Episode 2 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

Episode 2

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There's a distin theme this year. From Alice's adventures, we have


spent the week in a gardening wonder land. We are here today and


tomorrow with full one-hour programmes, bringing you the very


best from the Hampton Court Flower Show. I tell you, it's very good.


Joe and Rachel are looking at medal winners in the large show gardens.


I feel like Cathy in Wuthering Heights up here. I have been re-


visiting the work so of of our greatest poets in a series of


gardens inspired by them. It is the about the killing of the


Jabberwocky. Alys Fowler has paid a visit to the


floral marquee, to seek out some of the legend dri stories behind some


of our favourite flowers. marquee is packed with incredible


plants. This year, it rivals the Hello, welcome to the 2011RHS


Hampton Court Flower Show. The medals have been awarded and


obviously the normal upsets and surprises, but on the whole, I


think tough, the medals. Possibly. There are three Gold Medals this


year in the large show garden category. That is two more than


last year. Some of the silver-gilt people may feel aggrieved. It means


the judging has been of a high standard. The winner is a goody.


Habit the floral marquee? Plenty of -- Hapbt the floral marquee?


Plenty of medals in there. Paul Harris wanted a gold and got a


bronze, but the public loved him. They loved the conceptual gardens.


This one got a silver-gilt. She is still pregnant, carrying twins.


had the babies yet? Not yet. One of the interesting things about the


show gardens is they have a message, a plea to plant more apples in our


gardens to a passionate plea to stop world poverty. The fact that


designers seemed able to express these beliefs through the medium of


horticulture is in itself very interesting. After the medals were


awarded, Rachel and Joe went along to see if the messages had reached


designer. It is about older people getting their heads around the


internet and getting lost. Clues are in the planting. The monkey


puzzle tree and this wire netting plant. That tangle of confusion and


the internet, literally, I it comes over very well. I quite like this


hedge at the back, the way it is lumpy and bumpy, it is not


perfectly trimmed. It has a brilliant texture. It might be


indicative of woolly thinking. draws the eye up - it was as if


that was there especially. This backdrop you get at Hampton court


is unique to this show. It sets off the show gardens a treat. This one


got a silver medal. This garden, Diamonds and Rust, by


Tony Smith, whose work we are more familiar with. The thought process


is deep with Tony's work. This is about time. We are sitting on a


Pyramid here, which represents thousands of years. There are hills


which are geological structures obviously, which represent millions


of years. Then, in the middle we have these chimneys, which are


man's influence on the landscape. They are hundreds of years old.


There are some really clever ideas behind the garden. If you knew


nothing about the concept it still really works. I love this sort of


dark satanic mill here and these soft hills - very beautiful. I feel


a bit like Cathy in Wuthering Heights up here. The public are not


allowed up here. We are privileged. Have you noticed how the turf is


alive - it's getting full of mushrooms!


The Naked Garden is about transparency. The plants are


growing without soil in oxygenated, oxygen-rich water. Everything is


made from see-through plastic or glass.


This garden will go on to form part of the courtyard at a hospice after


the show. It is a calming space. It is also cheerful and uplifting. You


have the oranges there and that lovely magenta of the cosmos. And


the pavilion has an Asian feel to it, it reflects the diversity of


the Leicester area. It is a lovely It is so graphic. There's an


important message behind it. have the world of haves and have


nots. Trying to deliver the message for world vision, who work in 100


countries worldwide to create child welfare through health and


education. How does that narrative work in the garden, with the dome


and then the hole in the water? have a concave dome, which


represents half the children in the world live in poverty, and then the


convex stone is the children in prosperity. Then the reflection in


the water, the world in harmony. becomes more intriguing. I really


like the screens as well. It is about everything sharing the whole


vision. In reality people only get glimpses why they are the haves and


have-nots. Nobody can see the reflection apart from a couple of


points in the garden. That is what we should all aim for.


Beautiful planting. You got a gold - a brilliant garden.


designers have based their gardens specifically on individual poems.Ly


come back to look at some later. -- I will come back to look at some of


them later. The Reverend Charles Dodgson, better known as Lewis


Carol. The tales of Alice Through The Looking Glass provide an


influence for many of the exhibits here.


In 1865, when the book was published, standard roses were at


the height of their popularity. You can see them within the pictures in


the book. Since then, they've gone in and out of fashion. There's one


exhibiter here at Hampton who reckons there could be a standard


rose for everybody, using a stem. Some people call them tree


roses because they are in fact a miniature tree. It's a tree that


you can manage. You just give it one hard prune a year and it will


always keep its shape. A better look, the standard rose can grow


for 20-30 years. They were becoming unpopular in the


80s and 90s, mainly because the varieties selected were often too


tall growing and there was a lot of wind damage. Also the heights the


graphs were being done made them flower at seven feet high sometimes.


We have reduced the height of the stem. They used to be graphed at


700 centimetres. We have brought that down by a foot. Therefore, you


can then plant them into pots and still have a flowering plant at eye


level. This is a -- what we produce our standards from. We buy the


stems in from Holland, plant them by hand in March time.


We leave them to grow. Normally by the end of June, early July, they


are ready for budding. This is what we call bud wood,


which is taken from the previous year's roses in the field, which


are roses you would associate as garden roses with flowers on them.


What we have to do in the shed is remove all the thorns. When you do


the budding you cannot wear gloves so, you need a good clean stem that


will not prick your fingers. We take the bud wood to a cut into the


stem and pull it down. Then we remove the wood behind the eye.


Then we have to make a T--cut on to the stem. We get the eye from the


stem and put it into the cut. Then we cut off at the bottom, leaving


the eye in the stem. We do this process four times. We put four on


because we want to end 7 with a -- up with a standard with two


branches, one on each side of the stem to become a first-quality


plant. Then we put a patch over the eye. The reason for the patch is to


keep out the dust, not let it dry out and also to keep out rain.


This one here is Flower Power. It is a nice patio, pro-fuesly flowers


and has a delicate scent. This is a quarter-standard. It is on a


shorter stem. It creates a different interest in the heights.


This has one long blush of colour lasting six to eight weeks. The


cascades get longer as you leave them to grow throughout the summer.


Planted like this you can create that romantic feel.


The purpose of grafting at this height and Victorian times may have


been to protect the dignity of the lady of the house. By having them


at this house she would not have to bend over to smell and tend her


roses. In the Alice In Wonderland book


they talk about painting roses. We want to include striped roses. This


is called Brush Strokes. It has red and yellow stripes, produces lots


of flowers on the head and is extremely healthy. You either love


or hate striped roses. At Hampton magnificent on the display? Can you


graft any variety in that way? can put any rose on a standard stem.


In practise we need to stick to shorter varieties. All that will


happen if you have a tall one on a standard is they will get wind


damage and probably flower at six or seven feet rather than eye level.


What are you particularly proud of this year? Our new introduction


Truly Scrumptious. It flowers into December, even through the hard


frost. We have lovely pink and apricot tones. I love how the


colour is reflected in that deep purple stem. For a hybrid it is a


small flower, so neat as well. Very, very pretty. You have captured the


whole Alice theme with your red and white roses. It looks a treat.


Thank you. Chris and Margaret are not the only


rose growers embracing the theme this year. All the big nurseries


are back with a hint of fantasy and a host of new offerings.


New from Harkness Roses is this lovely shrub which is named after a


famous actress. It is very reminisce sent of the old hybrid


musks. It grows to about a metre, one metre 20 in height. It is broad,


so it has a domed shape and works very well in the mixed border. It


has a lovely colouring. The way it bleaches as it grows, as it matures


from this delicate peach and opens through a creamy yellow and becomes


paleer as the time goes on. Best -- paler as the time goes on. Best of


all, from this distance, a You have been aregarded -- awarded


this lovely vase? That's right. We are very, very proud.


Now, what is it that you look for in a rose to get that sort of


accolade? You want to look at the amount 6 colours, the fragrance,


the health, how it grows, how it looks in the garden.


What is it about the rose, apart from the fact it looks stunning


here, that makes it so special? Most of the time it has shown


really, really good performance. The rose is exact, and really,


really healthy and the sheer Flower Power it flowered all the year


through. You should have called it Unstoppable! It would have been


very apt! New this year from David Austen Roses is Wool tonne Old Hall.


It is a good, upright shape and a knock out fragrance. It was not


looking its best for Chelsea, but here you can see it in its full


glory at Hampton Court. There is a new rose at the show,


gloirgloirgloir and 'Katie's Rose', a double with intense -- 'Norfolk


Glory' and 'Katie's Rose', a double with dark green glossy fowliage.


P&O epo are showcasing this, "Camelot" With wonderful, rich pink


flowers. It is very pretty. It grows to about three metres in


height. It has this lovely glossy foliag and the stems are plyable,


so you can wrap and train them around a pergola and arch. It


should make a for a really good garden feature.


Pococs are also showing 'Pure Poetry', aptly named. Look at the


colour in the purple, and it opens and it fades to the magenta. I


think that the shape is misleading. It has the traditional pointed bud


and then it opens up to this broad flower, packed with petals. Luckily,


the stems are strong to support the heavy blooms. In the garden it can


be used in containers, in the bedding and in a mixed border


situation, but it is also very good for cutting. It lasts well in a


vase, so I recommend growing some for that. It is yet another


highlight in what is for me, truly a wonderland of roses.


The influence of Lewis Carroll is found all over the -- over the show


this year. I'm in the Poet's Garden. This is a garden based upon Lewis


Carroll's poem, Jabberwocky. This terrible beast, the jaber wok


is slain. What I like about this, is that this garden, made by Kid's


Company, seems to celebrate not just the poem, but also their


experience. These are children with all kinds of problems, but it comes


through and it is fun. Yvonne Matthews's garden is based


on Lord Byron's poem, Love's Last Adieu.


Whereas in the 21st century we are rather uncertain how to handle


death, this uses the poem to create upon a poem by Rudyard Kipling


called My Boy Jack a lament to his son killed in the First World War.


The First World War theme is picked up by the poppities, the grass and


the graves made out of the bay. It is a tribute to the graveyards


where so many of the young men who died in that war were buried.


Jane Tomas has designed a garden based upon the poem of Shelly's


Mont Blanc. It is ambitious with 40 tonnes of rock. Based on four sides


with a waterfall. As you move around a wood lank section and then


is based on a poem by William Wordsworth. It is a simple dity who


are three lads, who build a stone building and the wind knock it is


down and they build it again. That is at the core of the early 19th


century row monthcism, but there is a message that is pertinent. There


is juniper growing. Juniper was common in the Lake District when


William Wordsworth was writing, but it is not there at all anymore. It


is telling us in the to overlook our own endangered native plants.


The final garden is made by Barry Chairmaners, based on his life long


love the of the sea and also on the poem by John Keats, On The Sea.


That is where Barry went, to the Isle of Wight, following in the


foot steps of the poet to seek inspiration.


It keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its


mighty swell. Gluts twice 10,000 caverns, till the spell of Hecate


leaves them their old shadowy sound. I'm doing one of the English poet's


gardens, based on a sob et by John Keats called On The Sea. I wanted


to do a garden about the sea, not presented as a coastal garden, but


a garden that provokes images of the sea and of a summer storm. For


me, the sea, in much the same way that Keats writes in his sonnet is


about washing away the mundane stresses and strains of everyday


life. Just clearing your head completely.


Oh ye! Who have your eye-balls vexed and tired, feast them upon


the wideness of the sea. I really get the sense of,ing down to the


sea, everything being alleviated and you are left with the hypnotic


sense of watching the waves. As a child we spent a lot of time down


at the beach in the summer holidays. We had a beach hut. I remember


playing with my brother, running along and seeing how close we could


get to the waves, splashing up and down as they fell on to the


promenade. I've come to have a look at how the


wild flowers are growing here in a monks all of the grass. Obviously


they are really low down and hugging the ground to keep out of


the wind. There is lots of d arcrossgarotta. They are lovely


little plants. Quite pinky, but when they come out to flower, they


come out quite white and frothy. It would be nice to include some of


these on tonne of the cliff areas. That tides in with the flowers at


the back of the sea garden. There is lots of this bird's foot


trefoil, but it is on the more grazed down areas. I'm not sure if


we would include it on the top of the cliff. Even here there is still


stitchworth growing. That is something that I would like to


include. It take as bit of time to recreate


a really wild area of planting, but I find it really quite fun to put


the plants in such a way that they look like they have been sewed by


nature. In fact that genre laets really to the rest of the garden.


The rest of the guarden is about plants that would self-seed and a


garden that would in fact be, at least, in part, be redesigned by


nature each year. Now, I last saw you by the seaside,


planning out your planting for the cliff-top. Did that work out OK?


Have you got the plants you needed? Well, as you can see I've gone for


a chalk life. I think when people think of the Isle of Wight they


will think narrally of chalk. So what I have on the top is chalkland


planting. There are hair bells, just high


enough so that there is this dramatic professional.


OK. To what extent did the poem limit you or direct you, or did it


just provide inspiration? It has evolved a little bit in that I


injected my personality. For me it is a summer storm. This is one of


the storms where myself and my brother would run along the rom


inadequate and the great waives were would be crashing to the front


and we would be daring to see how we could get closer and closer to


all of this water coming down above our heads. It is carefully planted


but you were saying that you like things to set seed? To go op off on


their own? I really enjoy when a plant turns up somewhere, you think


well, let's give that a go. Another one is somewhere near and suddenly


there is a plant association that you never thought of trying. That


is the real joy of gardening. Why did you decide to use mirrors


along the edge? To recreate the wideness of the sea that Keats


talks about. So there is a little bit of distortion in them that adds


to the watery storm, the effect I was looking for.


I love the way that the grasses of -- and the white, and the idea of


you and your little brother running along the sea as children, that


will stay with me. Thank you very much.


The floral marquee here at Hampton Court is the largest of all of the


floral markis. We will be catching up with some of the 92 exhibitors


there later on. However, there are lots of other nurseries displaying


their wares elsewhere in the show. Here is a whole cluster of them


each with their individual display. Joe has been there to visit them.


This is the Total ally Planting areas. Where the nurseries put


together their plants and you can come sand see the plants here and


buy them on the spot. It is Totally Plants! Back here at Hayloft Plant


Ltd, there is a box of Goodies. Look at this, this is stacked so


high! Now they are famous for the plug plants that they send out in


the spring. Here they have grown them on, potted them up into nice


big pots and they are looking fantastic. Just waiting for the


plantaholics to snap them up! This is the Coblands Nurseries Ltd stand,


look at it, it is beautifully planted. So bright and colourful, I


wish I had brought my sunglasses, but you can't beat the silvers and


the blues together. This is so tactile. The cat mince


and the lovely deep purpley blue salvia at the book. A lovely come


binnation there. If you have not got the sun, they have everything


here, they have laid out the exhibits, look at this, "I love


chalk", I love clay" And look at this, Annabelle, that is beautiful.


With hostas next to it, and ferns at the book. You can see how a


corner of your garden could come together. A plant emporium! Grasses


come into their own later in the season. Hampton Court is the


perfect chance to start to show people how to use grasses, as a


screen to look through. A container plant, to cover an unsightly wall.


Have you new varieties? We have one over there, that is Short Stuff. It


is a nice short selection we have been working on.


It does not always flower in the UK, but we are pleased with this one,


it is shorter, so it will flower each year.


You have the grasses next to more grass, but they work brilliantly


with other plants? It is with the other plants that they are so


effective. With the person eenials of the special water garden


category. Now water is incorporated into a lot of the show gardens.


This is beautifully planted with water lillies. We have this Texts a


-- Texas Dawn. We have Lucida, that pink. Black Princess, that dark,


sexy red - a really nice colour. That is a taste of some of the


nurseries out here. And the fantastically imaginative displays


they put on, using their own plants. Alys Fowler has been at the show


this week. It was great to catch up with her. We met up in the small


show garden. The last time we worked together was at Berryfields.


A long time ago. Here, at Hampton court, what have you seen that has


particularly caught your eye? small gardens have impressed me so


much this year. The design is so well executed, the ideas are clever


t planting perfect. The bar has definitely been raised. I was


walking past here the other day and stopped in my tracks on this garden


and thought, that's lovely. I thought, it's heathers, I don't


like heathers. I had to review my world order of plants and how they


can be used. It is a gift. You cannot ask for more than that.


these gardens a as the same thing, which is leaving enough space. They


have all edited so you can go into the gardens and get lost. Which is


your favourite? I am going to be a little contrary and say I love the


Bulgarian garden. That is completely mad. There's something


charming about this man's love of Bulgaria and the fact he's made all


these pots himself. I am touched by his dedication. You walk around a


show like this and you find these bits of gold that strike a chord


with you, even if other people might not see it in the same light.


Yes, there are always some. Alys Fowler will be in the small gardens


and the Floral Marquee. If there is anything you want to know about the


show or Hampton court, you can go to our website:


You will get information there and also you can read Rachel's blog


about roses. Now, all of these gardens, whether


big or small are based upon a story and a theme. The Floral Marquee,


every plant has a story to tale. This was named a passion flower who


took it to represent the passion of Christ, including the thorns and


the wounds in his side. It has been brought to Hampton court by Jane


Lyndsay, who has over the years, built up a remarkable collection.


Every plant tells a story. And the most fascinating story related to


the passion flower is the legend. It is always based on caerulea. The


ten apos tells are represented by the ten petals. The five wounds are


symbolised by the five stamens here and the three nails by the three


stigmas. The crown is represented by the filaments and the trinity by


this three bracks finally the purity by the white of the flower


and heaven by the blue of the flower.


As nice as the legend of the passion flower is, we move on to


the harsh realities of nature and the passion flowers in the wilds of


South America are a food plant for the butterfly. The passion flowers


have built up with their own self- defences.


On this one here, this is a final example of the egg mimicing glands.


These represent the false eggs of a butterfly. So the butterfly comes


to lay their eggs, they think, oh, no, something has laid on there.


They move on to another plant. This is how they have evolved with their


own plant defences. Passion flowers come in all shapes,


sizes and colours. This is a good example of the sizes you can get.


You have alata here, which is brightly coloured and this one here,


which is also a species and probably the tinniest of all the


passion flowers. And this shows how different they are, but have the


same characteristics. This grows beautifully as a house plant, keep


it at 18-24 inches. It is a pretty climber. They have a long flowering


period. Most climbers you may have a set period of flowering. These


will start around April or May or if the weather warms up. They will


go on until Christmas. Even though you will not have an abundance of


flowers you will have flowers for seven or eight months of the year.


When one pops out you get the wow factor because they are such an


intricate flower. Well, you have certainly achieved


the wow factor. I hope so. beautiful display. There are your


passifloras. People will want to know which ones they can grow in


the outside. There are only true which are hardy, this one here, the


caerulea gives good coverage. Flowers from the middle of the


spring until the autumn, even up to Christmas in the Christmas is right


-- if the weather is right. It will produce fruit. Then you have a pure


white flower, that thrives in semi shade. It is very happy in semi


shade. Very useful. Not as rampant. It keeps a better shape. What about


if you want to try something else which is not a passion flower, but


is hardy enough to grow in the UK. One of my favourites is this one


here, it is evergreen, it produces a ready floilage in the summer. It


really is a firm favourite of mine. If you want a bit of colour, I know


this one here is not hardy. If it is a mild winter and in a very


sheltered aspect they will survive the winter. Really best pot-grown,


taken outside for the spring. End of September, October time, then


you will have a mass of flowers throughout the summer. And worth it


for that extra effort? Definitely. There are lots of Roman tick


histories surrounding many of the plants here -- Roman tick histories


packed with incredible plants, from romantic flowers to unusual trees


and sh rucks. This year, it -- shrubs. This year, it rivals the


best of them. I love orchid displays like this. They show you


immense variation. Many people grow this because they are easy to grow.


Equally easy and less obvious are vandas. When they are high draited


they are green and when they are thirsty they go white. Once white


you soak them in water for 20 minutes. You get these


extraordinary, rather outrageous blooms.


Conifers were first popular rised by the Victorians who brought them


to grow in rockeries. This offers a sea of oasis in colour. You see


there is a variety in texture. The wonderful thing about this display


is it is all container-grown. If you don't have a garden but want to


grow trees, then perhaps these are for you.


This is a display you might not expect to find in the Floral


Marquee. In evolutionary terms the gingko is used for medical reasons.


It is said to improve your memory. The female tree produces a nut


which smells horrible, but tastes divine and improves digestion. Most


people think of this as being a huge tree. It is often used as a


street tree. Here, in this display, there is variation. This small one


can spend its life in a pot. I make no bones about the fact I am


crazy about violas, as is Roger Chapman. They were a favourite of


the Victorians. We this one here, it is a variety which during


Victorian times people would bring into the gardens. It is the mother


of all the plants you see here today as far as breeding is


concerned. It was called different names in Victorian times. One name


was "kiss me at the garden gate." They flower through to September.


The public come along and smile at these plants during this week. It


makes my job well done. If you want to fall in love, come and see the


violas. Sue, you are the Director-General


of the RHS. You have been for nearly a year. Yes. One thing I


have often wanted to ask is, Hampton Court, biggest Flower Show


in the world. Fabulous, really high content of gardens, plants. A lot


of people see it as Chelsea's little brother. They are siblings,


for sure. Very different. Chelsea is in a historic ground. Here we


are ten miles outside of London, in acres. It is a spectacularly


beautiful setting w the space for people to see their own gardens and


imagine themselves in their own gardens. Is there a deliberate


policy to make this more geared towards people's experience of


gardening, rather than the aspirational side of Chelsea?


the highest peak of horticulture. We have a variety between the small


gardens, we have the conaccept tuel gardens which are off -- conceptual


gardens which are off the wall. We have the normal, normally


brilliant gardens, the Floral Marquee, the roses and everything


else Hampton Court is known for. Hampton Court is connecting to


people, in terms they understand through their back gardens, do you


feel the RHS is connecting to people in terms they understand?


There is a perception that the RHS, as an organisation, is a little bit


stuffy, a little bit old fashioned, a little bit formal, whereas, if


you look around you, gardeners are not like that. Nobody at the RHS is


like that. That is the perception that we are working very hard to


try and change. We want to be more open, much more accessible. We want


to be relevant to everybody. And that means whether you live, well I


am from Yorkshire, whether you live in the north of England, whether


you live in the Channel Islands, wherever you live, whatever type of


garden you have, the RHS is for you, our science, our community work. We


want to reach out to everyone in this country who loves gardening.


Sue mentioned that we are all getting more and more interested in


growing our own. The RHS show is reflecting that. This year the RHS


have commissioned Anita Foy and John Wheatley to create a large


garden which celebrates our very British edible growing heritage.


We've been given the opportunity to build the most challenging garden


that we have ever had put in front of us. It comprises vinets which


introduce different elements of edible plants that people can grow


or pick in the UK. The site for the Edible Garden is nearly half an


acre. It is, in show terms, it is enormous. We try and give people


the opportunity to see these plants in a context that they can actually


grow them and also to demonstrate how they can be used.


One of the main reasons for coming to Kent today is to look into a


plant that is absolutely gorgeous to look at, but really hits you in


the nos trils as well, and that is -- nostrils and that is lavender.


We are here to see Caroline Alexander, who has been helpful on


advising us on the correct varieties and talking us through


the usage of lavender. We grow 110 miles of lavender. Kent is a great


place to grow lavender. We have the right soil type here. It is a very


poor soil, very stoney. Lavender is a plant that originated from the


Mediterranean regions. It has adapted to specifically dry


conditions. And the oil from it is ago is ta variety you have gone


for? There are so many different types you could have gone for?


Producing a wowing effect, we have to go for a flowering type. We have


gone for this because it will be out in flower and it grows in pots.


Which is important in creating a guard no-one a short period.


If you want to use lavendar in cooking you need this type. This


one is folgate, although at the show, we are using hidcote, but it


is one that many gardeners relate It is a lovely colour and they are


great to use in cakes or to coat chick no-one the barbeque. There


are so many different ways to use Maiflt.


It is glorious! -- magnificent. Yes, it is glorious! We could not


come to Kent, without looking at your wonderful hops, because of


beer production in the UK, the national institution, we have to


have them in the garden. Right, absolutely. I have to thank


you for the biggest challenge of my horticultural career, you did warn


me growing in pots and containers, a deep-rooted plant will be a


challenge. That is why ours at Hampton Court will not be as tall


as these today. Well, you may be lucky, they can do


six inches a day if they really get going.


We have having stilt walkers, I understand that was the traditional


way of tending the framework for the hops? Whfrpblgts you have the


gardens and the hops, they are up to 1ft, 18ft in the air, you needed


a man on stilts to do the framework. It will be fun to see.


The RHS Edible Garden future is a fantastic opportunity to showcase


some of the very basic thing beings British growing that people can use


and get ral value from. -- And get real value from.


You said you wanted to see a real stilt walker in your own hop garden,


there you are. Didn't she look fantastic! And the


hops are a considerable size, really. I agree.


Are you happy with the way it has turned out? I think it is fantastic.


It has competed my expectations. It is almost not gardening? No. We


were really hoping to convey just what a wide variety of plants that


are edyibl. That it is not just about fruit and vegetable. That


there are many other things that we can grow ethat go into food


production and that we can eat. What is the feedback from the


public? Fantastic. They seem to love it. So it is great, so far, so


good. John, nice to see you and lovely to


see the garden, especially the lavendar it is looking good, isn't


it? It is fantastic. We worked hard to get it right for the show, it's


achieved what we set out to do. Also good to see a vineyard like


that, lavendar, a vine yard, we are all over the Mediterranean here?


That is correct. We are raising expectations to what you can do in


this country now. I'm optimistic, I think we are going to see a whole


new generation of gardeners and to encourage people that plants are


not just good as thetically, but that they have other purposes. That


is what we set out to do here. We want the garden to look great, but


to have a good go at growing the new crops and to have fun gardening


with them and eating them I think you have created the


message! I hope so. There are ten separate areas in the


garden. In this part of the garden there is


a large pond. Of course, ponds are perfect for attracting all forms of


wildlife into the garden. Around the garden there are reeds that


keep it nice and clean and willows that bring in the light and help


the soil. Behind the pond we have an area


which showcases food for free. So you can forest through the


countryside and find all sorts of food in our native hedgerows, so


Hazel where you get nuts from. Nettle to make tea or pies from and


blackberries, of course. There is nothing better than walking down a


country lane and finding a black box recorder that is ripe and


eating it. This has been beautifully done and it feels like


it's been here forever. Alistair has been to visit the


inspirational flower and vegetable garden.


It is obviously why I like this informal space so much. The mixture


of lovely edyiblles and cut flowers. It is done in such a beautiful way.


7 It moves in the yellows, the ochres and then it becomes so


wonderful with all of this food packed into such a small space.


Whether you want your vegetables to stand to attention or put a kale


amongst the rose, there is so much ipbsz separation here and lots of


ideas to try out at home. This is a really good edible garden.


And finally, Rachel takes a look at the cider orchard which looks as


though it's been here for years. Well, this area represents a


traditional orchard. So there are plenty of fruit trees, there are,


of course, apples, pears, but also Medlars and quinnss and cherries.


There are nuts here too, walnuts and haze elnuts, fantastic. In


amngs the trees there are active bow hives, so there are bees here


and also bee-keepers, not just looking after the bees, but if you


are thinking of keeping bees for the first time, they can advise you


on that. Also a cider press, wonderful. I think that John and


Anita have done an incredible job in this garden. Packing so much


into the space. Whether you have room for a single tomato in a pot


or a cherry tree, the garden showcases what we can grow in this


country. There are 11 small gardens at


Hampton Court this year, many of which offer romantic settings


within an urban environment. Chris Beardshaw has been looking at some


of them, starting with a garden that has more than a hint of 89


prehistoric. -- of the pre-historic. Romance is


best played out in a convincing theatre. There is little more


convincing in hard landscape turns than in these wonderful steps.


Apparently, these are a waste product from the quarry. They date


back to a period of time, as recent as 65 million years ago! And that


is exactly the same point in history when many of our flowers


plants started to evolve and emerge. One of the oldest and still


remaining flowering plants is on the garden, the magnolia. It relied


on beetles to pollinate the flowers. They could not fly into the flowers


but crawled up the stems, chewing their way through the base of the


petals and then ate the Nectar and pollen within the bloom.


Hethners a garden, it is maybe a -- hethers in a garden, it is Mable a


slightly unusual sight, that is why this green wall of wint ter


flowering hethers is such a wonderful sight.


Glrb The -- the subtle use of these


heathers as an edging plant in place of the rose mayy, the


lavendar, the thyme, as long as there is an acid soil rich in this


matter, why not use the heathers to tickle your garden paths! For me,


show gardens are at their maximum intensity and integrity when filled


full of design solutions and brilliant horticultural. This is a


bit of fun, a technological solution to contemporary living,


but it has some fantastic horticultural. It is very real. The


scourge of most people's garden, deep or dapled shade, cast by


buildings or trees, we tend to avoid those spaces, but what about


relying on the greenery and the structure of plants? Things like


this sensitive fern with the leaves, the tiarella with the foaming


blooms and then the requienii, that fills the space with this wonderful


aroma and with the TV screen in the garden, all you have to do is grab


yourself a bowl of popcorn, make yourself comfortable, sit back and


a flower show is a serious business, but not everything here is solemn.


Joe, Rachel, Alice and myself have enjoyed some of the most


fantastical sights to this year's Hampton Court Palace, so here, with


due respect to Lewis Carroll is Hampton Court's Adventures in


Wonderland. If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.


Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it


isn't. # I invite you to a world wrrb --


# Where there is no sense of time # And the girl that chased the


ravaged rank # The widens of the pilgrim


# Now, off with her head # Everyone is concerned


# You see there is no real inding # It's only the beginning


# Come out and play # Her name is Alice


# She calls into the window in shapes and shadows


# Alice # And even though she's dreaming


# She's a lot of meaning for you # This kingdom


# Good riddance # Her freedom


# And incense # And innocence. # So, what sort of


day have you had? I've had a wonderful day. I'm in my element.


When you are in the roses, I wonder do I go for a new variety or an old


classic it is difficult to choose. It is hard to pick any one thing


out, but as a group, I'm so impressed by the small gardens,


they encapsulate everything that you can do by yourself. I know that


lots of people have all kinds of things from the show garden. We


asked for your opinions, but we got lots, but this one caught my eye


from Max, he says, "I went yesterday with my school from St


Martins, and I loved it. I am haved in the flowers and the plants. I


loved seeing the flowers and the plants and I saw Monty Don getting


interviewed, the best trip ever !" If you have thought bsz the show,


there is still time to send them to us to the website.


The show is on until Sunday. We are here tomorrow at the slightly


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