Unemployment Crisis Free Speech

Unemployment Crisis

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This is Free Speech. Your chance to have your say about what matters to


There's a lot going on. Good evening, welcome to Free Speech.


It's our first show of 2013 and a first for me, Rick Edwards. I'm


very happy to be here. And tonight, 'here' is the Brangwyn Hall, in


Or one of the friendliest cities in the UK. And another regular face on


Free Speech from now on - reading all your social media messages,


it's Tina Daheley.Yes - I want to hear what you've got to say.


laptops, tablets and phones at the ready - get online now with the BBC,


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debate on Free Speech. And that's not all - this is the only TV show


with the Power Bar. It responds in real time to what you think of the


panel, via Twitter. So just use hash tag "Yes" or hash tag "No"


followed by the first name of one And here is our panel. First, the


businesswoman who brought us Peachy Pink underwear and won herself


Britain's Best Female Asian Entrepreneur along the way. She's


She's a Welsh Assembly Minister and the leader of Plaid Cmyru. She's


socialist, republican, environmentalist, anti-racist,


feminist - I think you're going to Not the typical CV for a


Conservative MP - he was Rick Astley's guitarist, wrote songs for


Jason Donovan and owns a string of hairdressing salons. He's David


And finally, she's a journalist, she's co-author of Generation Vexed


- so she knows just how you feel - Right, let's get started. My first


debate - and it's a big one. Call them shirkers, call them strivers -


whatever you call them, there are more than one million young people


looking for work, and over a quarter of those have been


unemployed for over a year. While, overall, unemployment figures are


improving, long term youth unemployment figures continue to


cause concern. Here in Wales, the numbers have almost tripled since


2010. So meet Sam and Caitlin who are finding their own solutions to


All there is in the valleys in sheep, mountains and not many


opportunities. Since I left school, I had a bricklayer apprenticeship,


Engineering, welding, security. I have several GCSEs, or a BTEC in


interactive media. But I haven't been able to find a job even though


I left university in May. finished score on the Friday, I


went to the pit on Monday, I asked for a job under started on Tuesday.


It is all closed now. I have applied for more than 200 jobs. Out


of all that, I only had two interviews. They have a grant that


they can give each person that joins, the money I am planning to


use as a money incentive to give to employers to hire me. I was


wondering if you have any jobs going? A three years ago I signed


up with a government scheme, that is how I got my security licence.


Friday and Saturday are work in Bristol as a door supervisor.


Hopefully in Doak future I see myself having a stable Coria, if I


wanted badly, I will have to make sacrifices. What do you want to


Oscar the panel? Is a David? As you will see, I have done everything to


find work. But people in the government label the unemployed


shirkers. Is that the truth? are not a shirker at all. What we


are trying to do is get people off the dole queues and into work. You


have probably seen recently, the court case that because yesterday


where a young lady said she was enforced into slavery at Poundland.


At the end of the Daily if you are going to be looking for work, you


are claiming benefits, we try and get you into some kind of mode of


working. There is nothing wrong in that because if you sit back and


you vegetate, this is exactly what you're going to do. I have been


employed -- unemployed three times, I went on a scheme which is enacted


now, it has been very successful. Unemployment is coming down, and


what can I say? You make your own luck in this world. I did myself.


You were looking on with interest, do you think you make your own


luck? I think it is he's used to blame unemployed people to beat --


for being unemployed. High levels of unemployment are in certain


places and there are low levels of unemployment elsewhere. So in the


central valleys, it is around 28% of homes that have nobody working


with them at all. In Swansea, it is about 68%. Yet in Oxfordshire, the


figures are around 8%. So there is a difference in terms of where you


live. My party, Plaid Cymru, has argued strongly in the National


Assembly for Wales, for the government at Welsh level and you


can level to prioritise jobs and unemployment because we cannot


afford to lose an entire generation like we did in the 1980s after the


What do you make of those opinions? I am biased, but I totally agree


with Lehane. In the 1980s, the coal industry, everything closed down


because of Maggie Thatcher. But South Wales was the world's biggest


coal export at the time. And they still have 30 years' worth of coal


left in them, if they were still open, I don't know if they would be


more jobs, but debris be stringing of more skills and apprenticeships.


I would say we need to think in the future about clean, green


industries, not thinking about Cole, because in the future we need to


make sure people have the skills to do the renewable technology.


Another pool I would like to make on that is the assembly in Wales


doesn't have the resources it, we could have a stronger economy and


more people in work if the National Assembly had powers over energy.


Do you feel you do can make your own luck? Have you been to the


valleys? I am from a town very similar to you, I left school at 16,


I became a hairdresser's apprentice, within three years I was working


for an international company. The government can help you but it is


up to yourself to help yourself. There are not many apprenticeships


out there these days because everything is being shipped


overseas. There was a factory in the South Wales area, they have


loads of jobs, they could have offered apprenticeships but they


should be tough to China. It is the same, there is a Ford factory down


here, it is closed off because it has gone overseas. I used to work


as a security guard and they shut half of that down. Shazia Awan, you


are an entrepreneur, how did you go about making your own luck? I don't


think there is such a thing as making your own luck because the


situation that young people across Wales and the UK are facing at the


moment is absolutely appalling. We have had the highest increase in


long-term youth unemployment than any other country in the G8 and we


haven't weathered the crisis well. But I do think that if you work


hard and if you are positive in your outlook, then you can do


anything, whatever you said your mind to. The Prince's Trust delight


of great work, there was a survey out that they did, 71% of young


people say that his course they're not taught anything about


entrepreneurship -- in schools. Britain is great because of the


many industries we have had over the years and it is a failing of


the education system that we are not teaching entrepreneurship, and


businesses in schools. That is what we should be doing, businesses are


the lifeblood of the economy, not the government. So we need to be


looking at educating in schools about how to get into business.


many young people would set up businesses if they had the


opportunity. I'm originally from Caerphilly, there are lots of


communities where it is a problem, the parents and grandparents are


unemployed. What are people saying online? It is getting heated on


Who thinks that kids are lazy? I'm going to come to you. I did put my


hand up, then you changed the question! The issue is not that


there are jobs out there, but there are people going for the same jobs.


The question becomes how do young people go and get the jobs that are


out there. It is about becoming more employable, getting on back-


to-work schemes, the jobs are not going to come to you, you have to


make yourself employable. There was a Tesco in Cardiff that advertised


100 jobs and got 2000 applications, that is an open question, how do


you make yourself stand out? think some people could get into


voluntary work if they want... Me personally, I have been doing


voluntary work, it has helped me. So some people should get pushed


more, especially in schools. think they should be getting pushed,


doing apprenticeships, would do you think, Kieran Yates? Do you think


we had demonising young people as shirkers? Yes, I think it is an


easy way out to label people as shirkers. The only thing that


retreat service to do it is it turns society against each other,


and it is untrue. What we have seen is there is a future generation of


young people with a willingness to work, it is all well and good to


say you only have to work hard and you make your own luck or


whatever... I don't think it is true that people don't want to work.


But there is an element of laziness as well. Benefits are not great,


anyone who has experienced at first hand, it is not a fantastic


lifestyle of people sitting around as ladies of leisure. That is not


what being on benefit is like in reality. The way in which the


coalition has tried to combat this, with schemes like workfare, the


youth contract, is in centre biting businesses to take on young people


by giving them money -- incentive rising. Or by forcing them people


to work for free, and these are not And let the audience at home speak


now. Instant judgment time. Are you ready? Let's find out what the


viewers at home think of what you have said so far. Let's fire up the


I would like to talk to someone who has been unemployed for five months.


Lisa, what is your experience of the job-seeking process? I have


been in work many times and they have been tempered jobs and at the


end of the contract, I am looking for another job -- temporary jobs.


It is harder now. The other day I got a rejection letter saying they


had over 150 other applications. I have got the skills, I have been to


university and yet I still cannot get work. What is the answer and


then? How do we stand out? And I want to answer this by posing a


question to Leanne. Most jobs that are available off for skilled


tradesmen and the Welsh assembly given any will grant to students to


go to university, world nationals. With one-fifth of graduates unable


to find work, would you agree that taxpayers' money would be better


spent on apprenticeship schemes rather than bribing people to go to


university? You need to do both. There needs to be enough money to


support young people into higher education if that is what they want


but it is also important to support people in the vocational route, and


my party recently did a deal with the government in Wales to


guarantee �20 million a year for two years for additional


apprenticeships, and I am very keen to ensure that they are enabling


people to get skills in fields like engineering so we can consider how


we can create a manufacturing base to the economy again rather than


focus on things like financial services, which have got us into


the mess we are in now. We have mentioned apprenticeships a few


times now. I would like to speak to Beckett, a nursing apprentice. Do


you think you will get a job? really enjoying it so far. There is


the problem at the end, am I going to be employed? That is a problem


that I am concerned about. So in spite of doing an apprenticeship,


you feel it might lead to nothing? Hopefully not but we were see what


happens. Jade. You decided not to go to university. What did you do


instead? I went to the Welsh entrepreneur Academy, it gives you


the knowledge to set up your own business and it gives you a sponsor


who sponsors the �1,000 and guides you along the way as a mentor.


have found it a positive experience? Definitely. Shazia?


That is fantastic. Once we give young people the skills to set up


their own business, they are skills for life. I don't think it is the


answer with the government's new contract, which incidentally is a


business owned up I had never heard of. -- owner. Why had the fanfare


when Nick Clegg launched it in April last year -- I heard the


fanfare. I do a lot of work and none of the hundreds of businesses


are a work with had heard of that Yves there. The youth contract has


not been rolled out in Wales yet, as it. So this may change. Even so.


They have not even heard of it. We do business outside of Wales.


good point from Mikaela. She says, education used to mean a job.


However that is far from the case now. Yes to apprenticeships. A few


quick comments. Do people think apprenticeships are the way


forward? I am on the entrepreneurship course as well and


I travelled down from North Wales to Swansea. It is a good solution


but it is only in one place in Wales. They need to expand it.


And the only way they can get finance is through making it a BTEC


which means there is so many assignments that we do not get to


do the practical side as much as we should. So you think it should be


more vocational. OK. I want to get into the plumbing trade and it was


very difficult or stop you have to be in with an employer to begin


with and pay your own money. It was like there was false hope at the


end of it. You are stuck. obstacle to getting there in the


first place and you might not get there anyway. Yes. I think the


problem is, apprenticeships are built as a wonder weapon to end


unemployment but it is a case-by- case basis of stock my dad has a


heating company. The government does not need to get involved. What


is the point of putting a million people on to an apprenticeship when


they will not get a job at the end of it. Lots of messages coming in


and picking up on David's point about making your own luck.


Anonymous says: Some people have more luck than others. And bring it


British Industry bag, that is from Emma. -- bring the British industry


back. Back to you. Just a final comment


from you, David. You have heard what a lot of the young people on


saying. Do you think they have a point? Yes, but it must be noted


that employment has grown under this government. It was in free-


for-all under the last government. More people are going into public


sector work. The private sector was deprived. We are seeing it balance


out now and sadly the people who would normally go to the private


sector when they leave university, the jobs are not there. But to turn


its back on its head, have any of you thought of setting up your own


business? I set up my own business at 19. By that time I was 30 I had


a chain of salons. I had had a music career. Things do happen but


you have got to chase it. It was tough 20 years ago because the


country was on its knees after the then Labour government. The RMO had


to come in and bail us out! -- the RMO. We are now one of the


strongest economies in Europe and we are getting better with it. It


is OK looking towards the future. You are our future. Get out there,


seize the day, make the most of it, that is what it is about. That is


what I did, that is what you must do. He inspirational talk. If you


want your point of view it read out, Who has experienced treatment...


For many young women stepping outside means they face up to a


barrage of comments? People say we need to take responsibility of our


behaviour as women so if I go out in a short skirt and a boy touches


my bum, that is fine. Why should he not take responsibility for his


behaviour? I don't know, I will start again, if a boy whistles at


you, do you take that as a compliment? Where do you stop? When


they lift up your skirt? What is OK and what is not? Women go into a


club and guys think it is OK to pick you up. As in pick you up?


That is not OK. Exactly! People do not have respect for women if they


want to go out and look nice. Writer Laura Bates set up Everyday


Sexism and asked women to tweet examples of sexism and harassment


like the ones we've just heard, and received thousands of messages. She


told us why she did it. Often, when women complain about


sexism we are told to calm down, stop making a fuss, learn to take a


compliment. But since I started the Everyday Sexism project, 20,000


women have shared their stories of sexism and they are not all just a


harmless bit of fun. When you know that over 400,000 women are


sexually assaulted and 80,000 raped every year in the UK, I don't think


it is OK for or woman to be shattered dad and sexually


intimidated in the street, even if it is a more minor incident -- for


women to be shouted at. For one woman, it started as talk but ended


at sexual assault on her doorstep. It is the same ideas and attitudes


about women that make us excuse the small things but also add up to the


more serious ones. We must stand up to them all together.


But Joanna Lumley and Conservative MP Richard Graham have both spoken


out recently and said that women have to take responsibility for how


they look and behave. We have got a question about this. I would like


to ask, are young women in this country putting themselves at risk


by going out clubbing wearing provocative clothing? Shazia.


Absolutely. Let me make the point clear, I think it speaks volumes


about the attitude in this country that there was such an uproar and


people disagreed so heavily with Joanna Lumley. What she said was


right. You should not be going out dressed like a Hussey, there is no


other word for it. The you should not be throwing up in the gutter.


APPLAUSE Of. People judge you by your appearance. When you meet


somebody for the first time, they will judge you by your appearance,


by the tone of your voice and by the content of what you have to say.


If you are wearing a short skirt with your buttocks hanging out,


with your cleavage spilling over the top, with high heels, and you


are drunk, you are putting yourself at risk. We need to understand that


as women, we are vulnerable, and the sooner we take responsibility


for that, the better. Men also go out and get drunk. In Cardiff


especially, the high street is like a war-zone. When we have


international business clients visiting, I will go out of my way


not to take them anywhere near a UK high street because I think it


reflects really badly on the UK, and it is not just young people. It


is not attractive to be dressed in this way. Whoever decided that this


was an attractive look, the only way of Essex type of look, is


barking mad. It is better to look, you know, if you want to adopt a


look of somebody in the public eye, Kate Middleton, Pippa Middleton, it


is more sophisticated and it will get you further in life then going


out in a mini-skirt. That may well be true but getting back to the


point, is it inviting harassment to go out dressed like that?


Absolutely not. Joanna Lumley perpetuates this archaic notion of


what it is to be inappropriate as a woman and I do not think that we


should be listening and buying into that at all. I don't think it is


our responsibility as women to make the decision as to whether we wear


high heels or trainers because we may need to run away from someone.


Although we can run faster in trainers, we should not have to run


away from anything at all. It is not us that should be just aware of


all these things and harbouring this fear of not being safe on the


streets, we should be teaching our young men about how to behave


appropriately. APPLAUSE. This is really important


to say, the majority of men are kind, decent, intelligent human


beings that love and adore and respect women. It is a very small


proportion of men that actually treat women in this way. You have


projects like the Everyday Sexism project, and I have started to


follow them on Twitter, and I found it so depressing. It is women


effectively saying, this happened to me, this happen to me, and I get


harassed regularly but I answer back and it makes the man who said


the comment feel very small. Why aren't these women answering back?


Some passionate you points. Are people answering back online? --


viewpoints. 95% of people are saying sexism is prevalent every


A lot of hands up! Who agrees with Joanna Lumley? Yeah, I totally


agree with Joanna Lumley and Shazia. I think the problem, we have been


talking about the fact that women are the ones being abused, so


logically you have to think why? It is because of what they wear, it is


an open invitation, it is more provocative. Even though the men


are quite nice, as Shazia said... Not all men! The question is, if


you look at it logically, why is it women abused more than men? Because


of the way they dress. It is an open invitation. It is like that is


the food, it smells nice, I can go for it. It I do not like that


Sometimes you don't get the opportunity to say yes or no.


suppose I was a fairy moss is sexual assault the then general


sexist comments. Is there a link between this kind of casual sexism


and sexual assault? I'm going to go to you. Yes, it is usually women


who are drunk who often victimised by men. So I think it is more being


able to look after yourself and realise what is around you rather


than what you are wearing. So it is up to women to make more and be


responsible decision on how much they are drinking, maybe have their


friends lookout for the more. good point, you need to shift the


focus completely, and in said work on the attitudes of those who rape.


-- instead. Does the government take this sense of cash or sexism


that seems to be prevalent seriously? There are laws against


this. I was shocked to listen to the young ladies saying that you


were picked up, all manner of things going on, that is the sort.


There are laws to stop that. I think that a woman should be able


to where, within reason, whatever she wants, without the threat of


being assaulted in any shape or form. Are we not a civilised


nation? Are we just pandering to sexism? But it is not an issue of


what men wear, it doesn't seem to come into this debate. The


experience of sexism is different for the sexes. I think it is


important to make the point that we are talking about what John Lumley


said so we're talking about how women in the UK address on a night


out. Women can be it assaulted on the way to school, it can happen at


any time why are women in this country going out in that way? I


don't find it attractive. They write nicer ways to be sexy and


attractive than displaying everything. They are going out and


Clover Stroud should be reserved for the bedroom. Everyone's tastes


are different. People should be able to wear what they want to wear.


We don't live in an ideal world. The fundamental principle is that


every single person should be free to go out without fear of being


raped or rest. -- harassed. Whether they are a man or woman. Everyone


also needs to take responsibility for their safety, a man or woman,


and for men heed Mr accept the fact they you are more honourable you


should look after yourself a bit better if you are a woman forced to


pick you are very drunk, you cannot look after yourself. Do we agree


that women need to take responsibility and look after


themselves? I think comments from Joanna Lumley and Shazia Awan


tonight are really unhelpful. It is a blaming of the victims, don't get


raped, don't do this, don't do that. Oh my God! Way with you tell


someone if you dress provocatively, if you go out like that, you will


get raped. It is 17th century rubbish. The police have shown time


and again, it doesn't matter what the woman was wearing when they


were raped. There is no correlation to short skirts or whatever for


sexual assault and rape. Even saying that is disgusting. Very


interesting point about victim blaming. Me being a dancer, I see


it every weekend, I see classy girls, I see girls with their


breasts out, with them in, it all goes... It all goes down to the


thing, people don't know their limits. Yes, it is nice if they


Gill feels comfortable with her breasts out, crack on. If she wants


to go out in a nice dress, go for red. The people need to learn their


limits and also another factor is drugs. The nightclub I work in, I


have seen it loads of times, people off their night on drugs, picking


up random boys, you see them with a group of girls them with a boy and


you don't see them again. So it is all about limits? Learned your


Tony and Elliott, probably reflecting what most people are


Probably a good time to look at the You can implement the Power Bar as


well, get on Twitter now and tell how our panellists what you think.


If you agree with Shazia Awan, If you disagreed, it is time for


you to make your voice heard. Radio One and One Xtra are running


a campaign about internet safety called Share Take Care -


highlighting the dangers of oversharing online. And Claire


Perry, an advisor on children to David Cameron, has called for


parents to monitor their children's social media activity. My question


to the panel is, do you think young people are aware of the dangers


online? Let's goatee you first, I had two children, I have one who


is 17 and a little boy who is 10. The 10-year-old can run rings


around me on the internet. Absolutely run rings around me. But


as a parent, we do recognise that there are stripped out there, I


have spoken to my children about it and there are parental blocks on


I have said it in many speeches in the House of Commons, try to sort


out the downloading of music issue, I'm probably the only person in


here who still buys a CD. The threat is there, the cyber threat


is always there. It is how we are going to manage this better in the


future. But the legislation in place, there will always be


loopholes. Tom, you fronted the Radio One campaign, you are an


expert on online safety, what is your take? I think people don't


understand how public everything is now. They don't understand you can


find out practically everything about anybody. I think the more


that people realise that we live in a completely transparent world, the


more they will temper their own behaviour. I don't think people


understand. You were given a day to research a family and you found out


an absolute load, it was extraordinary. You have a sister


who is a couple of years older. Mother's maiden name is always


important, it gets used as a password. Could this be your


mother's maiden name? Your date of birth is...? Your current partner


is quite good looking! That is only available to about 1 billion people


worldwide. What do we think? Do we need regulation? Are we aware of


the dangers? I find it worrying that the government were to


legislate the internet and what we can do, we have seen in the last


few years, with the Arabs bring, the power of transparency,


anonymity, it has been phenomenal - - the Arab spring. And our


government is trying to bring in more control. We are not trying to


put legislation in place to monitor or police the internet, that has


got to be first on the table. What I have been involved in his a


commercial transaction, a musician great a piece of work, he sells it


in, it is downloaded it legally, it is theft. It is a commercial


transaction, that is what we are trying to do. Personally, I don't


get what the younger generation want to tell their shoe size, what


they had for dinner, who they are seeing, their whole life is out


there, the gentleman over their said, you can find it so much about


somebody like that. Is it a problem, do you think, that so much


information is put out there? think that information gets out


there, there needs to be more education I do from home or from


schools to let people get more savvy about using the internet. It


is about teaching people about how to make certain elements of their


lives private. I don't think that regulating things in the way that


you might be proposing is the best thing to do, because the internet


is beyond regulation. I think this whole idea of trying to regulate


the internet wouldn't work, it is more about individuals. And about


having faith in young people, we can be educated to learn how to use


things properly and we can just do They're saying it is not the root


of of the government to regulate. - So it is a question of trust. Last


week, David Cameron 'came out' in support of equal marriage, but less


than half of Conservative MPs followed his lead. 22 Labour MPs


and four Lib Dems also voted against. Elizabeth has a question


about this. Why are people continuing to cling to the outdated


notion that one man, one woman is the only real form of marriage?


have a direct this to David. thought you would! I actually voted


against the legislation last week. The reason I voted against it was


because, in my mailbag, constituents sent me over 1000 e-


mails and letters and I had in the region if 50 that wanted me to vote


for it. As an MP, my job is to listen to my constituents. But I'm


also a legislator. And the whole legislation put before the House of


Commons last week was a dog's breakfast, it was open to all kinds


of legal challenges from Europe and other places. I think if you are


going to do this form of registration, you should do it


properly. And to be frank, I think will get savaged in the Lords once


the bishops get hold of it. And I think it is the wrong time to do


this, not in the status of equality but purely because of the timetable


of pushing this through. It should have had more time to be worked on


in the committee stage. Just fill up an MP's mail back with male and


then you will get change whatever law you want! I cannot believe


politics by mail bag, that is astounding. That is the ballot box!


That is our democratic system. if people wanted to bring back


hanging... Let's be realistic. is not playing to the audience. It


is a matter of equality and the hand of the quality should extend


to all not just the people... Instantly, all Welsh Tory MPs voted


against equal marriage, and I think that is fundamentally wrong.


all the Plaid Cymru MPs voted for it! When I get married, as a


straight woman, I do not think that the love why would feel for my


partner is any better or any more pure than a love that a gay man


would feel for his partner, or a lesbian. I think what you're saying


is fundamentally wrong. David Cameron is a great leader of the


Conservative Party, this will probably make me even more


unpopular, but he is a modern, progressive leader, and he is


stumbling because his own MPs are not supporting him. Equal marriage


should have gone through easily, because we have bigger issues to


deal with, like the economy, we shouldn't have spent so much time


on this. There were four votes that night, one I voted against, or


three are voted for. This registration will go through, that


is evident, but my job as the legislation, I thought it was


Has this exposed a fault line in the Conservative Party? It has


shown them as being out of touch and not representing... It is the


Conservative leader that is bringing it forward! But the


majority of your party voted against it. It is your role as a


spokesperson to be representing equality and development and change.


Her what happens when it goes to the House of Lords and gets thrown


out? You are supposed to be representing... I am a legislator,


that is my job. You are perpetuating an idea... Let's speak


to... What happens when the House of Lords throw it out, you said?


The unelected Lords should not be in any position to throw anything


in it or out. APPLAUSE That is a different matter,


obviously. Do you feel this has become a big negative issues for


the Conservative Party? It has certainly divided the party.


Personally, I am all for it or stop I can't see an issue with it. In


the same way I could marry a woman, I do not see it, there are too many


dinosaurs in the Conservative Party that are holding the future of the


party back. A good message that has come in online from Mark. He is


making a point to people who say it equal marriage should be allowed


because of the idea of the family unit. So he says, should infertile


heterosexual couples be stopped from getting married? OK, more from


the audience. It is a bit harsh to criticise David quite so much on


voting against. The fact is, he was voted in by his constituents. We


need to get her over the idea that every MP represents the entire


country. MPs represent their constituency. David Padmore noes


Ben yeses and he voted against it - - David had more noes. If that is


what his constituents want, that is what they get. That was a


backhanded confident! Men and women married, they have kids, that is


how the world develops. If it is men and men, the world will not


develop. Not everyone will do that there. But I do not think it is


right. It is not how nature works. So you are against it, anybody


else? Yes. I am against equal marriage because although I hate to


judge people just by who they are, and I would not judge their


behaviour, I would judge the morality of their behaviour. You


are destroying the very meaning of marriage. You are destroying the


harmony between them. There is no reason for equal marriage... No


valid reason for it so they disagree with it. She thinks it is


interfering with morality, anybody else? I just want to make the point,


David, I do not mean to attack you, but as someone who this decision


does not affect what so were for, why should you have the right to


deny somebody else a freedom that does not impact you? It should not


be your decision. If someone wants to be gay and get married to


another man, another women, it does not affect you in the slightest.


APPLAUSE. This lady will respond directly.


The because his constituents ask you to. Leanne looked on in


discussed at the notion of an MP listening to their constituents.


How will people have their say apart from having a vote once every


four years? If you are talking about morality, you should not be


able to restrict somebody's freedom when it has no impact upon you.


job is to represent his constituents. The in my opinion he


made the wrong decision. I think you could argue for some time!


think it is such an out of date argument. Homosexuality was


legalised in the 1960s. This is still carrying on. I think it is


about time we got state and religion, but Bemersyde, and did


what is right for people in this liberal democracy, because if it


really is liberal, then people should be free and equal.


Personally, I do not understand what the problem is. For the people


who are not happy about same-sex couples getting married, the


government has included in this Bill that the Church of England and


the Church of Wales have the religious right to prevent the


marriage if they want to, so all we are allowing his choice. Every


person to choose what they want to do. And if two people feel they


love each other and one to commit, and I thought marriage was about


committing to one other person for the rest of your life, I didn't


realise it had anything to do with your sexuality and that that could


affect your morality. This lady feels it is gender-neutral. What do


you say to that? I missed the question. She thinks it is Deng --


should be gender-neutral. Let's put it this way. When I have got a huge


mailbag from my constituents wanted me to vote against this legislation


and I look into, it was a good point you made about the reporting,


this legislation will be contested through the European Court of Human


Rights and those people who do not want to see gay marriage going


ahead will be equally as upset as those who do. If you are going to


put legislation forward in the oldest parliament in the world,


make sure you do it properly because what will happen is it will


come back and bite your heart and my gut feeling is that this


legislation will probably time out before me but the House of Lords


will savage this. As a person, not a politician, I am as liberal as


everybody else. But as a politician and a legislator, it is a flawed


piece of legislation and it should never have got this far. If it was


going to go before the House of Commons it should have been looked


at with more scrutiny. Let's go back to the lady who asked the


question. I just wanted to say, because there were so many people


for it in government, that the House of Lords would have a lot of


pressure on them to vote it in, as far as I am aware. I agree that


there have we it has been done is not necessarily the best but


because of the amount of pressure from government, I thought the


House of Lords would say yes. is a religious element to the House


of Lords and that must be taken into consideration. Religions teach


tolerance, David. Religions are about tolerance. Also remember that


well-organised campaigns can fill MPs' mailbags. That is one thing we


have learnt tonight for sure. have celebrities now that are on TV,


they get married 24 hours later they have a divorce. Surely more


should be done for people to realise what the vows of marriage


are ban preventing two people who love each other from getting


married -- than preventing two people. I do not understand. This


is a different issue about how important marriages and whether or


not we are educating people in that. For me, the most important thing is


two people being able to make a commitment to each other. The


wedding rings, at the wedding, at the paper, it is not that important


to me personally but to many people marriage is important, and people


do want to give a public display of their commitment to another person,


and whether that is between two women, two men, a man and a woman,


I think there should be equality as a basis for everyone. Quickly. Yes


of stock there are so many things wrong with the arguments against


equal marriage. You say your mailbag is all. This is equality!


We are the minority, you will not have a full mailbags. Arguments


that it is ruining the sanctity of marriage. Just because I cannot


marry a guy, it does not mean I will be gay any more. I will always


love a man, even if I cannot marry him. Quickly from this gentleman.


David said about the people who disagree with their marriage being


upset. The people who disagreed with desegregation upset when that


went through. Why are we getting bigger its affect the democratic


process? -- why are we allowing a begets the to affect the democratic


process? I just wanted to say that all of these questions seem to be


coming about central government, the big religion debate. I am a


Conservative and damn proud to be part of that party and I agree and


believe we have equal marriage -- I am proud. I think as a country we


should behind it, despite the mailbag. Lots of people talking


about religion. James asks why religion still has any part in


politics? This man thinks Britain should follow the principles of


Christ. Marriage is religious, according to him. Emerson has been


against gay marriage is as bad as racism. -- MLA it says are bidding


against gay marriage is as bad as After this conversation, one thing


I would really like to take away, especially with the nature of


speaking about women and feminism, is a want to move away from this


normalisation of things like a slut shaming and calling women hussies


and names like this. If we can take anything away from this debate and


the way in which we see each other, is that we have to have neutral


respect and women should not feel ashamed and dictated to about how


to dress appropriately, and I would like all the men and women in that


room to take that away with them today.


APPLAUSE That is almost it. Hanks to our audience, our panel, and to


you at home for sending in your comments. The debate continues


online. Join us next time live from Liverpool on March 6th at 8pm.


We'll leave you with some final thoughts from young people here in


Swansea on our key topic tonight: long-term unemployment. If I was in


charge, I would offer more job- training so people with no


experience would have more of the chance. I would offer more


apprenticeships for the youth of today. If I was in charge, I would


create more volunteering opportunities. If I was in charge,


there would be more equal opportunities so it does not matter


who you know but how good you would be at the job. School should


provide more practical qualifications, not just academia.


I would freeze the retirement age to make more jobs for young people


are. Own would create new training centres for young people. I would


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