drive around


Monaco, and a 3D pen. Anything from ancient Egypt restroom Mark I love


set him a challenge three weeks ago, entering him into a competition. He


has to play the trombone and March tomorrow. How are you feeling?


have only had five lessons in three weeks and tomorrow is the


competition. We are being judged on the marching and playing. It is


nerve wracking. I will give it everything I have got. I do not


often get nervous but I am nervous about tomorrow. I am right at the


front. If I get it wrong, everybody else does. Tune in next week!


will not get it wrong. Let's talk about your challenge. We all know


how sporty shears. That has been established. Last week saw her take


part in her first assessment to see if she has what it takes to take


part in the Marine Yom. This is her assessment. You can do anything and


we have seen that, but that is a very difficult challenge to take


part in. Yes, a lot of it is in your mind. I was crawling through a


tunnel and you think it is getting smaller. I will give it my best and


you will find out in the next few weeks. It makes me feel good to know


everyone is behind me, and you have been sending Helen good luck


messages. Thank you.I believe you can do this. You have been to the


South Pole and the Amazon. If you put your mind to it, you can do it.


And there is a poem - good luck on your run, tell yourself you have


one, just a poem to wish you the best, remember it is not such a big


test. Good luck in whatever you do, good luck Helen. I appreciate that


and we will keep you posted. We have been asking you to get in touch and


let us know if you could travel anywhere in time, backwards,


forwards, where would you go? Loads of you have been in touch. Matthew


says he would go to the future to see the new generation of cars, and


into the past to cheat in history exams. Chloe would go back to the


time of dinosaurs to see what they really look like, but she would not


love to get eaten. Angus would go back to this afternoon when he got a


question wrong in his science test and he would change it. Don't worry,


it will be fine. Hamish is clever and would go forward so he could see


the lottery numbers and come back and use the same numbers. Share the


winnings! Jessie would travel to Victorian times when sweets were


really cheap. They were 1p when I was a kid! Let's have a look at what


is happening next week. We will be joined by a fantastic juggler from


the Moscow State Circus. He is juggling balls on a ball. Amazing.


Find out how I get on in my brass band challenge. And we will show you


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