Back to Earth Stargazing Live

Back to Earth

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APPLAUSE Thank you very much, thank you very


much, hello and welcome back to Jodrell Bank for the culled, and I


mean that for all the people of earth, for whom I speak now! -- for


Stargazing: Back To Earth. We will spend the next 30 minutes answering


your questions about the first 60! We are joined by Chris Lintott, Dr


Carly Howett, a former flight director of the lab on the


International Space Station, Libby Jackson, our own scientist, Lucie


Green, and of course Professor Brian Cox. In honour of having Carly with


us, we have a Pluto related cocktail, so please, enjoy, it is


called Sunrise On Pluto, because as we learned today, it is blue. You


are allowed to drink this! That is quite nice, the nicest cocktail we


have had. I think we have a winner, it is gin, tequila, they gave me the


thing... Honestly, I did not feel like, grenadine and lemonade!


Somebody go, we know what we are doing! They are here to answer your


questions, and there is still time to send in yours by e-mail, or you


can tweet us, or, you can go to the website. You can find out what we


have been up to on the website, have I told you that enough now?!


Questions about Pluto, let's pick up about Pluto, a number of people have


asked, Joshua is a good example, does the New Horizons discovery of


Pluto mean that it should be reclassified as a planet again? Oh,


this is a good question! The reason it was declassified is because it


has a moon called Charon, that is about the same size, and they orbit


each other, rather than having the more usual moon orbiting the earth


formation. Those things have not changed, but I think everyone can


agree that Pluto is a very interesting place, it should sit in


the hearts of everyone. I think it should be a planet, don't you? It is


kind of tribal. I don't think it should, because I am lazy, and there


are lots of other exciting things out there, and some of them, if we


explored them, may be as interesting. I think we should send


probes and have a look, but I don't want to have to learn the names of


20 planets! We have these wonderful things on the edge of the solar


system. Went New Horizons has transmitted data, it will change


course, wanted? We have already completed the trajectory correction,


and the difficult bit is beginning, asking Nasa to punt that. We have


done the manoeuvre, the technical things, data is coming back, now we


have to believe that the science we are going to get is worth the money.


David asks, are the colours on the photo of Pluto genuine or an


educated guess? I love this question, because what is genuine


colour? We see things with eyes, but what I see as red may not be the


same as what you see as red. But let's say we all see the same colour


system, we only see a certain part of the wavelength, so we understand


how our cameras work and we understand the responses, so we can


make true colour images, but the image being shown as a true colour


image of Pluto. We get better science if we go into enhanced


colour, so pretend you have superhuman vision, go into the


infrared and the ultraviolet, and then the pictures are more diverse,


telling a small cut about the composition of Pluto. So no is your


answer, fair enough! What is colour?! That is essentially what


you said! It is important to say, is that what you would see with your


eyes? But it is extremely dim, the image, isn't it? You wouldn't see it


that bright. Actually, Pluto is quite bright, Charon is about half


the brightness of Pluto, so often that brightness has been brought up.


So that is what it might look like if you've loaded there? If you


survived the journey and packed another Sam Burgess. Why is the


sunset blue? -- sandwiches. It is to another Sam Burgess. Why is the


do with the particles that make up the atmosphere, to do with their


composition and size, and that is the main difference, mainly


hydrocarbons and the earth, nitrogen and oxygen, and the particles are a


different size, so they scatter light in a different way. So we are


still trying to understand exactly what that means in terms of the


atmosphere, but it is very different. You should have just


said, yeah, but what is blue?! Pleasure to have you here, you were


involved with Tim's training, were you not? I have working with him


since he was selected in 2008, I helped him trained in the role that


he would do when he would be talking to the astronauts on the space


station, and I have been preparing for his mission, making sure we have


a good education programme for everyone to get involved. And the


big event on Friday that we are building up to, questions are coming


in about it, the sheer scale of it, by the way, a question from Charles


on social media, do astronauts eat on a spacewalk? No, they go out the


door, as we say, we think he will be out for six and a half hours, they


can go for up to eight, they take a bag of drinks, orange squash or


orange juice to give them energy, but I was reading an account of a


spacewalk, a Nasa astronaut said that she loaded with carbohydrates


the night before, just as if you are going to do a marathon, eat well the


night before, have a good breakfast, work hard for six or eight hours.


Can they go even longer, endurance levels? After about eight hours,


Mission Control will bring them back in, they would not plan for anything


longer. I think the longest is about eight and a half. There is no


heroics, if people are less effective after that. First and


foremost, we want to give them safe, that is the mantra of Mission


Control, so if there is any danger, we will bring them back in and look


after them. I have wheeled out a small section of the table... It is


quite worrying! You will tell me if I need them! This is particularly


interesting, this is an actual hammer that they will use. These are


examples of tools that were used on the Mir space station, from about 20


years ago, but the physics have not changed. Newton's laws say that if


you do something, there will be an equal and opposite reaction, so if


you were to hit that hammer, you will go backwards, which is not


ideal on the space station. If you shake that very closely... I will


put it next to my microphone. There are ball bearings inside, and it is


a simple way that the Russians came up with to make sure that will not


happen. When you hate it, there are ball bearings, and you are striking


the hammer down, the ball bearings go to the pointy end of the Hammack,


and as you hit it, it wants to recoil, the ball bearings cancel


each other out. -- of the hammer. It is a no recoil hammer. I looked like


the world's worst maracas play a! You were using a hammer instead of


maracas. We were talking about the force is being transferred, it is


one of the reasons we were spinning a shed, obviously, it is not like a


boat on the Ocean getting damped down. No, it will keep spinning. It


was interesting, I saw a question, I mentioned that one of the forces


that acts on the space station is the light hitting the solar panels,


hitting the space station. There was a question from a viewer. Let's see,


yes, Tony asking, if photons have no mass, then why would the sun move


the ISS a little bit? It goes back to special relativity, back from


1905, that photons are particles of light, and although they have no


mass, they can have momentum. The force is the change in momentum, the


rate of change. If they photon hits something and recoil is, just as


with the hammer, you get a force, radiation pressure, and that is


plenty enough to start the space station spinning, because there is


no reaction. Obviously, we are thrilled to see Tim Peake doing a


spacewalk, not the first organism to have gone from this country, to


thrive and survive on the outside as well. Indeed! I thought you were


referring to Helen Sharman! Other organisms, as I call you English!


Not only on behalf of the people of earth, but all the organisms of the!


No, there are tests done for microbes surviving, exposure tests.


Indeed, we think that in the vacuum of space, with the radiation and


cosmic rays, perhaps not think that survive, but I have a box sitting


next to me which is actual space hardware which was installed on the


outside of the Columbus module, the European part of the space station.


It was at there for a year and a half when it was first launched, and


we had some rocks from a cliff in Devon, and they were chosen because


they were known to be microbes that we thought would be very resistant,


which might perhaps survive in space, and it turns out that they


did, we were able to grade them and they survived. We have now got a


similar experiment on the Russian segment, and this stuff in front of


you, a bacteria,... A delightful thing! We have got some there, and


we are looking to see how it survives in films of bacteria,


colonies that exist in this film like substance, and it helps us


understand how bacteria behave in microgravity and also on earth.


People have talked about having these in asteroids, if you're going


to move life from earth to Mars, we know rocks have made that journey,


people talk about long-term survival. Absolutely, and there is


talk of industrial applications in terms of mining. If we go on to mine


an asteroid, which people are looking at in many decades, these


are the sort of things that will help us do that. It is remarkable


that life on earth can survive in those conditions, people talk about


a theory that life may have been transferred from a planet like Mars,


and it is strange, isn't it, that these microbes can survive the


conditions in space? Why would they be able to do that? For Cassini, we


had to be careful, we talked about Enceladus being the best bet for


extrasolar life, and astrobiology, and when Pasini ends its life, we


will ditch it into Saturn so that it never hit Enceladus. -- we would not


want to transfer anything into what could be an active world. Galileo


too, yeah. We are getting better views of our planetary neighbours,


it can be hard to tell what was taken where, so this challenge is


called earth versus space. One of these images was taken on the earth,


one somewhere else in the solar system, which is which? Go to the


website, if you already know the answer, do not tell us. That is


hard! We will answer, do not tell us. That is


tweet us, tell us where you think they have been taken. As we said


earlier, the geology, we tend to compare it, it can be very alien


indeed. It can be quite familiar and also quite alien close to each


other, you can move between one thing and another remarkably


quickly, which is interesting. We are always after your photographs of


the night sky, and 2016 looks like being a good year. There will be


plenty of opportunities to see the International Space Station from the


UK, starting as soon as early tomorrow morning. Look out around


6am when the ISS will appear high in the south-west, pass through the


south, and then head towards the eastern horizon. Last year, we told


you to look out for -- this comet, but a cloudy November meant our


views were limited. In February, we will have another chance of a


highlight when the comet passes next to a line of faint stars. May the


9th will be an exciting day for fans of mercury as it will pass in front


of the sun, the first time it will be visible from the UK since 2003.


Mercury appears as a small black dot, taking around seven and a half


hours to fully crossed the sun's face. Remember, never look at the


sun without proper protection. If you are looking with the naked eye,


always use a certified solar filter or glasses. Looking directly at the


sun, even for a short time, can seriously damage your eyes.


Scene is very difficult but the best chance for 2016 will be in July --


seeing Pluto. The Dwarf Planet will be in the Commodore Sagittarius,


some of which will be visible just above the southern horizon just up


the sunset. You will need a large telescope as it tracks into a


pattern of stars commonly known as the teaspoon. Pluto will be


extremely tough to see, so how about we end the year with something you


can't miss? A super moon. It is the point where the moon is closest to


us, so appears at its largest. And then three celestial bodies in a


line, the Earth, Moon and Sun, making the mood incredibly bright.


The supermen only happens once a year so look out on November the


14th for this exciting event -- super moon. It will cap off another


great year of stargazing. And for those of you that didn't catch all


of that, details are on the website. People mark those dates down in


their diaries and we get great photos sent in. Lucie, you have some


highlights. We have had some amazing photos sent in and I have selected


three of my favourites. This one, I love, the total lunar eclipse that


we had recently and it is fantastic, you can see the Clifton suspension


Bridge in the photo and it is a composite image, 22 photos stacked


together and Hannah Beller watched an eclipse as a teenager and has


been hooked ever since. This one is spectacular as well, you can see the


Milky Way in the background and if you look carefully, you can see a


meteor, one of the Perseid meteors, taken by Stephen Banks and the river


you can see is the River Stour in Dorset, so the picture taken in the


UK. And finally, you have to have a picture of this planet, you have to


have sat absolutely gorgeous, and you can see four of the many moons


of Saturn has, so thank you for those. We love having you


participating in all of this and there will be more photos on the


live blog, please keep them coming in via e-mail and the website and


keep looking for pulsars. How is it going? The stargazing audience


flooded the website and we are 10% of the way to the target. We need 1


million in the next few hours before Tim goes to bed, so we can get the


telescope pointed on the target. A million clicks or a million


assessments? How many pulsars can we get? A million assessments. We are


hoping for some exciting ones. All pulsars are interesting, they add to


the map of the galaxy but I want to see some unusual pulsars, that is


what is driving the project. If we get something interesting, how


detailed with the characterisation be? We had to confirm it, these will


be really good candidates and we follow up with the Lovell telescope


and in Germany tomorrow, so that will tell us if it is really a


pulsar or not. That gives us a measurement of the period and we


start to measure things like how much it is slowing down, giving us


an estimate of the age and magnetic field strength. And we can add to


the map as well. If it were in orbit around something else, you would get


it quickly? That takes a little longer, we have to see what we get


out of the data. We look at the rates at which the pulses change as


it moves around the orbit but it needs further study, which is why we


are doing it. So you would hear something differently if it is


whipping around a black hole? That is right, that is how we detect it


is moving. You can see the clock fall into the gravitational period


of a black hole and it slows time down. You really want to find one of


these! It all depends on people going to the website. Please! Before


we get onto extreme physics... Our careers depend on this! And we will


give credit, it is not all about Dara. I will have a lot to discuss


with people about being denied credit for finding pulsars when this


occurs. Typical. The magic of this is having lots of people look at the


data, not just to get through the data but having lots of people look


at each observation, that is how we can be confident and it allows us to


know what we should put our telescopes on. So there are people


at home wondering if they have the astronomical chops for this but we


know it is a task everyone can do and we promise if you are watching


this programme, you are better than a computer at this already. If you


ever wondered why science is so exciting, the way to find out is to


do it and this is genuinely doing it. You could find something nobody


has seen before. If you don't, we will be in trouble but we won't know


unless you look. Is there much chance of that? We think we will


find something but we don't know for certain. We certainly told your


producers we would find something. That is why we are here! A question


on Twitter from Blue Thunder, are there any plans like that the plan


was rejected earlier? The estimate is to order the same number of


planets around stars. It is an estimate but it is hundreds of


billions. People I've talked about this being more common than our


normal kind of planet, which is mind-boggling, the idea that the


average planet in the galaxy would not be in the stars. But it is a


roundabout sort of number. I don't think we understand enough about


planet formation, what kind of stars form which kind of planet to answer


definitively. We said about Pluto, one of the big questions... Be used


to think that gas giants formed further out on a rocky planets


formed further in and we start to find gas giants next to stars, hot


Jupiter. And some of the best models indicate the gas giants themselves


have moved towards the sun and they are not formed where they are now


under the whole solar system a long time ago looked very different to


how it does now. A lot of people are asking that for long duration


flights, why not have spinning aircrafts? Why not have spinning


spacecrafts, like we see in the movie that creates a form of


gravity? It is one of the things we are looking at, we don't know what


will follow the Space Station or if we are going back to the moon or to


Mars, what it will look like. It is definitely something that could


happen and if anyone has seen the Martian, the long-distance


spacecraft was quite plausible, it had a spinning part to it which


allowed the astronaut to have a feeling of gravity on the way there.


Some of the old Mars designs from the 1980s from Nasa, which were


essentially two Skylab is chained together that they set spinning. It


is more expensive to do that rotation, presumably. Do you need


it? One thing we have to consider is that the trip to Mars will take some


months and Tim will be up in space for six months, Scott Kelly, the


others, therefore a year, that will take its toll on the human body and


one of the biggest things is when you get there, you need to be able


to function and do the job you have gone to Mars to do, so if we can get


some artificial gravity going, it may be more expensive but worth the


price to have the astronauts doing something. We hear about the


reduction of muscle mass or bone density, those would be presumably


reduced if you have people on some sort of centrifuge? What happens is,


right now, we are all sitting here and fighting gravity and our muscles


are working and in space, they are not doing that. They do two hours of


exercise every day on the Space Station to keep the muscles strong,


the impact of the running helps keep the bones strong, but they still


deteriorate by about 2% every month so Tim is already weaker. Would it


have to be full gravity or is half gravity of the Earth useful?


Something is better than nothing because your muscles will do


something. When you are on Mars, it is not a full gravity field. And it


could be a daily dose of gravity, you have it for some period of time


and rather than two hours on the running machine, two hours of


gravity to get your muscles going. This one asks where does the Space


Station get the air for the astronauts to breathe? They recycle


most avid. -- they recycle most of it. They have carbon dioxide


scrubbers which purify the air. We do still have to get some supply


sent from and they come on cargo ships. The Progress ship, a Russian


ship, brings it in tanks and it is put in but most of it is recycled.


Let's revealed the results of earth versus space. We asked which photo


was Earth. 31% said a. 69% were right, it is be, an overhead shot of


a glacier and the other is Pluto. Did you know we were looking at that


picture? I did, it is the edge of the interesting heart-shaped smooth


part, between the ice bedrock and smooth nitrogen, carbon monoxide


glacier, so you are looking at... We think it might be the broken away


bedrock but has formed these weird blocks and mountains and is held up


against the cliffs against the base in, so it is almost like the


shoreline of this weird smooth region. On you Roper, the fracturing


in the ice was indicative of activity below the ice, the way the


ice fractures on earth -- you Roper. Is it the same there with no


straight lines? We do see fractures on Pluto that are indicative of


that. It is hard to see them in that image, but we don't know what is


causing them. We know Pluto had a lot of heat at one time so we don't


know if these fractures are a result of a gradual cooldown or if it is a


result of a more active time, the cryovolcanoes are going off and the


whole planet is more active. We don't know. Very quickly, this one


asks now the New Horizons has gone past Pluto, where is it headed?


Great question. We have done the trajectory could rapidly correction


manoeuvres so it is going to go to another object. -- trajectory


correction manoeuvres. We don't have a proper name for it yet, it is


going to head to basically a much smaller, slightly larger than the


Rosetta comet, but much smaller than Pluto and it will go there and in


the meantime, it is returning all of our data, so its primary function


right now is to make its way to this object but to really return the


data. I know there is a lot of politics involved, but you have a


functioning spacecraft, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go


to another object and see how they behave in this fascinating way. Of


course, it would be an amazing opportunity but I have a bias. This


does seem like we only do this to the guests, feed them dreams, but


this is ceremonial, a sparkling English campaign called nebula


because we are celebrating a birthday. A month ago, Jodrell Bank


and the Lovell telescope turns 70, so it is time for celebration. Tim


O'Brien... We even have a cake with a scale representation of the


telescope. Congratulations, lots of excellent work being done. What has


been the highlight in that time? Many highlights, thinking back 70


years to when people first arrived in the 1940s, they built a telescope


which was the biggest in the world before this one here, and they were


amongst the first in the world to look at this invisible universe, to


look at the sky above us in radio waves and they were discovering


things where they had no idea what they were. Hambly Brown and Cyril


Hazard found the remnant of a supernova, a star that exploded in


1572, observed by a man whose nose had been sliced off in a duelling


incident at university and they saw this thing that hadn't been seen for


hundreds of years, they founded and that is when we realised radio


astronomy was a good thing, looking at invisible light was a good thing.


And still a bright future, it hasn't been superseded in the 70 years?


Amazingly, the telescope outside is over 50 years old and it is still in


the cutting edge, everything you can change except for the big steel


service grid service. The computers have all been upgraded but the


future is a bigger array of telescopes, we are building them in


Australia and South Africa and the headquarters is here at Jodrell,


which will see us to another 50-70 years of future work.


Congratulations and thank you for hosting us so elegantly for the last


six years. Thank you to all of the guests here. Brian's mum is here as


well, we should pass her the champagne. That is the only back to


this time around but we do have an extra show on Friday. Join us. Days


in live tomorrow, where we hear from Tim Peake and have a permanent lunar


base is vital the space exploration and we talk about one of our best


known constellations. BBC Two at 9pm tomorrow as we build up to the huge


event that is Tim Peake's spacewalk on Friday. From all of us here,


thank you very much and good night. Join Chris Packham for the


World's Sneakiest Animals. 'BBC Two will help you stick to


your New Year's resolutions.'


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